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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square , facing tehran, sar. have a good day, dear and respected compatriots , we have arrived at 11 o'clock and we are with you with some more news. the people of west islamabad also got the emergency room of the mri center. minister of health who has traveled to kermanshah province to implement several health plans. sarlaq medical facilities and health services center opened in khosravi border and 32-bed emergency room of imam khomeini hospital. mr. dr. ainullah expressed his hope that by the end of the year, with the allocated credit of sargal zahab hospital, by
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issuing a license for the activities of non-governmental organizations of youth from it starts working today, according to the general manager of social partnerships of the ministry of sports and youth, with the help of this system, the period of issuing permits will be reduced from 5 months to two weeks. currently, more than 5 thousand non-governmental organizations are active in the country. based on this system, in a very convenient process , young people who are interested in playing a role in social activities to solve social problems can
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register their request in this system and with the approach adopted in the ministry of sports and youth and based on the law, the goals of the ministry and the new guidelines which has been adjusted, the average of five months for the issuance of a permit, which was before, has been reduced to two weeks, so that young people can obtain a social activity permit in a very convenient and facilitated process and form their own non-governmental organization. the violent rapists , whose video of their raping of an old lady in ardabil was released last week, were arrested in qom province. the police chief of qom province said that these people had numerous records of theft in several provinces. according to the scope of the crime of these people, unfortunately in alborz provinces. east of tehran, west of tehran and qom
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have a history of theft with the help of our loved ones in the province ardabil regarding the identification and arrest of these two people who committed the crime in ardabil and other accomplices who were involved in cattle theft in qamroud jafar. lung and also in bostan jawan qom, they have a history of arresting them. the spokesperson of the country's electricity industry warns about two very hot weeks in the country. electricity industry officials say that for every one degree increase in temperature, 1800 megawatts will be added to the country's electricity consumption. in recent days, with
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the establishment of the thermal dome in west asia, including our country, we have seen an increase of 3 degrees in the average temperature of the country. this has caused per every degree of increase in temperature will add 1800 megawatts to the electricity consumption demand in the country. it is expected that in the coming days, the demand for electricity consumption in the country will reach 78,000 megawatts, and the share of isfahan province will be 7,000 megawatts, which is 15% compared to the same period last year. in consumption, which if not managed , will lead to consecutive blackouts in all industrial and domestic sectors. in the domestic sector, those who do not comply and are considered as our post-consumer subscribers have more than two and a half times the consumption pattern. this is explained by selective sms. and we will probably have a power cut, although this is more than 40% subscribers in the province and metropolis of isfahan will receive good consumption bonus in the four months of this year until the 24th of july. at least 9 billion and 600
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million tomans were rewarded to the house subscribers who reduced their consumption compared to last year . in the industrial sector , the conditions have been taken into account. our industrial subscribers below the megawatt are supposed to comply with the consumption management discussion for one and a half days . by changing the working hours and activating the diesel generators, the offices are required to consume 30 to 40 electricity. reduce body choices which was given, led to the temporary shutdown of 190 devices and offices, which, god willing, friends will comply with this matter and, god willing, will not lead to another shutdown , these restrictions have also been considered for farmers . load management is done from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and due to this period of time , when they do not use the well, their bills are free. meanwhile, the relevant experts advise people to use water coolers and install awnings. put it in their schedule
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to use their air conditioners at a temperature of 24 and 25 degrees and during peak hours it is 13:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to 23:00 , avoid high consumption electrical appliances. in the occupied territories and an american ship in the red sea. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces said that yemen will not fail to support the oppressed palestinian people and will continue to respond to the crimes of the zionist regime. the yemeni armed forces and its missile unit carried out a special operation. in which rashash was targeted in the south of the occupation regime. at the same time, the yemeni navy and the
