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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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have a good time, dear viewers. the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare explained the performance of this ministry in the 13th government by attending the public session of the parliament. in this connection, i am having a conversation with the reporter of sed and sima news agency, ms. akbarzadeh . hello, please tell me about the details of the report of the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare and other approvals of today's parliament. i offer greetings and courtesy to all of you, dear viewers. as you said, mr. salat mortazavi, the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare
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was the concern of the parliamentarians from this morning and a report on the performance of 3 year of this ministry and also the launch and development of the welfare system for iranians presented to the representatives, based on the budget law of 1402 , virtuals obliged the government to launch this system in order to collect the data of 85 million iranians who have given in this system there are welfare issues of different sections of the people so that a general welfare situation of different sections of the society can be observed for the government, so that it can explain the resources and wealth of the country based on social justice. millions of iranians in this the system is loaded with information such as bank information, car tax, which type.
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they have basic insurance and medical service insurance, and how many people are covered by the imam khomeini relief committee, who are the heads of the households , the information of the household members, their age, if there is a disabled person, all of them are uploaded in this system, as well as the electronic goods law, which is 2 million and it includes 600 families through the connection of need assessment and the connection of the data of this system , and 2230 thousand stores across the country were able to get basic goods based on this information. also, based on the information of this system, the unemployment rate of each province can be observed according to the number of retired workers for the head of the family. of course, mr. mortazavi also said that the debt of the
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social security organization in the 13th government was cleared by the social security organization. it was among the bank debtors that mr. mortazabi announced that the debt of this organization was cleared to the banking network, but when mr. babaei karnameh, the head of the social commission of the parliament , went to the podium, he said that this system does not have high accuracy and transparency because the information of people the basis of their national code is registered in this system and there is no coordination with the infrastructures such as water energy transportation infrastructures and those that are in each region. mr. ghalib also said that this system is not accurate enough because it is based on individual information and individual information and deletion and addition are problematic. also , there is no two-way connection of data with different devices . there is a lot of information and information that you want from this system. for this reason, it is necessary
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for the specialized commissions of the parliament to enter into this issue and investigate the issue further. even now, as i am talking to you, the representatives are reviewing the plan to amend article 38 of the internal regulations law regarding the maximum and minimum number of members of the parliamentary committees. power outages are waiting for high-consumption domestic, commercial and office customers. according to mr. rajavi mashhadi, identifying and issuing power cut notices for high-consumption subscribers in all commercial, administrative and domestic sectors and sending electricity industry groups to offices, banks, municipalities and other centers that people identify as high-consumption it is on the agenda. rajavi mashhadi also said: according to the emphasis of the minister of energy, if there is a subscriber between 0 am and 8 am.
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if he does not follow the pattern, he will be faced with a power cut, and reconnection of the branch is possible only by correcting the consumption and obtaining a written commitment from the subscriber. warning, although the priority is to fully satisfy the needs of the domestic sector, the last so-called step of our consumption, which is more than two and a half times the subscribers who consume more than two and a half times the pattern , is to allocate 8% of the total consumption of the domestic sector to themselves if it is to be managed. it is definitely related to subscribers more than two-and-a-half times the consumption pattern, in any case , these loved ones are in the management's priority . these warnings are due to the fact that this year, although a 4 % increase in the production of thermal power plants has been achieved this year compared to the previous year, it seems that the speed of the increase in electricity demand it is more pessimistic that we had a consumption forecast of 6%. now
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, consumption growth is over 7.5%. the minister of energy says that in order to meet this increase in demand , all power plants, even those that were undergoing short-term repairs, will be put into operation. became but in the field of consumption management, there is no shortage. you must control the offices, based on the approval of the government board, their reductions must happen. in this field, no compromises are accepted . in the commercial sectors, in the military centers of these dear ones, these devices must completely pass their electricity generators. these two. this week, they will introduce a requirement that if they do not adhere to it, we will report to you approximately 50 offices that we cut off their electricity after the warnings .
