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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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and he made up for his absence, and of course, in any case , in achieving such an achievement, it was expected that the iranian government would actually have a stronger presence in the written stage. thank you very much. we saw in the vote of the head of the court, in your opinion, where are the most important parts, see a part of this vote, approximately 80. which was issued in connection with establishing the jurisdiction of the united nations general assembly for this questioning and later the jurisdiction of the court to respond to it by some governments such as the united states regime or itself the zionist regime had been challenged, some had protested that in any case, issuing a legal entry into this matter could actually have a negative effect on the palestinian-israeli peace talks, but the court rightly pointed out that these are all speculations and in two ways. peace and justice is definitely justice indeed.
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it will be a reference and in the peace deal, you cannot not solve the equation of justice. the other most important part, however , is establishing the illegitimacy of this prolonged occupation. we know that in the international system, occupation is permissible in situations where military necessity requires it in an armed conflict, but it is constitutional. to be completely temporary. divan emphasized that the policies of the zionist regime during all these decades, along with the practice, performance and procedure it has had, tell and express the regime's intention to make the occupation permanent, which may have been temporary at the beginning and which can be joined from the process of occupation should be turned into territorial annexation and he emphasized that this is contrary to the prohibition of the conquest of a country and the occupation of a territory by force , as well as the violation of the fundamental right to determine the fate of the palestinian nation , in any case, the future and destiny. a
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cultural, economic and social land belonging to the people that is the land, the zionist regime has deprived the palestinian people from determining such a fate . he also emphasized that the actions of the zionist regime in the forced transfer of the palestinian people from the occupied territories, the removal of the settlers in the construction of settlements and the destruction of the palestinian's own homes. and the natives, this is a violation of humanitarian rights that can be a war crime. another important point and finding, which was actually the judgment of the court, was to emphasize that the zionist regime , by violating the convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination between palestinians and israelis, is actually trying to it has created a structural separation that itself can reach the threshold of the crime of apartheid and introduce this zionist regime as the only apartheid regime in the modern era
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. it was a request of the general assembly, but inter and this vote actually expressed issues that everyone has been aware of for several decades that the occupation of palestinian lands is illegal. this issue was known from the beginning of israel's establishment, but what is new for this vote i can say that this vote is very much discussed. and this aspect is interesting
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he asked israel to withdraw and leave the occupied territories. well, this issue was raised in the general assembly, then it should now go to the security council. well, we know that the united states is in the security council, and england is there, which means that israel's big supporters are there. darren, well, it makes it very difficult to implement this vote, but this statement
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could actually help the continuation of the occupation. therefore, the strength of israel's military activities in gaza should be unified. thank you very much, mr. black, after issuing this advisory opinion, the israeli authorities rejected the international court's decision condemning this court, netanyahu has clearly said that this is our historical land and no one in the historical land is considered a squatter. your evaluation and opinion about the reaction.
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as much as the israelis claim that the palestinians are there , there is no way to claim that the land
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belongs only to the israelis. thank you. the international court of justice , the international criminal court, the security council resolution ignores the western countries as if they are doing something to the international order of the institutions they created. and they don't need to carry out their orders , for example, the united nations security council issued an order to stop the war as the final pillar, even the united states approved it, but in these two or three months, there has been no change in the legal situation , taking all of this into account. do you hope that the actions of such institutions can actually bring about a change in favor of the palestinian people? no, this will not happen in the near future, because as you said , israel is proud of
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rejecting such votes, the votes of bigger and stronger organizations. he also rejects, so we see now well, on the one hand, groups like the party.
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can the palestinian people have it? we should consider the action of the international court of justice as a piece of a more general puzzle of the legal war against the zionist regime, which
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is being vigorously pursued at the global level these days. we have already talked in this program about legal war workers and in fact justice-seeking diplomacy , the most important function of which is immediate prevention in the field. it is not a continuation of the crime, but it has an expressive function , recording the truth, preventing sanctions and denying the reality and crime. in the war, there is a narrative that goes on parallel to every military war and every crime. is for that what the judgment of the court will help is the making of history that has been achieved and this will of course impose a heavy credit cost on the zionist regime . let's see that today, according to the findings of the hague international court, we are actually facing an apartheid regime and an occupying regime. it is trying to stabilize and perpetuate the crime of occupation. this is completely contrary to the narrative that the zionist regime is presenting about itself as actually the cradle of democracy in the region and the middle east.