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yemeni airborne and missile forces conducted a joint military operation in which an american ship was shot down in the sea. red with several ballistic missiles and target drones contract. in this operation, this american ship was directly targeted. the meeting of the heads of the member states of the european political community in london ended without results. in this meeting, the concern of trump's coming to power is over conflicts over convergences. the meeting of the heads of the 47 member countries of the european political community was held under the hosting of the british government, the purpose of which was to discuss the most important issues affecting the member states, although the most important issues
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were different from their point of view. our first task today is to declare our steadfastness in supporting ukraine. also today should be challenged another one that has turned into a crisis in the european continent , we should fight, and that is human trafficking to this continent. we are facing tremendous difficulties in europe and the world. we need more security and stability. regarding the european military aid to ukraine, the differences of opinion are so obvious that the leaders see no need to cover it up. from the beginning of the russian attack, britain played a leading role. he helped ukraine and gave us great help. the unity of countries in helping ukraine should not be weakened and i am seeking to strengthen these relations in this meeting. they believe that militarily they can the army they broke russia. while i
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do not believe so. because i don't think war is the solution to this crisis. in my opinion, this crisis cannot be ended on the battlefield and we should seek a ceasefire and peace talks. in the fourth session. in addition to the heads of the european political community, representatives of the european union organizations were also present. the approaches and words of the presidents and representatives of most of the member countries of this society showed that they are worried about the possibility of trump becoming the next president of the united states. donald trump and his aides announced that if he takes office, he will stop supporting ukraine russia will kill. and they will try to reduce the us share in the nato budget. the european political community is not connected to any of the eu organizations and cannot make important decisions. the next meeting of this society
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will be held in hungary in november. mojtaba ghasemzadeh, radio news agency , london. good day. greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers , welcome to the football magazine, mr. dawood rafati, secretary of the athlete training staff. the hosts of the premier league are with us, mr. azadi, and we are worried
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, or is it really worrying? it has worked for a while, but then the scope of work is very high. after all, this 50-year-old stadium has been built for years. at least, i think the last time was 23 years ago when this stadium was almost completely renovated. i really hope that it will be ready for september 15 and the first match of the national team will be played there. mr. mehdi nasibi is the supervisor of azadi stadium behind our communication line. mr. nasibi, hello, good night. greetings, courtesy and respect. good night, i am at your service. you're welcome. mr. nasibi, considering what i am saying now your time is short and as of today you are officially working as a manager in the group, but i really remember from mr. sajjadi's time, maybe he used to say more in the ministry of sports.
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its implementation is progressing quickly with the efforts of mr. dr. hashemi, the honorable minister, and also from the khatam bayeran camp company. we can prepare items. the western part of the complex is being completely renovated. regarding the destruction of the vpv station the reporter has done all the work, friends, today
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i witnessed closely that the issue of retrofitting has been completed , but in any case, it is not just a matter of retrofitting. as i said , it was destroyed and it has not yet been rebuilt. we have put all our efforts into it. khatam's camp is also fully populated in two shihats . it is being reconstructed. i hope you can provide the conditions in such a way that the budget is provided by the development company. 1200 billion mr. toman, minister of sports, yes , we do not have a problem with getting the budget, anyway, it is a heavy task.
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considering that mr. taj, as they say , it should happen by august, now you say shahrivar , because we have the elite league, we have a national team match with kyrgyzstan, which means shahrivar, do you think yes , i will say that the one i played in shahrivar is the first week. it's almost as if we have to hand over the stadium to our friends , the respected representatives of afc, we will do everything to make this happen, but the conditions are definitely not ready, but we hope that we can provide the conditions in such a way that the stadium will be ready. dear friends, please don't mind and we will be able to host the tournament. thank you very much, mr. nasibi, and don't be tired. thank you to your honorable colleagues.
