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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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of course, for this year, i think that we will invite selected and top delegations from 10 other countries in the grand closing ceremony that will be held in november, 3 selected delegations will be announced in each of these 31 disciplines, and 10 other countries will be announced this year as the guests will be present , god willing. thank you very much, mr. mulatji, the secretary of mehrwarah airy, the sabi program. we will be in the name of god . hello, good morning. registration of rental contracts of 24,000 real estate consultants in the self-written system. according to the manager of this system, according to according to the statistics, 23,834 real estate consultants
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have used the self-signed system to register lease contracts. mr. sasani added that the lease contracts registered in this system have reached 67,745 contracts. mr. sasni also said: the number of sales and purchase contracts registered in the self-written systems from june until now is 630. the secretary of people's partnerships committee, accommodation and nutrition of arbaeen headquarters said that all arbaeen processions will be fully settled inside iran and iraq from the fifth month of the journey, i.e., august 20th. 1,200 national processions have been received . which was required for registration, finally
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, the country's property and deeds registration organization entered that system , our friends in the registration organization checked this information to ensure that it was not inconsistent with each other, as well as verifying the authenticity of all of this, and we issued a legal opinion. now, from the 5,000 cases that were entered into the system of the supreme court headquarters this year, until now that i am at your service, about 120 cases of receiving national ids have been received by the acting minister of foreign affairs. he had a telephone conversation with the foreign minister of oman about the situation in the gaza strip and the zionist regime's attacks on palestine. in this telephone conversation, ali bagheri and badr bin hamad al-busaidi emphasized the condemnation of the brutal actions of the zionist regime and its recent attack on yemen. acting minister of foreign affairs also with condolences regarding. the recent terrorist incident in the city
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of muscat again declared readiness to provide any assistance to the cooperation of baman. the number of martyrs of the air and artillery attacks of the zionist regime on gaza city and the north of the gaza strip increased to 16 people in the last few hours. spokesperson of civil defense organization in bar gaza announced that 8 people were martyred in the neighborhood of sabra in the south of gaza city, 4 people were killed in the sahaba area and 4 people were killed in the jawalia camp in the north of nabar, gaza. the occupying regime also targeted al-ghararah town in the north of khanyounos city in the south of the gaza strip . in the west bank , zionist soldiers attacked the city of tul karam and the camp of palestinian refugees in this city along with some loaders. deputy secretary general of the united nations
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political and peace stabilization said that israel's attacks on gaza caused an increase in the casualties of displaced civilians and the destruction of demilitarized infrastructure, mrs. rosemary d. at the meeting of the security council, referring to the escalation of the zionist regime's attacks in recent weeks, carlo added that the risk of spreading conflict in the middle east is real and should be avoided. the representative of russia also said in this meeting that israel has stopped all initiatives to establish peace. it must be established immediately in the gaza strip. the representative of china pointed out that the situation in the west asian region is getting worse and emphasized that military solutions to resolve conflicts in this region are useless and will not lead to stability. he added: the
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collective punishment of the people of the gaza strip must be stopped and as soon as possible contributions should be made to this channel. the representative of algeria also expressed concern about the attacks of the regime. the zionist regime warned gaza and yemen's hodeidah about any escalation of tensions in the region and emphasized the establishment of an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. 15 presidents of the country's universities and higher education and research institutes received the saru jalil medal and five universities were presented as the top universities in the shahid rajaei festival. this is the second time this year at the summit. universities were entrusted to the selected presidents of scientific institutions. on the sidelines of this meeting, the minister of science said: we have tried hard in the last 3 years the presidents of the universities should create suitable conditions for more communication with the industry sector.
