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tv   [untitled]    July 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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to compensate, and they are our focus point , they are the focus point of benefactors, in the seventh program of the country's progress , in order to attract more benefactors, very progressive decrees have been passed by benefactors, who once started with a few 10 billion tomans, today their contribution in building the country's future is close to 50%, that is, to they are bringing the size of the government, with the intention of building a school, about 11 , and this in their meeting with the martyred president. the birthday of imam hassan mojtabi (peace be upon him) was in the month of ramadan. i remember that we were not present at that meeting. mr. president khairuni had invited him directly, and in fact, a conversation was held. he was sincere and generous between them and he did something . the same thing happened when there was a ruling in the program law that today all half-built schools can be built by charity as an acceptable tax. the next government should also
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follow the policy of the sigari government. the policy of the thirty-year-old government was to finish the half-finished projects . from the projects of 1990, 88, 89, 85, recently in in the road map of sanad, we have stated that by the year 112, the country's air space per capita will reach 6 and a half meters, and this number is brilliant compared to the shadow . how many schools do we need? well, the number of schools
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depends on different regions. dear dr. amashi, in the transformation document and in education, it is designed so that now we can see , for example, in which provinces we need more . precisely point by point, the transformation document says that for the next 50 years, make one of our complaints from some of our colleagues in different places. which puts pressure on us, we want school here, while studies amashi doesn't show us, we want school, we are stubborn. we have very high quality schools built in the past decades, but they don't have students, and a school is not something that you can do if you don't have students . as a result, in the next 50 years , a system was designed by khairin aziz of isfahan, and this system has become national today. it shows the point of the country today, our benefactors do not build a school in their own city. in the 4th month of shaheed raisi, the isfahani benefactors built a thousand classrooms in places other than isfahan, based on knocking them down .
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take control of the migrant population in a way that is manageable for us in pak. tour in in the summer of 1402, 10,000 students were added . so, how can i build a school for 10,000 students in a game of time? as a result, the schools will come. therefore, the martyred president gave a strict order to the ministry of interior regarding immigration issues. it has been emphasized that it is generally in these places where the density is high and we are also building schools, and in places like tehran, for example , in the 17th and 18th districts, where the last visit of the president was shahid, and i was in dior.
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i will start the schools that were pledged during his trip to abu dhar mosque. there we have a land problem. we had accepted their destruction , we also did the demolition of the school so that the mehr begins, god willing , that is, by the time the mehr begins, the salandeh mehr will be handed over to the large school of mokht in the 17th and 18th floors and in other parts of the country . it was to breathe in a place where this breath is good.
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he accepted the water supply to the schools, which may have supplied water to more than a thousand points and brought this capacity to the aid of education. this path continues, and alhamdulillah, a magnificent program is also ahead, god willing. my colleagues have a report about shahid ajmian's plan, which we will see later about this. we will talk about the issue, the schools are closed, but it seems like it is news in this school. for almost 10 years, we have been fighting in our own school . there is no news about books and notebooks . the children's lessons are participation and new friendships in our school. i also went to paint with my father. the school is clean . it is fixed. the children use it .
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give them a very good time when they enter school with their teachers and do school-related work painting the wall, cleaning the school, renovating the classrooms , 600 benches that were out of order, welding and painting the panels, the teenagers who spent their summer serving our classmates. to help other students , for example, to do things well at the table, to study, and of course , with the indefatigable spirit of getting old from the hot and wet. the work that not only serves the children , but also teaches them a valuable lesson. ever since we came here , we have touched the flesh, skin, and bones everywhere. let's do what they are doing. this color can
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have a sense of cooperation, tolerate each other and carry out a task . 17,200 jihadi groups of students and teachers decided to build and beautify schools together in the summer . in the form of groups between 10 people, 20 people , 30 people, they usually work in a day , they are 15 days, they are a week, what are the schools, what are the provinces, all the border provinces are disadvantaged areas and the outskirts of the city. being responsible , being a group worker, being tolerant, being helpful to others.
