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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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according to all the aspects, dear doctor , how is the internet speed in iran compared to the international field? we are in communication. we will get there because you noticed that we increased the speed in a revolutionary way, that is, the maximum speed that can be delivered to the public users in the country was the same speed that we went to . it was a curtain sale that the speed of ids
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we did not change the future into today's environment. we came for this basic work that can guarantee the progress of the country and the development of the country in the future. surely, in fact , all our dear people will enjoy this sweet taste of high speeds, considering that it is a task in the law of this program to connect 20 million buildings, god willing, in three to four years from fiber, what else can be done to increase your speed? well, the light failure
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that has started is actually a small burden mobile communications will be removed, so the speed will increase. we also had the development of the fifth generation, and in fact, the route that i mentioned will be like a highway, which is connected in all sections . abdini, in the matter of internet supply, something happened these days. let me explain to our dear people that we have diversified the internet supply routes to kesha . we have increased the capacity. i told my colleagues in the infrastructure company that there should always be twice the capacity of the country. may be november or december it was 1400, 430 per second in the south, due to the fact that we had a problem with the fiber outage, it was cut off because it was under the sea, and it took two to three months for it to be repaired. really
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, the reason why many users didn't feel it was that the country's internet capacity and the bandwidth we provided are between 5 and 14. it means twice the country's consumption of internet now, and it is from various routes , if it is cut off from one country, we will import it, and if it is cut off from one route , we will have another route at our disposal today before for me to reach you, about 10 minutes of terabit per second, that is, 370 per second , was cut off from the side of armenia. there, the problem was that everything was connected quickly, but people did not feel that one of the
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things was done, or i mentioned the capacity of internal traffic hotspots. we have increased it. overall , this has caused the highway to be widened and its speed increased, but the user experience of our compatriots may be different from what i have explained many times . there are two reasons. all of this effort is wasted as a filter the blocker slows down the speed and makes it smooth. now there are mainly two reasons for using the blocker . one is hundreds of thousands of foreign sites and services that westerners have banned on iranian ips. finally, because it is increasing day by day, some people are constantly using the stomach filter. there are also restrictions that have been imposed inside the country, some of which can be revised. there is, in any case, my opinion is that that part is out of will ministry of communications i am the minister of communications during this period. i tried to provide the path so that
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even if one day in this country it was decided for any expedient that any domestic or foreign service would be allowed to operate, this highway would exist at all. there is capacity in the country. alhamdulillah , a good track has been laid. we are not saying that there are no problems . in fact, special work is needed. the 13th government followed, there is social justice. well, when we say city and village, the definition of village today is different from yesterday. a place that has water , electricity, gas, internet , is no longer considered a village
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. what did you do to make this issue in the area of ​​rural internet so that they can follow their daily activities through virtual space or through the internet? in your view, by the way , there is a video clip of janabali with a fellow villager. they should play it in a remote village. he is addressing a journalist. he says, you have electricity in your city, we have water , we have roads, we have internet, we also have it, you only live in tehran , we live here, the great events that have happened in the islamic republic of iran, alhamdulillah, this really needs to be said, mr. abedini. now let's talk about gas , let's talk about electricity. our two most rural areas now have gas, they have electricity, they have piped water above 90 , they have electricity, about 100, there are only a few villages. because when we connect to the internet, the electricity must have gone out before , in the area of ​​the internet, when we first started, amara said that 90% of the villages were connected, but a more detailed assessment that was done, we saw that some of these villages are of very low quality, after this village, they are not connected. around 79 villages are connected
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during this time. with these btss that were launched, the towers that were launched , around 3,000 women under 20 have benefited, because our targeting in the first step was the villages of the ballast households, now 98 rural populations of the country have access to high-speed internet. the greatness of mr. avdin in these recent elections we have seen the result that because a part of the election was electronic, the identity verification was done online in all the last four elections , which required a comprehensive and stable network . in the fourth election, which was the second round of the presidential election, we had 100 authentication devices being connected means from the city to the most remote rural areas , sometimes by helicopter or boat, this is actually taking the ballot boxes, sometimes it is actually
