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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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let me invite you to continue this conversation from the expert network. well, before we continue with the comments of the honorable guests in tonight's special news talk, in order to be better in the atmosphere of tonight's discussion, let us see a report together . in 1399, the whole world is on the same page as america, saying why it doesn't return to its commitments sooner, this voice of the world is very important. about four years have passed since the agreement
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for which iran was indebted to the west, we are indebted to the europeans, they should not be indebted to us. we waited, the great patience of jamil , we held hands for a year and listened. hey, they promised and said two more weeks, one more month, one more month . europe promised and didn't act, and about a year and a half. it's been a year since america withdrew from the jcpoa. after a year, we abandoned our commitments. he also says that we will abandon these two to three commitments in two months. if you return, we will return to the starting point in one year or two months. two months ago, we left all our executive and operational obligations in the nuclear technology sector aside. we also said that you return to your commitments
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in the next hour, we will return to all commitments, so our logic is a long logic, there is a correct logic , there is a correct logic. the message cannot be that the parliament played a one-sided game with iran. he gave this message to the enemies of islamic iran that the one-sided game is over . the approval of the strategic action law to cancel the sanctions and protect the interests of the iranian nation had 9 clauses. with these royalties, the annual production and storage of 120 kilograms of uranium with a 20% ore, the realization of the capacity of 190 thousand reviving the heart of the abgin ark reactor, returning it to the conditions before the jcpoa. stopping
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the international atomic energy agency's super-safeguard monitoring access , and if iran's banking relations in europe and the purchase of oil from iran are not normalized within 3 months of the approval of this law, the government is obliged to stop the implementation of the additional protocol. three months have passed since the approval of this law, the european parties to the jcpoa have not normalized banking relations and have not removed the obstacles to the complete sale and export of oil. therefore, iran in addition to resuming activities. the nuclear weapons referred to in this law stopped the voluntary implementation of the additional protocol document, which is one of its results this was: the monitoring eyes of the international atomic energy agency were closed on iran's nuclear facilities and the contents of the cameras were not provided to them. the tapes that are recorded from our programs , which were never presented live to the agency , but daily. it was submitted weekly
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, it is kept in iran and is not provided to the agency. now, about four years have passed since the approval of this law, a new parliament has come to work. the leader of the revolution mentions the action of the 11th parliament in approving the strategic action law as a good work that should be followed as an example. an example of good deeds bring this law of action. one of the very good works. of course, some protested. the laws that disrupt the one-sided games that do not provide the benefit of the iranian people. hosni sadat shabiri, radio and television news agency. very well, let's go back to our conversation and continue mr. azizi's remarks about the reasons for the approval of this law . yes, i was telling you and all the dear ones that anyway, the islamic republic. iran
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is based on a long-term view of national interests and based on the requirements that are now being discussed. of course, both you and the people accepted the jcpoa agreement well, our dear ones know that the dear leader and supreme leader of the islamic revolution, who actually supported this law yesterday, at the same time actually put nine conditions in the jcpoa agreement and said that with these conditions, this agreement should actually be approved. take it let's go back to that time, have these new conditions been fulfilled? look , i need to tell you here, dear people , that the number of sanctions on iran until the implementation of the agreement was 750. the documents are about 750 sanctions
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. we now have legal entities, companies, and institutions since jcpoa agreement in fact. signed up when we passed this law, despite the fact that these sanctions were supposed to be canceled and the interests of the iranian nation would be secured, we actually witnessed nearly 1,600 sanctions before the implementation of this law . mr. araghchi attended the meetings of the national security commission. they definitely have the statistics. when we saw it, we went to an agreement . our national interests were supposed to be the economic benefit of the iranian nation, our financial problems, banking, shipping and
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our important issues should be resolved in the form of this agreement. one we were on the side of the president of the united states, mr. trump , and some of the restrictions that i mentioned to the european union increased from 750 sanctions to 1,600 sanctions. well , of course, this caused the islamic council, as the supreme leader said, in the law , because we mentioned the government's hand. let's fill it in order to support the government in order to properly protect the national interests. this law was approved in december 2019. if there is time, i would like permission to read two clauses of this law. well, it has nine clauses . it is a
