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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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also, follow the economy on khabar network. please , thank you . you are watching the economy table. mr. dodinejad , you were saying the state of electricity production in the country. yes, in total, from the beginning of this year to the end of july, 128 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy was produced in thermal power plants. last year, this number was 123 billion kilowatt hours in the same period, in other words, a 4% increase in the production of thermal power plants has been achieved this year compared to the previous year . items. it is important that
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we continue to develop new capacities every year we are doing the timely maintenance of the power plant maintenance program. in the last maintenance season, a total of 14,000 megawatts of maintenance programs were completed on time so that we can see the readiness index of more than 98 thermal power plants. it means that in more than 98% of the time, our power plants are ready for production and they can actually deliver their production capacity to the grid and inject it. the average global readiness index is about 95 , almost a number of more than 3% in the country, we are able to produce electricity at full capacity. we are producing electricity almost to the full potential we will make and deliver to our dear compatriots. thank you for your explanation, mr. zabih. please tell us the production status. as mentioned, we talked
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about the same period of growth compared to last year, but we also saw in the report that the figures of the honorable minister of energy show that the consumption of 7 and a half percent has almost increased . today, when we are talking to each other, our consumption has increased by 75% compared to the same period last time. you can give more details for the viewers. yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful. your excellency and respected viewers, as you mentioned in the explanation, this year we are witnessing a 7.5% increase in the demand for electricity consumption compared to the same period last year. it has started and it is expected to continue until the end of next week. before these two very hot weeks announced by the ministry of energy , the source is data
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received from various meteorological sites, and anyway, the temperature experience that we ourselves have experienced. in any case, we are in different cities of the country, so it is expected that from from next wednesday to monday, we will have the most difficult days during these two weeks , so i request all viewers and listeners to have maximum load management and cooperation in this area. we are from the electricity group, which is explained anyway, if i want to say the share of different sectors, in our peak load, about 50% of the energy we deliver is used in the domestic sector and about 88% in the commercial and public sector, that is, in total, if we want to every now let's mention in general that about 60% of our energy distribution is in the domestic, commercial and public spheres
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it goes to consumption, so the general ones that you mention, for example, are banks and places like this, yes, they are bank offices, anyway, public institutions and public uses that exist in residential complexes, apartments , such as the use of elevators, lighting, pumping facilities , these are used in the form of expenses. in general, if we want to talk a little more in detail, well, in the field of home
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, we have the same kind of, well, in any case, this is the home , that is correct. yes, i have the home . you broadcasted, you mentioned that it had come, well , this category of subscribers, if we have a shortage let's face it seriously, the priority of our management programs is that we have sent about 12 million text messages to our high-spending subscribers so far this year. we sent mainly in the northern and southern regions of the country, this does not mean that for 12 million people, because the sms messages were sent in many parts
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, the number is less. the electricity is high, definitely these subscribers who consume more than two and a half times the pattern, anyway through. they are requested to use electricity through sms messages reduce themselves and if in any way the network wants to have problems, this group of subscribers is the priority for management and power cuts. these two percent that you mentioned, for example, what are the bills for them ? let's do it differently, you count, for example, we have 3 million and above , depending on the amount and size of the bills, they are scattered in different provinces. can you tell us separately which provinces have the most consumption now? naturally, it will be a part of our southern and northern provinces, which are our smallest provinces respectively in any case, the climatic conditions that they have have high consumption. we have the highest consumption in khuzestan province. well, anyway, in khuzestan
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, temperatures above 47 degrees, 48 ​​degrees to 50 degrees are experienced by our loved ones there, other than that. well, we also have the issue of humidity, half of the temperature, of course , it is tropical according to their definition, that is , the consumption pattern in khuzestan is 2500 kilowatt hours per month, but we have the highest consumption in khuzestan, after that, we have it in tehran, in tehran province, we have the city of tehran and the province tehran and then big provinces like isfahan, khorasan, fars, kerman hormozgan, these are the provinces and the northern provinces of the country, which are the least consumed in these provinces. the least consumed ones are in provinces like south khorasan, the provinces of your service , sistan baluchestan, the parts that experience less heat in any way, as the famous saying goes, and provinces like your service, the western provinces of
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ilam, kehkoliyeh, these are the provinces. there are those that consume less, mr. dodabinejad, you just mentioned that you are producing at maximum capacity. did you have any problems or challenges with the supply of power plant fuel until now that we are talking to each other? well, colleagues we in the ministry of oil, including the national gas company , as well as the national refining and distribution company, are doing their best to provide the fuel needed by the power plant and provide it to the power plant on time . considering the environmental issues as well . the economic issues are also the economic issues of the company and the productivity of production in the power plant and the reduction of depreciation costs. our preference is to use gas as fuel.
