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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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one, we must have an infected patient . currently, there is no known and confirmed case of dengue fever in tehran, neither in hospitals nor in homes. he came from abroad and my test was positive and alhamdulillah he was cured and now he has no problem, so we are not sick in tehran. we don't even have the aedes mosquito in tehran province, so mr. doctor, this is true until today, that is, it is possible tomorrow , one day, two days, three days, one week , two weeks from now. in a week, you really don't know what will happen because our infected provinces, which are all connected to tehran, people will move and the vehicles will move here and there and the possibility of egg transfer.
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there are mosquitoes coming from the southern or northern provinces to tehran. yes , it is possible at any moment. how many are there in tehran? how likely is it to see that in the provinces that have mosquitoes now , we also have patients. most likely, we have a lot of mosquito eggs that have been left in the environment, if it rains. the occurrence of rainfall leads to the activation of these eggs in a suitable environment. find that the same water is converted we will definitely have a large amount of mosquitoes there, but for tehran, this possibility is very low because we neither have the space nor the right environment for mosquitoes to grow. and our northern regions by the caspian sea are quite capable of allowing mosquitoes to grow, that is, multiply.
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grow the virus in itself and transmit the virus , and the eggs it lays will be infected with the virus that the female mosquito is carrying. in the whole country, what is the latest situation ? unfortunately, in the last part of the conversation we had, we said that six provinces are polluted . these provinces are now nine provinces, that is , ardabil, east azarbaijan and ghazvin provinces are the provinces that we have now. we eliminated mosquitoes, so the surrounding provinces, which we haven't eliminated now , my friends , have health experts with special equipment , they are looking for the traces of mosquitoes in places where they think there might be mosquitoes. i already told you the whole strategy for our country, we have designed three strategies
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: the provinces that have sick and infected mosquitoes, the provinces that have mosquitos do not have sick people, and most likely these mosquitoes are not infected, and the provinces that we still haven't eradicated mosquitoes, we deal with the health and treatment staff who can treat the patients. treat and manage , and the way of informing the people will be different, mr. doctor, these 9 provinces are now four, which was new. that mainly the cities of kanarak and chabahar have the highest density of mosquitoes and we had the highest number of mosquitoes there. they were probably infected in iran , hormozgan province. most of
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our patients are in hormzan province, bandarlinge county , we have 12 patients there, then we will come to bushehr province, khuzestan province, we still haven't caught the mosquito, but naturally, because the geography of hormozgan province is very similar to the geography of bushehr , there is a high probability of mosquitoes. we could not find golestan, gilan, mazandaran in the north. recently , ardabil, east azarbaijan, and ghazvin have also been added . all of these provinces in the north are still sick and the mosquitoes that may be infected are in our north. we didn't have any mosquitoes in number one thing, i would like to tell you, the allopictus mosquito in the south, the aedes aegypti mosquito , these two are completely different , yes, mr. doctor. mead, for example, actually has a bite. on the contrary, the one who
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does the opposite of this in the north, is this true or not ? let me say it very clearly. selection means that they do not have any activity after sunset , usually after sunset until sunset they are more, that is, at midday, the temperature in the morning is lower, the temperature at sunset is higher, the children who are in the south, this type of aedes aegypti is more aggressive, that is , they are more blood-sucking, they look for humans more. go and bite. and do blood feeding , and the number is not like this, the number of blood feeding is also less, even if it transmits a virus , according to the physiology of this mosquito, the viruses it transmits are less pathogenic, the severity of the disease it causes is in the albo
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pictus type, which in it is less in the north of the country, but it has passed they are done during the day, then mr. doctor, someone got infected. the next step is very severe bone pain. these may last for 5 to 10 days. sometimes, these symptoms may be reduced by taking some painkillers, but after that, a bruise, a feeling of fatigue, and there is an implied pain on one side of the body for up to a month. it may take half as long, but i have one thing to say, mr.
