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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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coming to the streets of sana'a and protesting in support of the people of palestine and gaza, mrs. moazzami , good morning . the yemeni resistance came to the streets in condemnation of the crime committed by the zionists yesterday and attacked yemen's hodeida. on the same day , netanyahu's trip to america was postponed yes, this trip will be done today, but yahya seri , the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces, said that the aggression of the zionists will not go unanswered, their vital facilities will be targeted, and that the yemeni army is prepared for a long battle with the invaders, and as the experts have said, tel aviv is no longer there. it is not safe for the zionists. in this regard
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, we would like to talk to mr. farkhandepour, an expert on west asian issues . mr. farkhandepour, hello, good morning, in the name of allah , the most merciful. thank you very much, mr. farkhandepour, tell me what the zionists' attack on hodeidah in yemen has achieved for the zionists in recent hours? and for netanyahu, will he return security to tel aviv? look at this move by the zionist regime by targeting hodeidah port, which can now be called hodeidah port, which is now a political port, in terms of the weight of international issues and in terms of business, well, i think this move was very immature and emotional. which the zionist regime did without
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thinking about the so-called consequences of this attack. well, we know that during approx. 9 years of war that yemen had with the coalition that invaded this country, the country of yemen has nothing special to lose, now the zionist regime has come and attacked one of the country's oil tanks, and more than that, it has killed the defenseless people of that country, but be warned. that the country of yemen itself has a very suitable and at the same time effective deterrent, and we will soon witness that, god willing, the depth of the zionist regime 's strategic goals. yemen will be invaded but what is important to us is
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that the entire strategic goals of the zionist regime will be endangered, not only tel aviv, but according to the officials of this country, yes, apparently there was a problem in our conversation with mr. farkhandepour, if this is a gap we have a short media, we are coming back , o helper, get up and take knowledge, o helper, or get up and take knowledge, eyes and heart awake, walk on the peak day and night, on your lips, or haydar karrar , fatah al-fatou.
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the blood of bershak is victorious, our soldier is my example, my commander is haj qasim, now whoever said that i will become one of my own, you are my blessing. i gave my heart to shah najaf, your opponent is like any palestinian
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, your opponent is enya. quds means to stand by the truth , quds means to stand firm forever
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, quds means no limit, to give forever, a quds soldier will eventually become a quds martyr. what is your assessment of the scope of the tensions? see, according to the strategic and strategic conditions in the region , with the united states of america and england, it is a traditional partnership. countries european for the regime, but in this recent attack, we are witnessing that in the so-called attacks on the country of yemen , it was the united states of america and the united kingdom that
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carried out their own air attacks against the interests and the so-called famous centers of the country of yemen. the attack was not far from the expectation that the government of the united states of america and england and some european countries and even some countries. mortaja arabi is also behind this support, but what is clear and obvious to us is that the regime of the united states, as well as the regime of the united kingdom, made a very strategic mistake. giving and with this move they actually jeopardized the security of the depth of the security of the zionist regime. today, ansar allah in yemen has a lot of ability and power in the direction of recognizance . in the future, tel aviv, not only tel aviv, but all the
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sensitive targets of this country will be attacked by yemeni fighters, and this move will cause us to fight soon, god willing. let's have it through the south and this front will bring good results and blessings for the victory of hamas, god willing thank you, mr. farkhandepour, i say goodbye to you , but aftershocks of the disruption caused by the microsoft software update and its impact on the global internet continue. actually, the activities have been created. now it seems that there should be an assessment of the damages. in this regard, we want to talk to mr. aghaei, an expert in cyber security and virtual space. mr. aghaei, hello , good morning. tell us that these speculations about the cause of the disruption actually started on friday.
