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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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get a gift from gilna publishing sources by sending the number 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings from iran. the host of young physicists of the world, the 54th world physics olympiad started in isfahan university of technology with the participation of 198 elite students from 47 countries . this period of competitions continues until the 7th of august . iran is hosting the world physics olympiad for the second time this year. the secretary general of the 54th world physics olympiad said five iranian students and 193 students from other countries.
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they compete with each other in both experimental and theoretical parts. iran has a high scientific capacity. the example is two times it is the hosting of the world physics olympiad. i will get at least the silver. the most attractive things that attracted them in physics were first modern physics, new physics, and then its relationship with particle physics of the best medals. the second regional anti-narcotics conference in baghdad. regional cooperation was held to
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eradicate drug trafficking and information exchange in this field was the most important topic of this conference . iran will host this conference next year. the second regional anti-narcotics conference was held in baghdad, the capital of iraq, with the participation of representatives of 9 countries. mohammad shia sudani, prime minister of iraq the opening of this conference by pointing out that the struggle with.
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the islamic republic of iran also recognized the need to increase the exchange of information by the liaison officers of the countries of the region as one of the factors in eradicating drug trafficking. they had invited different countries , iran, kuwait, turkey, egypt, jordan, lebanon, syria, saudi arabia . it's good for the iraqi friends, centered on the iraqi ministry of interior, for more coordination between these countries . well, the meeting was held. the coordination of countries for the development of coordination and cooperation
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in the fight against drugs, which is really important and everyone should participate. this statement of readiness was made by all of them. for the next round , this meeting was arranged to be held in iran next year. the main current concern of countries in the region , including iraq, is the production and trafficking of industrial drugs and captagon. according to those statistics, most of these drugs are produced in the western regions of iraq, especially in the triangle of iraq, syria, and jordan, and are smuggled to the countries of southwest asia and africa. jalal khalidi of baghdad radio and television agency. 15 of the presidents of the university and the country's higher education and research institutions received the saru jalil badge and five universities as the top universities in the shahid rajaee festival. this award
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was presented to the selected presidents of scientific institutions for the second time this year at the meeting of university presidents. on the sidelines of this meeting, the minister of science said: in the last 3 years , we tried to mohammad, the presidents of the universities , to create suitable conditions for more communication with the industry sector , we had a meeting with the chamber of commerce, which is related to various industries, and it was decided that they should promote various industries, that they should exchange some of the best candidates for the national entrance exam, and we also brought in the budget rules. that 60% of the credits of government companies that are related to the research sector should be deposited in the higher fund for science, research and technology and should be spent on the university's contracts with the industry .
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we encouraged our research institute that if various private and public individuals spend money in universities to equip laboratories for technology topics , it will be considered as a tax exemption for them. opposition to the presence of the zionist regime in the paris olympics was also brought to the french parliament. french national assembly member emeric caron said: israel's hands are stained with the blood of gaza children, it should not participate in the olympics. according to karon, the zionist regime is fighting a war by killing innocent people. he has continued to fight against the defenseless people of gaza, which is a violation of the olympic games charter. port, another member of the french parliament , has also demanded the removal of the zionist regime from the olympics and said that because of the war against innocent people , israeli athletes
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do not deserve to participate in the olympics. a company of scientists succeeded in localizing the infant resuscitation device. according to the information communication center. vice-chancellor of science and technology presidential knowledge-based economy. all the parts of this device are made by iranian experts and no samples have been taken from any foreign samples. this issue has led to the ease of repair and the much more reasonable price of this device compared to similar foreign models . a simple user interface and high flexibility have made it possible to carry out rehabilitation without causing mistakes in the application of work pressures and fatigue during the rehabilitation period. stay with us.