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it is much better than azadieh, for example, the women's platform entrance is much better than azadieh, only gita is left. today , we reached an agreement with a company that, god willing , will start the initial work on its installation from tomorrow . it will reach august 25. from august 2, we have the premier league lottery. immediately, as the famous saying goes, we will start visiting the stadiums again, according to the order given today by the honorable president of the federation, mr. taj , every day, that is, 3 days a week, saturday, monday. on wednesday, this headquarters will be formed from 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. means we will start working to
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inspect the stadium. we will invite the general manager of the club , the head of the football board, so that we can reach the stadium . it was less than 100 lux. i would like to tell you that iraq is very important for us to prepare because it has obtained the license certificate of icr and it is possible for us to use this athlete for two other teams, which means that we can use this athlete for another team besides himself. . khyber khorramabad
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is doing a great job . ready means complete, and we also have tabriz diesel foundation. if we need 1% , we can do it. i will repeat without repeating because it is very important. we will also equip the vr stadium. because even if it has to be an ashti video shoot, one of your colleagues was in the previous meetings and said that hd video recording and broadcast for four days , we will definitely do this , we have some athletes. it's interesting, let's go back and chat with you. it's a strange picture. it's in futsal yesterday, in the match between the goherzmin sirjan and bandas naft refinery teams. it was finished for the sake of refinement, the field had a problem that the players keep sliding, let's see if we can come back together. this picture we are
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seeing is very interesting. on the roads, i had heard this and saw that, for example, if gasoline spills on the ground , it will roll on the corners. talking to friends , they say that maybe in order to make the ground look shiny and clean , they apparently mix the same gasoil material with juniper soil. the triangle is broken, it means that whoever goes into the area, now that box in front of the goal is injured, and these stories are very strange, i don't know what kind of shoes you have, anyway, this is now in the middle of the program, no , i'm really watching, the kids are telling me on the phone, everyone the ground
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is really happening to them and they are playing skating with their friends. it was in its own way. well, about the stadiums that i have a problem with, i would like to tell you that the stadium that is not available now, i have a stadium with a very good atmosphere like shahid nasiri in yazd. i enjoyed it in my last game . unfortunately, with all the efforts i don't think that the premier league is over for at least half of our season. i don't think it will reach the replacement stadium. in the first meeting
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, which is on monday, we want this team and they are going to explain which stadium they should choose , because we don't have more than 100 luxury days, let me tell you. and the bus is coming into the stadium. this fundamental problem that we had in the past years will be solved. the platform is being retrofitted. one platform must be destroyed because they do not have a seat permit at all . it is not safe .
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if you insist, i think this is the light that you mentioned do the work, the tv pictures are even better. 100 of us last year were in several provinces. really , the picture on tv. i thought the land was ruined. when i went, it was not a good land. this is what
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we see on tv. let me tell you something about yourself, i'm strict . that's why i'm mentioning this because it's being recorded and broadcast. it means that it 's being broadcast, but it will be one day later. i remember you a lot in the programs that are shown. now they are jokingly saying, sir, how much for this the textile gym, where people used to go up to wash , yes, they eat water and such, but really, it was right there, neighbors, but you really have to insist, this is me now.
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solve it, and if it solves these two , you will go with half capacity. you said, not now. to you, tabrizi , when i told you about a house, i told you almost the same athlete, i said , now show me a few slides, i have a slide here, sir, help, if you show it, it's too short . unless the problems that exist, one of which is solved by the entrance of the audience i don't think there is anything wrong with a stadium in the city of quds . according to our attention, the meetings we held with the municipality there, unfortunately, something has happened . god, see here in this regulation of our competitions, that each team's stadium
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will be announced with two stadiums. if two stadiums are not approved, the league organization will choose the most important issue that we must have seat numbering this year, which means that everyone who opens their ticket must have the same seat number. according to that, i read a news saying that i don't know who it was. now i don't remember. that women go with the code. their fathers buy tickets and sit in the middle. yes, it is enough that something like this has happened. of course, i did not see it, but with the current conditions, we do it, and the numbering of the seats at the gate that you have to hear to enter does not work, and the female face cameras that are installed on the gates. and based on what you are seeing now , i would like to say that this is how the stadium should be divided into different gates, and based on your statement, according to the civil registration system, no one can access our gates. if someone comes in without a ticket or with a ticket , that means everyone will be called on their own number, that is, if i am soft, we should live empty, it should remain empty because if something happens, the camera
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will recognize the woman's face, and we can certainly ban her from entering sports . you are using the fan club. the host of my federation club is helping me for a while. next, a very short question about this post you have and this monitoring, is it only up to? we have started and from next year, today, i will repeat the conversation i had with mr. baharond . we will give them the same conditions for one year. for example, if they install geek, can i please be in touch with our program every time? if there is a problem, tell us. we will announce here that we will definitely start the yoko league, god willing, that when the team came to the premier league, it did not have these problems .
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first, the discount tower in ahaj thousand goods from the 31st of july to the 4th of august of chain stores of afog koresh. dad, this dishwasher
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makes dishes dirty instead of cleaning them . it was a good question. i said there is something wrong with it. didn't you buy it from city home appliances? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no . why should you buy it from city home appliances? because it has both quality and a discount, discount, discount, not discount. amazing discounts on all hats for men.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. greetings viewers. dear , keep up with the economic news , passenger car production has increased by 55% in the last 3 years. the deputy minister of mining industry and trade said that the production rate has reached 1,730,000 cars from 1,300,000 vehicles in 1402. according to:


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