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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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directly, come to mehd farsh, variety of quality and affordable prices in the large specialized carpet market of iran mahd farsh iran mahd farsh. in the name of god. hello dear compatriots, welcome to the news section. the deadline for resolving the territorial obligations of exporters was extended last year. due to the expiration of the deadline for the return of width from last year's export on the 31st of july. the government announced in a circular
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that this deadline has been extended until the end of october. this circular includes export licenses that have not passed more than the 15th of 15 months from the deadline for their horizontal obligations. the 8th national student programming competition honoring the winners finished. active companies in this field of national competitions. they organize programming with the aim of motivating it students and recognizing their talents. the eighth national student programming competition is in the final stage. the competitions were held in 5 months, and we had the selection stages, which participated in this stage from all over iran, from all the provinces of iran , and finally out of 5300. 140 people
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were selected in person in the final competition that was held in the university of science and technology . the 1st to 5th placers were introduced and honored . the chosen ones say the level of the competition and the effort they had for their success. the competition was very tight . the medalists of the last few years and the younger people who are learning the algorithm, all of them participated. they are the best people in the country, and i am 8 years old. i 'm programming a program, i spent my life. according to information technology experts, the labor market in this field in iran is not only not saturated, but also requires the entry of more talents. the participants of the math entrance exam in the course we participated in were around 50% in 1402. to 10%
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reached and that this means that the rate of people who are going to express the technical engineering fields and the labor market forces of the field, which are mostly the technical engineering fields and the mathematical fields , is decreasing sharply. he announced 100 billion tomans for holding programming algorithm and artificial intelligence competitions in 1403. even if we only take a share of the world's digital economy in proportion to our population, it means approximately one percent of the maximum amount of assets that we can get from this route , maybe more than twice the total of our oil income. may our income be oil. the winners of the national programming competition, in addition to the cash license from
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hawai nou, stating that the explanatory jihad will be the focus of all the courses of this course from mehrvarah hawai nou, said that the deadline for submitting works is until the 31st of august this year, and after the judging of a the 100-member delegation will hold the closing ceremony on november 18. new air is an opportunity to introduce the chosen ones of the year of the delegation and religious organizations. the new air axis was pursuing two goals from the beginning. one is that the board has a program for all iranian people and all tastes , and the media image of the board is only one program
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rituals that are just mourning should actually come out and show all the capabilities of the delegation and the media should actually correct this media image. those interested in registering. they can go to the site of this cultural event until august 31st in the new air movement and register in the departments of the board, the members of the board, the productions of the board and sub-committee . it is designed and produced by the members of that board , whatever they need, their contents, related to their space creation, related to their artistic works. it is related to their software and cultural works . produced by the board itself. these are evaluated. the third axis of new air has been accompanied by changes and the international section is supposed to be added to it. it is the year of the international issue, which
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is a bit more prominent than the previous years, and in addition to this, we will have guests from selected delegations from other countries at the closing ceremony. there were iranian delegations that are active outside of iran and are doing effective activities, they will actually be elected and will be honored and appreciated. the final ceremony of the third mehwarah hawa no qar it will be held on november 18 and golden coins will be awarded to the selected delegations. mohammad al-massi , radio and television news agency. the head of the secretariat of the supreme council of the maritime industry says for modernization and development. within 10 years, the country's navy should build 4,000 large-scale medium vessels, of which 150 will be ocean liners. referring to the ability of domestic companies to build all kinds of ships, mr. salari said that domestic shipbuilders
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have the ability to build and modernize marine transport fleets according to the world's standards. today, we have more than 40 shipbuilders in different categories. shipbuilders who they can build small ships to shipbuilders who can build ocean ships. we have in the country. we now have 3 big companies that can build ocean-going ships and build the most complex ships. we have no shortage of capacity for small to medium sized vessels. we don't have a problem with the ability to build, we don't have a problem with the ability to design in relation to large-scale ships and ocean liners, whether they are oil tankers, container carriers , bulk carriers, or even large tourist ships that
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are entrusted under the name of cruises. we have the ability to manufacture at least 8 cars we can make these every year in our three big shipyards. malair city with 796 hectares of cherry orchards is the pole of production of this product in hamadan province. an example of gardeners is malair , who has been producing cherries in his garden for years. with 5 and 50 hectares under cultivation.
