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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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were you able to manage or reduce the consumption in these offices in the area of ​​offices? yes, well, we have something close to 5,000 megawatts, 4,500 to 5,000 megawatts in the area of ​​offices and public sector. about 2000 megawatts of our consumption is in the office sector, and the majority of this consumption is in the area of ​​cooling systems, which naturally, when we limit the working hours to one o'clock , the cooling system is completely out of the circuit from one o'clock. there is a time when we are witnessing peak consumption in the domestic sector from around 11:00 onwards, we see the peak consumption in the domestic sector, considering that the cooling systems are almost fully operational and the offices are closed. at that time, it can help
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us a lot, which will make the huge demand for consumption in the household sector come to a certain extent . in any case, the decrease in the consumption of the offices has been compensated for. did you monitor the consumption amount ? we are monitoring 1250 to 1300 megawatts, the numbers are different on different days, but the average is 1000. we have 200 megawatts in the field of offices, saving consumption management we are getting offices, which is a significant number, this is equivalent to the consumption of several provinces , including non-governmental public institutions. are these 1,200 megawatts saved or not? are they separate, or are they called saving , in any case, public institutions also have a memorandum of understanding with them? we have done many of these things, they are cooperating and helping in any way , but mainly in the area where this
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amount of spending should happen, and another point that you mentioned is to reduce these, and instead of this , we talked about the offices, we talked about the household. let's go to the industry. i remember working with you so much did you have a memorandum of understanding to move that day off during the week with different industrial partners , considering the peak consumption that is being done , where did it end up? in any case, if it wasn't for the cooperation and interaction of our loved ones , we definitely wouldn't have succeeded in maintaining the stability of the network. in any case, we have a place to express our sincere thanks to our loved ones . well, as you mentioned, according to the understanding that was reached with our loved ones, we will move a day off on friday of industries. by the end of the week, we had , based on the classification of industrial towns and industries various have tried to consume the industry during. the week
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should be arranged in such a way that we have a significant number daily in this area of ​​load management. about a number between 2300 and 2500 megawatts we have in the field of industries that are in the field of explanation companies and about 420 megawatts and 4000 megawatts in the field of energy industry . the network has not been increased for a day, according to the same plan that you had agreed upon, there is a power cut, which means they will manage the power or not, you also presented them with a timed outage plan. apart from that, yes, all the programs are coordinated in advance because the industry is sensitive. we will definitely not take any action in this area without prior announcement without prior coordination, but that one-day program was a program for normal conditions. the length of the summer
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was set. definitely, during the days when we have crisis conditions, the heat rises in a special way , including, for example, these two weeks that we are in . well, we expect more cooperation. therefore, the necessary coordination with the industry has been done with previous coordination. these days, we usually receive more cooperation from the industry most of what you mean is that they have more holidays, like the one day they are having now , you don't cut off their electricity supply, or now, except for that one day when they themselves are closed, you prepare a series of cuts for them, well, with prior coordination, for example, we now, we asked all the industries, we said, mr. sanaya, who have a summer vacation plan , to bring their holiday schedule during these days, because the industry , as mr. engineer also pointed out, well, the industry has depreciation, it needs repairs , anyway, this is a market during the year. when they are doing repairs, they sleep when they do the repairs we requested you to bring their repair plan during
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these days so that both they can do their repair work and we can reduce consumption in any way. a part of the load, well, with the arrangements we made, we receive more cooperation from the industry. i mean , we extended that one day a little bit so that we can get past this emergency situation of the crisis. thank you very much , mr. dudabinejad. please tell us by the end of the year or next year when we sit together , how many power plants newly coming into operation and how much planning does the ministry of energy have for it to continuously increase the production. yes , in addition to the units that were offered, they have entered the production circuit until today, thank god. we have plans for more than 8,000 megawatts of new power plants. these are being implemented with different percentages of progress. the average progress of these power plants is about 40%, and we are trying to
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make maximum use of all production capacities by providing resources on time. power plant equipment suppliers, contractors and related investors. we can add this collection to the production circuit in the shortest possible time. naturally, this is a continuous movement. time cannot be cut off in accordance with the growth of demand and the growth of electricity consumption. we must have an increase in capacity . alhamdulillah, many projects have been activated in recent years. we hope that, god willing, all of these will be put into operation at the appointed time. how much investment do we need to make this gap between we can reduce the production and consumption or almost cover this dissatisfaction in your presence and balance it. if we want to be bound by the goals set in the 7th plan, in fact
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, the progress of the country that has been announced for implementation , we will discuss together during the next 5 years should be let's make something close to 12 billion euros of new investment so that the distance between consumption or demand and supply will be reduced, in other words, the existing imbalance will be reduced and we will be able to reach the goals we set in terms of efficiency and to achieve this in the mentioned program, an investment of 12 billion euros was proposed. for the next 5 years, it is necessary to be able to get out of the situation of imbalance at the end of the program, and be able to increase the amount of our supply, along with the plans for utilization and optimization of consumption management, which have been prepared and assigned in the 7th plan.
