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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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we obtained various images, which are documents of joint military exercises and holding two training courses of american forces. at the end of the last century, the units of the yemeni armed forces were stationed in the areas bordering the western coast of yemen in hodeidah province.
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the regime uses these tactics and weapons. this officer tries to teach them these things and says that these forces always do these exercises.
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when everyone is settled in their place, my order will be issued.
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just stop working, enough is enough. at any moment and at any time to carry out any mission you are assigned to be ready in each one.
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these were military exercises. the second group was a good group . the goals were carefully considered, all the members of the american team participated with all the groups, and each coach was present with the group commanders . the groups were trained by the coaches during the course. for what is described as the restoration of relations between the republic of yemen and the united states, two courses of joint training and exercises were held. in the celebration of the military exercises
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, the military commanders of the government expressed their happiness of friendship with america. to all the participants and implementers of this project. counselors constitute a pole for military experiences was. on the other hand, the united states believed that holding two training courses is the first step in a long path that the american forces are preparing for its formation. on the other hand
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, the us navy was also present in the areas adjacent to the coast of yemen. in numerous military trips. in yemen , there was talk of other demands beyond training and joint exercises, or in other words, beyond the announced facilities. contrary to the news published in the newspapers, america did not act quickly in the negotiations regarding the provision of military facilities to yemen. i would like to emphasize that relationships the military of yemen and the united states is in the framework of extensive political and economic cooperation. i hope that my trip will be effective in the direction of this cooperation in terms of opening the door to the issue of military relations between sana'a and washington .
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it was relevant. proposals were made regarding the construction of the wharf in mayon and the construction of the wharf and airport in shraddara. the purpose of using these geopolitical areas was important, but in this context there was analysis and delay . you were able to respond positively to the desire of the west, on the other hand , in the domestic field, there were 20 american technicians, only seven ships, seven ships in the sea , one submarine unit, one submarine unit, one vertical aircraft carrier, and one helicopter. during the day
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, there was no doubt that there was a crisis in the american ship accident. which threatened yemen in a real way . the americans wanted to take advantage of this incident for military presence in yemen. this was clear. american forces entered aden, but they did not receive official permission and tried to exploit this incident. actions pressure. america was used to dominate the main ports and cities and sea coasts. with its position, yemen
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has a vital point in the strategic map of america. but why? the geography of the region answers this question. yemen is located between two continents on the world map. one of those two arabian peninsulas overlooks two seas, a bay and an ocean, but on the other side, there are many islands in yemen in the form of natural peaks. it is located and the world trade crossings between east and west are in the hands of yemen. in the framework of the search for developments in the field of military relations between the two sides at the beginning of the third millennium , we found a number of exclusive images, which
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are actually documents about the trip of the american troops to identify the situation of the vigilante forces of the republic. this trip took place two months after september 11, 2001 . this period of the visit of the american officials started with the examination of the condition of the training rooms, which were said to be operating in a new way. the presence of america in the most important military camps
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of the yemeni army was much more and easier than before. the commander of the american special operations, my brother, the commander of the special forces of all the weapons used. we will show you the special forces more ridiculous than the plans of the government to host high-ranking commanders of the us military in those areas. the strategy was to try to portray these trips as visits to a limited number of troops under training. in fact, these trips are spy trips to find out about yemen's light and semi-heavy weapons. where do they open this gun? this weapon is for special forces
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. this is a kalashnikov. this one is smaller and lighter than the russian rocket kalashnikov, which cannot be easily targeted. then, in this trip, the structural organization of special forces it was presented under the pretext of fighting terrorism , and this
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was a sign of readiness to act based on the developments in american politics.
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ahmad hossein dahan, one of the high-ranking officials of the special forces, can be seen in the pictures. we contacted him to
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ask questions about the nature of the trainings, developments related to it and the behind the scenes identification of the armed forces camps, but he refused to talk to us. in the framework of this investigation, we found out that washington considered yemen a safe haven for terrorism and a possible target for attack following the government's response to the proposals. nizami introduced. also, ali abdullah saleh was pressured to meet with bush and announced his readiness to participate in a project that is described as cooperation in the fight against terrorism. dominating the army and information about armaments was one of the main goals. yemen's military equipment was varied. although this equipment was done in a traditional way
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. in my opinion, the information about the type of tank and the deployment of the target was not. rather, the goal was to limit the sources of weapons. when the issue of fighting terrorism started, other issues such as the crossing system and the communication system are left aside. the excuse of the west was that they should enter these fields . that in order to fight terrorism , security cooperation is necessary in the field of borders and crossings, etc. to create a suitable system. the government was not allowed to review the responses and determine the mechanisms. so that within a month , the yemeni government
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received the details from tommy franks, the commander of the american central forces, george tenet, the head of the cia, as well as dick cheney, the vice president of the united states. naturally, america's plans were mixed. in this field, the americans acted on a large scale, so that the goal was to carry out extensive intelligence and military trips. even after the attack on afghanistan in 2003, 2004 and 2005, yemen remained in the mind of the us as a dangerous center that should be controlled. this
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is the dominance of one hundred special forces in yemen. on the other hand, some media reported the american attitude about the nature of the activity and deployment of many yemeni forces in the philippines.