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what is your assessment? what can be said about the real cause of this disorder? hello, i would like to serve you and the good viewers of the salam news network. reporter , thank you very much for the call, i hope i can provide a good explanation in this regard for the esteemed viewers. i would like to tell you that we must first mention one or two technical concepts, regardless of whether our discussion is going to be very technical. or does it want to be very political , i don't have much to do with these two categories at all, but i have to say one or two concepts to the dear viewers first. we have a concept called the blue page of death. this blue screen of death is a term among people who work a lot with computers, those who are in the cyber space, this is actually when the windows software operating system works well. it doesn't work, a blue screen appears, and after that, the system may not be restarted at all, or it may
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crash, and these problems cause even sometimes files to be lost, and the computer's hard drive and computer memory become unavailable. this was a very general explanation, but what happened technically is that a security company that supports actions and file transfers and it provides security support to microsoft's storage and processing resources, as the name suggests , crowd strike, this company has a security software that works partly on server systems such as microsoft servers and partly on the client system or the user system of these users can be anywhere, they can be in their homes, in hospitals, in airlines, railway companies, railway companies, all companies can
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use them. this update is not done correctly, that is, the update for this software security, according to the current speculations and the current expert reviews conducted at the world level, regardless of whether we want to consider hacker cyber attacks, it is a simple task to update the idr security software, which is actually owned by crowdstra. . it was not done well, it is possible that it was done without initial testing and this caused that because this software is installed on the operating system, the software is damaged, the operating system is damaged, the operating system, which is also the internet connection method, is damaged. we at khabar network are now at your service for the next question mr. mr. mentioning that this was done to us without the initial test apparently on media day. what does it say about microsoft's responsibility and this disruption on the future of digital technology
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, what effect does the use of imported software have? look here, now we have to move forward a little independently from the field of technology and technology. we have an issue under the title of governance. i don't say it's political, although this word and this word of this term is itself a political word, but i want to point out the issue of our cyber governance in the field of cyberspace or the world now realizes that what should be the order of cyber governance ? in other words, a village cannot be governed by code . we call this cyber governance under the title of developing processes and mechanisms that can create communication between people in the world in a wide network called the network. that the internet now
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checks all the procedures, policies and processes to see how these communications should be in one place, for example, with a lot of concentration, now not 100 in one place, but with a lot of concentration in the united states, and after that it will come in a company like microsoft for the software it provides and even a few other companies and organizations that are also in the united states , please put an end to the disorder that you are facing right now. i think that the problem that has occurred right now, the white house and microsoft have connections to know how to solve this problem . finally, i would like to say the last sentence to you and dear viewers, that cyber governance can be explained in an explained way. think about it and that dependence in the field of developing processes and policies for the use of software and operating systems and all the tools
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that serve arbaeen pilgrims after a short chance to draw.
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may it always be on my head, our date will be the shrine on friday night, my dear hossein. well, let's go to the second event of the regeneration and prosperity fund, which is to serve the arbaeen pilgrims, in cooperation with public and private institutions, in the studio hosted by mr. amir bame, the public relations manager of the presidential regeneration and prosperity fund, to get more details
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about this. let's hear the event from his mouth , mr. bamel, good morning, welcome, hello , good morning. i would like to inform you that we will hold the second exhibition of the products of daneshmounian companies for media service to arbaeen and hosseini pilgrims around in another hour, we will hold a flourishing innovation fund. this exhibition will showcase more than 50 knowledge-based companies, the products of their achievements, which are related to the arbaeen and hosseini pilgrims . it is possible that some companies have two products, but our investigations showed that there are more than 50 products that we have now identified , which is much more than this, but the capacity that was considered for this year was 50 academic companies, whose services and products, god willing. they exhibit and host scientific companies
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there are mawakebs who, god willing , are present at the arbaeen hosseini procession, and they have coordinated with the mawakeb steering council, which works under the atbat reconstruction headquarters , and this headquarters had a serious cooperation in holding the exhibition with the fund. god willing , they will visit this exhibition, and finally, god willing we expect that it will lead to the purchase of the products of the companies of iranian scientists, in which fields are the products that the 50 companies that you mentioned, the scientists , are presenting in this exhibition, and after all, those who should be the buyers are also present and are to see yes, we have categorized the products of daneshmounian companies in five areas and it will be displayed in this exhibition: there is the health area , there is the transportation and logistics area , there is the information and communication technology area, there is the soft creative industry area, and there is the insurance area in this area because it is a