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let's have an excess of demand so that you can get through these days with a more comfortable situation . how much is this 12 billion euros for increasing the capacity, the figure that is predicted in the 7th plan is 124,000 megawatts, if i'm not mistaken, it is a new nominal capacity from the existing 93,000 megawatts. we are going to reach 124,000 megawatts of 124,000 megawatts of this new capacity, 12,000 megawatts of which will be provided through renewable power plants and 3,000 megawatts through if the nuclear or atomic power plant is provided, the rest will be related to the thermal power plants. in terms of thermal power plants , how much does each megawatt of electricity production cost now? how much investment does it require? on average, for the purposes of each
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combined cycle power plant unit, for each kilowatt of combined cycle power plant, about 600 to 650 euros of investment is required, so 650 euros is required from a program. the ministry of energy, in cooperation with the industries, as you mentioned, now had a program for various companies that produce electricity in their presence. yes one of the programs that were followed seriously by the ministry of energy in the last 3 years and later became law, were blocked by one of the articles of the law. from the electricity industry , the construction of power plants is required by the industry, which is that the industry under the law must
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build a total of 10,000 megawatts, including 9,000 megawatts of thermal power plants. last year, they started projects with a total of about 1500 megawatts, in fact, the power plants are from that number. 10,000 megawatts that were put into operation until today for the rest, they are trying to get the necessary permits, such as fuel permits, etc. complete the financing and fulfill their commitment that , god willing, we will be able to witness better conditions regarding the supply of electricity for the industry and the whole people. it is much less than what should have been specified and now it has been put into operation. what is the most important challenge? because i remember that a series of these big companies came in this program and mentioned different numbers , such as not reaching an agreement with the ministry of energy on construction and so on. how many challenges are still there? first of all, this
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gap that exists is partly due to the time-consuming nature of power plant projects and the construction of a new power plant unit. the construction of a complete combined cycle block takes about 3 years, and about a year before the events begin. the term of the course has advanced so that the necessary preparations are made, the preparations include gas supply and i invite you to attend the discussions. this is the main obstacle that exists for some power plants right now, it is the issue of food supply and gas, and the second obstacle that they sometimes face is the issue of financing, which they are trying to fulfill, god willing, according to the law. thank you very much, mr. zabi , we have a minute. i remember in mr. rajabi's previous program, it was difficult to say that despite the fact that we had a huge increase in consumption and hit a record last week , we did not request the offices to close. these are some of the the provinces themselves are on holiday. i would like to meet you this week as you mentioned that you expect
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the increase in consumption to be very high. did you have a request from the ministry of energy to close down an office or not? as a rule, the heat and the continuation of the heat wave cause problems for the jobs that are in the outdoor space the free space does work and for a part of the people anyway vulnerable. all the good viewers of the economic table, who have accompanied us until this moment
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, may god protect you, ali. today we are in new karbala, and our leader al -hussein, peace be upon him, is in the hands of god. may god accept this offering from us, the master of aba abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him . may the peace of god be upon you forever, we will remain forever, night and day, and god will not falsify
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the end of my promise to visit you. al-hussein, peace be upon abu fazl al-abbas, peace be upon al-hura zainab, and may god have mercy and blessings on him, so praise god and thank him for the greatness of the thanks that guided you and guided you to this path. that is the path. al-hussein al-asil, o martyr of karbala, you will be sidi noura yanir zarb al-saarin , so peace be upon you, and i will be martyred between you and i, and on the tyse'a of the infallible, i will be the pure and pure, your brothers , with your patience, your jihad, your sacrifice, and your iraq, you will be the real flag of imam al-hussein. in karbala