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as the hypocrites say, and those who have a disease in their hearts . their religion and those who put their trust in allah, for allah is the most wise, the most wise, and the most merciful. they beat their faces and their thoughts and taste the torment of the fire. that is what i have seen. and god is not the darkness of slaves, the liars of pharaoh, and those before me who disbelieved in the coming of god, so god will punish them for their sins. indeed, god is strong in
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punishment. he will change the favors of the people, until they change us with themselves, and allah is all-hearing, all-knowing, like pharaoh and those who came before me as liars, and those who came before my lord ,
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so they hated their sins, and all of them were oppressors. the evil of god is those who disbelieve and do not believe, those who break your covenant among them. i am responsible rise up justice, lift up the burden of trust left on your shoulders the first line, the first line, the service line, the people's line. you are sanjar , you are sanjar, you are on this table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table
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, in the eyes of a martyr, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, dear fellow citizens , welcome to the program on the first page. about policies, strategies and of course. talk about decisions that can be very effective in the development of the country in the third decade of the 21st century , when communication and information are central issues for the development of every country and every nation. dr. isa zarapour, minister of communications and information technology. welcome to the first page program, be healthy , in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful, at the service of his excellency and all my dear compatriots who have my voice and image. the latest measures taken in the government of our martyred president in the field of communication and information , i have to serve my dear people, thank god , it is at your service, thank you. the budget law of 1401 obliged all ministries and agencies to set up a smart government service window that after launching their single window , join the national window of smart government services, a very big thing has happened in the country, and that is the national window of smart government services, a technological event that will sweeten people's palates and will sweeten the whole system once they get access to the government agencies
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, that is, when he goes to the tax organization , we will ask him for a password, he does not want to connect , his services are used. if you want children's books, order them alhamdulillah, almost 3 thousand services are being provided to our dear people in this way. that organizations join the national window one by one. 75 % of government services are integrated in the form of services that have birth certificates or services that are given in the form of union and non-union licenses in this window and people can see, evaluate and use them with a single login . this service currently includes about 99 government agencies. people's reception was more than ever. 48 million people have been authenticated in the national window of smart government services
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are if you calculate the ratio, it will be approximately 78, our target community is up to 80, that is, people who can use this system in total , 48 million of them have used it at least once, and according to the law of the national window of smart government services , it must have an evolving process. . all electronic services that devices. they are doing what they are doing. it should come in the window and be seen by people . this is not acceptable if a service is only available on a device, for example, on its own electronic island . some people still have this. another thing is that the services should be those that have the ability to be smart. 100 be smart and we will not receive any documents from the people in the government, because all the documents of the people are with the government in some way. well, doctor, you are very welcome
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. we have seen the report. one of the important issues that exists is that the most important components that have been in the field of communication in the past three years, from your point of view, who is at the helm, what was your perspective, which is also a video. now later, if you have a chance to broadcast it , it will depict our mission areas very briefly and the significant actions that have been carried out , we have various news about development. the discussion of the space industry, new missions, other than the mandates traditions like these and post and postbank and various sectors have been addressed to us in a more special way in this government. the discussion of the smart government that you mentioned , i am more than talking about the field of digital economy , which, with the emphasis of ayatollah raisi, the martyred president, is a delegation of the second government. it was established in this area. in order to
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move the work forward quickly, i will explain . very good actions were taken in all these areas, which i will explain one by one. if we act well , we can untie knots and increase people's work we should have people's satisfaction, remove the golden signatures, remove corruption bottlenecks, this is a smart government that has done a lot of infrastructure work in the past 3 years, the result of which was this single window that pointed out that now almost all government agencies are actually there, services
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when we started the work, some work had been done in the field of electronic government, but the islands. being scattered and not related to each other , there was no such thing as a national window, and it was a system with a name that was actually a place where only the device service link was placed there. 23 projects in the executive council of faran information, it is defined as a priority project of electronic government, which according to the last evaluation had about 506 progress, but this has not become a movement to make all government services electronic, except for these 23 and the rest of the projects. it was almost abandoned. well, what we did was we first came and provided the necessary infrastructure for this. after all, if a device is going to move towards intelligentization, it should have manpower, budget, and a legal mechanism should be provided for it, mr. president, in the first step. communicating the discussion on the implementation of fernavari it was reported that at the highest organizational level in the devices, a center for the development of information technology
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, intelligence, and security of cyber space was formed, which was actually an opening for fanai centers. we have come to follow up on this incident in the industrial budget bills, and we have made it a task that in the same interview that mr. naqvi mentioned to the respected journalist that he has to work very hard , we should appreciate their efforts in these 3 years. and then we brought in the law of the 7th plan, it became a long-term task to bring all their services first. over time they should make it electronic and present all their services in the form of a single window. because you were going to an organization , it had dozens of systems . you had to remember a user account for each one. you had to write it down. it was a disaster. in short, they were supposed to commercialize all this themselves , then we were obliged to 1401 national window of smart government services, let's start my device until then , one of them will be connected, until that year, 30% of the services were supposed
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to be provided, the next year, it became 100. my martyred president was present in may 1401 when it was launched we did it almost 8 to 9 months earlier than the deadline because some people in the country said that it had not been done. don't have anything more to say, everyone should join this movement. alhamdulillah, this happened. now you are inside the window of the unit. first time, authenticate through the phone line. this is one level of identity verification , you have access to a significant part of the services. it is possible to log in to any device with your photo, which is actually the photo of your health record, and you will no longer be asked for your username, password , national code, and in fact, it is one of your services. in fact