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taking the drilling rigs. this is the result of a great work done in this period it was done that the 13th government had a justice-oriented view , we had the same view in the development of fiber , i told you, now some small cities have been using fiber optic for two years , and in fact, the big cities have not yet started, this view was a subsidy. what we want is more, because of this justice-centered view, which the martyred president emphasized that it should be developed in a balanced way in all parts of the country . alhamdulillah , this is a big event. this bts must go mountain. we have implemented more than 2,500 km of electric power network, we have laid more than 5,000 km of optical fiber , and alhamdulillah, the result is that the motivation of my dear compatriots to stay in the village has increased more than before, considering the rest of my work that has been done in terms of water, electricity, gas and what you mentioned is from the bottom of the sea where the optical fiber is stretched to
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the ground where they are doing this, one of the places in the field of communication. it is necessary to receive the waves from space . what did you do in the space field to launch satellites and use satellites that are national? yes, i am. before that, i wanted to ask janabali if there is a 5-minute video from your colleagues that can be played without sound, the last 5 minutes of which i am speaking, and there were 5 minutes left, please let me know if it is possible for it to be played about fez. well , a very big thing that happened in the 13th government with the effort and care of mr. president, in fact , it can be said in a way that the space industry has been revived. the 13th government
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was followed with minimal attention for various reasons i told the live tv antenna that our satellite was launched, but it was canceled for political reasons. foreign policy discussion, various other discussions, well, our experts are demotivated, mr. president, mr. avdin. i have said this several times . waking up for 6 hours on a friday, spending 6 hours walking around the heartache of space experts, sitting at their workplace means going to the mountains around tehran, visiting two places , talking about capabilities, seeing the first meeting of the space council on the same day, and its results. it happened that a new energy was injected into this industry and the empathy and companionship between the country's institutions and the army. the general staff of major general bagheri, who had special treatment in the universities , the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of poison, we all became a team, and
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the result was that, alhamdulillah, in this less than 3 years, we had a research and operational launch for 12 years before the 13th government. for the first time, we had two successful external launches , 10 internal launches were carried out, 8 experts were successfully placed in orbit, which i will explain if i have a chance. for the first time, satellites were able to put operational satellites in orbit for us. we have reached an 80 km orbit . we have reached a 100 km elliptical orbit. if you allow me , colleagues, if you have the satellite report ready . yes, please broadcast it so that
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you can talk about it, doctor. yes, about the satellite. it can be played without sound. yes, yes your excellency, well, the performance that you are seeing now , until it is launched, we will not know at all whether our satellites are working, they are operational, the satellite is also a very complicated spring, it has a subsystem, it has a subsystem, and it has to be tested one by one, actually now. in fact, the bottom of the earth is the layer of leo. which have a low orbit has become a laboratory for us, we can easily launch satellites up to 100 kg and 200 kg . let's put the scientists to the test, as you can see here, the number that goes away is actually the launches, which with their date and the satellite that was actually launched, shows that we are skilled in the field of construction, and now it is actually the biggest contract of this contract. we closed with the private sector
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, how much did shahid soleimani use the capacity of knowledge bases to build the mahera system? the country's space history contract with a consortium of companies domestic scientists and we are joining the club of system builders in the world where only 5 countries have all this. god willing, this year the first experts will be ready to launch in the field of launchers, i can say that maherbhamun has been stabilized and , god willing , we are slowly moving towards higher layers. soon, god willing , we will have a launch, the 13th launch, which will almost break the record of the country's space history, 13 launches out of 87 in total. we had until 1400. from 1400 until now, 12, god willing, the 13th and the 14th were also planned. anyway, because of the issues technically, it's taking a long time. we hope this will happen in august. in fact, a new work is going to be done there and we will increase the height . now, god willing, the details
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are kind, and we will announce them later, but it is the most complicated space operation so far. in fact , we have done it. in the area of ​​the launch base , we are building our new launch base, which will be the largest launch base in chaba, yes, in fact, it will be in west asia, and the first phase, of course , will reach this location when it is fully operational. the first phase, which will actually launch solid fuel launchers can be there throw them, god willing, this year i will be able to achieve 65% physical progress. in this government, even the land that we had there did not have a wall around it. in the last meeting of the supreme space council, which was formed in the presence of dr. mokhbar , we named it after him. god willing, the first launch of our solid fuel launcher will take place this year at the beginning of fajr ten. the applications of the space industry are finally these skills
