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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear fellow citizens , to this news section at one in the morning. welcome. from making a non-cash automatic machine to designing a bank payment machine with native software. these are part of the achievements of knowledge bases in the field of banking services, which are exported to neighboring countries in addition to meeting domestic needs. with the development of knowledge-based products , we are now witnessing an increase in technological products in various sectors, such as
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making non-cash self-service machine for banks that has the ability to authenticate in a short period of time. because most transactions are now on a digital platform it is happening, so the need in banking products is that we provide a service on a device that can provide all digital services. now it is possible that the customer does not need money. services such as payment. there is a bill, there is a charge, there are card-to-card discussions , there is an account opening, the device that is designed has the ability to authenticate, the device that is built performs all banking services intelligently. opening a card-to-card discussion account, the sections related to the payment of mobile charging bills and services in government offices or the design and production of devices. bank payment with you. khahai sadr sadi in the software section
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of our products is mainly related to the payment industry and includes card readers , cashless machines and kios devices that are used in various businesses. until now, banking equipment was imported from european countries, and now these knowledge-based products are exported to neighboring countries. right now, we have started with the countries that are our neighbors, countries like afghanistan, iraq , syria, we are interacting with them for the discussion of exports. according to the announcement of the scientific deputy for the development and updating of infrastructure in the field of banking equipment
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, it is considered one of the basic knowledge approaches in the technological ecosystem of the country. and the application of six optical bands achieved this quorum. this group succeeded in the optical transmission system covering six wavelengths used in communication. make a light this band is the longest part of this wavelength spectrum for which conventional amplification is not available. experts a knowledge-based company succeeded in extracting the valuable substance crocin from saffron on an industrial scale. this material has 10 times added value compared to raw saffron. iran
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produces the red gold of the world by producing 450 tons of saffron in 2018. but according to the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, due to crude sales, our country's share of the 20 billion dollar market is only 400 million dollars. this issue was created so that the specialists of a knowledge-based company can localize the technical knowledge of producing one of the most valuable products from saffron. we produced at least 10 products from saffron. work this hamon crocine product, this product has 10 times added value compared to saffron. this valuable product is used in various cosmetic and health industries, food industry, and in medical and pharmaceutical industries for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and alzheimer's . there are many antioxidant compounds in crocin. which is used in the pharmaceutical industry as an effective substance for anticonvulsant anticancer drugs. it can
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be widely used in the cosmetic industry. it can also be used as a food coloring in the food industry. crocin is the main coloring agent for saffron. import. but this knowledge-based company has commercialized its production on an industrial scale in the country. this product was produced in the country on a laboratory scale, but our company was able to commercialize the crocin product and produce it on an industrial scale . in the past, this official imported from germany and america and we were able to bring the price of crocin to one third of its foreign sample. the crocin produced by this knowledge-based company has more advantages than similar samples. regullary. a mole of crocin in the world is produced with a purity of 90 , but our company has been able to increase the percentage of purity of crocin above 95% and sometimes reach 99% and also in the world , they can produce one kilo of crocin from 15 kilos of saffron, if our company
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, using its technical knowledge, was able to produce one kilo of crocin from 7 kilos of saffron, according to the officials of this company this knowledge-based product, while meeting the needs of the country , had found calcium. according to nasa, these crystals were very small and fragile, and curiosity could not sample them with its drill . the rover finally
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managed to get samples near a large rock using a probe at the end of its robotic arm to analyze and collect analysis. corporate professionals. danesh baniyan managed to design and produce an intelligent system for fast query between devices. a product that helps to fragment information, reduce costs and increase the speed of response. for employment in government or even private institutions, people's history is inquired from different centers such as insurance or even the ministry of labor. queries that usually weeks . or even it takes months and is time-consuming. service platforms for quick inquiries are a new infrastructure designed and produced by knowledge-based experts. the disadvantage here is that when the party wants to go and get hired, he should ask about the position of different places. these
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are provided by this head as a package. this means that we are talking about insurance, the law of the ministry of labor, and the ministry of science, all of these will be voted in the form of a package, and this is a waste to make these different services into one fabric. near. a job announcement to detect insurance records and the employment rate of another service provider platform with the aim of increasing the security of transactions , a system that is used in various trading and commercial fields. all businesses and people can use this service from 11 statuses transactions of individuals and companies can be informed through the databases of the judicial branch and
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sent, and then the inquiry is made online through the database of the judicial branch and the result is provided to you. according to the officials of danesh banyan, the increase in business transactions and quick inquiries are among the disadvantages of service platforms compared to traditional methods. mehbouba delangiz of sed and sima news agency. thank you for your cooperation.