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asia insurance company and one of the central buildings the new economy bank was limited and electricity was cut off. tavanir company officials say that in the home area. so far, 12 million text messages have been sent to high-consumption subscribers, and they are aware of the details of their consumption, and if they do not change their behavior, they will have to wait for electricity bills of over 3 million tomans. mehboob sharifi gol of the sed and vasima news agency. a four percent increase in the production of thermal power plants compared to last year. placement of power plants that are under periodic maintenance for electricity supply he said: about 60% of our distribution energy is consumed in the domestic, commercial and public sectors. to find out about the electricity production situation , we go to shahid rajaei power plant in ghazvin and talk with the
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managing director of shahid rajaei power plant. hello to you. please tell me how much electricity the shahid rajaei power plant sends to the national grid and how much production has increased compared to last year. greetings, i am at your service, respected executive and all my compatriots , dear compatriots in the country, shahid rajaei power plant with more than 32 years of operation and with complete maintenance programs from the beginning until now. 100% readiness is at the service of the national production network , and every year more than 12 billion kilowatt hours of electricity is used to honor the national network, and it has a significant effect on the stability of the national electricity network by carrying out repairs on time and earlier than last year. summer was welcomed and in the first four months of this year, compared to last year, we
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increased production by four percent and more than four and a half billion kilowatt hours, and delivered to the national network. well, thank you for your explanation . rajai, but we will follow the news the import of passenger cars to the country reached about 10 thousand units. according to the head of the customs office , 959 cars have been cleared from the country's customs from the beginning of this year to the end of july . mr. rezvanifar added that the value of this number of cars was 192 million and 28 thousand dollars, which has been cleared from the country's customs. according to rezvanifer, 3 car companies accounted for 65% of car imports. the
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import tariff for mobile phones was determined. according to the customs directive, import duties for phones less than 150. was determined. also according to this rights circular you set the customs duty for the import of mobile phones by passenger and mail with a value of less than 150 dollars 16% 150 to 600 dollars 6% and above 600 dollars equivalent to 30%. the import of iphone 14 phones is still prohibited. specialists of danesh banyan company designed a cloud call center based on the internet. an achievement that allows companies and businesses
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to create a call center for their company without installing any equipment and reduce the start-up cost by 90%. managing phone calls in companies and businesses by localizing the cloud call center. if a small company wants a separate call center it should have a set of equipment, including the transmission equipment of the servers that actually coordinate the ivr for the subscriber and broadcast the specific phone number, etc., to purchase from the iranian telecommunication company to establish this center, but with the establishment of a cloud call center, there is no need to there is none of these equipments and now danesh banyan company provides this possibility to the companies by providing a technological product to the telecommunications company. this product is a product of a messenger, like media messages that are now domestically produced or
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foreign samples used by dear compatriots. in addition to all messaging features such as group chat, video conference channel, it actually has the ability to provide call center services to customers , companies can cloud this number without changing their number, and for those who do not have a landline number with the prefix 82 80 , they will be provided with internal ivr , call recording, voice mailbox, call report, survey , waiting page, and with the number they provide , they can have cloud fax, and these services can be transferred, the same ability to be used as a mobile phone. this is because it is an application product and can actually use this service wherever they are. this product is the result of 10 years of efforts of the experts of this company.