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malair is the center of cherry production in the province. 796 hectares of our fertile orchards and 21 hectares of orchards that are newly planted and still non-fertile, and we have the first rank in the province in terms of the level of cultivation and in terms of performance, part of the product is processed. most of this product is in the processing factories of hamadan province and some of it in the central province and the province it is processed in tehran. picking cherries from the garden. the city starts from the second half of july and continues until the beginning of september. it is expected that this year more than 5 thousand tons of cherries will be harvested from malair orchards. sohrabi of melair radio and television news agency.
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thank you for your companionship. as you must be aware, and according to the reports received, considering that the economic growth in the 90s was below 1% and the ratio of capital formation to the country's capital stock had also found a downward trend, the parliament and the government have to compensate for those lags. they should have created new legal and executive platforms to ensure our production the reason for drafting and approving the production and
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infrastructure financing law was put on the agenda , which took about two years in the parliament, and finally , this law is in line with facilitating the financing of strategic plans, drafting bylaws and necessary measures for financing production in the program. the seventh was notified in ardi this month, when the law was approaching its final stages, the ministry of economy was also ready. the implementation of this law and the increase in the speed of action required by the ministry of home affairs was updated according to that law. finally , the production financing influence center was opened today the promise of the minister of economy, we hope that with these measures , the delays in net capital formation in the 1990s will be compensated, and that money investment will be based on development , an approach that has caused the capacity of preferential facilities to increase from about 3 to 40 hemats. in today's program we are going to talk about. and
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we will talk about the work of the center and the help it provides to improve the financing of the country's production, but before starting the conversation with the guests , we will see the report that my colleagues are preparing together . one of our biggest problems is financing i know a lot of producers who are out of business due to financial and working capital problems. the breakdown of the parliament to improve the financing problem of factories , passed a law last year , the production and infrastructure financing law. the production and infrastructure financing law is a set of very useful rules to facilitate financing, whether through bank financing or the capital market, financing from foreign investment and financing related to the country's infrastructure. with the approval of this law, a trustee for financing policy in the country. it will be created under the title of facilitating production financing center it will become a center that, according to its head
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, will revolutionize the financing of the country's production, and now this transformative center was established today in the ministry of economy. a center whose one of the most important tasks is to identify the obstacles to the production of bonggah and pursue its resolution at high levels. the wind center should follow up, if there is a need to amend the government bylaws, take the bylaws and amend the government. an executive order must be issued or if a bill must be sent to the parliament, this bill must be sent to the parliament, and in general, there are many things that can be untied, according to this law, the possibility of banks investing in infrastructure projects. after 10 years, and based on this section of the law, these projects must be abandoned by the bank and removed from the corporation after a period of time, as well as this previous law.
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the receiver will direct the country's more than 7,000,000 billion tomans of liquidity towards production. sara fazli , sed and sima news agency. in today's program , we are at the service of dr. majid karimi, the head of the production financing training center of the ministry of economy, and dr. maitham khosravi, an expert at the majlis research center. your excellency, as well as the viewers, mr. khosravi , greetings and welcome. i am at your service, mr. karimi, and the viewers, greetings and greetings. both of you are welcome , mr. karimi, if you allow us to start with his excellency , well, in the introduction, we
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told the audience about the goals of establishing this center and the process of passing the law , so please tell us in more detail. when you were talking about it earlier, you said that this financing will revolutionize the country's production. how is this transformation going to happen in its capacities? tell me about the center, please explain about it , its main mission with more details about the transformation that will happen in production, god willing, in financing. yes, very well, let me tell you that, as you have mentioned, in the 7th plan, an average growth of 8% for a 5-year period is considered , which requires requirements.
