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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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sms the number 1 to 165 70. hello, 2 o'clock: in the continuation of the meetings of the president- elect, the president of azad university. eslami met with mr. mezikian. in this meeting, mr. tehranchi emphasized the necessity of transformation in universities. mr. saeed mohammad, the former commander of khatam al-anbia camp , also met with mr. bizikian. the president- elect, an hour ago, also appreciated the statements of the supreme leader of the revolution in a message on his virtual personal page . mr. bishikian wrote that now the trust of the people and
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you in the government of iran is the greatest asset of all of us to achieve future successes . we will work hard for the success of iran. human aid iran's friendship fell into the hands of storm-stricken eastern afghanistan. last week, nangarhai province of afghanistan witnessed a deadly storm that killed more than 400 people. left the flowers that the young couple had prepared for their wedding fell to the ground among the bushes. the ceiling was damaged over my brother and his wife, we found them in this room. last week's storm in nangarhar province in eastern afghanistan did not spare them and their lives. he threw this flower around my brother's neck in his wedding. in
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the neighborhood of this couple, another group had celebrated the birth of a new baby, and the roof storm fell on them as well he ruined two martyrs. we were going to the hospital. i told him to come. it turned out to be a girl . we didn't know that she had already died in the middle of the incident. dunya storm last week in our eastern neighbor of afghanistan killed and injured about 450 people, then we went to a place in serkhrood province of nangarhar province where a family held a meeting of fatiha for its victims. the islamic republic of iran was a pioneering country whose humanitarian aid reached the people who had lost their livelihood in the storm. people
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gathered next to the old tree that did not withstand the storm to receive the aid of the philanthropists of our country they have become one world, i am happy. the islamic republic of iran is our good neighbor who comes to our aid when there is a problem for afghans. we are grateful for these contributions. the humanitarian aid of our country was about 20 tons of oil, rice and flour, which were donated to a thousand families affected by the storm. we are ready to deal with the oppressed muslims anywhere in the world. regardless of the humanitarian issues, considering the many historical, cultural and religious commonalities between iran and afghanistan, these two countries have always felt responsible for each other in calamities. behnam yazdani, sed and broadcasting news agency, velayat nangarhar, afghanistan. the spaniard was taken out of the house
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. jose maria fernandez, who is 49 years old and suffers from severe depression and suffers from pilaf disease and obesity at the same time , was taken out of the house with the help of a crane and taken to the hospital for treatment. this man who has no family and has not been able to leave for 6 months. finally , he asked people for help in the virtual space . thank you for your support.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, tonight's program starts with the news that was published in the world's media a few minutes ago and had wide repercussions. he gave in to the pressure and withdrew from the election contest. the president of the united states, joe biden, published a post on his page on the platform x and wrote: although i planned to participate in the elections again, i believe that withdrawing from the elections and focusing only on fulfilling my duties for the remainder of the presidential term is for the benefit of my party and my country. trump's reaction also
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wrote an article on his page within a few minutes and said that biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. i believe that defeating is completely greedy. in the future, we will have conversations to examine more aspects of this withdrawal, first of all we will all start with mr. ali nazifpour, a researcher and expert on american issues. mr. nazirpour, hello , hello, i would like to serve you and dear viewers, mr. nazirpour, in this one or two weeks, we will examine the political situation in america together in this world today. i remember that in the conversation you had together , you knew that biden's situation was very bad. you were surprised by his withdrawal. no, i personally expected him to withdraw because even if the debate
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in which biden appeared very weak, his chances of winning the election were completely destroyed. he had not destroyed these 3 weeks. civil war in the party democrats and the fact that very important figures wanted to step down, this civil war itself had brought his chances to practically zero, and therefore biden had no choice but to step aside or leave the field to his deputy, mrs. haris. mr. nazifpour may have people against now, we have not followed the international events of the american news in these two or three weeks . let's go back a bit, where did the spark of pressure against biden start, gradually it spread to the circles close to biden, it reached the old supporters of biden
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, the people he even obama relied on him i remember that the last phrase that was published by biden before this withdrawal yesterday was the word treason. what happened during this time? what happened is that biden, well , there were concerns about his age a long time ago, anyway, if he won, he would have been 82 years old, and he should have remained president until he was 86 years old, which is too old . . the democrats are wrong, but the democrats thought that the only reason why biden is behind trump in the polls is because of his age, and when they are supposed to debate, all this is the last chance for biden. they knew that this concern about the seno issue
