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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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on al-hussein road, the flags of the processions are raised, and the footsteps of arbaeen can be heard . peace be upon al-hussein. he works here during the day
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and at night he is a visitor's servant. where is your procession at the entrance to bostan bostan city every year? yes, every year we do. the sound of road construction machines promises the preparation of the road. we renew the asphalt every day. the construction of the structure in the final border processions of chazaba is still going on. this young servant is a cleric . we are here, here everyone fulfills the ritual of a servant in a way, now in a way, a missionary servant , a spiritual servant in a way, dear ones, now a professional , ask them in a way, even a rial
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, 2 weeks before arbaeen, it starts at the chezaba border . abbasi lerki, sed and broadcasting agency, merz chazaba. in this area, the most dangerous cases of domination over yemen in a period of about two decades. we examine and describe various related activities and issues in the marine and terrestrial arena and their results and consequences. also, by revealing new details of these events and publishing some documents for the first time some military, intelligence and civilian figures that
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we reveal in the relevant part of this case have a new activity in order to record the attempt to conquer yemen under american rule in history. we found various images that are documents of joint military exercises and holding two training courses of american forces to yemeni armed forces units at the end of the last century. american teams in the border areas of the west coast. they
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were settled in hodeidah province. move back towards me over here has no ammo right? how are the forces in terms of learning and discipline? to what these forces did today and to see the training
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we are very proud. since this battalion came here, it is expected that they will act successfully. today , they fulfilled what was expected of them. infantry forces use these tactics and weapons. this officer tries to teach them these things and says that these forces always do these exercises.
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when everyone is settled in their place, my order will be issued.
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just stop working, enough, enough, that's it. which can be assigned to you
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at any moment and at any time to be ready to carry out any mission. in each of the ground arenas at the same time, we will not forget to thank our american friends for this useful and effective cooperation, which resulted in the implementation of these military exercises. the second group was a good group. consider the goals carefully. entire! american team members were involved with all the groups and each coach was present with the group commanders. groups that were trained by trainers during the course. for what
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is described as the restoration of relations between the republic of yemen and the united states , two courses of joint training and exercises were held. in the celebration of the military exercises, the military commanders of the government expressed their happiness for friendship with america i would like to congratulate all the participants and executors of this joint project of the republic guard for this honorable and special level of success. i would also like to thank and appreciate the educational team of american friends. this translation is for them. it is fortunate that this army will complete its experiments under the supervision of american experts. it is really an opportunity to complete the training of this unit. in terms of the presence of the team. education and advisors were to create a pole for military experiences. on the other hand, the united states
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believed that holding two training courses is the first step in a long way that the forces americans prepare the ground for its formation . on the other hand, the us navy was also present in the areas adjacent to the coast of yemen. on trips. many american soldiers in yemen talked about other demands beyond training and joint exercises, or in other words, beyond the announced facilities . contrary to the news published in the newspapers , america did not act quickly in the negotiations regarding the provision of military supplies to yemen. i would like to emphasize that the military relations between yemen and the united states are in the framework of extensive political and economic cooperation. i hope. that my journey is in this direction effective cooperation. in the context of opening the door to
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the issue of military relations between sana'a and washington, we first addressed the issue of american facilities that the government should have provided and was directly related to finding a foothold in one of the yemeni islands. proposals were made regarding the construction of a wharf in mayon and the construction of a wharf and an airport in sheshdara, with the aim of using these important geopolitical areas. but there was a delay in this regard and there was a kind of contradiction. on the one hand, the government could not respond positively to the desire of the west. on the other hand , it was facing problems in the domestic field. americans only and seven ships, seven ships in the sea, seven submarines , seven helicopters.
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quickly transfer fuel to america in the port of aden and a tool to drag the government to. he threatened yemen in a real way. the americans wanted to take advantage of this incident for military presence in yemen. this was clear. american forces entered aden, but they did not receive official permission and tried to exploit this incident. american pressure
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was applied to dominate the main ports and cities and sea coasts. yemmen with his position from the vital point it is in the strategic map of america. but why? the geography of the region is the answer to this question. in the map of the world, you are safe from both sides, between two. it is located on one of the two arabian peninsulas, overlooking two seas, a bay and an ocean, but on the other side, many islands in yemen are located in the form of natural peaks, and the world trade passages between east and west are in the hands of yemen. in the framework of the search for developments in the field of military relations between the two sides in
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the early third millennium , we found a number of exclusive images that are now being published for the first time. these images are actually documents about the trip. american forces. it is to identify the situation of vigil forces of the republic guard. this trip took place two months after september 11, 2001. this period of the trip of the american officials started with the examination of the condition of the training rooms, which were said to be operating in a new way.
