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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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now it is rented, 10 million tomans a month, where should they buy it to build a room ? to solve these problems, the law requiring the official registration of ardibehesht transactions was approved by the expediency council. adar saror should organize about the normal transactions and normal documents that the people did before the approval of this law. this law did not come to destroy them, but to organize them and made a public invitation to the people to refer to them and put them in the system. they can upload their documents and these documents in one the first part of this law has been in force for a few days now. it means that if we buy a property with an official deed and the deed was issued from july 3rd of this year , in case of a dispute, the court will not accept the deed. pazid mehdi javadiar of q&s news agency. well
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, we watched the report of the introduction of the program together. if you are interested, stay with us until the end of this discussion . please watch us on the news channel. thank you. you are with the economy desk. mr. keshavarz, the spokesperson of the country's land registry organization , is present here in the studio, as well as mr. nowrozi, the general manager of the office investment and housing economy of the ministry of roads and urban development and advisor to the minister of roads and urban development. hello , god bless both guests. i would like to start with mr. keshavarz and the most important question that people have these days regarding the registration of their documents in the field of real estate. if someone wants to buy or sell a property today, what should he do with the document? write or not, they must go and
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get a single-page document. in the name of god. greetings, courtesy and respect. dear excellency , respected colleagues and all dear viewers. as long as you have summons. law requiring official registration real estate transactions from date. this month , it was recognized and announced by the expediency recognition council in accordance with the expediency of the system, and it came into force on july 3rd of this year. regarding the question you raised, people can arrange their transfer in a normal or formal way, or do they need a document owned whether it is or not, i must say that according to this
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law, all property documents that were issued before july 3rd of this year, until the system known as the normal document management system is launched, and one year after the launch of that system, they can still be used as before. quote transfer them both formally and normally , regardless of whether their property has a title deed or not, what change has this law created now ? however, according to note 4, article 1 of this law, demarcation documents that are issued from july 3rd of this year. these documents
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must necessarily be transferred in an official manner, and if it is not done in an official manner, it will be subject to the guarantees of article 1 of this law. he went to buy or sell a property, a mobile phone letter , do this, what will happen to him , a promise to do this, for example, see. before the 34th, anyone who wanted to make a transfer could go to a real estate consultant or go to a notary office to make the transfer directly, and in this law, it is an obligation for all people who have a title deed from the past or do not have it at all. they are a document, and it obliges him to
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set up a system for the registration organization after one year, god willing. one year after that , all transfers must be formal only ok. we don't talk about real estate consulting anymore. if they go for real estate consulting, they will create an understanding, but with the access given by the seb organization to the real estate consultants , they enter the terms of the contract into the system, but the document preparation is done in the notary office. this is for all properties whose documents were issued before 34 1403. it is important that your system comes up and people can work there. the same system was launched a year after that , we had an exception for any transfer of these properties officially only in the document offices, so that the exception can be reported to the organization system. according to article 10, he has one year
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to launch this system, and god willing , we will launch this system before one year, that is , you have until 26/2/144, there is a deadline to launch the system, but there is an exception that was only related to this issue. i told you the ownership documents that will be issued on the 34th . if these documents are to be transferred , they must be official. there is no question of real estate consulting . a normal contract will not be drawn up. it must be an office brand. real estate which we have we entered the agreement and they go to the notary offices to prepare the official document. now, if the parties read the documents that are issued from march 4 onwards
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, what will happen if they go and do a normal transfer? your quote if it is not officially registered, any lawsuits and claims regarding such transfers will not be valid before quasi-judicial courts and arbitration, and will not be accepted in any of the offices. thank you for your explanation, mr. nowrozi. a change is happening it is so big that we have been talking about it for a long time in various radio and television programs , including this economic table that we are at your service. it sells, in terms of the scams that have happened, now there are other various issues
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that we have talked about before , what will be the benefit of the people in this incident? for about 11 years in the parliament, the way of working has been broken various experts have been heard from various governmental and judicial institutions, and now that it has been approved in the assembly, i think it is a progressive law, the experiences of many countries in the world have been seen and it can greatly help in organizing the housing market, for example. what i want to say is that one of the serious issues we had in the housing sector was selling a property to several people with the gradual process seen in this law. it accumulates and in the gradual process of ordinary documents, their validity decreases and disappears it goes and in this gradual culture, the credit of notary documents