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besides legitimizing, these findings delegitimize the occupation the actions of the occupiers of the zionist regime legitimize the resistance against the occupation, and in fact, the right of resistance that the palestinian people have to exercise and fulfill their right to self-determination. the findings of the international court of justice will help. now , we can more definitely and decisively question the prosecutor of the criminal court, why was he limited to the events of october 2023 in the request for a summons against the prime minister of the zionist regime. to the next and the crimes in the case it happened and it is about the occupation and the crime of occupation and what has happened since 1967 at least in the palestinian territories. we would like to have a short summary. this
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legal process for several months against the zionist regime proved the idea that there is an international law, an international system that can control the power of countries based on laws and establish justice even in times of crisis. it is necessary to prevent the installation of a car. this is a caricature idea, but this does not mean that we think that this vote or such legal measures have no function. you say a general puzzle. it exists as a limited component, which of course is not a solution to the problems, it is doing its job and it has benefits, it is exactly the same , it increases the cost of crime, and on the other hand, it actually facilitates and smooths the resistance against the occupation and help to this resistance is an important point that was also present in this vote, based on the findings of the judges of the court, they declared that other governments are obliged to all the governments in the world, which in fact are. do something with the united nations to present models of how the united nations can
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actually end the long-term occupation of the regime. zionist and this is exactly the place where the government of the islamic republic of iran can play a role again and take an active and innovative role in the development of the rights of resistance . come and help with innovative ideas in the field of international law system. may he find a way to end the occupation and support the resistance against the occupation mr. dr. zakir hosseini, thank you for your explanation. he arrested a former soldier and sentenced him to 5 years in prison. tyler bradley is accused in the protest 3 years ago. he participated in the elections that led to the occupation of the congress. after
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the election protests, the american judicial system has started identifying and prosecuting protesters, so that nearly 1,400 people have been tried so far. more than 900 of them have been sentenced to prison and are serving their sentences. some of these protestors must spend 22 years in prison according to the court order. nigeria american group. meta, the owner of facebook and whatsapp, is accused of numerous and repeated violations of the system protection of information and consumer rights sentenced to pay a fine of 220 million dollars. meta was accused of discriminatory practices, abuse of position, unauthorized use of nigerians' personal data and depriving them of the right to determine how the data is used. about 3/4 of the 200 million people in nigeria, africa's most populous country , are under the age of 24, and many users
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use social media. a japanese airline announced the testing of a self-driving car to transport cargo at the airport. the purpose of testing this self-driving car is to transport compensation the lack of labor is due to the increase in the number of foreign tourists arriving in japan. this self-driving car is in one of the busiest airports in the world. according to the fact that clear and convincing evidence of the innocence of the 63-year-old female prisoner sandra hemi was presented to the court, her release was ordered. hemi was accused of murdering a woman more than four decades ago and sentenced to life imprisonment. hafsah hami's term is the longest wrongful conviction of a woman in american history. the lawyers of this prisoner said that he
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has suffered four dozen injustices. the large road bridge located in the northwest. china was flooded due to heavy rain as a result, at least 20 cars and 30 tons were destroyed. also, due to the collapse of a bridge in china following heavy rains, 11 people have been killed so far. news sources reported that five cars were rescued from the middle of the river. the rescue operation is still ongoing. and the final file of tonight's program. more than 30 democratic lawmakers asked biden to withdraw from the competition with trump. according to cnn, a number of democratic figures described joe biden's continued work in the presidential election as a downward spiral and said that with any move to keep joe biden or get him out. of the democrats' chances of competing against donald trump will lose 9 representatives of the democratic party
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in the house of representatives and two senators . withdraw from the us presidential election. biden, who is suffering from corona disease, has announced that he will soon return to the election competition. at the same time, cnn has announced that biden is extremely angry at the hands of his close friends, who are emptying his back.