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we had a meeting with the chamber of commerce, which is related to various industries. it was decided that they would encourage different industries to be among the best candidates for the entrance exam. list some of them on the stock market and we also mentioned in the budget laws that 60% of the credits of government companies that are related to the research sector should be deposited in the higher fund for science, research and technology and should be used to connect the university to industry contracts. use it and we set up educational workshops and our university and research institute we promoted that if different industries , private and government people spend money in universities to equip laboratories for technology issues, it will be considered as a tax exemption for them, and the vice president of tourism of the general department of cultural heritage, tourism and
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handicrafts of golestan province said from the beginning of this year until the end of july. about 530,000 travelers stay in this province due to the weather. golestan is a good attraction for the countrymen in the summer season, especially in the central and southern parts of the country. these days, the beautiful nature of golestan province hosts tourists who come to golestan from different parts of the country. we are from baluchistan we came from kabar. the result of these trips has been more than 10 million visits to golestan tourist places. more than 10 million visits to tourist attractions in the province. from the beginning of the year until now, until almost the end of july, we have visited our natural, cultural, religious, handicraft and historical attractions . the more the presence of tourists, the better, because the benefit of this presence goes to the people of golestan. karak qarqam, which is next to the main road
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, means that anyone who wants to go to mashhad or, for example, to the cities on the side of khorasan, usually passes by jeddah. there is a forest here. have accommodation here. in your work, which is tied to these things, see exactly that if there are more of them, the more the casium rotates, well , if the casium rotates more, the manufacturer that we buy material from you, well, he, well , he will definitely benefit, we will also benefit. let's do the one who is coming to the forest park, he is coming here hoping that there will be a store, something that you can buy, so it is good for everyone, i am from the countries of the persian gulf who are buying from us here , we will send them an order for 5 busy households. thank you , tourism is great when the friends of the village come very. it will be good, the cities will be good, the purchases will increase. from the beginning of the year to the end of july, we had nearly 530,000 people staying in
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our accommodation units. in addition to the beautiful nature that you have in the picture, one of the beauties was the cultural beauty, god willing , we will see more scenes like this in different parts of the province. goodbye. greetings to you honorable compatriots who from this moment to you have joined us. good morning
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. thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch . let's go to a very important news event today, which is the unveiling of the national program for the development and support of knowledge-based gazelles, as well as the 10,000th anniversary celebration. becoming the companies of scientists in our country in the studio table. dear friends , we are the secretary of the national program for the development and growth of daneshmounian foods . i am at your service, be healthy sir , which are the ghazals of daneshmounians?
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there was a need for a growth model, a model that oversees the growth of companies based on the knowledge-based economy. our knowledge-based companies are mainly small and medium-sized companies in the world. this small-medium index is based on the number of employees, which is more than 80% of our academic companies. in this category, there are supervisors of the growth and development of small and medium enterprises the world has defined literature under the title of ghazal, this literature under the title of ghazal, well, according to each economy , one of the indicators that it is considering, from the discussion of ghazals, each economy develops and expects that i will solve those problems, which sector should we develop? every need of
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small and medium companies that he wants to achieve economic growth , he develops his small and medium companies under the title of smes . we are also influenced by this issue and this global study. we built based on the growth of economic indicators. knowledge of ghazal companies there are people in the world who grow fast, that is , they grow in a short period of time and their economic indicators grow. there are almost now their dispersion in all the fields of technologies that the companies of daneshmoyan are evaluated based on. there is a more important issue regarding the discussion of ghazal companies.
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they are seeing if we have a habit of developing fashion the opinion that we have, you see, we monitor the growth of the economy of scientists, a classification, a change in the currency of the evaluation system happened in the scientific deputy for the discussion of knowledge-based companies, well, two categories of companies are actually companies that have a certain share compared to our new companies. . we considered the indicators like the sales indicators in the knowledge-based literature. we have one product sale and one knowledge-based product sale . these two indicators are very important to us in our classification, and these 12 that you mentioned are the priority for food. and there is more to begin with. the process of our gazelles from companies in our ghazal path starts with a series of indicators
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, such as 200 billion in total sales, 50 billion in knowledge-based sales, one million dollars in exports, and 200 human resources. currently, we have 170 companies on the ghazal path. let's consider that these 170 companies in our ghazal route make up half of this knowledge-based economy, and if we want to have a larger share of jedi based on the 7th national development plan , from the discussion of science and technology, which is considered 7% in this plan. placement should focus on companies and the support of the scientific vice-chancellor the government should be on the companies that have the most impact on the indicators of the knowledge-based economy . well, today we have another important event to celebrate.