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increases and eventually they become in some way gold coins, which become irrevocable in a way and no normal document can. this is the biggest achievement in the legal structure of our country, god willing , it will spread and it will prevent the sale of a property to several people. many people's lives have been lost. another issue is the discussion of pre-sale, which is seen in this law in articles 14 and 15 of the law, the use of the mechanism is facilitated. pre-sale and we can increase housing production in the country by using the pre-sale mechanism . be effective in reducing the price of housing. another issue that is facilitated in the law is the issue of official documents, which helps to increase the number of official documents. one
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issue that was very important, mr. bozor, was that the discussion was that sometimes in many projects in tehran, there are many areas of tehran where an apartment is built on the assumption of, for example, 10 to 10 floors. 20 units later, this man, the residents of that project , the residents of the people who are living there , his friends, go and get the documents, he built a new house. however, there are some administrative obstacles that make it impossible for them to complete the separation work and get a separation document. sometimes the neighbors are not coordinated because they have to pay the amount as a municipal debt . in this law , article 10 provides that if a unit has debts, individuals can be issued a document , but their debts must be written on the document. it is true that the document has been stolen, but when it is transferred , the debt must
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be paid to the municipality or other places, and this itself can help a lot to increase the number of official documents. well, this law is a large part of the provisions of this law. there is a document that, in my opinion , can create a very serious change in the field of housing, and this is the identification of the owners of their residents and, for example, the completion of the real estate and housing system, which we had many, many meetings at your service. it will help better housing governance. these are also infrastructures that can help the housing market, god willing where are the real estate consultants located in this law, i.e. are they removed or are they there? how long will they be able to enter and do the transactions ? i would like to tell you that real estate consultants are one of the main actors in organizing the housing market and in implementing this law will play a serious role, and we used to have many meetings to serve our friends. here
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, by the way, the role of real estate consultants will become more serious in the sense that according to note d of article 3 of this law, real estate consultants will have access to the system of the registration organization. and can contracts to finalize the standard and official registration, and this is a great work in my opinion, which helps to facilitate the issuance. and in addition to real estate management, people will have the same access according to note d of article 3 of the law, that they can submit the final document to you in person on standard contracts . do you mean official contracts? the law of the judiciary should set the standard contracts that are in that contract, if there is no condition, if there is a condition, they must go to the offices of the official master and make transactions there.
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be finalized, but if your service does not have conditions or the conditions are in a standard format , it may be necessary for a final approval , and the mechanism can be activated in person so that people can easily receive the official document. both the self-authoring system and the scribe system of the ministry of roads , the scribe system of the document registration organization, this sub-column provides for non-standard contracts , real estate consultants, i will present the contracts to you and guide them to notary offices and non-standard contracts and contracts that have conditions. it should be finalized there, but for the standard contracts , i would like to tell you that the team that i mentioned will compile them, god willing, the contract will be finalized and a final check and tick should be done in the office of the office, which is an active mechanism. the rental contract
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has been finalized in the self-written system , both people have access and real estate companies have access, and we have this sub-column with connections that are now being inquired about with the very appropriate cooperation of the country's stanak registration organization, which is also prohibited. it will be officially taken, i would like to tell you that the ownership of the property itself will be taken, god willing, soon we will buy it the sale is for the standard contract of this infrastructure , the final transaction will be made through the formal transaction process, god willing, both through the people and through real estate bongs, god willing, through the self-signed system and through the scribe system, god willing, mr. keshavarz, this system that there are real estate consultants to register there . are they ready to do this now or not? do you want time for them to see what quality
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people can do? there are two ways that are foreseen in the law. the first discussion is article 2 of this law . notaries public notaries so far they can only draw up official documents for people . article 2 of this law stipulates that notary offices can draw up private contracts. make the people aware of the promise and the commitment to the two. one process is that this infrastructure has been prepared, there are more than 3 thousand offices, the official name is now connected and they can adjust people's personal and private contracts. the second part, which mentions the subject of real estate consultants , is defined according to article 3 of this law, that the organization registration should
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provide the access of these real estate consultants to the electronic document registration system in this case the real estate consultants should enter the terms of their contract based on the understanding between the buyer and the seller into the system that we gave them access to and guide them to prepare the document in the notary offices. in the city of tehran , it started with a number of real estate consultants, its shortcomings and defects have been resolved, and by august 15th, god willing , everyone should enter the terms of their contracts in the system that we provide access to and guide them to the notary offices from august 15th