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the people who cooperated with us at this time were special telecommunication people in the field of network, software and computer. this service is currently provided in tehran province, and according to the officials of iran telecommunication company , it will be available throughout the country by the end of the year. according to the officials of this company , daneshmounian use of this company's technology for the company and businesses. 90% saving in setup cost and 70% cost saving stored. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency. nearly 2,900,000 mobile phones were cleared from the country's customs in four months of this year. the customs reported that the value of these products was nearly 690 million dollars, compared to the same period last year in terms of number. also, according to the customs announcement
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, from the beginning of this year to the end of july, more than 12 tons of gold bars worth 780 million dollars have entered the country. the amount of gold bars imported in 4 months of last year was more than 3 tons and worth 197 million dollars. new varieties of wheat and barley were introduced in razavi khorasan. boss. agriculture and natural resources research and education center khorasan razvi said: the researchers of this center, in collaboration with researchers from other provinces, succeeded in introducing a new variety of wheat named negin and a new variety of barley named shakiba. wheat is considered as the main supplier of food for people. a product that plays an important role in the country's food security basket and provides an average of 40% of the energy and 44% of the protein needed by the people of iran. annual per capita consumption of wheat in the country is about 160 kg. according to
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the statistics , 70% of the 6 million hectares of cultivated wheat in the country are cultivated in the field and 40% are cultivated under irrigation. in razavi khorasan province and in the cold climate conditions of the country, well, most of the zirkash dams were not allocated two or three more cultivars to themselves. it was that these cultivars became sensitive due to the new conditions of the new diseases and some diseases, especially this year , fungal diseases and viral diseases spread a lot on these cultivars. newly introduced under the name negin , it is resistant to cold, it has a very high performance , it is very well adapted to the cold climate of the country, and these diseases such as yellow rust and other rusts the fungal disease
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has shown a very good resistance and can be a very good substitute for our old potential cultivars. the cultivation time of this product, which took 15 years for research and research, is from late october to early november. god willing , after bojari, this crop will be available to farmers and farmers. the new variety of barley called shakiba is a product that, after 12 years of research and research, is suitable for both the cold climate of the country and the lands of labshor. this figure b has shown itself very well in the months and the cold climate this shakiba cultivar has been introduced for that region and has about 300,000 hectares of cultivated areas, and we hope that 20 to 30,000 hectares of these hundred cultivated areas will be allocated to this variety. 50,000 hectares
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should be allocated to the negin wheat variety, mehdi rahnama of sed and sima mesh news agency. according to the director general of the office of alufei and jalizi products of the ministry of agricultural jihad , 55,000 tons of potatoes are needed in the country, and more than 99% of them are produced domestically. mr. asghari said that the country's total need for vegetable and summer crops is except potatoes, it is about 4 thousand tons per year. asari added that more than 80% of the seeds needed for sabzi and safi are domestically produced, and the rest are around 700. and jalizi of the ministry of agricultural jihad also said that until the end of september of the current crop year, the production of vegetables and saffron in the open air will reach about 25 million 500 thousand tons. iran
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has become one of the exporters of toy and aquatic products. activists participating in the 23rd international livestock exhibition. aquaculture and related industries say: the increase in quality and health standards has led to the satisfaction of foreign customers. active iran in the livestock, poultry and aquatic industry and their export to countries in the region and all over the world. 1,402 eggs , nearly 138,000 tons, in fact, we exported , which was unprecedented, in the chicken meat sector , fortunately, we actually exported from march. we have started exporting oriental fish, ghazal fish , other aquatic products that are suitable for the market . iranian chickens have
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good opportunities for us to do this if there is continuity. it helps us to plan to have fixed customers, direct customers without intermediaries in those countries, and it will definitely help, considering the reception of iranian poultry in the regional markets , exporters pay attention to its development strategies . the first point that in the world now, it is important to assess the needs of the market so that we can produce a product market according to the needs and provide the solution to the customer. the bad management and control and reduction of the cost of the product along with raising the quality and health standards have been helpful, which in fact is satisfaction. we have attracted foreign customers in this area, and we have the northern region of the country, which is a very suitable area for raising poultry and the quality of meat, which, in my opinion
