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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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can you please explain about these also, if you can explain, well, one of the axes that is actually mentioned in this law, which according to the point that your excellency brought up, that the discussion of financial inclusion and justice in having sources of supply is actually to be used financially, this is the issue of the document society system, which is actually mentioned in this law. you see, in our own banking system, for example, we say that a special bond with a single-page document, for example, something like that. for example, if
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my land is not rural, if my property is not rural , that means hey, we are limiting this, that's it it causes that a limited and special people can actually use the facilities so that we can not only talk about the facilities, but also in other things, for example , suppose that you go to a store and actually want to give you resources, for example he says that he must have a check. well, not everyone has a check. or, for example, he has to go and get a promissory note , which means that there are costs for the creating party. and these restrictions make all people unable to use these resources. in this law, one of its articles deals with the same issue, which is the formation of the society system with the approval of the national funding council, we can announce that various assets can be pledged and can be credited and the ability to determine how much this value is. how much can
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it create credit for people, for example, suppose you are people who have gold in their own house , it is a frozen asset, or for example, suppose that he has stocks, he has to go to a consumption need of his own , in fact, he goes to solve it, he sells his stocks, now if one time selling all the shares will actually disrupt the order and discipline of the market . you tell him no, you don't need to go to the market. you can actually sell your share . you should make it clear in this system and go based on your shares and in fact use credits or work that needs credit anyway or go beyond that fund . in finance, the amount of risk is measured and the places to keep this asset are determined. for example, in the case of the financial assets of the central depository company, the place where the asset is kept. it records our finances. now, if
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we develop this, let's say what it means that i, for example suppose to get 500 million tomans, for example, from a bank, i have to go and put an asset or a document, in fact, a property or an apartment for 10 billion tomans, then they tell me that this asset is locked until you do your own analysis. repay your last installment. in this way, the model that is actually designed and we are actually following it up at the center in the ministry of economy will be in this way that it will actually come and tear this document into pieces. it will tell you that this property of yours is somewhere, it will be connected to the document community system a certain amount of it is actually called as collateral, for example, one ten of it is recognized as collateral, and depending on how much you have to repay the repairs , it will be released and you can use it elsewhere. . your intellectual property
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should be used as collateral, your shares should be used as collateral , your agricultural land should be used as collateral. you said it will lead to this. it was that financial inclusion, which in the financial literature is called financial inclusion, and then leads to the fact that justice in enjoying the benefits will actually flourish in this. now i want to get an education. now let's talk about the car. its model is like this . mr. doctor, its model is like this . our system has the ability to
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connect those who maintain this asset to it. it connects to this asset , it connects to this system, you have gold for example, i have to take my gold somewhere in a bank, for example, let that bank tell me that i am connecting this system to your system, or for example, suppose that my salary slip or, for example , government employees, employees who are actually in offices in different places in fact , workers are working in factories. these come and in fact they are connected to their rights and there are people like brokers who actually have a capital market , you refer to them and the brokerage work actually buys and sells your shares, these are actually brokers that people refer to refer to he calls on the person who actually has the trustee
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to keep the property. how should this process be carried out? now, in other words, the long process should not be prolonged. it can be created. you see, now we have a system called the star system in the ministry of economy. in its first step, this system is connected to the same central depository company . now, regarding other assets, for example, the discussion of legal slips, i would like to tell you that gold, for example, is very expensive. in fact, there are banks that we will not name now now in the program, for example, they are maintaining it now. they make gold, these can actually introduce the amount of gold of the people and the people they deposit with them to the system. you have to expand this day by day
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and mr. khosravi's strong development, it is not only education that can help the production for its growth, it is now the center. the effect of financing is usually only in the field of financial effects, or it can create other obstacles in advance. look, you have made a precise point. many times , the consequences of economic policies and unprofitable economic interventions of the government are shown in the pressure to finance the company, and this has been the concern of the legislator. by the way, it is not like this that we sit down and say, "now, mr. your bank." start giving education or let's say give the capital market to these companies, why does a company that is actually doing productive work in this country finally come to this place where, for example, let's say that it can't
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realize its own development from its own accumulated profits from its own operations. well, this is an important point that you you said in his duties. the financing council has paid attention to this under the general terms that are actually seen in the duties of the council . go to the bank or use its own profit, this council should come in. one example is pricing, that is, when you tell a company illogically that you should sell your product at this price . there are many examples of programs various people talked about the effects of this type of government intervention, how it led to inflation