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look at the exact key. before the debate between mr. trump and biden, we sometimes talked about distractions or, for example, getting stuck in biden's speech, and these things happened regularly. it was prepared for several years, but since the time of the debate, he had not been able to present his own words in the debate completely, and the topics of the debate had been overshadowed , that is, the issues that were discussed with each other, no one paid attention to it. the main topic of the debate was gone. the side of biden's ability to speak and the ability to actually manage the country is the starting point, in fact, this was the pressure that was put on mr. biden by the democrats, and it continued like this, and at first it was at the undergraduate level that media experts and researchers they say he should step down it slowly reached the level of the senators that you mentioned
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, even now, for example, a person like obama, who is extremely influential in the democratic party. look at the change of literature or the change of positions that the democrats have regarding this issue. the issue is that at first they tried to just say that mr. biden should resign, so how many people. as for the alternatives that are likely to get more votes than biden, polls now show that you can't count on their votes in this period of time and they are focusing a little bit. mrs. harris, who is actually mr. biden's deputy, should introduce her as the president
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. it is interesting that in the speech that mrs. harris gave the last three or four days, she defended biden directly. he didn't talk about our government and he appeared as an influential figure in kuridat's speech. yes, i think this is the advice given by the elders of the party to give him some weight. talks should find a stronger role as an independent person and not actually support biden in his speech. if he is forced to change and they were able to get mr. biden to that point. i will also use this option, thank you . now, on the opposite side of trump's election campaign , what do the republicans think and say about biden's withdrawal or not? well , their point of view is because the situation of the polls changed a lot after the debate and it was very much in trump's favor
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. now mr. trump is really ahead in the polls , they are trying to stay around biden in the competition, because they know that he is an opponent who will not be very difficult to defeat, that means he is their beloved opponent. now, yes, they know if he is an opponent. maybe he will become stubborn , you know, maybe mr. trump can't actually defeat him because mr. trump is really not very popular . he has finally shown himself and his policies. well, he has a weakness, but somehow both candidates have negative votes from the other party. they use it in exactly the same way, that is, the people generally try to vote, in fact, their type of voting is to vote for trump in order to avoid biden , or to vote for biden in order to avoid trump. let's look at the views now, the views are like this , we were in the same situation, that is, many people
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came to trump because they had a problem with the clintons, not because they necessarily like trump, and it is the same now, it was the same in 2020, which means that many people have developed so much hatred. from trump coming to the polls and voting for biden, which is actually a remarkable presence for us in the year 200. thank you. now , what do you think will happen next ? i think we have less than four months until the american presidential election. there is a promise of a virtual meeting of the democratic party, where they vote online from the representatives of different states, who will actually be the candidate of the party, and it can almost be said that he is the last. it is true that mr. biden can step aside , which means we don't have four months operationally on paper, yes, until the day of the election itself , which means that if this withdrawal is to be useful, it should
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be before that convention. yes, when the party holds that convention. it will be a very complicated change. it has a legal solution , but it is very difficult to operate after that august means we have that face-to-face meeting almost 20 days from now. that the party officially announces biden's candidacy there , and there it can almost be said that the work is done, that is , there is no significant change anymore, you can't think about it, i say operationally, on paper, until the day of the election, and even after that, in the circles that it will be held in washington , the results may change there too, but in terms of operations and in terms of what will actually happen on the ground, we have the next 20 days at most, for now, biden has shown that he does not want to step down, and of course he has two gatherings, one of which is texas, which is a state where the centaurs vote for the republicans and are on trump's side. this is important to him, and
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it will probably be influential in his view of how he can appear there and how the people there will welcome him, and maybe after that. he can make the final decision, but i say, operationally, we really have 20 days. for now, the conclusion is that biden is determined to stay, but the pressure has reached his inner circle. yes, in the next 20 days , it will definitely be clear whether he will stay or leave. there is no chance of change for the party thank you, i think there is another side to the story , the more speculations about his withdrawal or staying in the scene, it will have a negative effect on polls and elections. let us be your supporters. we have stubbornness in two parties, and they have clear tasks, but we have some people in the middle , they are actually the gray layer, when they see that their own party has not reached the conclusion, the party leaders, for example, i
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said obama, now there is actually doubt about biden's presence, but the clinton family is actually supportive just today, the talk of supporting and saying that biden should stay. well, these are the elders of the party , the senators. you mentioned that each of them has a contradictory position . this means that this incident discourages the gray stratum, at least they don't show up and their non-appearance helps trump vote, thank you very much, so we have to wait for the next 20 days to see what happens, mr. shafii, thank you very much for your presence in the world. today and the explanation at the end from my colleague about the simultaneous translation of the connection with canada we wanted to thank mr. mohsen jalili, good night, god bless you.
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our martyrs are also the sons of abi abdullah al-hussein, as abu abdullah al-hussein wished, we are today in karbala . peace be upon you, o abd allah, and upon the souls that have died in your death, peace be upon you . peace be upon
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you forever. al-hussain , peace be upon abu fazl al-abbas, and peace be upon al-hura zainab, may god have mercy and blessings on him, so praise god and thank him for the greatness of the thanks that guided you and guided me to this path. it is the path of al-husayn al-asil, or the martyr of karbala. hello on you and on me, martyrdom between your hands, and on the three infallible ones, i am the purest of the pure , your brothers, with my patience, your jihad, your hard work, and my prayers, you are the real flag, which is imam al-hussein in karbala
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3:00 am
at 3 o'clock on saturday evening, thousands of yemenis held protest gatherings in sana'a, the capital city of this country , to express their anger and disgust at the zionist regime's action of bombing civilian targets in hodeidah province.


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