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bit detailed. in fact, the provisions of this law, article one what did we say about this law in order to meet the 9 conditions of position? regarding the nuclear agreement of the atomic energy organization of iran, the supreme leader is obliged to take action and store at least 120 kg of uranium with 20% enrichment inside the country immediately after the approval of this law for questionable uses . this decision was made in violation of the covenant and actions that were against our interests and national interests, while here again we emphasized
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that the government is for peaceful purposes. from the conversation from there is no fear of agreement because it has logic , i said. it is strong, but let's go back to all these times when we actually moved in the same direction , despite the fact that we once again proved that we are people of discourse , dialogue and negotiation, but we see that these benefits are not secured. this is where islamic iran actually approved this decision for its own peaceful purposes. well, we came to this law and stressed it. in article 6, the government of the islamic republic of iran is punished in case of non-fulfillment of the obligations of the contracting countries, including the four countries plus one, germany, france , england, china and russia towards iran and normal
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failure to complete banking relations and failure to fully remove barriers to export and complete sale of iran's oil and petroleum products, and complete and quick return of resources from sales 2 months after this law came into force in the islamic council of the islamic council, supervision beyond safeguards . this is a detailed discussion in 2002, when we came to the secretary of the supreme national security council when he accepted the additional protocol voluntarily, well , the truth is that we accepted heavy obligations . it was, but here we came under this law, we said the government is obliged
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to carry out 20% enrichment i wonder if this law was implemented after the assassination of martyr fakhrizadeh . was this an action in response to that assassination and a reaction? did the islamic republic of iran show him a law that we had already thought about and it was really the need of the day mr. khosravi , you should be patient while i give an introduction. and then i will come to this discussion again. i would like to say hello to the viewers of the news network. in the summer of 2019 , the americans, after their bad faith and withdrawal from the jcpoa, came up with a general idea and even though they themselves had withdrawn from the jcpoa, they said that we should be the trigger mechanism. let's
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move on to the current situation. in fact, it was very pretentious. on the one hand , exiting the jcpoa, on the other hand, they claim that the majer mechanism should be included in the jcpoa. when you left the jcpoa , why do you think? who are they telling this to? that a draft was prepared in september 2019. that in order to be able to move forward with this draft, as a rule, both the ministry of foreign affairs , the supreme national security council, and other groups that can cooperate in the majlis group, such as the nuclear energy organization, should actually get their opinions. in the parliament in the commission. the national intention came into the flow . remember, i want to answer your question in
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december, when the martyrdom of fakhrizadeh took place , which means that the preparations were already underway . martyr fakhrizadeh's blood caused us to actually make a move for the benefit of the nation. speed ​​up and even if i want to tell you more precisely, from may of the year. we were thinking of changing our approach , the reason being that the americans had withdrawn from the jcpoa and president rouhani's government had come and announced that we have a policy option , strategic patience . what was said was brought up here and then there. having said that we are working with 4 plus one instead of 5 plus
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one, and again, the 12th government said that i will give europe a chance to carry out this work in a logical analysis space if we want these things. now that we have passed it and the time has passed , let's analyze, in some areas, europe was not able to do what president rouhani did. he had pointed out that in some places he had the ability but not the will, and finally there were concerns from america and being influenced by the other side, economic benefits for iran had not occurred because the jcpoa was not supposed to be for us to go and say that, well, we have now followed the morals. the world did not follow the morals, for example , they booed the americans, the americans were supposed to take things, this was what both sides said in the jcpoa. work win-win. the american pressure to reduce