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we had the essence of knowledge-based definition from companies that create wealth and technology. the companies that are the core of the technology are the companies that are in the lower trls and have a laboratory sample of a product, and this was evaluated by the scientific deputy under the title of tech products. in the country , the definition of this process started almost in 1992. companies have been classified until today, when their number has crossed the 10 thousand mark, and the category is yes, yes, in different categories, now there have been some changes in recent years, but
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the main shape is the technology categories that are now with some fields of application. these fields overlap. now, as you mentioned, they overlap with my fields of application . in which fields are these students' companies most active? see, most of the companies of our scientists are in the fields of biotechnology, in the field of chemicals, and in the fields of electronics, lasers, and so on. photonics, we have many companies that are in the field that we need in these sectors. in recent years, there is a new literature under the title of knowledge-based companies, companies that can solve the country's technological problems and technological challenges. with that scientific assistant , he was responsible for the development of these companies, both quantitatively and qualitatively, and he focused his support on the growth of this company until today, when it reached the limit of over 10,000, which is on the sidelines of the program that we have today. now
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we will celebrate the unveiling of these 10,000 and the company of scientists, thank you very much we have one minute to summarize. i will return to the discussion of the knowledge-based economy and the 7th development plan. in the 7th development plan , there is now a discussion of the growth rate of the number of scientific companies and a discussion of the share of our scientific companies, the share of the economy of scientists, one of the indicators of the national economy that has a very special importance. we have created an economy that should contribute to the national economy , and in the 7th plan, it will be 7%. anticipating what we have to achieve. this 7% will be realized by these companies in the path of food or in fact large companies that have the infrastructure and in the future it is likely that we will hear more from them in the space of science and technology, the future flagships of the economy are the academicians of these companies, and if we are going to go to the super-sectors of academicians who can
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solve the country's challenges, which are mainly technological challenges, and these technological gaps cover the body actually happens at the hands of these scientists . thank you very much, mr. mehdspor, the secretary of the national program for the development and growth of the gazelles of the scientists, for coming to the studio of sobgahi salam correspondent program, but now that the science and technology chapter is open in the program salam correspondent, let us go to isfahan. event place the 54th world physics olympiad started yesterday in our country, islamic iran, in the province of isfahan, sir. it's open , let's join my colleague mr. sadad hashemi , ms. sadad hashemi, hello reporter, hello, i am serving you and all the viewers of the program, hello reporter, as you mentioned, since the other day and with the opening program of
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the 54th world physics olympiad in isfahan, the program started with the speech of mr. rawat, the head of the international physics committee, as well as the speech of the iranian minister of education, introducing the teams participating in this year's olympiad, about 60 and 46 countries respectively. finding that there are 198 participants, 5 of whom are iranian, this year is the second year, after 17 hosting, isfahan university of technology was added to it, and this was one of the demands of holding the olympiad, because once every 40 years, a country can host it is the second time to have the honor of hosting this program, and thank god, isfahan was able to host
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this event again after 17 years, hosted by isfahan university of technology. this test lasts for 5 hours and there is going to be a tough competition between the participants this is going to happen in the large sports hall of isfahan city and in the university of technology, and i can tell you that this hall has been prepared, racked and classified for the presence of laboratory equipment people, it has been prepared by the technologists for several months. iranian and all the products that are going to be used in today's experiments are iranian and with the latest technology , they have been prepared by more than 10 faculty members from the universities of isfahan and the country as observers . phd students in physics are present in this course.
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being with the teams to help and be a teammate the next day, god willing, is the time when the team will rest and the final exam will be held again on thursday, and the sixth day is also the closing day. 50 % of the participants will win gold, silver and bronze medals this fall. i should mention that our country has won 143 medals in the field of physics in the world in recent years. another event today is the national day of physiotherapy, and we want it to be the last one. we should know the achievements in the field of physiotherapy of our country, what are the issues and what are the diseases there are some things that
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are currently bothering the people of our country, who need to discuss physiotherapy in the studio . we are the host of mr. dr. iraj abdallah, the president of the iranian physiotherapy scientific association, so we can hear more details from him . good morning, mr. doctor. you are very welcome. good morning to you and dear viewers of the khabar network. hello, i wish you good health, sir. today is the national day of physiotherapy, so please explain to us a little bit about this science for about a minute or two, then let's go to see which one of the diseases is so important now. it has become widespread that the attendance of people in physiotherapy all over the country and their presence in your offices has increased . i would like to congratulate all the hardworking colleagues of physiotherapists on the second day of august, the national day of physiotherapy. in fact, the second day of august 2018 was the time when the regulations of professional independence the field of physiotherapy was approved and from that year , the second year of august is considered as the national day of physiotherapy. physiotherapy is generally a field that
