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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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in the name of god, hello ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the world. today, in the first case of tonight's program , we will examine the agreement between 14 palestinian groups, including hamas and fatah, in china to form a temporary national unity government in gaza. in the second case, we will take a look at the efforts of the turkish government to restore its relations with syria and in the third case,
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we will examine the completely greedy situation of the likely candidate of the democrats to compete with trump. first, on the 299th day of the genocide in gaza, as always , we start the program with the latest images and developments in palestine. hasbi allah and naim al-wakilil saleh or saleh saleh amk salehian saleh tab in al-kafa abuya al
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-manzil is the target theme in the 12 o'clock night . of course, we are not in it except for the children, the adult men, that is, this house is not the first time this al-mara is struck . the third day is our target.
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there were about 100 people, 100 people in the house on the ground floor and on the upper floor, and you were with us.
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the yemeni army shows pictures of the moment when the jaffa drone was shot spread to the occupied territories. in this video, it is announced that this drone has a purpose.
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has hit the heart of tel aviv. yafa is a long- range drone that can perform various missions. this drone has high explosive power and is radar evasive. the jaffa drone operation against the zionist regime in support of the people of gaza was carried out on friday, july 29. but the american doctor about the intentional targeting of children in gaza in the shooting of zionist soldiers.
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these actions of zionist soldiers are considered war crimes against children. i saw children from the district. children who were targeted were they were shot directly in the head. no child is mistakenly shot twice by snipers. these were the shots that were fired with the aim of definitely killing the children of gaza. i have been to many disaster areas, but i have never witnessed what i saw in gaza. but. we will start with the first case, as i said at the beginning of the program, the palestinian groups had a 3-day meeting in beijing, china, which eventually led to an agreement between 14 palestinian groups, including hamas and fatah, to end their internal disputes and
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for plan the future of gaza after the war this eight-point agreement is supposed to form a temporary national unity government after the end of the war in gaza. now, to further investigate this agreement, we want to talk to mr. harley schlanger, a political activist and the spokesperson of the schiller think tank in berlin. hello, mr. shelanger, do you hear my voice?
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agreed to an agreement on a joint declaration of the beijing declaration introduced on the issue of the future of food and the formation of the interim government of national reconciliation. it seems that this statement has eight clauses that are supposed to end the differences and divisions and also strengthen the unity and disunity among the palestinians, one of the senior members. after signing this agreement, hamas announced that the resistance during the war has so far been able to thwart the zionist plan to defeat the resistance or isolate it. displacement of the palestinian people has also been stopped during these 10 months. what do you think about this agreement in a situation where one of the most important issues of this future war in gaza after the war is very important
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? they gave up and reached an agreement, although this agreement is preliminary at the moment, but this issue was very unpleasant for the israelis , because all their efforts were used by the israelis. they were determined to keep them separate, and this issue can be considered good news for the palestinians and a nightmare for the israelis. which
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includes not only a political agreement to stop the conflicts, but also planning for the economic future and prosperity and development, and this statement by beijing has actually caused the two main palestinian groups , faht and hamas, to put aside their differences together. to express together and start cooperating for the future of palestine and finally for the future of west asia. i am very happy to see that china is playing a role in this and all the efforts and conspiracies to suppress the palestinians have failed. mr. schlunger after announcing this. the agreement between the palestinian groups in israel has strongly reacted and
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criticized the fatah movement of mahmoud abbas, the head of the palestinian authority, for signing this agreement with hamas instead of rejecting terrorism. israeli officials said that when fatah and abbas agreed with hamas showing their true face what do you think about the reaction of the israeli authorities to this agreement, the israelis themselves. they could not come up with a plan for the future of gaza for ten months. well, i must emphasize that this issue has surprised the israelis. the israelis had no intention of abandoning their occupation policy and the brutality they allowed in the attack on gaza . the weapons that were used for mass killing are proof of this claim