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, may not be comparable to the countries of the region for armenia. we currently export food for cellar fish and warm fish food for iraq. we are exporting these products to the neighboring countries because the finished price in our country is about one-fifth to one-sixth of the foreign sample. we produce products that are very effective in the neural network of fish and shrimp. some countries want this from us
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hello dear compatriots today after custom and tonight we witness rains in the northwestern parts of our country for the northern parts of west azarbaijan , north of east azarbaijan, ardabil province, southern issues of the caspian sea, in the provinces of gilan, mazandaran, golestan, the northern parts east for north khorasan province , northern areas. razavi khorasan and alborz highlands are in the highlands of ghazvin, alborz, tehran, semnan provinces. in the southern parts, we
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see these rains on the southern half of sistan baluchistan province, the northern and eastern areas of hormozgan province, and the southern highlands of kerman province. this period in these areas is in the form of rain and storm. tomorrow, wednesday, we expect rains to continue in the northwestern parts of the country, the southern parts of the caspian sea and to some extent in the sector. northeast of the country, the northern half of north khorasan province , alborz highlands in the provinces of zanjan, ghazvin, alborz, tehran , semnan, southern parts for the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province, the northern and eastern highlands of hormozkan and the southern highlands of kerman province . the shape will be regwar and red weberg. on thursday, these rains in the northwestern parts of the north west azarbaijan north of east azarbaijan province. ardabil, the southern part of the caspian sea and the highlands of elbert , we have seen that on this day, heavy rains are expected in the western part of the caspian sea. on friday and
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saturday, it can be said that we are witnessing the stability of the wind in most parts of the country, only showers in the form of scattered showers in the northern part. the country and also in parts of the southern parts of kerman province . another phenomenon that is noticeable for the next 3 days is strong winds in the northeastern parts , eastern parts, southeastern parts of the country, southern slopes of alborz. and in the western areas for in the provinces of ilam, khuzestan and bushe , strong winds are the dominant phenomenon in these areas, which cause dust, decrease in air quality and also decrease in visibility. thank you for accompanying us so far.
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a familiar stanza with the familiar voice of hossein, who is hossein , who knows all the ways of sand paintings, with the theme of steadfastness lessons of today's generation in following the school of ashura. in these scenes of our own life, memories of our own life, i saw some scenes of our own warriors, i can't believe that there was even the slightest weakness in the scene of karbala al-ayaz balleh. these young people who are from shia taking discrimination, telling a hundred people to each of these, turn your back, insult your own religion , do not agree to your own principles, a school that
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is a medicine for the generation of humanity. the short incident of karbala, all its seconds and all its particles are valuable for humanity. as if the incident of karbala is like a panacea for the healing of humanity. the words of haj qasim. soleimani in the collection of sand paintings of whose hossein is here to artistically remind us of the message of hosseini's uprising from the words of one of his followers, a voice that tells us about the highest reason for sacrifice and being a victim, about a hard battle that should not be taken lightly passing by him is an important sacrifice, but more important than the sacrifice is what a person is sacrificed for. the greatness of what is being sacrificed is more important than the sacrifice itself. imam hussain is great.
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but the greatest thing about imam hussain is that for which imam hussain was sacrificed. it says about faces that are respectable to see and watch. when you see some of these martyrs' children , their faces are like their father's. that's all. respectable, smellable, kissable. short and concise messages, but with a lot of history that can also remind today's ashuras. mehza khavari of sed and sima news agency , it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference.
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it made a difference, no it didn't make a difference, yes it made a difference. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption.
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house to house all together with optimal consumption of current electricity. let's bring life to all of iran , iran is bright with you. branches of shahr home appliances and shahr bosh tehran, the central branch after azadi square , in front of tehran, at the head of hor branch, below har branch square, 15 km west of isfahan branch road , imam khomeini street, nafesh mino branch, babolsar branch.
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12:00 pm
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and a good day to you, dear and honorable countrymen, in your presence we present the 12 o'clock news to my colleagues, the head of the center for evaluation and quality assurance of education. and parvesh announced the announcement of the revised and final results of the final exams of the twelfth grade students in the maine system. according to mr. zarei, students should see and confirm their grades so that they can be sent to the national assessment organization as educational records. academic records of students who do not confirm their grades to the national organization for individual assessment.


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