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we want to talk about the second stage of the accreditation law to the official authorities . you go there, sign it and register it in the organization's system. i will also record that we want to talk about its details and we have some questions in this regard that we will ask the experts and officials of this field before i give more explanations and talk to the guests. let's start. 6 years old , go up the steps of the courthouse. blue, come down . he said about his mother that a few years ago , she bought a house in karaj with a normal document, that is, the same handwritten contracts for water, electricity, gas, telephone, everything i have. 10-15 years old. everyone here knows and now how many this old woman's life has been messed up for 100 years. in 1995
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, a gentleman came and brought a piece of paper. he says that part of this land belongs to me. but many others are still stuck in the problems of ordinary documents. we are faced with numerous and frequent cases that are solely caused by not dealing with official documents. for example, a few kilometers away from this old woman's house in quds city, 150 families lost their capital in just one case. the accused in the first row documents are normal. 150 unfortunate and poor people came to buy land and become home owners. after a few years of running the municipality, when they could not get a construction permit, after realizing that the land was abandoned , they came to divide the land for themselves and sell it. 94. 5 god is my witness, we are 150 people, renters , poor workers, renters, caught up in work, blind, our work
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, the police station, this office, that office is now rented, where should i get 10 million tomans a month, i bought this, i will build two rooms , the maximum is required to solve these problems, the law requires to the official registration of ardibehesht transactions in the expediency recognition forum the system was approved by a law that is supposed to go through a gradual process to these normal service documents. regarding the normal transactions and normal documents that people did before the approval of this law, this law did not come to destroy them, but to organize them and made a public invitation to the people to refer to them and in the existing system. they should upload their documents and these documents will be converted into official documents in a process. it has been a few days since the first part of this law came into force, that is , if we buy a property with a promissory note. which has an official document and the document was issued from july 3 this year onwards in the event of a dispute, the court
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will not accept the contract under any circumstances. mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency , you are with the economy desk. here in the studio, sati keshavarz, the spokesperson of the country's land registry organization, is also present. shahrar sazi and advisor to the minister of urban development. greetings to both guests. i want to start with mr. keshavarz , and the most important question that people have these days regarding the registration of their documents in the field of real estate is that if someone wants to come today , should he buy or sell a property? what should he do with his document? he should write a normal document, that is, write a letter of promise like the old days , whether he should write a letter of recommendation or not, they should definitely go and get a single-page document in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful . respected colleagues and all dear viewers , as you are reminded, the law requiring
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official registration of immovable property transactions was recognized and promulgated on the 26th of may of this year by the expediency recognition council in accordance with the expediency of the system and became effective on the 3rd of july this year. . regarding the question you raised, people can arrange their transfer normally or officially they should do it or they should have a title deed or not. i must say that according to this law, all ownership documents that were issued before july 3rd of this year are yes. that the system known as the system of organizing normal documents should be launched, and one year
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after the launch of that system, they can still carry out their transfers both officially and normally, as in the past, regardless of whether their properties have a title deed or not. what changes has this law made now, four and later, but according to note four of article one of this law on demarcation documents, which is from the third date issued in july this year. these documents must necessarily be transferred in an official manner, and if it is not done in an official manner , it will be subject to the guarantees of article 1 of this law. if someone goes to buy or
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sell a property, do the power of attorney, what will happen to him? do the transfer directly, and in this law , it is a task for all the people who have ownership documents from the past or who have no documents at all, to start the registration organization after one year, god willing . one year after that, all transfers must be official only. we don't talk about real estate consulting anymore. if they go for real estate consulting, to create an understanding, but with the access given by seb organization to real estate consultants
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, they enter the terms of the contract into the system, but the preparation of the document is done in the notary office. this is for all properties whose documents were issued before 3/4/1403 it's done this menu is for your system to come up and people can work there when the system was launched. one year after that , we had exceptions for any transfer of these properties officially only in notary offices, so you can tell the exceptions. article 10 1 year. he has the opportunity to launch this system, which , god willing, we will launch this system before one year , that is, you have until 26/2 1404, there is a deadline to launch the system, but there is an exception that was only related to this issue. ownership documents issued from 34
