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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace . the iran -china container train was launched with the aim of increasing trade between the two countries. from now on, this train departs weekly from the origin of aparin dry port near tehran to china and on the opposite route from china to our country. the managing director of the islamic republic of iran railways said that currently one train a week
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is placed on this route, and we are trying to increase the traffic of trains to seven trains a week. according to mr. salehi, it is expected in the near future iran becomes the gateway of europe for the transit of goods from china to europe. about the time that is actually considered for the trip is about 1/3 of the time of the ship, considering that we are also exporting from the origin of iran to the destination of china. it will be loaded there and it will enter the first phase of the china-iran-europe east-west corridor , and god willing, considering that now we will run one train a week. head of the
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youth center of the ministry of health and medical education he announced that 4,700 children had been saved since the implementation of the nafs plan, which is to save aborted children in the country. mr. jabari said that parents are counseled in the nafs plan to opt out of intentional abortion. according to the head of the youth center of the ministry of health. the main focus of nafs plan is on the participation of groups and popular organizations in the prevention and withdrawal of parents from spontaneous abortion. the leader of yemen's ansarullah considered the drone attack on talavi to be a turning point for the zionist regime and said: this attack was the beginning of the fifth phase of the escalation of anti-zionist measures in yemen, and we consider it a new equation that will continue. seyyed abdul malik
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referring to yesterday's attack by the zionist regime on hodeidah port, badr al-din said the selection of oil targets and power plant facilities was aimed at harming the yemeni people and their livelihoods. secretary general of ansarullah said that the americans have launched an economic and military war against our people and have also mobilized their tools and agents to increase the level of siege. badr al-din al-housi, referring to the influence of the support fronts. lebanon's hezbollah considered iraq's resistance to be a factor in reducing pressure on gaza. the conference of commanders and officials of the irgc ground forces in mashhad. commander of the ground forces of the irgc this conference said: security in the southeast and northwest of the country is established by the people, and our security is the people's. it was decided that the corps.
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to be present in the region and assume the security mission in the southeast of the irgc. the leader of this mission was the noble martyr sardar shushtri. from the beginning of april 2018, martyr nooralli shush dari was assigned to the commander of the quds base of the irgc ground forces based in zahedan. the first thing that sardar shushdari did was a study in different areas of needs of sistan baluchistan province. responsibility. the primary in the region should take care of itself. with the experience that in holy defense and other operational areas, he thwarted the enemy's plan, which aimed at the unity of the sunni shia people and threatened the security of the region, with the support of the people themselves. their central role is actually in popularizing security. today, we have a significant part of our security in the southeast of our people.
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at the same time as the nationwide conference of the commanders of the ground forces of the islamic revolutionary guards corps, some of his comrades renewed their vows with the ideals of martyr shushari and martyr mohammadzadeh . the commander of the ground forces of the irgc in this ceremony, emphasizing that responsibility the security of the north-west, west and south-east regions of the country is under the responsibility of this force. we don't have our own security areas . the ideological and training course for commanders and officials
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of the irgc ground forces will continue for 3 days in mashhad, mehdi rahnama of the mashhad radio and television news agency. the ceo of iran's national refinery and oil products distribution company said that the drivers of the out-of-town transportation fleet since early august based on the electronic information of the transport documents on the actual route of the cargo, the passenger receives a fuel quota . according to mr. salari, this action is to prevent the migration of fuel smart cards and diversion of supply outside the turk network. we have planned a community mapping project on fuel stations across the country in approximately 6,000 points
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. based on this, in fact, the bills of lading will be delivered based on the shipping documents and fuel transportation route. this will be done gradually in coordination with the organization. road management and road transportation was also done with the trade union, in fact, the transportation of goods, god willing it will be implemented gradually during this month and we predict that with this measure , we will reduce gas consumption by approximately 5 to 6 million liters. they can refer to seman.r system to get an activity license. this system is available in the national smart government window and will soon be connected to the licensing system.
