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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl faraja, my dear compatriots, greetings to you . good morning. before the meeting of the representatives with the leader of the revolution, the president-elect was present in the public stage of the parliament. the speaker of the islamic council welcomed close cooperation. the parliament and the future government said that based on our national and religious responsibility, we all have a duty to help mr. of course
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, with the good spirit of mr. mezikian, some compliments , in fact, the rome protocol, as the famous and ceremonial saying of rome, is building a new building, which is good, that is, it is compatible with revolutionary behaviors. god willing, let's help the government and the parliament in the same way to serve the people, may god help the president. the elected official also stated that we should not seek to create positions and positions and opportunities for ourselves and those around us, and said that we should use the opportunity of the vote of confidence of the people to solve their problems. who are there to serve the people, to serve the people, and i hope that god will make us ashamed of these dear people who
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came despite the propaganda that they did not come to the voting booths and put a strong mesh in their mouths. people who were sitting inside and outside and advertising. the members of the cabinet of the 13th government presented separate reports on the performance of the 34-month-old government under their management while maintaining the spirit of jihad and the services of the people's government of shahid raisi in the sunday evening meeting. the cabinet members of the 13th government presented separate reports on the performance of the institutions under their management for about 34 months in the sunday session of the government board. in this meeting, the minister of science spoke about the achievement of acceleration. by streamlining the headquarters of the ministry of science, research and technology, we established the vice president of technology and innovation to manage more seriously
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follow up the discussion on the birth and growth of knowledge-based companies and technology cores. from one stage to the next , the vice president of knowledge-based technology and economy should support the minister of mining industry and trade , he said that we should know what issues and problems we have. it has been prepared and will be published soon, which will analyze the state of the industry in this period. one situation presents a completely strategic analysis of the industry. second , we identified the strengths and the strong industry, which means a strategic plan to address the strengths and weaknesses. it has become a booklet of the minister of roads and urban development, adding 100. one thousand hectares of urban and rural land for the implementation of the national housing movement was unprecedented . we brought 50,000 hectares of land in the urban areas to construction and 50,000 hectares of land in the rural areas in the villages of the country was unprecedented, not a little
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. the meeting informed about the 13 paragraphs of the legal and judicial cooperation document with other countries. there is an article 44 for which we needed to get a resolution in the government and announce this to the united nations . according to this resolution, which was done, we are now in agreement with 36 countries that are members of this convention without having an agreement on the potential of criminals. we have the criminal talent letter for anti-corruption crimes that we can return if a criminal escapes. in two years and 10 months, this was an important work that was done. in the meeting, the minister of agriculture
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announced the improvement of the export and productivity of agricultural products in the 13th government. well, in 2002 , the export of products increased by more than 1 billion dollars compared to the previous year according to the fourth strategy , and the trade balance of the agricultural sector improved by more than 2 billion dollars. the growth rate of added value in the agricultural sector went from minus 46 in the spring of 2012 to 6 tenths of a positive percentage in the winter of 2012, which definitely increased in 2013 hope and god we will get out of the recession , the executive vice president of the 13th government announced about 6 million calls to the presidential communication center and said that during this period, 48 provincial trips were held together with the members of the government delegation. mr. president and
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the members of the government delegation visited separately and we had a set of issues that consisted of a completely expert path, a meeting with experts from various institutions , monitoring groups, program organization, governor's group and finally a summary meeting that was held for the service of his highness. thanks to god, the collection good agreements were made. the minister of guidance announced the 20-fold increase in the cultural budget in the 13th government. the year we started the budget of 120 billion this year with the good management of the government, the program organization, the corresponding departments, to more than. we have reached 20 thousand billion. this event is about 20 times bigger . the minister of labor, welfare and social affairs announced the increase of skill training in the 13th government. we had a 32% growth in technical and professional training and more than 2
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million people were given technical and professional training in this 3-month period. in other words, the need is open. identify work and fit the needs of the labor market it was designed and taught. hasannejad of radio and television news agency. following the meetings of the president -elect, the president of the islamic azad university met with mr. in this meeting, mr. tehranchi emphasized the necessity of transformation in universities. mr. saeed mohammad, the former commander of khatam camp. biya hame met with mr. behzikian, the president-elect also appreciated the statements of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in a message on his virtual personal page , mr. behzikian wrote that now the people's trust and
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your support for the government of iran is the greatest asset of all of us to achieve the successes of the past. day from the heart and john, strive for the success of iran. we will in the 64th annual general assembly of the central bank, the acting president considered the control of liquidity growth and reduction of the inflation rate without harming the economic growth rate and production as one of the most important economic achievements of the 13th government. in some years, inflation has been well controlled, but growth has been negative. well , it doesn't work to actually bring the so-called inflation rate down, well, you have to focus on bringing it down to 234 today, then the expectation is that