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if these documents want to be transferred , they must be in an official form, then they will enter the consultation that we provided to them, and they will go to the notary offices to prepare the official document . transfer transfer what will happen to the normal body, article 1 of the same law, those properties that must be officially transferred from the 34th, if they are not officially registered, any lawsuits and claims regarding such transfers
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can be submitted to quasi-judicial courts as well as arbitration. audition. it will not be invalid as well as in none of the offices will be accepted. thank you for your explanation, mr. nowrozi. this change that is happening is a very big change that we have been talking about for a long time in various radio and television programs, including the economic desk, which we serve you. how much can you change the trading environment of the property for the benefit of everyone who is buying or selling? what will be the benefit of the people in this event? i say hello to you and all the respected viewers regarding the question you asked. well, this law is a law i think that for about 11 years in the parliament , the way things have been done, the opinions of various experts, the opinions of various governmental and judicial institutions have been heard, and now
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, after i have been approved in the identification assembly, a law is a progressive law of experience. it has been seen in many countries of the world and can greatly help in organizing the housing market. the examples i want to give. one of the serious issues we had in the field of housing was that one property was sold to several people. with the gradual process seen in this law, god willing, within the next one or two years, this issue will be resolved the gradual process of normal documents reducing their validity and disappearing. it goes and in this gradual culture, the credibility of official documents increases and eventually they become in some way zar zarkoob documents which are in some way irrevocable and no documents are issued. it is the biggest achievement in the legal structure of our country, god willing , it will be widespread and it will prevent the sale of a
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property to several people. many people have lost sight of their lives. another issue is the discussion of pre-sale, which is discussed in articles 14 and 15 of this law the law has been simplified to use the pre-sale mechanism and by using the pre-sale mechanism, we can increase the production of housing in the country , which can be extremely effective in reducing housing prices . the official issue is the disclosure of inquiries, which helps a lot in the increase of official documents . another issue is the issue of agricultural land, which makes it difficult to issue a single-page document for this payment. it is a very important issue, mr. bozor, and the discussion was that sometimes you are very from your projects , we are in tehran from many areas of tehran. that an apartment built on the premise of, for example, 10, 10 floors, 20 units next to this man, the residents of that project , the residents of the people who are living there
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, friends, go and get a separate document, their house is newly built, but there are some administrative obstacles that they cannot get the end of the separation work and leave. get a separation document, sometimes the neighbors are not in harmony because they have to pay amounts as municipal debts and these, for example, if one person is not in harmony, it is provided in article 10 of this law that if a unit has a debt, people can be issued a document to them. but their debt should be listed on the document this property has received a one-pack document, but at the time of transfer, the debt must be paid to the municipality or other places, and this can help to increase the number of official documents. well, this law is a large part of the provisions of this law , mr. it is to facilitate the issuing of documents, which in my opinion can create a very serious change in the housing sector, and this is the identification of the owners of their residents and, for example, the completion of the real estate and housing system, which we
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have had many, many meetings at your service, which can help in better governance of housing. there is an infrastructure that can help the housing market, god willing where is the real estate advisors located in this law, i.e. are they removed or are they there, and how long can they enter and do transactions. i would like to tell you that real estate consultants are one of the main players in organizing the housing market and they will play a serious role in the implementation of this law. we did it here by chance, and the role of real estate consultants will become more serious in the sense that according to note d of article 3 of this law. real estate consultants to they will have access to the system of the registration organization and they can finalize standard contracts and official registration , and this is a great job in my opinion, which by the way
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helps to facilitate the issuance of documents, and in addition to real estate consultants, people will also have this access according to note d of article 3 of the law. that they can receive the final document in absentia on standard contracts. they are official contracts. yes, you see, now we are obliged to the ministry of roads and the registration organization of the legal deputy of the judiciary to draw up standard contracts in which if there is no condition in that standard contract, if it should be a condition that they must go to the official origin offices and the transaction will be finalized there , but if your service does not have conditions or the conditions are formulated in a standard format , it may be necessary for a final approval. the mechanism can be activated in person so that people can actually receive official documents easily . the infrastructure of the mechanism is now established, both the self-authoring system and the scribe system of the ministry of roads, the scribe system