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and so it may exist, of course, an attempt has been made to use alternative fuel so that you have an example that you can use as an example . there have been times and days. that there is a limitation in gas fuel supply, now it is not bad to point out that last year, from the beginning of the year to the end of july, a total of 95% of power plant fuel was supplied through natural gas, this year this number was 88, the average of last year was 82 i would like to say that this fuel basket should be provided anyway, the priority is natural gas, we will try our best to make this happen, this 7% decrease compared to the same period in what was the reason last year, as the dear ones said, the discussion of repair plans or accidents that may have happened. there was a temporary and temporary limitation in the field of fuel supply and
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it was compensated through liquid fuel . how many power plants do we have that are out of order ? how many power plants do we have that are producing? i said that they may be out for a few hours or up to 24 hours. now the average presence of power plants and the readiness of our production is 98 in ahvaz . i mentioned a few power plants in tehran. also , did you see a video a while ago that your colleagues are trying to work hard and can they put the power plant back into operation? because this incident happened last week, i think we had a series of scattered outages in residential houses in both tehran and ahvaz . that's why i asked whether the mentioned power plants are still back in operation or not. yes, those power plants are being repaired
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which was out of orbit the week before, within a few hours or at most a day, naturally , this incident that happens continuously, due to an accident that happens, a power plant goes out of orbit, within a few hours or at most a day, our colleagues with great difficulty in some cases, especially what you mentioned happened at the ramin power plant , it is appropriate to say hello to all my colleagues in all power plants in the country, including the ramin power plant or similar power plants, which in any case have more difficult operating and maintenance conditions. they try to get the power plant into orbit in the shortest possible time the production of the return was also an incident that was reflected in the media and led to the appreciation of these dear ones . it is one of these examples in a situation where more time should have been spent for the power plant to reach cooler conditions and the possibility of repair. disturbance it should not be created in the continuous and stable electricity supply to the countrymen, naturally, in
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the same situation, they are trying to return the power plant to the berg circuit. this is happening daily in the country's power plants. we have a long life in terms of days nowadays, it is possible that these units will find more complicated conditions in terms of the aging factor , and it will be more difficult to operate them. but our loved ones are trying to keep the power plants in the production circuit with maximum readiness. you mentioned that 98 power plants are producing and the remaining 2% are how many power plants, and how many power plants are there in which cities and provinces are they now out of order? now they have repairs or an accident that they will soon return to the modem, considering that this changes daily and hourly, that is, for example, in one day, in one hour, 5 to 6 units can go out. on the same day, at the same time, another 5 to 6 units will return. in this order, there are 5 units, 6 units, 7 units, it is possible that they will be shut down in very short hours, less than
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a day, usually they will return to the production circuit . we do not have a power plant that has been permanently shut down. now this question arises. you mentioned that if there is going to be a power outage, they will have priority. this is planned. you will announce that the electricity is going to be cut off for them, or for example, the household subscribers will be informed. it was in this area in this area, there is going to be a power outage, just like the understanding you had with the industrial companies and you coordinated with them, and you will cut off their electricity on a certain day and at certain hours . a lot of messages have been sent to our dear subscribers . part of these sms messages are sms messages asking for savings and participation in consumption management, which have been sent to a large number of our dear compatriots. some of these text messages are targeted text messages
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, which means that high-use subscribers are identified and sent to those subscribers in a special way. i mean now respected subscribers themselves know what their consumption status is and in any case, in which consumption category they are. i will also open a parenthesis here. well , this year we did a good job, a campaign, anyway, the energy campaign that we asked our esteemed countrymen to participate in this campaign, while reducing our consumption , helped us in providing basic electricity and supply. the electricity producing sectors of the society, including the industrial sector and the agricultural sector, can collect points by reducing consumption and participate in the big prize draw with those points. do it and enjoy those rewards. i would like to say that we will offer you 300 cars, which we considered as a prize. the first lottery
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was done. the second lottery, god willing, will be held this month. in addition to that, there will be 1,500 prizes. they know that they are among the high-consumption subscribers, but if for any reason we have a problem and we want to manage the consumption , we will certainly send an sms to these friends first, before that we ask them to reduce the consumption. we hope that, god willing, with the collective participation of all compatriots, especially areas that consume more electricity anyway, we can not reach the point where we have to manage the load and have a stable electricity supply with the participation of all people . you said that you expect an increase in temperature from wednesday to monday and expect an increase in the consumption of household subscribers