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of this year. all over the country or from august 15 to 15 august you are preparing from august 15. that they can register, is it right all over the country or only in tehran? no, not all over the country. until now , we are talking to each other about how many will be connected tomorrow in august, how many will be connected to this system now, they don't have an exact number. but our discussion is to mention that in the scribe platform , every consultant who enters enters his password and is immediately connected to the system and can enter the draft of the contract to prepare the document to be sent to the notary offices, so this access is not like the self-writing system that people have access this is only the access of real estate consultants. article three , only real estate consultants. mention the second note of article three, which goes beyond this. real persons , legal entities, real estate consultants can use the
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defined forms, that is, the forms that define the type of contract. they are automatic for real persons as well as for real estate consultants who enter and continue to send them to official notary offices for final approval . what is the legal effect now? we also did real estate consulting in this electronic registration system my documents were registered by the real estate consultant, whether the property is legally mine or not , this is definitely a requirement. that i also have to go to the office of the 3 subjects that i mentioned in article 2, article 3 and note d. these are different from each other. in article 2 , where notary offices can regulate people's private contracts, it is official and has legal effect in article 3. that the real estate consultants
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enter the draft into the system for people to prepare the mortgage document. going to notary offices has no legal effect until it leads to a document, and in the second note of article three, which is the same discussion it was automatic. real estate consultants, real estate consultants, as well as natural and legal persons could enter. it is also considered official. with the final approval of mr. noorzi's office, did you have an explanation? yes, the point you said is correct for standard contracts , the transaction is final and
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being a governor, now that contract of our governor must be in i would like to present to you the system of both the scribe and the self-authoring system of the ministry of roads . we should design a digital contract that is a standard contract, which i mentioned about the legal system. in the system of both the self-authoring and the scribe system, the infrastructure is complete. mr. president, he said for the scribe system from 15 in march, the self-authoring system has also been launched for your service. so far, 600,000 contracts have been registered, but we are in the trial phase, so that, god willing, the standard contract that has been finalized will be able to be announced soon. it was for rent, 60 yes, 671, it was for rent, for buying and selling, god willing, it will be connected soon and people can contract. they set their standard rent , real estate consultants can also set it, people can set it, that is, people can set it among themselves without going to real estate consultants or even notary offices. they should refer
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to do the buying and selling among themselves and it is legal. only for the final eligibility check, a consultation should be made with my office. finally, the complete transfer of ownership has taken place, that is, from the legal point of view, from those letters of reference that were already legally effective. more levels have been transferred to merck and the new owner. he bought the property only for the final qualification and those terms, because the terms are not clear yet, there is an opportunity that needs to be passed, and with different devices, they have to say that this property has no debt, and this will create an almost two-step process. god willing, it will be final there too, but in practice the legal burden has happened and the transaction has finally been simplified, there is a condition, the final condition is that the qualification of the party will be finalized by the notary, the notary must be transferred to the registry office , but for the qualification verification to the registry office. they should refer to it. now, finally, in the bylaws that are being prepared, the issue of the mobile notary office is also raised
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. if possible, this should be said in person , because in the assignment that i will present to you , there is a law on organizing the housing and rental land market. where possible non-processes the process of issuing the document should be done in person . you mentioned that in the second step, you have to bring the office to the house. if they don't come, what if you said that according to the law, for example, the party bought the house, but the buyer, owner , buyer, and seller must go to the office once. office house, now if this becomes too much, it will take a long time to not go, and what is the problem here, the ownership has been transferred legally, but we have now , as far as we have discussed, three models, so we have arrived at three models that people can own their property. buy and sell or do it themselves to verify and for the final identity, go to the office or basically take the matter to the real estate consultants, then go to the office or go directly to the office. it is in the model where people refer to the company, which is almost the
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reichsterian model. no, but anyway, the buyer and seller parties come to write and confirm like what they write between themselves . see what is the difference between them. the point is that they say a type of appointment is a type of introduction letter in the initial draft that introduces is a letter for other contracts standard, well, contracts that are not common, for example , they want to put a series of conditions, which are not common at all, in terms of legal custom, so they must refer to the registry office to be able to identify those conditions. it does, and can you give a more common and uncommon example , for example, let me tell you that it is possible to make a condition that, for example, i will sell the house to you, on the condition that, for example , you do not sell it to such and such a person later. for example, this is not very common in the legal literature, these conditions should go it should be checked in the registry that legally this condition does not invalidate the transaction at all and it is possible
