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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to half day news. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in his meeting with the chairman of the 12th parliament, strongly recommends the constructive interaction of the parliament with the new government. ayatollah khamenei's emphasis on the sense of joint responsibility of the elected president and the parliament in considering the main indicators in the formation of the cabinet should be fielded by someone who is trustworthy, honest and religious.
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believe in the islamic republic and the islamic system from the teeth . the leader of the revolution's emphasis on the two dignity of questioning and answering the parliament. the purpose of supervision is to improve the efficiency of the government. you should not mention criminal issues in your opinion someone should intervene. the parliament can both remove and weaken the sanctions. the presence of the president-elect in the parliament and the emphasis on the need for the cooperation of the executive forces, mr. bizikian, we should use the opportunity of the nation's vote of confidence to solve the people's problems. in the first stage, it will be weekly, which
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will become daily in the future, and we will check in the economy desk what changes will occur in the process of buying real estate and the activities of real estate consultants by connecting real estate consultants to the electronic document registration system until august 15. normal promissory notes are still possible. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, dear and respected viewers , we are at your service with the news section at 14:00. . the new government,
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hearing a single voice from the pillars of the country in important issues, the rule of ethics in the debates of the parliament and other activities of the representatives, the do's and don'ts of legislation, monitoring without excesses, the effective activity of the monitoring board on the performance of the representatives and serious attendance majlis expressed hope in global issues and foreign policy with a sense of responsibility. jointly , the elected president and the parliament should form a cabinet consisting of faithful, efficient, revolutionary people, hopeful for the future, famous for clean hands and honesty, with a national attitude and having a deep belief in the islamic republic , and to advance the issues of the country and the people. . hazrat ayatollah khamenei in this meeting, which was the first meeting of the 12th parliament with him.
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they called the position of the parliament very important and sensitive and added: contrary to popular belief, the parliament is not only a questioner, but like any decision-making and action-taking institution, it should be be accountable for your duties and performance in front of god and in front of people. he added: of course, we do not have a mechanism for the parliament to respond to the people, but it is possible to consent or not. he observed people's satisfaction in their reaction to the performance of the parliament. in this regard, the supreme leader of the revolution added that in the past, the work of some councils was not liked by the people, and because of this, they fell out of the public's eyes, therefore , each representative should adjust their behavior, positions, and performance according to the necessity of accountability. convergence and constructive interaction between the second force. the
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different elements of the system must form a single set that achieving this goal requires. it is interaction and cooperation and sometimes even complacency and neglect. ayatollah khamenei considered the integration of the system's pillars to be the need of the country, the system and the people, and referring to the presence of the president- elect as a member of the 12th parliament , he added: i strongly recommend that i note down constructive interaction with the new government. everyone should help the elected president to be able to fulfill his duties towards the country. if we can act in such a way that the president
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succeeds, this is the success of all of us . may the country achieve success in the country's cultural issues , we all have achieved success, his victory is the victory of all of us, we must really believe this from the bottom of our hearts , he added, pointing to the need for a single voice to be heard in important issues of all the pillars of the country have tried to find signs of disagreement in the officials' words. disappoint them with a united voice. ayatollah khamenei also considered the rule of morality in the debates of the parliament as absolutely necessary and said: the parliament should
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be the center of spreading positive waves and issuing peace and reassurance in public opinion and with refraining from repeating the movements of some representatives in some previous periods. don't slander and negativity of khan make people tense. he added: the behavior and speech of the representatives outside the parliament and in cyber space should protect the mental security of the people, unify, bring peace and encourage the nation. the leader of the revolution expressed an important point about the vigilance of the country's officials and politicians and added: we know that lashkar: cyber ​​is the common enemy of all iranians under the false guise of their country's rivals and political factions , or the religious and political trusted persons of the factions are being insulted. to make the other party angry
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and provoked and forced to answer, so you should not think that everything you see in the virtual space is the work of your political rivals . the fourth point of leadership was addressed to parliament members. he called legislation as the main task of the parliament, laying the rails and preparing a road map for the movement of all forces and institutions and added: the goal of legislation should be the progress of the country and serving the people. hazrat ayatollah khamenei stressed the use of experts as much as possible, the clarity and non-interpretation of the law to prevent abuse. the lawyers considered it necessary to break the law and said: the law must according to the capacity and facilities of the country, it should be approved and be able to be implemented. conformity of the laws with the upper documents and refraining from creating a density
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of laws were two other points that the supreme leader of the revolution expressed about legislation. the leader of the revolution also indulged in presenting plans for legislation. they called it problematic and said that the constitution left the hands of the parliament open to present the plan, but in this work, the plan should be sufficient to the extent of satisfaction so as not to cause congestion of the law and placing many plans on the agenda. he said in a note about emergency cases requiring law: sometimes governments for urgent work in the field of international communication or economic and construction issues, they need the law . in such cases , they often take the easy way and seek permission from the leadership, which of course is not given except in emergency cases, but it is better. in emergency cases,
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the parliament should specify in the legislation. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, who announced the general policy of legislation in previous years , called its implementation as the need to enact a law and added: the parliament has not yet enacted legislation in this field and this should be done sooner. the next point of the revolutionary leader's words about the parliament's supervision of the executive branch was by using tools such as questions, reminders, and investigations. he gave a warning to the representatives in this regard. first, the purpose of supervision is to improve the efficiency of the government. therefore , political, personal and criminal issues should not cause the use of system tools.