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deals with non-drug and non-surgical treatments for many problems. we have nothing to do with the field and surgery. these are specialized fields specialist doctors are active in this field. but a wide variety of diseases are dealt with by physiotherapy. musculoskeletal diseases, which are very common and almost everyone knows , include back pain, arthritis, joint pain, spine pain, as well as brain and nerve problems, such as movement complications , following, for example, stroke, following ms , parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, and a wide variety of diseases. there are those who work with physiotherapy , in general, physiotherapy is the knowledge of movement control, that is , wherever movement is disturbed, the field of physiotherapy enters, but in addition to these two areas that are more it is common in many other areas, such as, i don't know , headaches, some internal diseases
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, urinary incontinence. following sports injuries, sports teams all need a physiotherapist to prevent injuries and treat them in time. therefore , it covers a wide range of diseases and considering that our society is moving towards old age, the average age is increasing. which deal with debilitating diseases , including physiotherapy , are very important both in iran and in the world. what are the latest achievements of physiotherapy? i would like to say that the field of physiotherapy has made great progress in recent years, especially in our country. in the field of t. equipments and in the field of techniques and treatment methods , well, many new and modern equipments, which are now discussed in many ways nowadays, the discussion of artificial intelligence, the discussion of
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virtual reality, these have entered the field of physiotherapy , single equipment in the field of physiotherapy . companies we have a lot of knowledge base that they are producing the so-called single devices and they need it to a great extent. fortunately, the country has been solved, yes, and this is a very good thing, especially in the last five or six years, some of our devices were completely imported , now, fortunately, many of these are being produced in the country with relatively good quality, apart from that, new methods and methods in the world, in the field of physical therapy, in the field of therapeutic exercises, in the field of manual techniques, manual skills, fortunately , we have about 15-16 universities in the country that are engaged in the training of physiotherapists. fortunately, i can say with certainty that we
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are the best in the region in terms of knowledge and equipment. perhaps the maximum country that can compete with us in the region is, for example, turkey, but we are really superior to other countries in every aspect, this excellence that you just mentioned, well , i will complete it with your previous statement that, well, many companies your academics also mentioned that they are active in this field in the field of equipment, which is very valuable. you mentioned that the most people who refer to you are are that difficult. all of this goes back to our behavior in the society , what should we do so that our work will be less to you and your colleagues? it is one of our areas of work . you can see that the changes in lifestyle in the last 30 years have caused the level of
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physical activity of people. it will be very rare. most of the people are settled in life, government employees, those who work in companies. it is enough to take an inappropriate position for a few years, for example. keep your head bent too much or don't lift objects. over time, this will cause stiffness in the muscles, change in the shape of the joints, and of course , it won't cause any problems in the short term. it doesn't matter to him, but someone who sits in a bad position for 10 to 15 years, gradually the changes that happen in his spine and joints can't be reversed, and these will start to cause pain and other problems, which should be reported to our service at that time. we will serve them. be healthy . i saw the way you sit in the beginning studio i tried to sit straighter , i felt that the way i sit may be very difficult. all the physiotherapy services that are given
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are under the pressure of fear. one of our big problems is that out of 15 to 16 physiotherapy services, only one or two of them are covered by basic insurance, and this has caused the majority of treatment costs to be borne by the people, unfortunately, which means almost all the operations carried out by the association. in order to be able to know that the more he is covered by the insurance, the easier it will be for him to come and visit . the envelope means the amount that the patient pays, well , it will be less now, unfortunately, not only in your physiotherapy, in the radiology laboratory, the fact is that you are visiting an outpatient center , 80% of the cost must be paid by the people themselves, only 20 % is covered by insurance, even the insurances supplementation, which is called roshe, means that they must be complementary and complete the expenses that are not covered by the basic insurance , while the supplemental insurance itself poses a difficult problem.
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they are trying to give us a discount, which means they are also trying to pay less the term "limitations" created by insurances is somehow transferred to other people, that is, no matter how much insurance coverage you see, in america, a physiotherapy session is about $100-120, which is not a small cost for the american people, but people do not pay this money, yes, 90-95%. they pay for the insurances and even in many places it is completely free if such a problem occurs and the insurances.
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the supreme leader left this year's message and this year's slogan, and the title of the slogan was the leap of production with the participation of the people. as a matter of fact, government agencies and private sectors are seeking to fulfill this order of the supreme leader, and one of the plans that is planned sada vasima news agency, put it in a video about the same issue in the specialized group of agriculture.
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and it is a village that is supposed to be the same.


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