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iran's oil exports to zero had become serious. in such a situation, president rouhani himself, who is also the head of the supreme national security council, announced and gave a statement to the supreme national security council. that statement was that we exercise smart restraint, but this restraint was not answered by the westerners. in that statement, it was said that the balance has been disturbed, so we have to take action, and for this reason, we reduce our obligations, and we did that, which i am mentioning now. there , the president and the supreme national security council said 60 days we will give jcpoa countries time to fulfill their obligations in the field of banking and in the field of oil . when we come to examine the five steps , we will see that in may 2018
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, we said we would remove the restrictions on keeping reserves, but the reality is that in practice, as and the will of the government was not able to implement the infrastructure , nothing happened. on the 16th of july, we said that we would impose enrichment restrictions, which means that we will increase uranium enrichment and modernize our reactors in iraqi heavy water . this did not happen in practice either. on the 15th of november i will come back to the same supplementary answer. in response to your question, on the 15th of aban, i am saying that in 1998 , we said that we would start the removal of enrichment restrictions in fordo and the start of gasification of centrifuges in fordo, and in january we also said that we would remove the restrictions related to the number of centrifuges. say that we had threatened
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, we had said we would act step by step, but we had not acted, now the parliament has changed. the new parliament has come, we look at the scene and see that on the one hand, the government seems to be empty, it has made a lot of noise , it could not act on its words or it did not want to act. whether it works or not, we have to do something here, and the five steps did not have the necessary deterrence, both in the technical and political fields, and nothing happened. it was here that after the american campaign. starting or completing the maximum pressure on iran in 2019 and trump said that i will expand the scope of these pressures and try to activate the trigger mechanism. the parliament should say that i
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have an option on the table, because we announced it before and we brought the option on the table to be confirmed it is an example in the country's legislative history that within a week, the supreme national security council, the guardian council , the expediency council of the ministry of foreign affairs , the nuclear energy organization, various government departments, as well as the parliament and the national security commission, which are at the center of these pursuits, can if they approve the law in less than a week, this will have an effect. the effect of my last sentence was the effect of this on the people's livelihood. as you can see, supreme leader, this law is a good and very good law to remember because it had an effect on the people's livelihood, hundreds of thousands of people, mr. khosravi. radio medicine was provided for them, we 367
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were our enrichment for some of these radio medicine and topics. like medicine and radiations, sometimes we had to enrich by 10%. on the one hand , the americans and europeans did not allow us to do this. on the other hand, they did not allow me to stay. therefore , it was effective here in the people's livelihood, that is, in the health of the people. they are used in agriculture. we use them in the production of agricultural products to increase productivity. well, we did not have these in this law. people's livelihood was affected. our farmers use increase productivity in the country did our hospitals are saved. and in addition to all this, the sale of our oil was also found with this law. after all, does the sale of oil have an effect on people's livelihood or not? it definitely has. after all,
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you want to buy a product. therefore, what you see is the encouragement of the supreme leader of the parliament. it goes back to the type of movement that was done. if you are in the mood for a discussion , please let me know why the government of our time was looking for appeasement. president rouhani thought that if he had time , he could convince the americans and the europeans. convince europe. payi and the americans have come to the conclusion that the iranians do not take any action, they do not have the power to take action, this law is in the hands of the country's parliament and diplomats. it filled us and shahid raisi's government happened to use this capacity more than the previous government after that period
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, which you asked for an explanation. thank you very much , mr. azizi. within a week, it caused, maybe i forgot to mention the name of the majlis research center because they have many of them and now because of us we are talking about the benefits of this law. after it was approved, did the expectation that we had from the approval of this law and the reaction that the europeans or four plus one should have towards iran, did it happen ? the islamic republic is making a counter-reaction. you see, mr. khosravi, in relation to the researches before this law. yes , as you mentioned, the research center worked on this law. many experts and experts in our nuclear field
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took the time to review all the provisions and materials of this law with expert opinion mr. moqtadaei's reference is based on the principle of this law. the supreme national security council was actually formed when we saw that islamic iran and our dear nation did not take the necessary benefits from this law and on the other hand, our nuclear industry suffered damages . and many issues that we were looking for in the nuclear field have been stopped. well, there is no doubt that