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in the past, the average time it took for the approval process was 5 to 6 months, now the maximum time we have considered for the system is two weeks. is. that means, god willing, we hope that the permits will be issued in two weeks. according to the deputy of youth affairs of the ministry of sports and youth, the formation of these youth centers has increased by 25% in the 13th government and their support has quadrupled. with the escalation of political violence in america, the police announced the arrest of a citizen who killed trump and his deputy. according to the cbs report, michael wiseman had threatened to kill the former president of the united states and his vice president on social networks. a few days ago, another american was arrested in florida after threatening to kill joe biden
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became. on the other hand, new information about trump's 20-year-old assailant has been published. reports indicate that the police arrested him 3 hours before the shooting. also, before shooting, this 20-year-old man had flown a reconnaissance drone in the gathering place. french police arrested 12 people after beating protesting farmers. hundreds of farmers in the city of la rochelle, france, protested against the government's failure to manage water resources . police. france also attacked the demonstrators with tear gas and water cannons. in this attack, a policeman and five protesters were injured. drought in france has intensified tensions over water resources. critics say that building large reservoirs for agricultural irrigation
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is pointless and only meets a small part of farmers' needs. end of this news section. it makes it dirty. it was a good question. i said there is a problem
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. didn't you buy it from the city of household appliances? unfortunately, no , unfortunately, no. why should you buy it from the city of household appliances? why , because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts , discounts, amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized authority of appliances. household appliances city.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, muhammad khodadad nooshabadi i am a researcher of ritual and popular culture of ashura.
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from ashurai symbols , ashurai songs and ashurai arts, salai mamrem was an excuse for a ceremony in which part of these ashurai songs and songs were part of the cultural scope of the kashan cultural region, which includes kashan aram , aram did, gol, natanz and there are villages and towns around it. this program has corners and effects from the housemates. of the songs, of the lamentations , of the lamentations, it was one of the ashura weddings that
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was held in the hosseinieh of qasim ibn al-hassan in mosh abad. chaboosh khanani is one of the songs that is also in badragh welcoming visitors. they chant and chavosh announces that news is coming. for example, at the beginning of muharram , chavosh khans announce by reading chavushi that the month of muharram is near, so we have a pilgrimage in chavash and muharram chavash reading is also recited in the form of congregational chanting. can be and in the form of but in the kashan region, there are still those who recite chavash-khani, they have chavash-khani for imams
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, they even have it for imam-zadagans , they have it for hajj pilgrimages, and they also have it for obituaries, and sometimes they do chavash-khani together with narration. simulating simulating simulating reciting one of the rituals ashura is a religion that, like many other religions , has its roots in beliefs, its roots in traditions, its roots in
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our mythology, especially the mythology of the traditions and cultures of iran. and take they show lovers to enthusiasts. illusion is one of the rites that is also present in the ashura area, and tonight in the muharram prayer ceremony, we will recite the image of hazrat qasim, which is a kind of recitations and recitations that are repeated, whether in ta'zia or in recitations that are without speech. done. the scholar of the prophet was pleased with god and their hearts were pleased
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hajar vira saqqa'i is a precursor to muharram . saqqa'i used to wear black, carry a cup and serve water, provide water to the mourners or to the general public. when they came to the ashura square, naturally, because they had a cup in their hand and black hair, they couldn't wear their chests or chains. they used to sing laments and songs, which later, when it spread, became manifestations of different musical instruments , it became an arena for different ionian poets
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to perform in this field, and now in the cultural region of kashan, there are different groups and... there are many people who sing saqqa'i laments either from native poets of this region or from poets of other cities and villages. welcome to karbala hossein jan. in this country, kharbla hossein jan. the city of abu zaid abad is a popular city. there are houses here. it has been several decades, if not centuries, that mourning and fasting have been done in these houses. one of the manifestations of mourning in this old city of abu zayd abad or ab roozuz is the lamentations that are
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performed in special ceremonies on the day of ashura and on the 21st day of muharram of ramadan and on other occasions. here in the city square and next to imamzadeh three times zul-janah gardani's laments have palm gardani, which they perform together as a couple. the storm of karbala in the dirt and blood at the will of karbala. ghahrwood is one of the settlements on the base of kashan. in ghahrwood, during the muharram days , they have special lamentations, from which they sing lamentations to their wives, which they perform together in harmony with each other and in harmony with each other