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should be ended forever, but instead of ending this concern , biden actually aggravated it a lot. came to the conclusion that biden no longer has the possibility to compensate for this difference, and therefore, people like members of the house of senators close to biden pressured him to leave and biden resisted for a while, but after a while it was clear that the resistance was over. it gives , because politics is not so individual in america , and the party and its leaders naturally prefer the future of the presidency and their own party to a person like biden. how popular an influential politician must
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be for these people like obama or nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house of representatives. thank you very much, this explanation you gave is exactly in the text of biden's statement , which indicates that despite what i wanted. it is for the benefit of my party and my country that i will remain in the election scene, so i am stepping down, so you can see that biden finally gave in to these pressures, for example . he knew that biden was just bluffing and that people like obama and pelosi had a stronger hand,
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so he didn't need to be afraid of biden's bluff. they know that in the end, biden is not a character that because of his personal pride, he has to push the democratic party to the ground , and when the democratic party puts too much pressure on him, he has to step aside. well, mr. nazirpour has another side to the story, that is the analysis that was formed based on information for both biden and the democrats, that he has no chance . it has led democrats and biden to the conclusion that his continued presence is just a loss of fear. a few days ago, the democrats themselves said yes, look, in
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my opinion, the biggest problem is from the democrats' point of view the problem with the name of opportunity cost is not that the distance between biden and trump is so great that it is statistically and intellectually impossible for biden to make up for it, but the problem is that the democrats probably correctly concluded that biden is the there is no person who has the ability and preparation for that amount of election activity , interviews back to back, speeches back to back, in fact, biden's energy is that the two or 3 or 4 percent that is behind in the polls, which is not irreparable, biden does not have the ability to compensate for this , the democrat. their understanding was to defeat trump it is possible, but it needs someone who
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has the energy to go and do 5 or 6 important media and election activities a day, and that's why they are replacing an 82-year-old person with a 59-year-old person. you are completely greedy, how much do you think the case of completely greedy replacement is certain? in my opinion, it is almost 100% that it will be harris, because biden officially supported him a few minutes ago, and the problem is that now is not enough time to form a competition and there are many issues. harris is an indian female candidate anyway. abandoning the black race it is possible that classes like blacks and women. it is very important for the democratic party to anger him, and of course there is also a financial issue, according to the
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american electoral law, the nearly 275 million dollars that biden currently has in his headquarters , he can transfer this to kamla harris, but he does not have the right to transfer it to a third person, so another rule is that in america, the headquarters of the president and the vice president, that is, the headquarters of biden's headquarters, are greedy, that's why haris can take this money, but if a third person comes, it will exceed the maximum amount of money that can be transferred for the election campaign, and the money is forbidden. is it possible, mr. nazifpour, you are saying that considering the nearness of the elections and the preparation that haris has as the first deputy, there is no room for thinking about the options in mr. there is no america among the democrats who are now just seeing who they know better with 4 months left to the election. yes,
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the problem is that harris has been campaigning step by step with biden. a step should be taken. in this period, however, in the polls, haris's face has improved significantly, so the worst worries are about him. agreed and therefore there is really no logical reason for the democrats to enter into a complicated and possibly traumatic process to ask them to remove not only their own president but also the vice president. the cost of this child is much greater than the benefit. next week the election meeting of the democrats will be held to introduce their official candidate
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. all that is left is for them to use that meeting. yes, because naturally this was very important. every day that biden continued to resist, a it was a day when instead of fighting against trump , it was spent on the inner door of the democratic party. maybe even now it is too late for biden to leave, but anyway, everyone knows that convincing an experienced politician whose personal characteristics can be combined with it's not easy to be proud and stubborn, but the democrats definitely wanted this to happen as soon as possible, and they will definitely use these two weeks. in this opportunity, choose
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and see probably two women. not a ballot they don't allow black people, and harris belongs relatively to the left wing of the democrats, not as far left as bernie sanders, but in any case significantly more left than biden and most of the democrats, so harris's vice candidate must be a moderate or right- wing white man. democratic party.