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baiyi, you see, we are now causing dengue fever quickly. mosquitoes may, for example, cause disease in brazil zika can become yellow fever in africa, which is now very well known to us. our friends who travel to african countries also confirm the yellow fever vaccine. why is it the same aids and chekungunya disease that we have been following since 1995? we had an illness within 10 years. last year , we had a very large amount of diseases in bangladesh. it was chikenya that came to pakistan from pakistan. is the disease likely
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to occur in iran? yes, it is possible because it is not the same as before. people are transferred. they spread this disease with the means of transportation , the business that is taking place, mosquitoes and mosquito eggs are transferred from different countries, if they are infected with the type of virus that causes zika , yes, our environment is almost the same in some places. the hot and semi-hot climate of martum is similar to brazil. well, doctor, now there are other questions that arise, how many percent of people actually get bitten by this mosquito? in fact, the bone pain and the people who get symptoms are in this 20%, maybe 56. if it is very severe, half to 1 % of them may even lead to death, so 80 symptoms
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it does not cause the symptoms that it causes are so mild that the person may mistake it for a simple cold or take a painkiller . it's okay and don't look for it anymore to follow up, so this is for 80, this is for 80, but those who really have symptoms are not all malignant, in the malignant, which unfortunately we may see death, half to 1% of deaths are fatal if all these are combined. let's say that our mortality rate is less than half a percent, so the most threatening thing is dengue fever , which is a very high fever that causes bone pain. from it disables the work of the workers , they won't be able to work in a month or two. i can say one more thing. it might make the situation a bit scary. you see
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, we are not in an epidemic now. within about two months, you have now taken some measures. let me tell you one more thing, if a person gets dengue fever, there are four types of dengue fever. it has different types of subtypes. if we get infected with this type of dengue fever virus and get well , we will be immune to this type, but it is relative. we are not safe from the second type if we get infected again second, the situation will be much worse. if we didn't have symptoms the first time, we will have symptoms the second time. if we had symptoms the first time, the second time will be evil, so the possibility of canceling the second time will definitely make our situation much worse. let's prevent any kind of bite , let's prevent it, how did this happen , mr. doctor? because we know that this mosquito bites during the day
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in open spaces, if we are in a closed space, which is usually a net, the possibility of it entering the house is very low, but we work in the open space, so we must try to touch those parts of the body. which usually cannot be covered in any way, we can wear a long-sleeved shirt or, for example, use some of these hats. or to be in a place where there is less chance of mosquitoes being there , places where mosquitoes usually grow, places where water stays, water stays for a long time and it grows and spawns there for a long time , we should stay away from these and from all the most important thing is that if any type of transmission happens, the sooner we go to the nearest center, the more people who live in areas where mosquitoes are found , know the prevalence of mosquitoes, that is, see them. a stain the white spots on this mosquito completely distinguish the mosquitoes from the anopheles mosquito, which is usually
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more common in the south of the country, and they can clearly recognize this, but we will try to find it from a bite before we find ali. fortunately, we are now in the village. we have health centers in the centers in the cities, the health centers are close to each other. they must visit. i don't need to go to the specialist on the same day. our health experts are also trained. what are they doing so that the patient's condition does not get worse? well, maybe a normal mosquito bit him, when will he go to your health center? he should refer to find out if this mosquito comes, it is cured in infected areas, if it was bitten at all, go to non-al areas like tehran, if not , it started after three days, four days after that, it continued with symptoms . these days, it is a trend that is currently being discussed .
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let's do it, that is , we will get rid of those symptoms like fever pain. now the best medicine that we use is available to everyone . when he is at home, he has a fever right away he is taking aspirin and using it. we do not recommend aspirin for this case. it is available , we can use it. no antibiotics are definitely necessary for these people if they are very sick. but this fever is caused by what the virus is doing. viruses do not have antibiotics
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. antibiotics have no effect on viruses. this is a mistake that we are making right now and we always see, especially mothers, due to their sensitivity, if they see a fever in their children, they immediately go to the doctor. antibiotics antibiotics do not work on viruses, antibiotics kill bacteria because this background and the cause of the disease is a type of virus , so we don't interfere with antibiotics at all . this mosquito does not cause an infection when it bites , the mosquito is the virus that is caused by the spread of the virus in the body, which causes inflammation and causes pain in the body. it is possible that the antibiotic does not have this effect , but it is possible that our body weakens due to the virus itself , the immune system weakens, especially in the elderly , in people who have an underlying disease, that underlying disease may develop, even if this is my question , exactly who are they? there must be more of us in this field, definitely all the people who are sensitive children, pregnant mothers, well-to-do people and people who
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we know are immunocompromised, who have all kinds of cancer patients, or take drugs that suppress the body's immune system, so they are sensitive, that is, if these people get bitten by mosquitoes, they will die. except for the 20 % that actually show symptoms, it will be renewed, the underlying disease itself will have some renewal. mr. doctor, there was one point in your speech that you said that now we are not in the hod stage, we are not in the epidemic stage , we have a widespread outbreak, and there was also news that if there is a rain with this disease is most likely in some places in iran , we even identified the provinces. this happened because of the work we are doing in our neighbors. now we