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as you can see we use the uh sbd pso1 scope now thing about the fvd they do manufacture a cheap piece for it uh we didn't get it . yemen became with the continuation of the trips of high-ranking american commanders to these camps, the images of the government's reception of them had become a mockery, as this issue is evident in these suspicious images, along with that
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, the demands of the americans to go and see them from there, where is musharraf's place? . i will examine the level of the nature of the activities carried out under the pretext of helping the yemeni forces through training and sending equipment. at first, america
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stated that the reason for the presence of the military was to visit the embassy and learn about the training process. we communicated with the officials related to our investigation file. many of them are speaking in they fought about this. but we were able to get the consent of two important and direct officials of that time . ahmad moyad, the former manager of sana'a international airport, and ahmed amer, the director of the airport's political security , are these two personalities.
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they traveled to yemen and violating the process of carrying out legal actions that took place at the airport in a significant way regarding air travel to yemen was first done in the form of a law in 2002. 3 days or a week before the arrival of the plane, the ministry of foreign affairs
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gave us information about that trip. that is, about every trip that was made through the american embassy. but after 2002, the violations started. making flights or the arrival of some people through air travel to the airport with arab or non -arab planes was done without any kind of information without informing us in advance. the information we collected shows that all these actions increase the entry of zionist elements into yemen with passports. was accompanied by europeans. some came from israel with british, american, italian or other european passports. how did you deal with them? we had no idea.
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the meteorological organization reported that with the placement of a record low thermal dome in southwest asia increasing temperature trend. the weather continues to be between one and a half degrees warmer than the normal conditions , which has led to an increase in electricity consumption in this region. for every one degree increase in temperature , we will have an increase in demand of about 1,800 megawatts. according to the report of the ministry of energy, consumption in southwest asia has increased so much that the electricity grid has become unstable in some countries. countries in the region that have super civil infrastructure. we are now witnessing serious confirmations. in kuwait, there is a blackout table. unlike these countries, iran's electricity grid has implemented consumption management programs and urgent efforts
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it has been stable so far to resolve incidents. however , the officials of the ministry of energy say that if the increasing trend of electricity consumption is not stopped, it is impossible to be sure that this stability will continue and that the electricity of the household customers will not be cut off. more than 78,000 megawatts, probably this week, our expected peak. it is true that the functional capacity of the network will decrease in the conditions where we have an increase in temperature, which means that on the one hand we will face an increase in consumption, on the other hand, the capacity of the sector networks will decrease, both in the production sector and in the discussion of transmission networks. all the power industry is mobilizing in power plants in power grids our dear people should consider the examples of that ramin power plant so that this electricity supply can be done in a sustainable manner. even if
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we have electricity. you must control the departments, based on the approval of the government board, they must be reduced. what happened in this field, no compromise is accepted in the commercial sectors in the military centers of these dear ones, these devices should completely put their power generators into the circuit during these two weeks and not receive electricity from the network even if possible, according to the company's announcement. tawanir is more than 60% of
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the country's electricity demand. it is related to the domestic sector in the sector well, you see, our policy is full supply , so to speak, we can complete the supply of electricity . first of all, we thank you, dear people , for their cooperation during these two or three years. three times the consumption pattern. the network management should identify these , warn them, and if necessary, limit or cut off the electricity of these subscribers, because these few subscribers cause the so-called instability of the network and cause the rights of others to be damaged, he said. minister of energy to prevent
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publication of outage tables in the domestic sector requires the subscribers of this sector to have the maximum amount of electricity consumption within the next two weeks. ruqiyeh hoyda, radio and television news agency. this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today we are going to offer you 60% of your educational resources for free. just by sending the number 5 to the sms system 3008 55, get 60% of your educational resources completely free.
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get 60 of gilna's publications as a gift right now. by sending in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to iran, the host young physicists of the world. the 54th world physics olympiad started in isfahan university of technology with the participation of 198 elite students from 47 countries. this period of competitions continues until the 7th of august. iran is hosting the world physics olympiad for the second time this year. the secretary general of the 54th world physics olympiad said five iranian students and 193 students from other countries


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