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ajamian is very hopeful and responsible for the students who are currently being implemented according to this report in the summer of last year and this year , don't you want to ensure this, like some other countries that teach this responsibility towards the school throughout the year. other days of the year yes, he asked a very good question. first , let me explain the project. last year, this project, which is one of the initiatives of the educational justice camp and our equal share, this camp itself was a transformation after
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the story of qale 1401 and the martyrdom of this young man. and really oppressed , this plan was formed have a look at the classrooms, your excellency and dear compatriots, i know that we have about 600,000 classrooms in the country, the school is a dynamic and active social environment, and a guest comes home and leaves, everyone has to sit down and prepare the house again. during the school month , 400 to 500 students are under load every day , with this situation that unfortunately we are in a deficit. we were placed in the service force. about 10 years ago, we had 90 thousand service personnel, today we have 55 thousand service personnel, and some of our service personnel cover two schools at the same time. giving we started to conduct the classes in the summer atmosphere where it is necessary and in the end
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it needs to be renovated and refreshed by the children themselves . a collective work was formed. this camp only gets its raw materials from the renovation organization, such as paint. and tools and i don't know these things, the children of conservatories make the mizanimects , the children of the fields of art schools paint , some of them do this , a very effective educational work is happening in schools last year. nearly 70,000 classrooms this year , 10,000 classrooms are planned in the summer, 40,000 tashems are mainly done for the months of march and april. in fact, this is what happened in sisan baluchistan. 368 in the same jihadi groups, preparing bullets caused by that flood sometimes up to half a meter, but mostly covered the school. between eid and the beginning of classes with the language of fasting in the heat of sistan baluchistan, they are doing this. this is a very serious educational task, but your question
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is a key question. the maintenance of the school by the children in the beginning is being done well. it is gradually becoming a behavior. collectively, in the middle, good work becomes important parents' associations should help the children to take control of the school and make the school their own . schools are a topic that we have pursued, if there is an opportunity to discuss the strengthening of schools, i would like to say that in the government of martyr raisi, this honorable martyr communicated a priority to each home ministry. normal government, normal government schools , so to speak, what did we do for this ? careful education. i am at your service . i will continue to say this. apart from shahid ajmian's plan
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, we had shahid soleimani's plan, shahid arab's plan, shahid kazemi ashtiani's plan, and each one of them takes responsibility for the quality of education. doctor, once we pass the school , we will come to the important issue of printing textbooks, both for the content and for the physics of that book. which should be printed and it should be available to the students from tomorrow, the first of august and september, so that this concern is resolved. how is the situation in the field of printing textbooks? i am about the book i would like to make two points. the first point is that the textbook is our main educational guide. and it is really one of the signs of equality and accessibility.
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we deliver the book almost free of charge, about 10 to 15% of this book is taken from people, even in some regions of the country where the book is given to children free of charge, we print an average of 155 million textbooks. and this also happens in a sovereign way because it really cannot be handed over to other than 2 printing houses and two large printing houses. this is finally the book printing process the course that started in august of last year is now going according to plan. the registration of textbooks has already started. i request the parents to register their children if they have not yet registered. we have a bad habit. we are delaying due to the delay of the pests . the sooner i register them, the sooner the book will go to the regions and reach the children. therefore , no problem has been reported to me about the book itself. according to the weekly reports that are given to me, the book
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is in the process of being printed and i am registered. god willing, the parents should register early, but it is more important than printing the book the quality of the book is in terms of content. one of the great works of the 13th serving government was to make science useful for children, to manage the volume of exciting books, it is suitable for the needs of the children, it is suitable for the future needs of the country. put into work and developed the framework of the basic competences of the country's public education system and this was approved in his council. based on this framework , the curriculum guidelines for all the textbooks have been prepared . the process of revising the textbooks has also started . it is not a linear process in limited parts of the country this year, new books are available throughout the country. it is not new until we see the results of the work, then , god willing, we will nationalize it. this is like a
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gear wheel that rotates six or seven times. wherever you start, kalende barkat comes in. it is not like we do the first thing, then the second thing, then the third thing , then 12. it will take years for this to happen, not all the bases can start together and the textbook authoring groups start working. i am sure that the new books will be based on the same principles. thinking and rationalizing the islamic and iranian identity, developing children's reasoning power spiritual education, solving the problem of educating students at high levels of knowledge. that is, innovation and analysis, creativity, entrepreneurship, using them, that science, and this competence framework is a great achievement that we have done, it is completely ready to be implemented in the 14th government, god willing. god willing well, one of the topics that was very valuable and happened in the 13th government was the discussion of teacher ratings. and
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what did you do in this field and where are you now? yes yes ranking in fact after. indeed, it was a serious revolutionary action. this law has two or three purposes. its fundamental goal is to improve the quality of the system your education another goal is to promote the dignity of teachers. well, the process of implementation of this law was entrusted with the implementation of the law, and the teachers' livelihood and the livelihood of the students were strengthened. although what we do for teachers is little. our goal is the day when everyone dreams of becoming a teacher. the best of the country should study and become teachers. therefore, i express my special gratitude to each and every teacher of the country. and by god, i tell them
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that what we did was the least of our duties, but we are proud to have done it. now that it has been implemented, naturally, the problems of my work have been found in the implementation of the revised rating regulation the truth of the by-laws of the promotion stage is that the draft has been prepared, god willing, before the end of the government, all efforts will be made. we will hand it over to the government. naturally , the government will review the water drainage law . i have also confirmed today that i am your servant because i knew
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this question would be asked . there were two options in front of us, some say to everyone rank 1 teachers, then implement a ranking process, it will take 3 years, well, it was an option , according to management, it is also an artificial option, but we saw in the back and forth of this issue in the community of teachers that no, it really does not meet their expectations. in five ranking groups , it happens naturally. according to the law, the prediction is that the highest amount of ranking will be in ranks 1 and 2, and the lowest in ranks 3, 4, and 5. please take a look here , dear doctor and teachers. 43 ratings for assistant professors 28 assistant professors 2% of teacher teachers means the rating of about one million teachers
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in a one-year period , we have 88,000 faculty members and have been ranked for 100 years. let's show. the number of teachers who retired last year is slightly less than the total number of university professors in the country. look at the statistics. today , the ranking is relatively stable. the rating that had 38 objections for the rating was expected to be 50. in 1402, it was almost spent before the budget. allow me to receive the objection. i said what is the reason you ask me for permission? i said that the law does not allow it. we opened the protest, mr.