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in the future, our inflation situation will improve in all aspects, mr. moghofer, and the trend will also decrease. growth the monetary base of reducing the unemployment rate to below 88 as the lowest figure in the last 20 years, establishing a relative balance between the expenses and incomes of the people with a significant increase in the amount of subsidies and the distribution of leafy goods , was announced as one of the rare achievements of the 13th government. in this meeting, the head of the central bank also mentioned the reduction of the gini coefficient as one of the successes of the 13th government and considered the economic growth in the government to be positive . we still
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had the highest growth rate in the oil sector in 1402 as in 1401, which was 14 and it was 7 percent. thank you for your cooperation . have a nice day. i testify that there is no god but god, there was no light in the world of the religion of god. there was no light on my path, there was no world, there was no religion
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, and there was no god. you would have been poor if it hadn't been for the month of muharram. from the first night of the decade, thank god, on the way to saeed abad mosque, with the support of the loved ones of the noble people, the speech of hazrat hojatul islam hussain.
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hello, in the messages sent to iran javan , you asked what will happen to the assignment of free lands under the youth law of the population when the new government starts work. is it possible to cancel the assignment to the remaining beneficiaries? the law approved by the parliament and up to 7 the year will continue, definitely not. the secretary
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of the jamiat jamiat youth camp of the ministry of roads and urban development responded to frequently asked questions like this by attending a webinar. almost a year and 2 months have passed since the day my third child was born, some people who , like this citizen , have been registered for more than a year, are asking why they are still in the process of document review in the system. people who are waiting for review, we are providing land and verifying their documents. god willing, this year will be the year of speed and quality. dealing with insulting behavior in the department of roads and urban development of the provinces. the youth law of the population
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has a special discount for families with several children who are planning to build a house, for water installations unlike these houses, this discount is 50 % for families with three children under the age of 20 and 70% for families with four children. they can use this privilege , they can mention to the water subscriber affairs when they go for registration, that they are included in the youth plan of the population, they fill the relevant forms after the inquiry that is made from the civil registration organization , this investigation applies to these people. will be. a movie girl or boy these days it deals with the topic of family and having children, every moment has its own fragrance, from the story of a young perfumer who is on the verge of becoming a father, in the movie "attar alood, so as not to be ashamed, two, now is the time to have a child
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. " it was made. the family has a high dramatic ability, that is, if the first priority of the cinema is to attract the audience, and if we want to produce a work that the audience will see and be entertained by, and at the same time receive a message, a dramatic event must happen, and in my opinion, the family is one of the dramatic ones. it is the most important situation because it is full of relationships. you can define all kinds of love in the family, and that's why i really like to work on this subject . hossein cheshmeh-e-khon, i came from childhood and youth to think, to collect the trash, what about you, my son? at noon
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of this year's ashura, we came to the street to tell imam hossein that we are all with the family. we are at the service of imam hussain, a family presence on one of the hottest days of the year, which was full of words. imam hussain himself came with his whole family to the desert of karbala. on the day of ashura, we and our families are all sacrificing for this path, god willing, and god willing, the children will see and know what path we should take. it has been reported that with the placement of an unprecedented thermal dome in southwest asia, the increasing trend of air temperature continues, between one and a
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half degrees warmer than normal conditions, which has led to an increase in electricity consumption in this region. each degree of temperature increase will increase the demand by about 1800 megawatts. according to the report of the ministry of energy, consumption in southwest asia has increased so much that the electricity grid has become unstable in some countries. the countries of the region, which have extremely modern infrastructures, are now witnessing serious uncertainties. in kuwait, there is a blackout table. unlike these countries, iran's electricity grid has been stable until now with the implementation of consumption management programs and immediate efforts to resolve accidents. however, the officials of the ministry of energy say that if the increasing trend of electricity consumption is not stopped , it is impossible to
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be sure that this stability will continue and that the electricity of the household customers will not be cut off. more than 78 thousand megawatts is probably the expected peak this week. the functional capacity of the network decreases in conditions where we have an increase in temperature on the one hand, we will face an increase in consumption , on the other hand. the capacity of electricity networks decreases both in the production sector and in the transmission network sector. all the electricity industry is mobilizing in the power plants in the power grids to see the examples of that ramin power plant, our dear people , so that this electricity supply is done in a sustainable manner . even if we have electricity , the power grids may be under heavy pressure and it is not possible to supply. these officials held an emergency meeting . forecast consumption. consumption happens, which is almost unique in the so-called country
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you control the departments, based on the approval of the government board, their reductions must definitely happen in this field, no compromises are accepted in the commercial sectors, in the military centers of these dear ones , these devices must completely turn off their electricity generators during these two enter the circuit for a week and do not receive electricity from the network as much as possible, according to the announcement of tawanir company, more than 60% of the country's electricity consumption demand is related to the domestic sector. in the domestic sector, see, our policy is full provision, so to speak. so that we can complete the supply of electricity , first of all, we thank the dear people for their support during these two or three years, it has been very good, but
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a few of us have bad customers whose consumption is more than two or three times the consumption pattern. it makes subscribers why, because these few subscribers cause the so-called instability of the network and cause the rights of others to be lost, god forbid. according to the minister of energy, in order to prevent the publication of outage tables in the domestic sector, it is necessary for the subscribers of this sector to have the maximum amount of energy consumption in the next two weeks.