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it can be launched, it must be brought into the lives of our dear people, they have many systems designed that have been discussed in various reports , now, for the first time in the history of our country, mr. abdini , we have access to color images with an accuracy of one meter, it was a dream for the country that we could to have such images that are currently in the possession of various government departments . in fact, the private sector is placed so that they can install different applications in the method . now, as an example, i am telling you that we can remotely measure the cultivated area of ​​various crops. the product. a strategy such as wheat, rice, barley, cotton, these are actually being done with the help of the ministry of jihad using artificial intelligence in our communication research institute and the space research institute , three or four products have been completed and many other applications. what did you actually do in the field of space economy in the 13th government? you see, the field of space industry must first allow your presence to take shape
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, and the government will have to invest on its own for a few years . you are now in the countries. who are actually leaders in this field, you can see that the government spends heavily, but now we do nothing we are slowly bringing in private companies, and i said that we have signed the biggest contract, even now we have entered this space, that we have a guaranteed purchase of space data from the private sector, to guarantee that, in fact, he himself will go and build the satellites. now , the satellites that are on the launch screen after this 13th launch, god willing, are the private sectors that made them themselves. scientific companies are launching by themselves, we only signed a contract to pre-purchase its images, and it is actually the economic wheel of the space industry. inshaallah, we will move forward and another very important topic is the discussion of the message of the domestic media. well, i don't want to say that it has improved tremendously today compared to 5 or 10 years ago
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, but what can you think of to make it happen? provide more services to those who want to use messengers . in fact, under the umbrella of the digital economy, the government established a working group called the special working group for the digital economy under the personal authority of mr. president in the form of principle 127 and the government board in the form of principle 138 , this working group was appointed. which has removed the obstacles to the development of the economy, and one of the main players in the second layer of the economy are these big platforms, which are now a blessing for the messengers. well, a good thing happened, the number of users for these, mr. abedini , increased their traffic between 4 and 12 times. and the ministry of recreation provided them with all the necessary infrastructure. we are proud
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that these are the capital of the country, both messaging platforms and service platforms, which are now foreign examples instead of activities. inside the country like passenger transfer platforms for buying and selling, which people are doing their daily life with , while in many countries of the world , american and western models are active there. we didn't have any problems in the area of ​​the airport. the reason was that it was internal . yes, one of the reasons was this. now , sorry, there were other technical reasons, but one of the other reasons was that we had a lot of problems. alhamdulillah, we used 80% more today about 80% of the country's needs for hebrew services are provided by domestic academic companies, and god willing, the quality will increase day by day. they can even
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compete with similar foreign models and we are giving them an advantage, we have the services from them. in this way, we offer our plan was to turn these into service providers. now , please note that many services or reviews are provided through messengers. a high-quality video and these were launched. for the first time in the world, we have launched these interconnections, so that you no longer need to install 5 to 6 prophets on your phone, whichever one you like. competition will be formed. first of all, they should work according to people's taste. someone likes to use yes, one from ita, one from rubika, one from igap, one from gap, one from soroush plus, all these together. connect, while you have a messenger, stay in touch with others . europe standardized this for global messaging , but we are a year ahead of it. alhamdulillah , we launched it with the efforts of specialists in the country . how is the business situation in messengers now, and the ministry of communications to strengthen
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this important, sooner or later, if not very soon, we have to start a major part of the work from let's follow through the messages of the media and what did you do in business and what are you doing. yes, thank you for your presence. well , in the form of the same worker that i mentioned, we had very good interviews. we had an interview in 1401 , an interview to support digital businesses and digital platforms. iranians have nearly 30 cases of support for these, in fact, we predicted one case for example tax exemption, which has been for 3 years in a row this year, is also provided in the budget law for businesses that operate in domestic exchanges, tax exemption is foreseen, various supports, as soon as this platform can finally provide services to millions of people, businesses can trust to come and bring their lives. sneaking here for yourself. as an example , one of the messengers, for example , ita messenger, at the beginning of the government , had one to two and a half million active monthly users, which means that in the past month