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who are the priority for power outages. they have been sent a text message and they know that their consumption is high now. if they do not reduce their consumption , they should cut off the household electricity first. yes, i said, we must be before him we will send text messages, let us know, please reduce consumption, and i will say it again. i and our colleagues are very optimistic that dear people will participate and accompany us. which is more than two and a half times the consumption pattern. in any case, they are consuming. these dear ones are the priority of the management . you also talked about the electricity of the offices. in your categories, please tell us how much their consumption has decreased or increased compared to the same period in the previous period , according to the programs that the ministry of energy jointly started. at the beginning of his plan with the departments to reduce electricity consumption, tell me how
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effective it was and how much you were able to reduce consumption . yes, yes. this year, same as last year, a dispute was presented to the government board and your service that the government agencies and offices and in any case the service centers will increase the amount of their electricity during office hours and outside of office hours compared to the consumption of 1400. we have to reduce the body. well, for the sake of you and my dear viewers, i would like to say that we have made the controls of about 52,000 administrative subscribers in the country intelligent and controlled. controllable in the sense that these can be programmed for all these subscribers , we have activated the limiters of the meters , the limiters of the limiters based on the approval given by the government board, the limiters of the controls have been activated and this
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category of subscribers, if consume more than the permitted consumption limit. the steering counter disconnects. the installed steering circuit cuts off the common power. my point is that we can actually say that we are managing the administrative subscribers this year through smart controls and limiting activation. it has happened in a number of organizations and departments that use a lot of money in any way. and i would like to inform you that we may know their names in the coming days. you said that in the coming days, you meant that i should not ask which ones they are bringing up more, but you name them , because in the last three or four programs, your colleagues from havanir came. taking many different devices that do not comply with your approvals and
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promised that in the future programs, i think this program is the program that you should name how many devices they have more than what they have. they use the electricity as planned . yes, well, we had complaints from respected people who informed us in any way. these loved ones cooperated with us this year and complied with those cases, but there are limited cases that are still required in that framework. they don't have electricity consumption, and they have it in any form in different provinces, which ministries of housing are like this , because mr. rajabi, the managers, in the previous program, said a series of housing ministries of the government according to what app. they are not consuming and they are consuming more than the allowed amount that you had to cut off their electricity. which ministries did you cut off their electricity for at least a week? well
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, i don't know the exact truth. in the area of ​​the 19th ministry of home affairs , we have this issue mostly in the area of ​​banks . we have this issue somewhat in the area of ​​urban service providers, that is , municipalities, due to the closure of universities. now it is stated that they should consume, yes, they are consuming more than that friends do not comply with the 40% reduction in office hours and 70% outside of the office. that most of the ministry of home affairs and government agencies are complying with the minority that are not complying , we manage them anyway through our control and in any case
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, i don't have the presence of mind right now to name the truth , it may be the department's fault let me tell you that it is not correct here, mr. dudabinejad, tell me that recently, this means in the current year or in the last year, so far, something to the capacity of our power plant. it was added because the statistics indicated that there was a 4% growth. the mention was mainly about the improvement of the situation. we did not have a new power plant in the circuit. yes, i said that we are trying to bring new power plant capacities into the circuit, or in other words, to expand the power plant capacity, and by increasing the power that can be produced by the existing power plants. we will increase the power plant capacity and the production capacity. can you tell me separately that during the last 3 years, a total of
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9364 megawatts have been added to the power plant capacity of the country? let me tell you that the second gas unit of torbat heydarieh power plant was put into operation in may of this year, as well as the first gas unit of chadormelo power plant, which was put into operation at the end of june this year. these are the last units that were put into operation within the last month if i want to name other power plants that have been added to the production circuit in recent days, gas unit number one of the second block of gol gohar combined cycle power plant in kerman province with a capacity of 180. megawatt entered the production circuit in april , as well as the second gas unit of mobarakeh steel power plant the capacity of 307 megawatts, which