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ayatollah khamenei, in his sixth advice to the members of the 12th parliament, said: sometimes, with the wrong behavior of one representative , all 2090 representatives are questioned and the whole parliament is lost from the people's eyes. the philosophy of forming the supervisory board wing performance representatives of the prevention of these cases and treatment in case of occurrence. but the expectation from this delegation has not been fulfilled. he said in the seventh recommendation about the importance of the majlis in the field of international issues and foreign policy: the majlis is a heavy weight that the governments of the world use in their interactions. for example, at the negotiating table , the opposition of the parliament or approved laws can be used as a defense or justification for one's position. the leader of the revolution pointed out that the parliament can fill the hands of the government in foreign matters and added: among
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the good and effective actions of the parliament in the field of politics foreign is the strategic action law of the 11th parliament , of course, some people protested and found fault with this law , which is absolutely not relevant, and the approval of that law was a very correct thing to do. he considered various types of role-playing of the representatives in global developments and diplomacy, such as the trips and meetings of the speaker of the parliament, including the useful presence of the speaker of the parliament in the recent brace meeting, and said that sometimes even a statement or speech of the representatives is effective in important foreign policy issues. ayatollah khamenei called the exploitation of the support of the assemblies by governments as a common thing in the world and added an example of the law. the community of americans is against the islamic republic, known as sisad, which was approved by the us congress and
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the democratic president of that time, who was a coward and of course smarter than our officials, signed it while claiming cooperation and companionship with iran. he had and could not sign. he pointed to the repetition of the issue of sanctions during the elections by the candidates and representatives. they and among the people considered the parliament to play a role in this field and said that the issue of sanctions can be present in the parliament , it can be really effective. we can also take sanctions. we can solve it through honorable means , even better than solving the embargo. i have repeatedly said that lifting the sanctions
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is not in your hands. you must think of a way to deal with it, but it is up to you to remove the sanctions . there are good ways to weaken the sanctions . we went to rome and saw the effect of it. it was very good for the government officials to leave my head. it is possible to do this . the assemblies can play a role in this field . the eighth and final point of the leader of the revolution in private and in front of the assembly is to trust the cabinet the urgent task of the parliament is to vote for the cabinet , which mr. medjikan will change, god willing.
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of course, the proposed cabinet is approved as soon as possible after the work that needs to be done and the government starts working. it will be better for the country, but in this field, you and the elected president have heavy responsibilities. who wants to be the owner of this square? economy field, culture field, construction activities field, production field. who wants to be in the field? you should field someone who is trustworthy, honest, and religious okay, he believes in the islamic republic, the islamic system. takbeer! allahu akbar! allahu akbar! allahu akbar! home! death against the province!