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this law has the logic that in order to achieve the economic benefits of the nuclear industry and the growth of this industry, we should have done this action with the expert basis of this law. if i tell you that in during the weeks, many experts came to the conclusion of this law or even its words, even in the commission, we had a difference of opinion on this period of time that we want to give, but all of this finally came to this point, where we must take decisive action, as mentioned. do after this. has this law benefited the islamic republic and our country ? yes, you must
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have witnessed many openings, that today we are not facing the restrictions we had before in the sale of oil , that today our nuclear industry has grown , that many of our needs are met today. we have from we are following the same path as we basically proved that the parties to the negotiation and the jcpoa are renegades. you can't rely on it. all of these have different achievements in political, social, cultural, economic and security fields. undoubtedly, this law helped the government, both the current government and the subsequent government , to ensure the national interests. you look at each of these clauses and articles of the law with exactly the same view that it will remove the restrictions and help in the growth and
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development of this industry and provide the economic benefits of the country by removing these restrictions. wasn't it supposed to be signed with the approval of this law? this law is actually signed on the same day that this agreement is signed, all the sanctions should be completely nullified, what happened? did we witness something ? . gentlemen, they said that now it has reached 1,500 sanctions. the meaning of the concept is that, basically, the demands of negotiation are not only sought.
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we said that the currency notes and other items will be canceled on the day of implementation of the jcpoa, that our people don't want to be a witness after looking for something special. which one of these was canceled? which one of these? in fact, you were able to show yourself in the lives of the people . yes, we came and tied people's lives to this decision , but we witnessed in practice that not only did nothing happen, but serious injuries were also caused. if it was not done, you could return it . anyway, you must know that our oil sales today are in very good conditions. today
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, our hands are more open in terms of our economic interests . today, part of the restrictions that some countries have created with us is because they witnessed that the violation of the number on the opposite sides is now that. they don't have restrictions with us, our hands are now open for many economic purposes. this law also helped the progress of our nuclear industry . it showed that the countries facing us, especially the negotiating parties, are looking for bad faith, and this showed that, naturally, we should look for national interests, and our national interests are in this direction. islamic council, hello , good evening, mr. zohra, and may you tell me how the strategic action law draws a strategy
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for our country's nuclear issues and securing national interests. iran and the fact that it is said that this type of government leaves the government open for negotiations or fills their hands , how does it happen, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. now i am in the middle of the conversation. regarding how the law of strategic action opens the hand of the negotiator , i must say that first of all, negotiation is a means , not a goal. this is a very important point that there were some gentlemen who actually thought that negotiation was enough for them, and this was a mistake.
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the other thing was that we had two different approaches at the negotiating table, the american side was afraid that it would actually reach the community negotiations through nuclear negotiations, i.e. jcpoa 1, 2, 3, and 4, while iran's goal was to ultimately only deal with the issue. nuclear, well, we went and signed the jcpoa and that commitment. we had experience in the negotiations we had in the 9th and 10th governments. we happened to use the same capacity of the parliament, and when we sat down at the negotiating table, this lever and this position of the parliament was a factor in not allowing us to discuss this issue.
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nuclear to bridge to other issues, i.e. missile issues regional issues and even ultimately human rights issues and the implementation of this created space for us and we easily said that we came to be on the nuclear negotiations and even if we want to deviate from this position, we will face the reaction and reaction of the parliament. we will see that it is from this angle that hazrat agha also mentions that this is actually a strategic law. he left the hands of the negotiators free, not that he wanted to create restrictions for them. i heard one of these gentlemen say that this law took us to war. well, we saw that nothing happened, and the more interesting thing is that we now have trump. we also had that it was pushed under the table and left the jcpoa. now, the government that is facing sheer loss wants to sit at the negotiating table, this law will definitely help it.


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