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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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he himself wrote this sentence: i write peace on your wings, so that you can fly to the whole world. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, greetings. in a telephone conversation with the president of kazakhstan, the president-elect considered the development of relations with this country as one of the priorities of the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran in the framework of strengthening neighborly relations. mr. bizikian said: the two countries have diverse and large capacities to expand relations, and these capacities should be used well. the president of kazakhstan also emphasized the relationship between the two countries based on trust in the path of development. stu on cooperation in the fields of transportation
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he emphasized transfer, energy, economic and trade and interaction in the form of shanghai cooperation organization and eurasian economic union. in a telephone conversation with the president-elect, the prime minister of japan, while congratulating on the election of mr. behzikian to the presidency of iran , emphasized the development of relations between the two countries. mr. keshida expressed hope: iran will play a more active role in establishing peace and stability. and cooperate with international organizations in this field. the managing director of tawanir announced the power cut of high-consumer customers if they do not change their consumption behavior. mr. rajavi mashhadi said that although more than 75% of the subscribers of the household sector are consumers based on the model, but another part of them consume electricity more than two to three times the model.
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in order to avoid violating the rights of other subscribers , it will be necessary to limit and, if necessary, to cut off their electricity. warning, although the priority is to fully satisfy the needs of the domestic sector, but the last so-called step of our consumption, which is more than two and a half times of the subscribers who consume more than two and a half times of the model, 88 allocating the entire consumption of the domestic sector to themselves, if the management is to be done, definitely it is related to subscribers who consume more than two and a half times the consumption pattern anyway these loved ones are the priority of the management. these warnings are due to the fact that this year, although a 4 % increase in the production of thermal power plants has been achieved this year compared to the previous year. but it seems that the speed of increase in electricity demand is higher. we had a pessimistic consumption forecast of 6%, now it is growing above 7.5%. consumption is happening, the minister
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of energy says that in order to meet this increase in demand , in addition to the fact that all the power plants, even the ones that were under short-term repairs , have entered the circuit, there is no shortage in the field of consumption management. you must control the offices based on the approval of the government board, these reductions must happen. in this field , no compromises are accepted. in the commercial sectors, in the military centers of these dear ones, these devices must completely put their power generators into operation within these two weeks. it is mandatory. if they do not adhere to it, we will present to you approximately 50 offices that we cut off their electricity after the warnings. cia and one of
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the central buildings of the new economy bank were that they caused restrictions and power cuts. tawanir company officials say that 12 million text messages have been sent to high-consumption subscribers in the domestic sector, and they are aware of the details of their consumption . mehboob sharifi gul of sed and cima news agency. specialists of a knowledge-based company located in the science and technology park of tehran university succeeded in designing and producing a remote reading device for electricity meters. this technological product provides customers with the possibility of receiving electricity at the moment. difficulty accessing the meter was one of the challenges of the officers when they went to read the electricity meter, now with the new product of the specialists of a company. scholars have been raised, through
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these modems, a direct connection is established with the meter through port 485 and we provide the possibility of reading them. he sends it online to the manager of the center, which is tawanir company or electricity explanation companies. this achievement of the young technologists of our country is able to be installed next to electricity meters using a sim card send electricity meter information to the distribution center . this is the basis of the design, which is an intermediary between the electricity meter, the reading software, and the gprs platform . the data read from the electricity meter is sent to the software by the gprs sim card, and the
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software analyzes the meter's incorrect data. from 0 to 10, this remote reading modem was designed and produced by the experts of a knowledge-based company located in the science and technology park of tehran university, and it has a special feature. in addition to the discussion of reading the controls, there is a possibility of remote disconnection for consumption management so that they can control the consumption to have as the officials of danesh banyan company say, this national achievement has a transnational customer and they are consulting to export the product to neighboring countries. samia nasser, sed and sima news agency. in response to the recent crime committed by the zionist regime in bent jubeil, lebanon's hezbollah fired rockets at the injured members of a family in northern occupied palestine . in this attack, the islamic resistance of lebanon
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targeted the zionist town of tsurial in al-jalil for the first time with dozens of katyusha missiles. zionist media reported that two settlers were injured. that shook the buildings. hezbollah he also announced in response to the attacks of the zionists on the villages of southern lebanon, especially in the town of ita from the city. he targeted the buildings used by the zionist military in al-manarah with appropriate weapons . the japan meteorological organization also issued a heatstroke warning for 39 provinces of the country due to the increase in air temperature. the temperature in these provinces
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has reached above 37 degrees celsius. estanma , located in the north of the capital of japan , experiences a temperature of more than 38 degrees. in tok. many people braved the heat by carrying cooling equipment such as umbrellas and fans. meteorological organization japan has predicted that the temperature will drop by the end of the week. the next part of the news at 4 o'clock.