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are predicting for the future . places where there was water two months ago and mosquitoes came to lay their eggs , now there is no water, so there are eggs, these mosquito eggs are aids for up to a year and a half, some say it can survive for up to two years, if it rains, then these eggs will turn into the same lar and it becomes a mosquito again, now this mosquito is different. what is wrong with the mosquito two months ago, that we are repeating this, the mosquito two months ago before we were not infected by the mosquito, now the patient is next to him, we have had 152 patients during this period , these mosquitoes were in contact with these patients, so a large number of these mosquitoes are infected by the eggs that this mosquito laid, unfortunately, these eggs are infected with a virus. it is known that the mother of these
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is the pregnant female mosquito, now the virus is in these eggs, so if these eggs see water, then we are the city. after the rain, a single drop of water should be left in the city, it should be used in all the water sources and all the routes that abu can move. do not allow water to settle. talking about the rain , these eggs that are there now will actually become the same mosquito because of it, right , this one is more, mr. doctor, attention , i was in the south last week, the weather is very hot, mr. baai , it is very hot. it's dark and the air is a bit cooler. in short
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, they are resting. i don't look for bites. these will disappear . but this mosquito has laid its eggs. it will feed on blood so that the eggs will be fertilized and then the eggs must be discarded . these eggs are now left in the environment. these eggs are water. they need clean water, where should it come from? where does it come from? the most important source of water can be rainfall, although we had reports of burst pipes in some cities two or three weeks ago. it is reported in the report of our friends who came to see us. yes, the pipe burst, water collected and immediately there is plenty of work there, so both the water organization and the municipality have entered and done this work, which means that the improvement of your environment must be done now , the improvement of the environment that we know how it should happen, the place to create an environment where water can stay, just water. it is not raining, we say it is raining in the south now, all the coolers are in 24 hours it produces a lot of water. where does this water go ? it is usually in the villages where it stays in the corner of the city
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or in some of our cities , we don't have a good water supply system . the sources do not cover the gap or the sources wear out from the corners of different places, it can easily sit there and that larva of that egg will turn into a larva and become a mosquito again and come to the space of the edge . i can name that maybe 70% of the city could do this if this happens, the city will not be the same as last month, but don't doubt that after the rain , there will be a very sharp increase in mosquitoes. another thing that we have to do is the communication between this mosquito and healthy people and people who think in any way to cut off the disease from bringing it from other places, that is , it must
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be used at home. reduce the mosquito if you have found a human.
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the added item is that these three items are also added , we did not find one item that is out. he may have traveled , but the other two cases are from travelers from abroad. we also had a death. the same case that we had in ardi behesht. the percentage of death means
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the probability of death. now, we do not have many patients in the country. there is no hospitalized patient in the country. we don't have neighboring countries either, especially the uae , which sent a large number of patients to iran, and now it has subsided there as well, and the number of patients has decreased very much. it is unlikely that we will see an increase in cases within a week or two in the middle of august. your forecast is that it will rain after 15th of ardi, then the weather will be better , 15th of may, shahrivar, the weather will be better, there is a chance of rain in some of these places, for example , hormozgan province, even though there are dry places and some of its cities, this is the mosquito. it's not like this that you don't doubt that next year the situation will be worse than this year, although if i say that the events that happened now in the ministry of health need a good financial help from the program organization , don't doubt that this will be implemented, we won't have an epidemic this year. but if not, it will definitely happen
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next year will be worse than this year , don't doubt it, this is the nature of this pest in your provinces , i hope that the relevant institutions will follow the recommendations made by the people . thankful.
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the destination of the occupied territories is the moving target of the yemeni resistance, of course, except for explosive or explosive drones destined for tel aviv, eilat, haifa, and ashtot, how could a drone that is the size of a car be able to leave the iron dome and worry about these ships whose destination is land occupied and the main concern is the cutting off of the economic artery
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of the zionists. the russians are worried about causing pain for the united states and britain in the red sea because they see that the yemenis are not willing to give up in the war. saudi arabia fought for several years and could not overcome the houthis who were its neighbors, but israel will not be any more. since 2015, they have been fighting with saudi arabia, so it can be expected that they are not the ones who will retreat soon. since the beginning of the war in yemen, 11 attacking birds from 6 countries attacking yemen have been shot down and hunted in the sky of this country , for example, 63 23 for saudi arabia the uae and 19 of them are americans, and experts say that they can only be defeated on the ground. and there is no army in the world that will enter yemen , as you know, even saudi arabia did not enter yemen. the only way to deal with the houthis
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was a so-called ground attack.
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awas awas awas.
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it is opening now, i was tired, i searched, i said, "bim lovaz" read, i said, i said, and it opened, and it opened when it was night. dear friends, it is located with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping all week long in the first largest city of home appliances after azadi square in front of tehran.
5:00 pm
dear compatriots, we have reached a good evening 17:00 and we present the news of this hour , the ministry of economy's production financing facilitation center was opened, according to the minister of economic affairs and finance. the establishment of this center is a big step towards facilitating financing in economic enterprises. mr. khandozi also announced the presentation of 54 support packages to the financial plans of knowledge-based companies. follow up our foundation, which is also one of our recent projects, for all the projects of the country's students . there are 54 tools in that package.


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