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was put into operation in april of this year, at the beginning of the year during nowruz , these are the units that were put into operation only in the last few months of 1403. in addition , one of the good works done in two or three years. recently, the promotion of the container was pursued with more seriousness. existing power plants. well, one of the solutions we have is to increase the capacity by upgrading the technology in the existing power plants at a very low cost compared to building a new unit and expanding the power plant. or through the installation of cooling systems, the air entering the gas turbine is known as media or fak increase the capacity. a total of 2,000 megawatts of installed or created capacity. the addition was related to these procedures. i mentioned this point. allow me to mention another issue and have an explanation related to the warming of the air, which may have been less stated. well,
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the warming of the air has two effects. the first effect is this. that the consumption will increase, my colleagues must have announced in the previous meetings or in the media that usually, on average, for every one degree increase in air temperature, about 1800 megawatts will be added to the electricity demand in the country , so each degree will cause an average of 1800 megawatts demand increases, that's why we see , for example, daily production on such days is more than one and two-tenths of a billion kilowatt-hours, while on a similar day in the summer season, this is about 700 million kilowatt-hours, which means almost 80% of electricity consumption due to the heat of the air. it is added, well, you all know that this is from the demand side for tangible people. we turn on our air conditioner, the electricity consumption increases and it is on, but what happens on the production side , for every one degree increase in air temperature, 7
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tenths of percent of the production capacity of a gas turbine decreases, so for every one degree, 7 percent the capacity decreases. let's do a simulation in our mind. let's assume that one day compared to the previous day, for example, the weekend that colleagues are talking about, for example , we have a temperature increase of 2 degrees, compared to a day similar to these two degrees. it has an effect, first of all, it causes 3600 megawatts. the demand for electricity will increase, so an increase in the consumption of cooling by two degrees on the other side will cause our production power to decrease by a thousand megawatts. after we are under pressure from both sides, with a two degree increase in temperature, on the one hand , the demand will increase by 360 megawatts. one side a thousand megawatts of power that we can produce has decreased . what does this thousand megawatts mean in relation to the
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previous question you asked? how many units? they are out now, and this thousand megawatts is approximately 6 conventional power plant units, 6 in fact , a 160 megawatt conventional gas turbine is approximately how many thousand megawatts, which means two degrees of temperature increase, as if we don't have our 6 units, as if 6 units are out it was mentioned that i usually see the same number of incidents every day, and we mentioned in my previous programs that, for example, one thousand megawatts is almost the consumption of a big city. the same way, mr. engineer zabihi can definitely give examples and lessons from the consumption of our cities, which is similar to many of our big cities, so the importance of people's cooperation in such days when production is also under pressure and in a natural and engineered way compared to low temperatures it decreases compared to the iso conditions, the so-called production capacity decreases and on the other hand, the demand increases . we must all join hands to cooperate
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. because if we don't do this, on the consumption side , if we don't manage consumption on the consumption side, we won't reduce our demand. it is necessary for us to make a significant investment so that for a limited hour of the year , for example, 100 hours of the year, 700 hours of the year, when our temperatures are really special and higher than normal , naturally, if we all work together and let's help manage the consumption . finally, a stable supply of electricity will happen, public welfare will be provided, and at the same time, it will benefit the productivity of the national economy . thank you, mr. zabihi. office electricity except for those limiters on the control you have installed their smart devices, the devices that you have mentioned sometimes that are experiencing high consumption , what will the ministry of energy deal with them , that is, apart from limiting
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the officials of those departments, they are making sure that the consumption does not exceed the allowed limit. and then they try to connect the electricity. in any case, the effort is to ensure that the people do not suffer in this process and that there is no disturbance in providing services and responding to the people. and one thing that you did not mention is that compared to the same period for the year 1400 in consider how much you could manage or reduce consumption
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departments in the field. in the field of offices and public , if we want to separate the offices, especially the offices, the public sector, our consumption is about 2 thousand megawatts in the office sector, and the majority of this consumption is in the field of cooling systems, which, naturally, when we work hours we limit one thing: from one o'clock, the cooling system is completely disconnected from the circuit. cooling is almost completely in the circuit and offices are closed.


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