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hope for the future, looking positively at the horizon is another important indicator, and those who look at the horizon darkly and believe that nothing can be done cannot be given key responsibilities. he called initiative, reputation for honesty and integrity, not having a bad record, having a national attitude and not drowning in political and criminal issues, and efficiency as other essential criteria for the members of the 14th government cabinet and said: both the elected president and the parliament should these criteria
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comply, because they have a common responsibility in choosing the officials of the country. ayatollah khamenei expressed his hope that by observing this standard and fulfilling the joint responsibility of the speaker of the parliament, a good, efficient, pious and revolutionary cabinet of ministers will be elected that can advance the country's issues. in the final part of his speech, he considered the issue of gaza to be the first issue of the islamic world and added that months have passed since the beginning of the qasim regime's crimes. the initial fervor in condemning these crimes has decreased in some people , but the importance of the gaza issue is even greater than in the first days. supreme leader of the revolution referring to power rozzon of the resistance added that a large political , economic, and military apparatus called the united states
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is fighting with a small group called the resistance, along with the zionist regime, and since these two villains did not succeed. hamas destroys the resistance , they drop their bombs in hospitals, schools, on the heads of children, women and oppressed people. pointing out that today the people of the world are witnessing the ultimate crime and brutality of the qasab regime and they are judging them , he added to the members of the parliament , "don't calm down and don't be silent about gaza." today, an important example of the parliament's activity: in foreign affairs and diplomacy it is the issue of gaza. before the supreme leader of the revolution's statements , the speaker of the islamic council considered the completion of the action of the previous parliament in monitoring the good implementation of economic and strategic laws as one of the most important agendas of the 12th parliament, and by saying that the new parliament is a friend of the elected government in pursuing the solution of
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the people's problems. they know, he said: the point of support and the common axis. the 12th parliament and the 14th government emphasize the implementation of the general policies of the system, especially the law of the 7th development plan. mr. qalibau considered attention to the issues of the vulnerable and underprivileged classes as well as the demands of the middle class of the society among the other priorities of the new parliament. he read and added: "representatives, by avoiding falling into the trap of fringes and false dichotomies, try their best to pursue the demands of the people." elites and sympathizers will concentrate the islamic revolution. avoiding criminalism and sympathetically helping the new government, paying attention to the demands of all voters, strengthening the structural connection of representatives with the constituencies and using new monitoring methods to eliminate weaknesses
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. hazrat ayatollah it was khamenei. but today, before the meeting of the representatives with the supreme leader of the revolution, the president -elect was present in the public hall of the parliament among the representatives found. while welcoming the close cooperation between the parliament and the future government, the speaker of the islamic council said: "based on our national and religious responsibility, we all have a duty to help mr. medzikian." of course, due to the good mood of mr. mezikian, some compliments actually. according to the famous and ceremonial saying of rome, the rome protocol is building a new building which is good, that is , it is compatible with revolutionary behavior and god willing
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, we will help each other in the same way in the service of the people and the government of the parliament. may god help us not to embarrass the elected president. expressing that we should not look for positions and positions for ourselves and those around us let's create an opportunity, he said. let's use people's material to solve their problems. we will try to use this opportunity to serve the people, god willing, with your help and the help of other loved ones who are serving the people, and i hope that god will make us ashamed of these dear people who come despite the propaganda that they do not come to the polls. and a strong mesh in the mouth of these people who were sitting outside and inside and advertising. in the 6th and 4th annual meeting of the general assembly of the central bank, the acting president considered the control of liquidity growth, the reduction of
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the inflation rate and the reduction of the economic growth rate as the most important. he recognized the economic successes of the 13th government. according to mr. mokhbar, the decrease in the growth of the monetary base, the reduction of the unemployment rate to below 80, which is the lowest figure in the last 20 years, and the establishment of a relative balance between people's expenses and incomes with a significant increase in the amount of subsidies and the distribution of goods are among the other low achievements. nazir of the 13th government was named. we will do whatever we can to make the new government succeed. until today, within these 50-60 days , in fact. the 64th annual meeting of the central bank assembly of president shahid mun has not taken any decision that is not in favor of the next government.