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have you ever sworn in the name of allah, the most merciful? i don't remember swearing for anything at all , where the law says i must swear, i swear, if the court tells me to swear, i swear. definitely, swearing is a very heavy responsibility . you swear every day, not except twice in parliament i took an oath based on the law, i usually say in my life, if i am honest, people will believe me,
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why should i ask before the holy qur'an to almighty god. i swear by the holy quran to the almighty god that we will protect the interests of the people and protect the values ​​of the revolution . people's problems are there. let's make laws that benefit the people. let's be aware that we are making decisions and voting on each and every issue . we definitely have to be accountable. it's not ceremonial , no more, no, no, there is an oath, there is an oath, there is an oath . yes every i had remembered for four years. actually, in this fifty -year-old day, it has come to my mind many times that after all, this is a responsibility that we have just started and a burden that is actually borne. they give a notice to the board of governors and say, "you swore
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this sharia oath, the deposit that the nation entrusted to us, as a just trustee , as a just trustee, i will keep it, i will definitely try my best to adhere to it, and from now on, it is good that he says that it is a promise that the nation has entrusted to us , that we can be the guardians and trustees of piety. let's try to make the country independent and prosperous let's deliver the guardian of the achievements of the islamic revolution of the iranian nation, the foundations of the islamic republic of staab. in my opinion , this oath includes all the important matters , protecting the rights of the nation and serving the people.
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the representatives who swore an oath in front of the holy quran to protect islam and the revolution, now here today in imam khomeini's hosseiniyeh , are the guests of the leader of the revolution, you are very welcome. both to hosseiniyyah appointed and attributed to the honorable imam and welcome to this twelfth parliament according to the law of their supervisory duties. he will do it seriously to pursue the demands and solve the problems of the people. the parliament is not only a questioning institution but also an answering institution. a council that is one of the pillars. an institution decides who is accountable to
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the parliament, first of all to god, then to the people , but in their behavior, in their method, in their reaction, one can see their satisfaction or their lack of satisfaction with our leader. we should follow the duty of representation in the form of these few, in fact, the emphasis that we took in this oath. i think that all the problems of not only the people's assembly, but also the islamic society will be solved with this kind of approach and foundation.
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i gave 50 million tomans to buy an ampoule for cancer. on the one hand , the treatment costs are high. he gave me 25 million tomans and gave me a paper . he said, "go get insurance. how much did we pay? 30 million . on the other hand, some requests for treatment cost the structure in the test, maybe more than 15 per year per year yes. and sometimes the demands of medical departments are paid late, the expenses are not paid on time, naturally, the resilience of pharmacies is also limited, the solution to these problems is seen in the upper laws, for example, in the general health policies of the last 10 years. approval of the seventh program more than in the past, more attention was paid to solving health problems , the expenses paid by the people for the health and sanitation sector should be reduced to 30% by the end of the program . now, approximately the share paid by the people, the statistics are different
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from 38 it is said to be 50 percent which is now of the total. people are paying for treatment . the government is obliged to reduce this to 30% by the end of the seventh plan. in order to achieve the management of insurance resources, presuppositions must also be implemented, including the organization of health data systems so that unit management can be implemented. all companies and funds. basic insurances are required to at the end of the first year of the implementation of this law, all entitlement assessment procedures will be carried out exclusively through the online database of the insured persons of the country's treatment. in order to bring order in the field of insurance rules , all companies, all insurance funds that have basic insurance and supplementary insurance, those that are non-governmental , are obliged to oblige all institutions related to the subject of article 5 of the civil service law.
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in order to assess eligibility in terms of insurance, in any case, the information in one place will not cause a person to use the insurance in two places . it should be kept that one of the examples of health resources management through insurances was the creation of a fund for special diseases and lead to cure. fortunately, this year's credit of our fund for patients with a cure is 9 thousand billion tomans. 2 million people who are now marked in the health insurance systems as insurance as chronic incurable patients, let's organize more . those who are now using the committees outside our rules in the provinces, when their illness
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entered the system. in general, these services are from our electronic systems charge a fee. do not pay until you refer to the invoice . the health field has a share of 14% of the country's budget, and its management leads to the improvement of the quality of services in this field . tayyab kargar of sed and sima news agency.