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, a wide range of services will benefit from this. i started reporting on my personal pages from yesterday. i think i entered the field of smart government and i am reviewing the memories of this period, what great things happened, it is really proud, one of them is the national window of permits, which is the main work of the permits , in the center, in fact, the business of the ministry of economy, and also a tool that we have provided in all with the ministry of economy, the national permits window is integrated with the national permits window, which means that you enter the national permits window, and from the national permits window, you can access other subject windows such as the window. let's use national land, mr. abedin, more than 5 million licenses have been issued so far only through the national window of licenses without visiting in person, a very large event, in fact, trade license and license. or, to your honor , flight training services, social security services, ministry of road services, which was launched almost 10 days ago, the purchase and sale of real estate was also launched in a non-personal way, which means
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that you should go to the offices in fact. real estate consulting, if you are with the buyer , agree with the seller, both of you can do it at home . it is very easy to set up the letter of endorsement online between you. it is very convenient , which means that many parts of it do not require legal knowledge. it can be signed electronically. before this stage of work, a personal visit from you want to read a degree, but you are smart, all this is online, that is, an information about you, whether you upload it in electronic form or send it in physical form, not a request for attendance. with this legal duty
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that in the seventh railway plan, the stations were obliged to make 20 percent of their services smart every year. which is now almost 16, 17, by the end of this year , i should reach 30 according to the government interview, according to the law, they should reach 40, which is our standard 40, because the program law was promulgated with a delay , we will reach at least 30, we hope that within the next 3 years in general, people should not need to go to the government in person for any service, and this means a serious transformation in the administrative system of the country, and in general , the processes, mechanisms, organizational positions, organizations , all must undergo a transformation . we did the work in close coordination with the administrative and employment organization of the country from the first day, i told mr. dr. lotfi's brother that we actually ordered his group to cooperate completely and
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we even connected two groups together in an organizational form. it is a curse of information that they are actually following up on this matter . alhamdulillah, this strategic alliance had a happy result for the people, who said that 48 million people came to register, and so far nearly half a billion people have been registered. 500 million used means reducing at least 500 million visits in these two years this data is apart from the online queries that are exchanged behind the devices, which in this period, sir, you should know, the number of transactions between our devices in 2019 was approximately 1.6 billion transactions, each transaction means a face-to-face visit. probably, there is a proof that the demand from the people reached 8 billion last year and this year it is expected to reach 10 billion . and these
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are very effective, one of the other things that seem it happened in this government and it was very important , it was the national fiber development plan, which maybe if we want to give an example , it is like creating a big road for the country in the field of information exchange. which can be very useful in the future.
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the trend of fiber optics for homes and businesses is over 8 million. the coverage has passed. well, doctor, what was the necessity for the government to go towards a low-cost task like fiber development? yes, i want to earn money. i would like to add one sentence in the previous topic, that is, if this work succeeds, the single window honestly, one of the main reasons is the personal follow-up of mr. president and the special attention he had to this issue. in the last report that i gave to them, i was the last ministry of home affairs to which 25 men visited on the occasion of world communication day, and a few days later this tragic incident happened there. i told
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them that one of the devices was not connected . saying that even one device was not connected means that this work is not complete. this is also a special device. in fact, the honorable head of the office should follow up so that it is connected. i want to tell him seriously every meeting. following up on us. the second point was the follow-up of sada and vesima itself. to be fair, especially in 1402 , you did a great job. which of your organizations has not been connected, why has it not been connected, that this incident has turned out to be a good thing, but let me return to the second question , your excellency, well, one of the basic missions of the ministry of communications is the development of communication infrastructure, which people's lives are now dependent on this tool. he imagined that one day you would be without him you want to communicate, live now, with the events that are happening in the government sector , the dependencies are increasing in the private sector, well, we
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have been successful since the first day of service. we found and analyzed where we have serious problems, mr. abedini, and we came to the conclusion that in some layers of the country's communication network , there is a serious backwardness, while we continued to develop other parts where our situation was relatively good. we focused on the places where we had a serious backlog, one of those issues was the development of fixed communications in the country, which unfortunately was among the countries at the bottom of our list. my dear people, because the quality is better in most developed countries, or better, in all developed countries, the number one option for actually connecting to the internet is fiber-optic fixed communication , because they are mostly either at work or at home, and through fiber, the speeds can be reached.
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it offered up to 100 times now and in the future, even up to a thousand times compared to idsal. and usually, 70-80% of people's consumption is through our fixed communications, quite the opposite. i already explained this, anyway, because of the difficult reasons that this work has in the country, perhaps, and empathy, companionship, and national unity, which is really needed. for this reason, maybe this work was delayed because if this is supposed to happen, all the streets , as you have seen in this video, the alleys in all the cities should be dug up, ducted, everyone should sympathize and go along. fixed connections. it took a year to equip the workshop and prepare the preparations for the labor law, because at the beginning of the work , even the operators themselves said that it was not done. the parliament approved that the municipalities the executive branch should cooperate . i would like to thank the previous parliament right here and god willing , this rail laying will continue in the current parliament . mr. dr. qalibaf honestly cooperated in
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this discussion. also, in the budget laws 1401 402 403, which was the peak, we have a very strong clause for municipalities that are required to obtain a permit within 15 days . according to the terms and definitions of the regulation commission, it was stipulated in the 7th plan that all the buildings in the country should be at least 20 million buildings. i will explain to you how our situation is now, now that i am at your service in about 600 cities, the work has started with the municipalities , you will choose these cities. when we came, first we came to get licenses for 10 operators. previously , the main developer of fixed communications we had was iran telecommunication company . now, along with iran telecommunication company, there are 9 other operators. in fact, we divided the country between these two and three. we actually allocated the province to a carver, the government pays a part of the costs in the form of incentives, and we defined the incentives in such a way that they go mostly to the cities outside the center. province or regions
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deprived because usually when this technology is discussed, everyone tends to say that in tehran, in the big cities, where the income is higher, we did this in order for this technology to be developed in other parts of the country. we laid marine fiber in 1401 and now we are connecting each and every house through fiber. i want to say that even the most two points are our goal . to provide this service for one month , it is determined how many will join now.


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