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in fact, one of the most important requirements of this 8% growth is the discussion of capital formation and investment in the productive sectors of the economy. we say that economic growth is provided through them in two ways, either from company profits and internal resources, in fact financing occurs and based on that, investment occurs, or from external sources, which include the banking system. and there is also the capital market. well , over the years, we have actually introduced various tools and methods to the economic actors in the capital market in our monetary and banking system, but it has not yet been able to do the special work that we have done based on the discussion of capital formation. we expect him to provide it because of this issue of discussion the production and infrastructure financing law, which was proposed in the islamic council after 3-4 years, as you mentioned
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, actually became a plan for the representative of the government to review and synergize. the effective materials and its approval in the islamic council were coordinated and numerous expert meetings were held in different committees and after precisely trying to put forward 4 years this law actually came to a conclusion about 3 months ago and promulgated a lot of actually cases that we may think that maybe the most important law an important achievement of the parliament. we can mention the islamic council in the previous period . this law, now i am talking about the law , 25 regulations and about 10-12
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instructions are directly mentioned in the law, which must be done in fact, and the ministry of economy has put it in charge, so that we want this law to the good that we actually talked about let's implement it. previously, in the ministry of economy , well, the special work of the ministry of economy is the same . there was an office that was actually the general administration, under the title of the general administration of financial markets, which performed the same actions, but with this, in fact, the volume of work that each now, it was supposed to be done by the ministry of economy with the decision of the minister of economy about 5-6 months ago regarding this law. to become the center of financial determination of production and according to the events that in fact, it is foreseen in the law to be able
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to carry out these actions efficiently. well, in this law, there are actually several components, which i would like to say are very important, and this is perhaps the area of ​​development that we have regarding the dear law. it is in these paragraphs that i would like to offer you one thing: the national financing council has actually been incorporated for this system and this law and has predicted that all the financing trustees are members of this council, that is, the minister of economy is the head. the head of the central bank is the head of the program and budget organization. minister of your position and service let me tell you that the head of the central insurance exchange organization, as well as two of the central insurance and the national development fund, which is actually the financial stability council, you can see the financial stability council. it is in this, no, it is the same, maybe it is actually different, what
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you are considering in the economic literature. we form specialized ministers in the field of financing as if we are doing what we are doing this can mean that the people who are related will soon get together and actually make decisions in coordination with each other and actually introduce their own decisions to the financing system under the title of notification and discuss the actual financing patterns. development and promotion of the body now. in fact, some of the cases for which this law council has specified specific duties, i would like to share with you one of the issues of developing the accreditation system, mr. doctor, before we move forward. because we want to talk a little bit, we also want to manage time a little bit, so that it will be better to understand. now, with the arrangement that you said and the approach that
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you are considering , see which obstacles to providing capital will be removed. if i were to give an example, as you said, one of the things that we are now doing is that the factories are not interested in using their own internal resources. they prefer to take a loan from the bank because it is simple. and it's easier, in fact , he can get a loan, and a loan means creating money, which means inflation, but if i create a mechanism that removes obstacles and creates incentives for the company to increase its capital, increase the capital. short most of the time , there should be tax exemptions and tax clarifications , so why should the company go to sources of inflation, it uses its own resources , it does its own development work, and this itself helps that let it be useful. one of the things that is actually mentioned in this law, for example, this is also one of the other things that you actually
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discussed in your report, for example, the development of the guarantee industry. they don't have the financial means, they can't go , in fact, they have to get a guarantee from the banking system, he says that it should exist, whatever it may be, such and such, but if guarantee funds are formed in the economic system, the people who are in the private sector are themselves experts in this field, and by examining , for example, suppose that an efs project actually leads to this result as far as this project can generate income, and guarantee funds , we will actually issue a guarantee letter for these , let's talk more, karimi, thank you very much, mr. khosravi, by implementing the policy of controlling some of the banks' balance sheets, a group of experts believe that the implementation of this production policy caused stagnation. do that it has been talked about many times before, can the implementation of the production financing law be a supplement to the policy of controlling a certain amount of banks' balance sheets and