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, even though the international criminal court and the court of justice had issued orders to stop these actions. the problem is that the israelis always used the excuse that the palestinians could not talk together, and at the same time they always hoped that the witness there are continuing differences and conflicts among different palestinian groups and they always try to put these differences on fire. the differences are bad and they claimed that, on the other hand, abbas
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should not sign such an agreement, mahmoud abbas should not sign such an agreement, so we should ask how can we remember that with such a view that comes from the occupation, we hoped for peace and reconciliation. currently, they are witnessing that the international criminal court has issued a sentence against netanyahu, as well as the international court of justice. meanwhile, the israelis take a position against this agreement for peace and from it they criticize that they do not oppose any other way except the policy of occupation and repression . there is an interesting point in this, that
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at the same time that the palestinian groups were able to reach an agreement for the future of gaza, it was recently revealed that the united states , israel , and the uae had held a secret meeting for the future of gaza, and the uae had announced in that meeting that it was ready for the american plan. and israel should contribute to the future of gaza, even send its own military forces to gaza, with the conditions of today's resistance in gaza, and by announcing the support of 14 main palestinian groups to establish this national unity government in gaza. gaza, what do you think the plans and actions of the americans and israelis and a government like the uae wanted to help them, what will be the result? it seems that all these talks that are going on are the same old policies of israel
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, the americans continued the same old role in supporting israel and its occupation policies. and how can they undermine the agreement reached between the palestinians? the problem is that arab countries usually with they compete and oppose each other and this problem goes back to the era of british colonialism and now they and the americans
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use their influence to destroy or weaken the agreement reached and at the same time they accuse iran of the situation is creating, but it is quite clear that a lot of development and transformation has been achieved, the progress achieved in this issue is angry. the effort has been to get rid of the arab countries violation of this agreement will be used. in fact , on the other hand, we should also keep in mind that the zionist and israeli lobby is very influential in the american foreign policy, and in the meantime
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, it uses its efforts to weaken the efforts and abandon the peace plan, and the united states intervenes for the benefit of the zionists. ok, thank you. i also have a final question . another aspect of this agreement for the future of gaza is that hamas, fed and other palestinian groups gathered together in beijing with the help of the chinese government, while in the past america always tried to maintain its position. as the main mediator and mediator about any issue regarding palestine, hamas also thanked them at the end of the meeting by mentioning china and all the supporting parties, including hezbollah, yemen, iraq, iran, qatar, turkey, and egypt . what
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do they think and feel when they look at china? it has tried to show itself as the main supporter of zionist and israel and not showing interest in peace. what it is showing itself and is very important is the alliance between countries like china, iran, and south africa. and india is created. keep in mind
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that countries like the uae, saudi arabia, and ethiopia are present in the region and play a role in organizations that are committed to economic development , while what they are trying to do is to achieve economic development through economic cooperation, the chinese plan for the project known as the road belt and the belt. they are trying to manage the chinese, and in our opinion and the organization in which we are active , this is one of the most important and best ways to manage the situation that has arisen and advance the economic programs. it is one of the problems in gaza and the chinese. to solve it, express your sweet desire
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making sea water and the chinese. have said that they have an obligation to transfer technologies related to this issue, therefore the chinese should be praised in this regard along with other countries such as turkey and egypt. it can also be seen to the east in the region, because all the actions that america and israel have done all this time are attempts to continue the occupation and colonial policies.