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as a group of mourners. they mention it , most of the poems are crisp and the picture is blood dripping from seeing in the mourning of the oppressed, in the mourning of the oppressed, blood is dripping from seeing in the neighborhood of ghahrud in the camo of this lament. he reads it under the title of paminbari with other readings. he has checked it. in the mourning of the oppressed, there is a kind of long poetry that is in the neighborhood of nasr. or it is a type of nasr that has a balanced format. in the field of ashura, in the field of fasting, in the field of reciting ta'ziyeh
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, we see and observe this type of poetry, which has become popular mostly since the safavid period. noha khans traditional long poems in rasa ahl al-bayt in rasa shahada of karbala, or taazieh khans in the advice. there are different ones that resemble their parents or use this style of poetry in their reports, and so on they sing laments and songs which, because it is continuous, first of all, has a lot of meaning, and many meanings and many historical reports can be collected in it, and because it is melodious, it is especially for breast- beating, especially
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or fat-fat or rattling, it is a form of mourning. which is performed with these different titles in different places of this border. these different symbols
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are collected or those who implement them have different interpretations of this program. for example, it is a symbol of blessing, or a symbol of passion and excitement, and it is a symbol of a sword, a spear, and a horse's hooves , or it is a symbol of mourning in adversity. mercia ahl al-bayt, which is very frequent, is one of the unique grindings that is performed in this area by heydari and shad arano beed gol, who wanted this grinding with rhythm and excitement. especially in such a way that the movements of the singers when noha khan sings include seven steps
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. i will present them in a coordinated and passionate manner, which is performed very energetically . they play the same way they play the trumpet, the heydari bell has also found its way into mourning rituals. in the newspapers, the bulls are considered as swindlers. in a way, all the elements of nature are in harmony with the mourning of a saint, or in a way , this announcement is a mourning announcement of an important event that
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has happened. the heydari bell in the hosseini beheed of noushabad is usually called by the naqib of saqqah houses, while this bell is installed between the two pillars of the pulpit. was. sometimes, during the narration of the crescent of muharram or the night of ashura or the night of shaam, strangers would ring this bell even on the nights of the revival of the holy month of ramadan. mourning al abba arrived and announced mourning in this way and mourners. and the afflicted, and i would like to say to the lovers of ahl al-bayt in such a way that you would agree with each other.
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they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water , it is fresh, what does that mean? that is, it is never too late to start doing things we have not done before, such as continuing education, starting a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, correcting consumption habits, managing electricity consumption. now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern.
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take 5 minutes once. which are not used, i.e. when they are ready to work or when they are asleep, such as coffee makers, tea makers , microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are turned off and must be unplugged when they are not needed. listen, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom , but we leave the air conditioner on for hours , which usually consumes much more than the lamps. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the power outlet and take utmost care when buying them, you will eventually see that not only you have done your pocket a great favor, but we have also
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taken a big step in order to preserve the environment and vital resources of the country. first, the discount tower is at the peak of thousands of items from july 3rd to august 4th of the chain stores of afogh. what is the reason why kovir motor gives a free helmet to its motorcycle buyers? one morning on my way to the factory, i saw a motorcyclist who had an accident because he did not have a helmet . to
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prevent harm to hundreds of other people. this is a good ending for me and kabir motor group is. kabir motor with installments of 24 months and bank facilities of 36 months. it is better to pay attention to these points from wherever you are going to buy. the remaining cash consumer price. what does it mean? i will tell you now. let's assume that the consumer price of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now calculate the remaining cash if we pay 20% in advance , it will be 4 million tomans. million tomans, so installments and fees should be calculated on the basis of this amount, at the same time, be aware that installment fees should be from zero to
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finally, it should be 1 percent. city of household appliances , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with the news of the economy and the market. here you are. 33 million cubic meters of gas are supplied to the country's power plants daily, which is an increase of more than 7.5 million cubic meters per day compared to last year. the director of the control center of iran national gas company said that this figure was 250 million cubic meters at the beginning of the year. in the electricity generators sector of the country, more than.


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