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doctor. 585 thousand to protest. more or less, now the numbers may be more or less. ok , that's about it, 380 and you have eaten, we accepted the protest and gradually corrected the actions from october, and we paid the outstanding rating for 7 months, 6 months, and 8 months. it is more serious and there the quality of the teacher's performance is based on the rule book of the teacher's development path. we said in 5 how is the year of the end of the service, one of the students of mr. dr. ababini, i am telling my dear teachers , god is your witness if i say that i will report to the government once every two weeks, i didn't say it wrong. well , last year, when i became the minister
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, the payment started almost from the middle of the year. today, i raised it in the government . it is in the payment process. if we have a few seconds , i would like to say a few things to my dear teachers. i want to say to my dear teachers that what i wished for when the dignity of this role of a teacher, i sincerely thank and i hope that in the future government, a teacher like this period who was moving towards the top will come to the top, the teacher will be at the top, the whole affairs of the society will change, god willing .
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the price of the warmth of the sunlight in this color and their life in this way and their windows. in the past , we had windows called wedding windows . they help in the space , they make the radiation and the intensity of the sun's heat less, and in addition to the fact that the windows are not too big to be expensive or too light. he wants to enter the space.
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and he saw in the middle of separate houses. here, the houses are mostly made of wood with parani roofs. we have a topic called climate and weather, and we had a topic in past architecture called rune or orientation in architecture. these are all due to climate and weather reasons, that is, the direction of the sun, the direction of the buildings to shade the roads, the direction of the rains. for example, we have one in some cities in the north of the country. we have a barony named kajbaran, which if the buildings in that climate are built with other than that geometry and form, the building will be destroyed, and this is the reason why the arguments have a different face from
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adhering to the principles of iranian architecture along with respecting the climate sits on these free foundations here , whose humidity is the same as the heat of the sun, and it takes all the colors to this side, even building houses next to hor and marda. in this way, in the past decades, due to the change in the initial form of the cities and the distance from the word called climate , the architectural shape of the buildings changed until about 40 years ago , the houses that were built in tehran were all facing south, the south side of rosh hashir. they put it on the front side of the window so that the heat of the sun does not come in, but now no one cares because now there is an air conditioner, until 40 years ago, at night, everyone went to sleep behind the bowen because it was hot inside the room at night, but now you turn on the lights inside the house at night, so now that climate
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is no longer as important as it was in the past. the high level of building and the speed of construction without considering the basis of green architecture caused the identity of architectural sports to be ignored, including attention to the climate. i myself used to design the building in tehran for winter until 30-40 years ago, but now i want to i will design a building in tehran . i will design it for the summer. it has been 20 years since the cooler the water is slowly collecting and replacing it with a gas conditioner. now, a 100-meter apartment in semestan costs 80 tomans a month for gas. we have to pay 300,400,000 tomans because of that gas conditioner . climate change is one of the crises of the modern age, but it is a solution. with this incident , what is the future of our country's architecture?
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building and housing research center. he compiled two volumes of a book called "servo sabz" and 8 indicators. they specify here that, sir , in this building, i give these indicators. if you follow these indicators, you can reduce energy consumption, water consumption, and materials. you can reduce human health , you can provide damage to the environment. enter less. since chaga zanbil's time, i think 100 to 200 years ago, we were among the top five countries in the world in the field of architectural solutions and architectural beauty, but now we are lagging behind in many of the urban problems we have , especially in the field of air pollution, because we do not follow these topics. the importance of the effect of climate on architecture is inevitable, and it
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is hoped that taking into account the experience of our native architecture , it will provide a favorable ground for the spread of design and construction of climate-compatible buildings. azadeh salmani broadcast news.
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bismillah rahman rahman, hello, dear viewers , it is 20 minutes and we are at your service with some news, the spokesperson of the caretaker government of the taliban said that the military weapons left by the american soldiers belong to afghanistan. zabihullah mujahid denied the sale of american military equipment and added that all the remaining weapons and equipment are kept in the same warehouses and used to maintain the integrity of afghanistan's currency . according to this taliban official, no one has the right to transfer or sell this equipment. these statements have been made while former us president donald trump had previously said afghanistan now it has become the largest seller of weapons left in the united states. other trade union.


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