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and now the turkish government has been trying for the second case for some time. to restore his relations that he had cut in the past with the syrian government until today turkish media reported on the strange meeting of bashar assad and erdogan, although it was met with a reaction and denial from syrian sources. regarding this incident , we had a conversation before the program with mr. tim anderson, the head of the center for anti-peace and anti-dominance studies . let's talk about the restoration of turkish-syrian relations. as the first question ,
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i asked him about the origin of the turkish government's recent efforts to improve its relationship with syria, and we will see his answer. there has been some negotiation of this relationship involving the government of sudan in iraq. remember iraq was also used to help the negotiation. with iran and saudi arabia, ultimately that passes to china, but in this case iraq is playing a type of mediating role with turkey because there haven't any direct contacts between the turkish government and the syrians, not openly at least for quite a long time time because of the role that turkey has played or the government has played in supporting the terrorist groups in the north of syria which are still occupying parts of syria, particularly northern lib and also northern countryside aleppo, so in recent times there's been some uh conflict within uh turkey itself,
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partly because the gangs, the armed groups up there that are in turkey itself as well as in northern syria are unhappy with the fact that they've heard that there's going to be some talks and that the turkish government slowly over a period of time over some years has been talking about having some dialogue and perhaps heading towards normalization with syria, so they're unhappy with that, because it really cancels the reason for their existence, they supposedly still thinking about some sort of revolution in syria, um, and also because there've been some serious incidents with the syrian refugees in turkey, there's been some resentment building up over time, and some scapegoating of refugees, i believe, they were falsely accused of some sort of crimes and so on, so there's a certain amount of ground level tension and antipathy towards the... 'still large numbers of syrian refugees could be as many as two million still in southern turkey there and so that's been a sleeper i suppose in turkish politics for some time that some may um combine with
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the desire of some in the government um to try and come to some sort of normalization with their neighbor after all there's a 800 km border there and both countries really are going to benefit from having some normal relationship at some stage'. next , i asked mr. anderson about the preconditions and requirements that the syrian government has for accepting the restoration of relations, he said that they do not want any direct talks or relations with turkey while the turkish military occupies syrian territory, there's already a bad precedent there, because back at the time around the time of independence, the french made some moves to excise part of syria and give it to turkey um and so there's there are parts of southern turkey that are still considered part of syria so there's
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always been um some bad feeling historically there, but in this case um the syrians fundamentally object to the fact that there is a direct turkish military occupation of parts of northern syria, particularly northwestern syria. i've seen them, from the mountains behind here, there, there are turkish post military posts concreted sort of enclaves which the armed groups hide behind when they snipe at the syrian troops up in the mountain there, also on the aleppo side there, there are road blocks, there are a whole lot of... military fortifications there, which were bypassed when the syrians liberated parts of southern id about four years ago, most of southern and central are held by the been taken back by syria now, including the main highway going from, so the cities and that highway there are liberated in that process army simply bypassed. turkish
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military posts, but there are many turkish um in concreted type of fortifications in northern but in northern aleppons refuse to have refused up until now to have direct talks, i believe me some talks by intelligence officials, but direct government talks while turkey still occupies militarily parts of syria, of course for their part the turks have got this other argument that on the east on the northeastern side of syria, the us has been supporting, one of the proxies for the us occupation, northeastern syria has been a separatist kurd group which has its control and command centers basically in turkey, so the turkish government has got a separate set of grievances against those um separatist groups there that have been backed by the us, but that's separate to the concerns of the syrian government which are mainly about the ongoing turkish military occupation of syrian
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territory. in the end , i asked about the experience of the countries that tried to the syrian government years ago but now they themselves are looking to restore relations with this country. we can see mr. anderson's answer to the final question. is dominated by the persian gulf cooperation council led by saudi arabia, that in turn was facilitated by the type of reconciliation between iran and saudi arabia, that's been very important, as i said before, that was initiated by or perhaps passed by the iranian leadership to the iraqi leadership and then taken over by china in that case, but it's the iraqi leadership now, the government of mr. sudani which is...
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that little part of it's part of the arab league of course, also part of the gulf cooperation council, they are still involved with turkey through the muslim muslim brotherhood network in supporting some of these armed groups in the north of syria, so that has placed a constraint on, i guess serious cooperation with qatar and and some limitations within the within the arab league itself, but nevertheless you see there's a type of domino effect of these things, better relations are developed between iran and
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saudi arabia than some of the interference of the saudis in syria has disappeared, not entirely, but um, and similarly, you could say a similar thing with the emirates, the united arab emirates, you may recall more recently um um pushed the us aircraft out of the airbase they had there into um into qatar, i believe, because they were concerned that the presence of us aircraft in the emirates was being used against iraq and being used against yemen. "and that conflicted with the type of positioning that the emiratis were trying to make for themselves in the new circumstances of, the what's going on in gaza and the relationship of iran to the israelis and so on, so all of these relationships affect each other in some respects, and i think the normalization of syria with the arab league has been linked to the normal, the reconciliation between iran and saudi arabia has had some importance."


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