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, i gave you 50 million, i bought an ampoule, what is the disease for cancer, on the one hand, the costs the treatment is high, giving me 25 million, he gave me a paper and said, "go get insurance, how much did you pay, 30 million ?" some other requests for treatment cost structures or tests, which may be more than 15 per year, yes, and sometimes the demands of treatment departments are paid late. the solution to these problems is seen in the upper laws, for example, in the general health policies of the last 10 years, for this reason, in the approval of the seventh plan, more attention was
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paid to solving health problems than in the past. reduce to 30% now. that's almost a paid share people, the statistics are different, it is said that it is 38 to 50% of the total medical expenses that people are paying now. the government is obliged to reduce this to 30% by the end of the 7th plan. it should also be implemented, including the organization of health data systems so that unit management can be implemented. all companies and basic insurance funds are required to do so by the end of the first year. the implementation of this law should carry out all the entitlement assessment steps exclusively through the online database of the country's medical insurance policyholders , because in the field of collecting insurance rules, it is an order. it is mandatory for all companies, all insurance funds that have basic insurance and supplementary insurance
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, those that are governmental and non-governmental, and all related institutions. with the subject of article 5 of the civil service law , it is mandatory that in order to assess the eligibility, in any case, the information in one place does not cause a person to use the insurance in two places. to be kept up-to-date, one of the examples of managing health resources through insurances was the creation of a fund for certain curable diseases. fortunately, this year's credit for saab patients fund our cure was 9 thousand billion tomans, the parliament took a good step, the government took a good step , god willing, we will be able to
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organize more of these 2 million people who are now marked in the health insurance systems as insurance as chronically incurable patients. they are also from the committees outside our rules in the province. they use to get their services from our electronic systems when their illness is entered into the system . the health field has a share of 14% of the country's budget, and its management needs to be improved the quality of service in this area leads. tayyab kargar of sed and sima news agency.
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large in urban communities lacking any other public transport offer and in rural areas is allowed. this causes several restrictions, including being at least 18 years old, having a driving license category a 1 in category three wheels and a. in the category of two-wheeled motorcycles, having a certificate with the capacity of general passenger transport or even having a medical certificate included.
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an encounter with one of the elected presidents started with the protocol and now they say they don't know our protocol because they don't understand what the protocol is like. finally, it finally came to all types of capacity, anyway, we are one we have eyal kapasi, we have social kapasi, we have organizational kapasi, mr. bezikian
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explained one of them in more detail. they are getting upset, why are you frowning?
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road or azadrah, you have the right to say why we don't do what we say, the reputation of the highways, you are hoping to prevent the sda news agency from committing a violation that has been happening for years.
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we used to sit in al-dar, it became like dust in the house that is under us. by god
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, i am not the first martyr, nor the last martyr, all of israel , we did not succeed except in killing children, human beings, and stone only . by god, we have the power to resist, and you will not be able to. by the grace of god, their power is sufficient to defeat stone, trees , and civilian women and children only.
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first, the discount tower at the peak of thousands of products from the 31st of july to the 4th of august in
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chain stores. ofok korosh, hello akbar, sir, yes , i want my father's eyes, please tell me that there is a lot of credit in your father's account, i will pay with tara credit . respected, we have an appointment here in an hour. they told us that everything can be bought in installments. yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check. you are hurting me , i want to pay in advance,
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he dare not ask for advance payment. sir, this is a guarantor. the guarantor here does not want a guarantor at all. we did not go to my bank. gentlemen , there is no need to go to the bank. a special purchase for dear retirees. no prepayment, no need to go to shahr bank for household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square, in front of tehransar. in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello, dear viewers. at 16:00 , we are at your service with some news.


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