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so that in order to deal with this pest, farmers have to use very strong poisons that cause harm to the environment and humans . they are small creatures that cannot be seen with the naked eye. cooler is from the same family as ascaris in humans, it attacks the roots of the plant , lays eggs inside the roots of the plant, before it is damaged , fungi and other bacteria attack it, and the plant declines, and the farmer only then realizes that his plant has been attacked. but the specialists of a knowledge-based company solved both the pest problem and the problem of chemical poisons by producing a technological product our product is a fertilizer. it is a chemical to control nematodes and as a soil amendment it destroys nematodes up to 70% with the tests
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we gave in different places. this knowledge-based product combats all kinds of nematode pests, and for this reason , it is used for many trees and crops. all types of nematodes, such as root wound, root knot , have been tested and controlled in pistachio gardens and tomato greenhouses. ar for beets, for plants like citrus, controls nematodes wherever they are , due to the advanced technology of producing nematodes. the plant of this product was imported from abroad until now, but with the localization of its technical know-how , it is available to iranian farmers at a cheaper price. this product used to be imported to iran from countries like germany and china, but we were able to use 7 years of research and development as a base plant. let's find a product and patent it inside iran, and now it is being sold in the market at 1/3 of the price of foreign samples. in addition to the cheaper price of this knowledge-based plant poison fertilizer, there are other advantages
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compared to foreign samples and poisons. it has another keyboard. the biggest disadvantage of our product is that it is not another advantage of chemical is that it is produced in our own country and is suitable for the water and soil of our country . the foreign poisons in this field are also chemical . our kotsem in all stages of plant cultivation, whether from the time the plant has two or three leaves or when the crop. even if it takes a few days to be picked, it can be used because it is non-chemical, it improves the soil . we have registered this as a soil improver, and it also prevents all generations of nematodes from the material and eggs of the nematode from being subtracted, according to the officials of this nematodash company in addition to supplying the iranian plant to the domestic market , it also has customers from armenia, russia, iraq, senegal, and afghanistan. mohammad hossein haji khobarg.
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this ceremony is held every year in the first days of the second decade of muharram with the presence of the lovers of aba abdullah al hussein in euclid . it is done in different ways in different regions, one of these ways is the palm-cutting ceremony, which has no religious basis, but people do it according to their customs and beliefs as a symbolic worship of the imam . a pact with the ideals of the martyrs of the karbala plain and
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keeping the ashura movement alive is a quote that is carried on the shoulders of the mourners dressed in black one day before the ceremony, and after several rounds it is placed on the ground and it is time to mourn in karbala. hossein sakineh has become fatherless, we start planning this ceremony from the first of muharram and around 50 loved ones prepare the preparations for this work. every year , the mourning of imam hossein is not only not faded, but it is held more passionately every year, and this shows that the path of imam hossein is the right path. the traditional ceremony of transportation is actually the connecting link of the decade's mourning the first is counted with the second and third decades of muharram in euclid city. this ceremony is held every year in imam sajjad's hosseinieh in the city of euclid, and it is a magnificent display of euclid 's love and devotion to the martyrs. abolfazl hasan begi
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in the name of god. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, say hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him, and he is
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