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he was not oblivious to the economy , while honoring the memory of our martyred president, the acting president said: people's livelihood and economy were among the issues that shahid raisi was sensitive to, and he continuously and regularly followed up economic indicators . in this meeting, mr. mokhbar emphasized on the increase in the per capita income of the people. inflation has been well controlled for some years, but the growth has become negative. well , it doesn't work to actually bring down the so-called inflation slope. well, if you focus, bring it to 234 today. then the expectation is that in the future, the inflation situation in all dimensions it will get better. the acting president also mentioned the unprecedented reduction of class gap, strengthening and promotion
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of cooperation with foreign countries, especially neighboring countries, iran's membership in shankhai and brics, and the creation of incentive and guarantee packages for investors based on the law, among the achievements of the 13th government. enumerated in fact, we have multiplied the subsidy to the people. it went from 45 tomans to 400, and the cost of food has increased 10 times, in fact, people's subsidies have increased. in the end , it was a question of goods, and we brought 60 million of our loved ones in the country on 11 essential items. centralization of central bank governor also said that the gdp growth in 2011 and 2019 was half percent in a 10-year period, in the last 3 years in the 13th government, this number has increased by 4.5 percent and it shows that we are above the average growth rate.
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our domestic non-exportable production was in a long-term period . in 2018, the iran-china container train was launched with the aim of increasing trade between the two countries. this train from now on runs weekly from the origin of aparin dry port near tehran to china and on the opposite route from china to it will move towards our country. well, i will talk with the ceo of the republic railway islamic iran. mr. salehi, hello to you. how much cargo capacity does this train have and what cargo and goods will it carry? in the name of allah , the most gracious, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to your excellency and all the viewers of news 14. alhamdulillah, due to the follow-up
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that the islamic republic of railways had in the 13th government and the support of the martyred president and the honorable minister of roads and urban development, alhamdulillah, we were able to reach good understandings with the countries to have neighbors in the north-south corridor, that is, russia, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, and iran , and also from the east-west route, that is, the route of china, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, iran, these understandings it was achieved in such a way that today we are witnessing its fruition. today, the official ceremony of the departure of a double-laden container train from the origin of iran to china was carried out, and this container train contained minerals. a few days ago, a train from china to the origin of iran was carried the origin of china was headed to iran, which included liners containing car parts, god willing, these trains will be exchanged at the border of iran in the next 3 days and with this launch. double
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-overhead trains, considering the preferential tariff that happened on the route of kazakhstan, turkmenistan, and western china, ahmed, and considering that the total the route is entirely by rail , it will be a very attractive route for the cargo owners, and this will be a tremendous change in the discussion of the east-west corridor . on the border with the railways of the countries of kazakhstan, turkmen and china, a suitable preferential tariff has been placed, and considering the increase in the speed of travel in these countries, we hope that this mode of transportation, i.e., the rail route, can be a good alternative to the sea route , with higher speed, higher security, and also the price. mr. salehi, how fast is this train compared to the ship?
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it increases the freight and goods, about the time that is actually considered for the head is about a third of the time of the ship, considering that this time there is two overheads in the form of this train, which means that we are also exporting from the origin of iran to the destination of china. we started with mineral cargo , we started with minerals, and also auto parts from. it will be loaded there and will be imported. the shipping cost will be reasonable and good . it will come out in such a way that it can have a good competition with the maritime debate. what happened here is that we were actually able to.
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let's implement the first phase of the china-iran-europe east-west corridor, and god willing, considering that now we will run one train in a week, and the first train was completed today, we will be able to increase the attractiveness of this route and, god willing, we will be able to reach seven trains in the week ahead. in the near future, god willing , we will use iran as the gateway to europe for the transit of goods from china to europe, god willing. thank you, mr. salehi, managing director of the islamic republic of iran railways. for the first time , russian coal was transported to india by rail. iran was done . the managing director of the railway company said: 40 days ago seven train cars containing 9,500 tons of coal, russia's continuous export to india , were transported through iran's reedy route. the deputy minister of transport of russia said that in 2023, we have increased the amount of cargo through iran to 600,000 tons, and we want this figure to reach four million tons in 2024. iran and russia are
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the main supporters of the road. there are north-south crossings that connect routes such as northern and western europe, russia, the caucasus, central asia, the caspian sea, the persian gulf, the oman sea, and the indian ocean . comparing this crossing with the sea route, from the suez canal, the distance is more than half, which causes reduces shipping time and cost. vice president of insurance and health services. iran health insurance organization announced the new insurance coverage for seven anti-cancer drugs. mr. rezaei said. 70% of the price of these drugs is covered by the special and hard-to-treat diseases fund, and so far more than 440 drugs have been covered by insurance. reza.


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