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for this transaction to be completed or not. well, perhaps i did not have the legal literacy of many of the similar properties and many conditions, but when the contract became standard, it was approved. the registration organization , the judiciary and the ministry of roads and highways have been established, and then the final transfer can take place . we didn't get our question exactly, but clearly the question is that now in the common buying and selling, now those who don't put this document and these conditions refer to the smell like what is almost done now. they are doing everything for the purchase and sale of mr. keshavarz, pointing out that the understanding they make and the real estate consultants who register in the system , in the kate system , there will be no arabs in this place, in court d, you have two issues mixed up you can see that there is an issue that the contract is non-standard. the contract of the province has no rights , but if the contract is standardized, it will be registered in the scribe system or in the handwritten system, which is registered online, in
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the system of the judicial branch, the system of the registration organization , the electronic registration system, and the final registration will be made there. if the contract is standard, the contract will be registered. this means that real estate consultants will have the same access that the real estate offices have for official contracts, and the transaction will become official and have a serious legal effect. and practically, the transferred ownership is only a condition for the verification of the parties' qualifications, which i have to go to the registry office to complete the verification of the qualifications, and then the transaction will be finalized, mr. keshavarz, do you have a point to add for this discussion , see that there were 3 forms that were defined in the discussion of article 2 , where a private contract is drawn up at the notary offices, the notary offices can only draw up official documents, so it is a private contract. the importance of sale and the commitment to sell and these things that are regulated are considered official and have legal effects like
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official documents. the second part was where the real estate consultancy summarizes all the terms and conditions that the clients ask for and enters them through the electronic registration system in the access we give them . his government salary will be paid, his eligibility will be checked, and finally , he will be asked to draw up an official document at the notary office. i will continue to say that this has no legal effect , the document is note three, article 3, it says that these contracts and this even when it is standard, as i said , i have the second one, they say the second one, now the third document is note
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three, article q, which says, sir, these acts until he is in the office official documents are not valid if they are not officially registered. the third part of the second note of article 3 was where we want to give an automatic discussion to natural and legal persons. this automatic difference is in this type of contract. if people read according to this type of contract, they can enter their own information. . enter the information for the office it will be sent, as mentioned, the final approval must be done by a notary, the issue of eligibility, the issue of government rights should be correct , there should be no problems with the inquiries that have been made, the final approval was done by the notary after that, according to the order, it is final and the title deed is issued to the buyer. it can be sold, it can be mortgaged, any use.
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in article 2, they go directly to the registry office. in the first article , the draft contract is entered with the real estate consultant . it is sent to the registry office in the second note of article 3 , in the form of the types of contracts. they set their preferences, but as mentioned, the final approval is done by a notary so that the final approval document can be non-present, that approval can be non-present. you should be friends of official assad offices, the union of official offices say that they are now providing the infrastructure for non-attendance, and this possibility can be provided, especially in rural areas that
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do not have much access to the offices, it can help a lot to facilitate the issuance of documents. official mr farmer, how do i complete this process ? please see mr. nowrozi's order. to prepare a document , we have different inquiries, from registration inquiries , we have inquiries about ownership, inquiries about land affairs and agricultural jihad. so, they have to answer this query in different devices so that an official document can be prepared. we are supposed to create an automatic machine, so that people can register this contract in their own homes. it is necessary that the inquiries are online. this online inquiries are ready from the registration area. both electronic payment and ownership inquiry.
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the restrictions are prohibited. these are ready, but the other institutions that have to answer this inquiry at the risk of risk, for now, the legislator has defined a one-year time limit for them. article 5 and article 6 of this law have given them one year to be able to set up the online inquiry infrastructure. so, our expectation from the bookshops to provide us with online services depends on the fact that you can make inquiries online, which still has one year for us to pass a law for those devices. it took a year for them to provide their online inquiries . the online inquiries were provided. yes, we can fully implement this note of article q , but i would like to add one point, but both the real estate consultancy and the people of the standard contract that they draw up have this legal effect. ownership is transferred, now you are looking to provide infrastructure as soon as possible.


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