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if i'm not mistaken, mr. qalibaf was also the speaker of the parliament. as the speaker of the parliament of iran , there were other cultural words in the speech of the speaker of the parliament, such as financial messaging systems and discussion of the issue to the north and south corridors. if we don't accept a part of this risk, it's a risk. he did not accept the acting presidency as a risk.
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about a third of the facades are painted and the water does not budge . i can refer to the websites or applications of my police, whose address is already on social networks, through appoliz and actually download this app. there is no news about school lessons, but they want them to have fun during these 93 days. you don't know how to read and write , but you have a book, so my mom will read it to me . what did you make today? the fan is explaining
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how you made the fan with the clock. how did you make it? it's hard to stick this hamburger. i made it a little bit then, with a white rod, then with a blue flower, then an orange flower, a green flower, what are we doing now , i will tell you this, lady, what are we doing now, what are we doing with this head. the robot head of summer classes allows children to learn indirectly in addition to playing and having fun. our ultimate goal is for children to think creatively and have self-confidence. and they can boldly implement their own ideas. the thing that is present in all our workshops is that our trainings are member -centered training, which means that the children do the work and the instructor
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is actually a facilitator, training in a different way. it is direct and the children are only guided. robotics, painting and origami are classes that teach children to think creatively and express this creativity . why did you choose origami? because, for example, i like to make something with different things with paper, for example, to fold it, and in the end, a good and beautiful thing comes out. there are a few things you can do if you know how creative you are. how many creativity do we have? this teaches us this, this, this. it's my job to be creative, for example, we say, you know what i'm doing, i wanted to make the sky blue with my hands, why with your hands? i like to think why a robot because my mom said come, as you said, you came now that
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you came, are you interested or not? why are you interested ? what do you like about my work ? i would like to be a painter. i want to be able to draw everything myself. my dream is to become a designer, that's why it gives a very good account. the things that the child does with interest, in addition to enjoying and having fun , makes these trainings stay in his mind. how did you know that to are you interested in robotics? my mom registered i came to the class, i liked it, i like to make table things , i draw qasi, why? we always advise parents to have a conversation with them, even during registration, is that
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he likes what he is interested in, for example, a child is active, for example , parents tell us that he has an imaginary friend and is always playing with his friend, so definitely. for example , we direct them to the creative show class. there is a child who doesn't like to draw paper , make volume work, so he is directed to painting or handicrafts, and finally, the children may even be written in a class by the parents. it's based on their own taste, but the children in that class , our friends, as soon as we notice such a case , we have this conversation that you should let the child enjoy the work, and to enjoy it , it must agree with his interest and abilities, learning alongside it happens with pleasure if you don't enjoy something. learning and that education does not happen either . in its summer theme, the center for intellectual development of children and adolescents aims to improve the level of knowledge, scientific, cultural, literary, artistic and
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social skills of the children of this land. lord i fated the miqat of the lord of the arbaeen nights, and musa said to harun, "akhlafni in a tribe and a righteous one, and don't follow the path of the corrupt." the word "lord " said, "lord, i will sing to you
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. " felma tjali rabe lajjal is fake, deka and buy. musa sa'qa then said, "glory be to you, and i am the first of the believers. i seek refuge in god from satan, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful
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." and we wrote it down in the tablets , i preached everything, allah is the greatest, god is the greatest, god is the greatest, god is the greatest i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the
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messenger of god. long live ali salah.
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hai ali khair al-alam hai ali khair al-alam god is great, god is great
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, god willing, in this area , we examine the most dangerous cases of domination over yemen in a period of about two decades, and describe the activities and various related issues in the field of land, sea, and the results and we will discuss their consequences. also, by disclosing new details of these events and publishing some documents for the first time and hosting some military figures and intelligence the civilian activity related to this case is revealed to have new dimensions so that the attempt to conquer yemen under the domination of the united states will be recorded in history.
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we have obtained various images that are documents of joint military exercises and holding two training courses of the american forces to the units of the yemeni armed forces at the end of the last century.


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