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can it compensate for the recessionary effects of this policy ? a short introduction regarding your previous question that a new organization seems to be established in the financing council , an explanation. let me be very brief. first, before entering into my opinion, this law is actually one of the examples of what the supreme leader of the revolution said in a meeting with the parliament members a few days ago, and that is this. it was said that a good law should be based on the work of experts. this law was one of the most important approvers of this law. at this point, we should thank god for all the experts who were involved in this law , the honorable representatives and the government, which had empathy and support. and it is very interesting that before this law was actually implemented, the government and the ministry of economy actually went ahead and
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prepared the grounds for its implementation. it is hoped that this law can solve the problems of many people. after this introduction, you can see that article 138 of the constitution puts all regulations in charge of the council of ministers. there are a few exceptions. he is also saying that in specialized matters, he can assign this matter to commissions consisting of several ministers, which means that specialized matters do not need to take up the time of all the ministers, what is the need for this? the necessity is that , finally, financing by different institutions, by different means of different applicants, flows in the economy . it needs a coordination and synergy . in fact, it needs a community vision. this is the example you gave, so that i can get to the answer to your question. in fact, an island of
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economic governance of the country's balance sheet control policy in fact, it is established that it means that we will take financing from the place of new money creation, and it is necessary to control the consequences of this policy , that is, on your side , there are internal financing routes, that is, the company can finance itself from its own profitable place or financing routes. facilitate the finance that is not based on the creation of money in the capital market so that the effects of these policies together actually have the best results. this in itself shows the necessity of this synergy and coordination. in fact, it should happen, that is, when you actually kill the growth of the facility, that is for your economic enterprise , i will provide you with less cash than before. the question of the economic enterprise. now, if in fact the mongs are actually in the name of the producer and
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we do not have a job, but it is used for an economic enterprise that is circulating capital. well, with inflation , the costs will rise, the question arises as to how this capital should be provided , there are only two ways, or finally, internal financing should be provided, internal financing should be provided from its own profit, or it should go astray. the capital market of corporate bonds, in fact use in these two ways, the expectation is that the policies that create a big question mark on the financing of the entire companies , from now on, the financing council will think about the side effects of these policies and so on. in fact, these conflicting policies should not only be implemented as conflicting policies, but complementary measures should be considered for economic policies to see that despite the fact that balance control was finally an important and successful policy and we must defend it, but we must think about its consequences. let's see how to minimize these consequences
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did my prediction is that this law has provided the government with a platform and a correct rail, that is, if the new government is actually installed, and god willing, if the policy actually wants to continue to discipline the liquidity and control the liquidity , now it is the opposite. the previous government does not face the challenges of coordination between the institutions, the lack of the necessary law to facilitate financing , not only does it not face this challenge, but a platform has been provided that can completely compensate for it. including, in fact, the agendas defined in this law to facilitate supply finance based on securities means financing that does not need to create bank money. one of them is the increase of capital, as mr. doctor said, when it is actually needed to increase the pending capital that companies have, in fact
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, this law has reduced a lot. exactly in line with this point that came to your mind, let me give a short explanation. you see, the most important problem that a financial institution banking is faced with is the lack of information, that is, you who go to the bank, if we assume that it is a healthy bank, now it is very some of our banks are actually out of the description i mentioned, but it is a healthy bank faced with the challenge of how much mr. so-and-so earns, can he repay this education or not in the countries of the world? the high interest
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rate discourages many people from going to the bank, but in iran, after all, for many years , the real interest rate has been negative, which means that inflation is negative, so it is attractive for everyone to go to the bank . i think the taste of this comes in the middle and the problem of injustice and discrimination becomes serious in this law . the issues that were in your report now are actually the validation issue. the issue of guaranteeing the facility that you these areas have happened, it helps a healthy bank that wants to be right, for example, because it is becoming a system, this process becomes transparent , it can be completely monitored. he can't get any education at all. now, with the education that he holds, with this clarification of the environment , you expect to see that discrimination less, at least, provided that the bank wants
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to act properly. one of the axes that you actually raised in this law, which is the discussion of financial inclusion and justice in fact, the availability of financing sources should be used. this is the issue of the document society system that is actually mentioned in this law. you see, we actually say in our banking system, for example, that


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