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of the document registration organization, and it is providing this infrastructure for non-standard contracts , real estate consultants, and contracts at your service. guide me let the provincial offices and non-standard contracts and contracts with conditions be finalized there, but for standard contracts, i would like to inform you that the team that i mentioned will draft them, god willing, the contract will be finalized and we must have a final check and tick in the office of that mechanism. we actively work in such a way that if possible it can be coordinated offline. one of the technical infrastructures of this matter has been formed. mr. bozornaseb, now that i am at your service, more than 670,000 rental contracts have been finalized in the self-written system. both people have access and real estate companies have access and we have this infrastructure with the connections that we have now with the very appropriate cooperation of the country's stanac registration organization, which is
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also prohibited. it will be taken officially, i would like to tell you that the ownership of the property itself will be taken, god willing, soon we will be able to buy and sell, for the standard contract of this infrastructure , the final transaction by taking and the special process of the official transaction, god willing, both through people and through bonghai. inshaallah, real estate will be formed both through the self-writing system and through the scribe system, inshaallah , mr. keshavarz, this system is supposed to be registered by the real estate consultants. now is it ready, can they do this or not ? you want time for them to see what quality people can do. there are two ways that are foreseen in the law, the first discussion of article 2 of this law is per capita notary public offices, notary public offices only so far. they can prepare official documents for the people . article 2 of this law stipulates that notary offices can
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prepare private contracts for people, including the sale of a promise and a one-way commitment. one process is that this infrastructure has been prepared, more than 3 thousand notary offices are now connected and can sign personal contracts and adjust people's privacy too. the second part, which mentions the issue of real estate consultants , was defined according to article 3 of this law. that the registration organization should provide the access of these real estate consultants to the electronic document registration system. in this case , the real estate consultants, after the understanding between the buyer and the seller, enter the terms of their contract into the system that we gave them access to and guide them to prepare the document in the notary offices in this system, which is now ready in
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this regard. the system started in tehran with a number of real estate consultants the problem has been fixed and by august 15, god willing , it will be launched for all real estate consultants in the country who have a specialized license and have a specialized license, and the consultants can enter the terms of their contracts in the system that we provide access to and adjust they should guide the document to notary offices from august 15 this year all over the country or from august 15 to the august 15 that you are preparing. from august 15 they can register it right all over the country or only in tehran, no, not all over the country. we are talking about what tomorrow is august the number of people connected, how many people are connected to this system, they are now connected
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, but they don't have an exact number. our discussion is to mention that in the scribe platform , every consultant who logs in enters his password and is immediately connected to the system and can enter the draft of the contract to prepare the document to be sent to the notary offices, so this access is not like the self-writing system that people have access to. whether this is only the access of real estate consultants, correct article three , only real estate consultants, refer to the second note of article three, which goes beyond this, natural persons , legal entities, real estate consultants can use the formats that defined means the forms that are defined, the type of contract is defined, they are automatic both for natural persons and for real estate consultants who enter and continue to send to the official notary offices for final approval, what is the legal effect now, for example, if i
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am a seller or a buyer i went and made an agreement to buy a property. we came and we made an agreement. in the real estate consultation, i registered my documents in this electronic registration system . the real estate consultation registered whether the property is legally mine or not. it is definitely required that i also have to go to the office of the house. there are 3 issues that i mentioned. article two, article three, and note d it is different in article 2, where notary offices can formalize people's private contracts. and it has a legal effect in article 3, where the real estate consultants enter the draft into the system and guide people to the notary offices to prepare the document, it has no legal effect until it leads to the document, and in the second note of article 3, which is the same it was an automatic discussion of real estate consultants, real estate consultants and also individuals.


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