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i think the most likely choices are the choices. mr. nazifpour, there was very little time from the time this news was announced until we start the jahan today program every night at 10:00 pm. i just saw the new york times for a moment and it used a phrase that this incident will embarrass marj in the democratic party. its negative consequences and special conditions that the democrats now they are included in it, and what do you know that , for example, the new york times used the phrase "harj and marji" in the profession? i don't know, in any case , changing the president is an event, changing the president on the ballot is a rare event that there were very few defenses in america in 1947. look,
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once in 1948 it was harry truman and once in 1968 it was lyndon johnson. of course, their problems were not as personal as biden's. well, after nearly 16 years when the democrats were in the white house, lyndon johnson's main problem was the vietnam war , and the president saw that his defeat was certain and in the primary election process was humiliated and because of this, it was withdrawn . it is embarrassing for marj that in the process of bringing in harisu, they should probably change the chiefs of staff , because, well, now there is probably no trust in the first circle of the chiefs of staff of biden, because people like obama and pelosi say that we did not know that biden was giving so much and it was your responsibility to
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do this. don't hide it, it means that biden is definitely not the last one to leave. this is the extent of marj's embarrassment , but on the other hand, the fact is that if biden stays, marj's embarrassment would be much worse because biden was not able to silence the pessimists against him even within his own party, which means that the embarrassment of leaving biden now is less than the embarrassment of his stay . during this time, republicans and trump himself should ask what path they should take from the beginning. it's like within a few minutes, trump really wanted to convey a message , and that was that
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it would be even easier for me to work with harris than to compete with biden. he said this now, but the fact is that in these three weeks, all republicans were clear. their hope is that biden will not go, and it is definitely not the case that it will be easier with harris than with biden. of course, the fact is that it is not like this that harris will come and the polls will change immediately , which means that harris also has a steep uphill road ahead of him. democrats want haris to have the ability to climb this hill, but it is not an advantage in any way.
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it was revealed that in the past year , parkinson's specialists had gone to the white house about 8 times for examination. these are issues beyond age. look, of course , there is no accurate information in this field, anyway, the problem is that we all had eyes and ears and we saw the debate and we saw that he should not be able to stand against trump. now, this could be just age, it could be problems that i am not a doctor , i cannot diagnose. another issue is that
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haris can be more successful than biden in issues such as radicalism, the difficult issue of jenin, these issues will be the main issues. in my opinion, what trump's office should do and will definitely do is that it should first try to be greedy and a socialist make it look radical, say that haris is too greedy on the left, this is a very important opportunity for trump to try to define himself as more moderate than haris, and my second chance is to not let biden be forgotten, that is, they can say that you were biden's deputy, you saw him every day, why didn't you come? tell the american people, for example, that biden does not have this mental preparation, why should he be shocked and surprised. you allowed the debate to happen, these are special arguments that can be raised against harith, mr. nazirpour , thank you very much for the explanations and analysis
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we had about biden's resignation. i am also grateful to you.
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la vergüenza del pueblo maya porque no tiene consciencia gracias pues abuelo gracias por estar con nosotros gavin you're good all right
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we are still with you in the world today . we are investigating the dimensions of biden's withdrawal from the election contest. our next conversation is with mr. reza sarmi rath , an expert on american issues. mr. sarmi rath . hello , have a good night. we have examined the political aspects of this withdrawal and these details, i want to examine another aspect of the story with you, the special situation that biden has to find. kurd was in such a way that yesterday vance, the vice president nominated by trump, announced that if biden wants to withdraw from the election , he should also withdraw from the presidency .
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the representatives of the united states have also come, and their first official reaction was that, well, now biden should resign from the presidency. he should leave the republic too . look, the truth is that i wanted to make a point let me mention here. now, in the american media space, they are moving the space towards emotional issues, and in most of the democrat media , they are saying that, for example, biden was able to do his duties until now in the past months only because of the trial of his son and the mental pressure that his son's trial came, he came to the court , his family came to testify, this has caused this mental pressure and mental training
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to reach this level of ineffectiveness, and another point is the same discussion that you mentioned a few minutes ago. i strongly disagree i was looking at the media now, and inside america, the atmosphere was like this, yes , it was nancy pelosi who forced biden, now you are pointing out that they said that we did not know, but they say that nancy came under pressure behind the scenes, and biden was forced to resign and even they said that in our gatherings in the past couple of days, they were very angry and said that obama and plassey were not good friends for me, despite the fact that i counted on them for years , they were very close friends to me, but they came as promised. now we are stabbing me from behind and taking the space to the side now, chuck schumer and others brought them to the field in order to remove me from the field, and
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there is a bit of these differences in the competitive scene , it becomes very intense in the atmosphere of the democratic party, then we come next to him and see that the republicans are using legally, this space should continue its activities until the end of his presidency, and there is no legal problem even in the current space, where the final convention that was supposed to be held online this week has not been completed yet. late august means august 29 to august 31 all these things actually show that biden can continue his activities and they are planning and designing to put it aside at a suitable time, that is, it was with a plan and all this. things


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