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what kind of products can help the pilgrims of hosseini arbaeen. in the field of health, there are all kinds of disinfectants and oxygens that may be needed by the pilgrims and disinfectants for drinking water or, for example, i am at your service that very large-scale food processors are able to prepare foods. pilgrims of arbaino can provide all kinds of food related to the processions. who are on the path of reconciliation , how about personal areas, for example, assuming that if i want to go to the arbaeen procession, is there a series of products that will help me on this path from the very beginning of the path , is it one of the first points for the path to the border of mehran? the border of mehran, which is a more consular border , or the border towards iraq, is the end of
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the border. somewhere, our passengers, the services of the scientific companies, are discussing the sharing of this transfer, the passenger services of the passenger, that this happened knowledgeable companies should provide applications that you can share so that you don't go alone, so that the car is not empty, you can finally do a good deed. you may ask each other, for example, each other. you can find it, you can't get lost, you can communicate with each other. internet calls that you can make. this is a service that finally the companies of scientists are providing individually now. temporary processions mean even company
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our scholars have designed structures that can set up temporary processions there, and the processions can use these things to set up their processions, to provide services to the pilgrims of arbaeen in the field of insurance, and all kinds of insurances that may be needed, even in the creative and cultural industry, the companies of scientists who came finally consider games so that they want to rest in the middle of the road. that according to that finally, now they are hearing the news, if they have not been informed by now, they should go to the noor shokofai fund, and they are going to finally buy the supplies and resumes that are needed in the arbaeen ceremony, and finally , they will
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buy the products of iranian academics. danesh-baniyan is next to danesh-bayan companies, and danesh-bayan companies are there so that if the contract leads to a contract and there is a need to provide working capital , there is an innovation fund behind danesh-pooniyan companies that can finance danesh companies. to be able to meet these needs fix it, fix it, produce it and quickly send it to the procession . the exhibition will start from today . if they give the order, they can deliver it in the short time they have for you to march. for example, when arbaeen begins, you should expect that even a week after the arbaeen ceremony , there will be some processions and the need for supplies and necessities.
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gather together and read that it will take some time for the pilgrims to return to the country after our arbaeen hosseini, since it is the second event since last year . a person can find other people who are going that way and their car is not empty, that is, one person is going with his family, there are two people in the family and there are three empty seats, and he can find the people to whose city he is going, and he it is very cost-effective to carry three people makhloum is useful for the people, which helps a lot because he wants to reduce the burden of the public transportation that has been prepared there, to reduce the delays in this hot weather. that's the way it is now , god willing, the colleagues of the radio and television will be present at the exhibition, and they will prepare a report on this issue , and god willing, you will see the
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valuable solutions of the companies of iranian scientists, not only in very difficult fields such as oil, gas, and petrochemicals , even in the field of such as cultural issues and such issues have products that are a source of pride and opportunity it is iran that can participate. i would like to offer a service to the people of hosseini's arbaeen. thank you very much, mr. bame, director of the president's innovation and prosperity fund, to the studio of the morning program. hello, reporter, you have come to the studio. dear viewers, thank you very much for being with us . salam alik or aba abdullah al-hussein, we are together . a standing flag, we tied our hearts to the homeland, we are not the world when we are together,
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i think that tonight is the morning. this is one of the major failures of the army, and the failure to discover the advanced systems of the army, even if they are advanced in the world and we studied them, they were supposed to identify them. we are supposed to warn the citizens of our country . the state of israel, the american embassy, ​​and all of israel's systems are here for the night, as well as the information
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and advocacy system. for two hours, if i look at the air force, which is lazy, and i look at the air defense command, it is a very problematic night for the israel defense forces, and i will add, we are at war, so all the systems are on alert, that is, no one caught us like on october 7 הפטיע אונטוע, לא נארקנו, שעשום החילום כלנו לא היומן אנים שומעים as a result of the sensitivity of these systems, it is very true, and i think that such an event has to be explained today . where is the sorrow בסי הלחימה הלהימה אפרי ששיפרנו את כל ה כאויטים ועליון ואהים קאחשון אה אה כורה.
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it didn't matter. it made a difference, no it didn't make a difference, yes it made a difference. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption.
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hi akbar, mr. mas, i want to tell my father's eyes put it into your father's account, it has a lot of credit , i will pay with tara credit, tara is very creditable with us, tara credit is up to 5 million tomans for
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everyone, in the name of god, i am mohammad hosni from bramin city, the winner of the second round of the washland lottery, one apartment unit the car machine, 1 billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary was won. fahima abbasqali from qom won the second place in the second round of washland lottery . i am samaye zamani from kurd city, the third place winner.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the 8 am news. demonstration of the angry people of yemen in sana'a condemning the zionist regime's attack on the port of hodeida, the number of martyrs this attack increased to 3 people and 88 people
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were injured


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