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america's presence in the most important military camps of the yemeni army would be much more and easier than before. commander of american special operations, my brother , commander of special forces , we will show you all the weapons used by special forces . more ridiculous than the government's plans hosting high-ranking army commanders. frame those strategic areas were trying to show these trips as visits to a limited number of troops under training. in fact, these trips are spy trips to learn about light and semi-heavy weapons in yemen. where is this from?
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i will open the correction, this weapon is for special forces, this is a kalashnikov, this one is smaller and lighter than the russian rocket kalashnikov, which cannot be easily targeted.
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then, in this trip, the structural organization of the special anti-terrorism forces was displayed , and this is an indication of the readiness to behave based on the changes made in politics. it was america.
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ahmad hossein dahan, one of the high-ranking officials of the special forces, can be seen in the pictures.
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we called to ask questions about the nature of the training and the developments related to it and behind the scenes of identifying the situation in the armed forces camps, but he refused to talk to us. in the framework of this investigation , we found out that washington considered yemen a safe haven for terrorism and identified it as a possible target for military attack following the government's response to the proposals. also, ali abdullah saleh has been pressured to meet with bash and has announced his readiness to participate in a project that involves cooperation in the fight against terrorism is described.
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one of the main goals was to dominate the military with information about armaments. the armament of yemen was varied. although this equipment was done in a traditional way . in my opinion, information about the type of tank and deployment. it was not the goal, but the goal was to limit the resources of equipping weapons. when the issue of fighting terrorism started, other issues such as the crossing system and the communication system were left aside. the field of borders has passed. make a proper system. the government was not allowed to get the answers
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investigate and identify mechanisms. so that within a month, the yemeni government received the details from tommy franks, the commander of the us central forces, george tenet, the head of the cia, as well as dick cheney, the vice president of the us. naturally, america's plans were mixed. in this field, the americans acted on a large scale, so that the goal was to carry out extensive intelligence and military trips. even after the attack on afghanistan in 2003, 2004 and 2005, yemen remained in america's mind as a dangerous center that should be controlled.
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there are plans to send several hundred special forces to yemen. from on the other hand, some media
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reported the american attitude about the nature of the activities and deployment of many yemeni forces in the philippines. as you can see we use the uh sbd pso1 scope now thing about the fbd they do manufacture a cheap piece for it special forces camps attached to the president's son. it became a center for the deployment of american military forces in sana'a, the capital of yemen. with the continued trips
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of high-ranking american commanders to these camps, the images of the government's reception of them had become a mockery. as this issue is evident in these suspicious images. in addition to the demands of the americans it also increases.
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pia i, the presence of the united states in yemen, the nature of the activities carried out under the pretext of helping the yemeni forces through training and sending equipment. at first, america stated that the reason for the military's presence was to visit the embassy to learn about the training process. we communicated with the authorities related to our investigation file. many of them refused to speak about it. but we were able to get the consent of two important and direct officials of that time. ahmed moyad, the former director of sana'a international airport, and ahmed amer, the director of
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the airport's political security. their trips were done. ahmed amer, who was the director of the political security department of sana'a international airport and the first and main gate of entry to yemen , revealed that the first issue that was observed about the us presence was the increase of those who traveled to yemen and the violation of the process of carrying out legal actions at the airport. it was done in a significant way
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regarding the air travel that i used to do, first in 2002 in the form of a law. three days or a week before the arrival of the plane, the ministry of foreign affairs would give us information about that trip. that is , about every trip made through the american embassy been. but after 2002, violations started. do the flights or entry of some people through air travel to the airport with arab or non-arab planes were done without any kind of information without informing us in advance. the information we collected shows that all these actions were accompanied by an increase in the entry of zionist elements into yemen with european passports. some people from israel
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the number 5 to 300 of the 13th government in the sunday evening meeting while keeping your spirits up. jihadi and shahid raisi's people's government services presented separate reports on the performance of the apparatus under their management for about 34 months. the cabinet members of the 13th government presented separate reports on the performance of the institutions under their management for about 34 months in the sunday session of the government board.


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