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, those who have used it at least 100 times have invaded my account. it has become 31 million, 30 million and 85 60 thousand people. in fact, i checked, it has monthly active users . well, this million population makes the business motivated to come and build its business where people are present, and many blessings for we had support for business in the form of special economic workers, the statistics show that dear mr. avdin aziz, nearly 500 , in fact, one thousand and a half million new businesses in domestic platforms in the last two years , the statistics of the electronic commerce development center have been formed. it shows that buying and selling and the volume of trade transactions electronics has also increased to 1400. thank you very much, dear doctor, and thank you , dear viewers, may god bless you. i also thank you
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. peace be upon you. peace be upon you. gaza is the al-mansoura faction, god willing . gaza is the al-mansoura faction, god willing. why do muslim scholars not demand hamas to declare an islamic emirate, but hezbollah and houthi are not happy with the islamic agreement on hamas. hey hezbollah and houthi, they are also working for iran and the resistance . as long as hezbollah and iran are working for themselves
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, you are the most high, god willing, i will act for you, my group, the maghrib army, and the messengers, that is, you stand up instead of us , stand up to hezbollah, the houthis, and the islamic authority in iraq or our group. you the withdrawal of this second attack and the second attack, this is what happened to you, this battle is the battle of hezbollah, without being ordered, october 8, tafal al-aqsa , october 7, october 8, there was a conflict in southern lebanon . deep, but perhaps the emphasis of kida's resistance, and instead of you, you quickly say further and further and further. now in the glory of the battle, but you join the battle, and you remain the lord and you know the fate of those who sit on
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the lord when riyadh, the saudi regime and the emirati regime accused us of hamas. iran is close to me and iran is close to me. only the trucks are washed. the messengers to gaza, thank god for their efforts, but when you were on your side , you were accusing the shiites and so on, and he would stand with you and say, "this is a war, you are now a party." god is in lebanon and with him, of course, the other factions, without mentioning me, like one of them, he says, this battle is a battle, so is the resistance in iraq, so are the houthis in yemen, and they say, this is our battle, the battle of gaza and the battle of palestine are our battle, and you are in saudi arabia , and you are supporting me and the criminals, i am al-sahineh and the american leadership. the support for this is the zionist terrorism . min al-afzal, you are the answer in riyadh, there is the answer
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, min alli afzal, the story is the word, and the words of my heart are waqf with you in the field. here is a heart and this is a drone that neither the united states nor israel could target. we are talking about the penetration of yemeni drones. in the heart of the occupied territories, what has attracted attention is the seemingly gradual failure of the security fence that israel, especially the israeli army , has always claimed to have, despite a strong iron dome that the israeli army says.
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it can repel all threats, but in fact, this is one of the deepest attacks that the houthis have carried out, and it is the first time that it has been targeted by tel aviv drones . from the west of the mediterranean, it reached the coast from the sea, and then this explosion is really strange in terms of its path he did not expect anyone. away from the eyes of the zionist regime's radars, some people here in foreign persian language networks in london are worried about the power of the housyas and the danger that the housyas pose to israel, and it has greatly increased. concerns that have already existed before, when
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yemeni drones and ballistic missiles attacked the zionist economic center in eilat or the seizure of the commercial ship galaxy leader by the zionist regime in the open waters of yemen. worried about the inability of the zionists and their american partners to respond to the yemenis. israel cannot carry out air or military attacks in this way and in several countries. crossing the united states is also facing limitations, which means that many american military bases are in the crosshairs of the houthis' missiles since november 5 of last year , when the yemenis started attacking the zionists , they have fired their missiles in the occupied territories more than eight times. they planted their drones in
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the darkness of the night on top
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of the first discount tower at the peak of thousands of products from the 31st of july to the 4th of august . it was a good question , i said, there is a problem, why don't you buy household appliances from the city, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no, what is it? why buy household appliances because it has both quality and discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts , amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers . at 20:00, we are at your service with some news. receiving e-passports will soon begin at the afghan embassy in tehran. the spokesman of the taliban's national shadow and information department said: there are no special conditions for receiving an electronic passport, which will soon begin at the afghan embassy in tehran. according to rafi, applicants must have a paper passport and legal documents in iran and for people without paper passports who were born in iran and...


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