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. it's all right, but when he says to this company, you have to sell your manager at this price, it's really not logical. this price means that the wheels of that company are not turning. suppose the salary of his employees to. this has happened to many banks . in this law, this matter has been taken into account, that is, the duties of the council have been developed in such a way that it can also enter into these matters, that is, if an executive body, one of its officials got up in the morning and gave a directive that, sir, this is the official. this is how that action is in this way, this council should actually pay attention to this matter and this duty, sir, this is the decision of the middle director general of that ministry. we will see his works in financing, that is, in pressure, so how much executive power does he have ? right now, the center is in the chart of the ministry of economy, and if the ministry that you are talking about wants to come in, it is a ministry of materials, which means it
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is not higher than that. according to article 138 of the constitution , the approvals that this council actually approves in the numbers of the cabinet of ministers, that is , if that ministry does not comply, see the circular. when is it valid for you until a higher authority violates it? well, the legislator came and said that if a directive is issued, a council lower than the financing council came and gave a resolution that if such and such happens, you are actually the financing center. finance and the financing council know that this is a destructive financing issue, this council can approve that part. cancel us, and it is not necessary for you as the beneficiary of the company to
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have a performance guarantee. well, there are two types of performance guarantees in the law, a performance guarantee it is common knowledge that, sir, every law finally has some support. you can go to court against the violator of the law. in the approvals of the council, the guarantee of public executions is satisfied, except in cases that are really sensitive. finally, this law says that all information related to the credit behavior of people should be registered in the credit database, for example. now if a device violates, why is it not enough to guarantee general implementation ? you under you mentioned it as bureaucracy, actually personal and real punishments have been considered for them, mr. dr. in. the things you say are very good , but more than anything, a producer needs
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to know about them, then get a consultation or an expert next to him, so that he can facilitate this space for him. my wife, when the fishing check was executed, we used to go to the bank . i personally saw two or three cases where the bank employee was not aware of the law and prevented the work process in these matters. it can be approved in the cabinet that mr don't do this to the cabinet, you experts who
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actually have the right to vote and are in the cabinet , in every council, in this council, the decision you made is valid by, for example, suppose that the minister of economy is notified, this can happen now, of course we we have to tell the next government that there is such a capacity and that in order for the legislation to actually work , take this action. now you can follow a recipe, for example, assume we wanted to tell you that we actually have a certificate of deposit. in the commodity exchange, according to the existing rules, it said, sir, that every hand that is traded in the secondary market, you must go and pay the tax in the event of a tax . it has been clarified and now you can actually have this tool. the instructions and the same point that the establishment of the center as an arm of the
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national funding council and the secretariat of this law is for this reason, that is, in addition to wanting to approve these, follow up on the discussions of culture building and above. bringing in financial literacy for actually even the activists, not only in tehran, in fact the executive structure of the country in the chambers of commerce, in fact the provincial bodies. these have been put on the responsibility of this center itself. the center was opened today . do you think correctly when all those 25 regulations and 12 instructions will be operational? when will we fully implement all of these ? how many months is our planning? but anyway, the government is changing, and the friends of the new cabinet should actually come , get to know them and actually want to do the work. run
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dear minister of economy, before this law was approved, he ordered this matter and we were present in different provinces and we were explaining this program to them and prepared things. you should explain this method and this tool to the target community . those are the producers. well, let's go to the community system of employment creation. it was also unveiled . of course, if it is possible , we will move forward much faster. how much is the preferential education paid? the payment process. see how it has been since 1400 until now, our consolidated analysis has paid 73 efforts
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it is related to the year, that is, the government and banks, the government of bankalt, yes, this has been paid. now, what happened in this system today, according to the experiences of the last two or three years, which is actually the responsibility of note 18, which is now called note two in the 1403 budget, can hit these targets , based on his experience, in fact, this take the work forward , this system was formed so that from the beginning, when a plan wants to be examined, the device will actually come and upload the plan itself , and facilities will be given after that monitoring. and the survey should be done to see that education in fact it hit the target and physical progress has actually happened in the project, all of these can be monitored and controlled, and you can be sure that there is a very high probability that your education has not been wasted, and now i can conclude that the zero chain it is possible to reach 100.
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all these issues are actually foreseen in this system in addition to education and employment . qarz al-hasna prayers also have the ability to track and monitor in the same system so that we can be sure that the target has actually been hit . now i said that 73 hamats from 1400 until now were actually our consolidated education. in 1402, 60 hamats were paid for analysis of qarz al-hasna. of the budget resources, the resources that were in the government itself were 1419 hamats, 1401 48 hamats were actually in cash, and 17 hamats were actually in the form of bonds, and in 1402, one and a half hamats were in cash and 24 hamats were in the form of bonds, which the government owed he did it himself and in fact he did that allocation, very good mr.
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khosravi, we have a problem in financing the hostels. we had a production that is always good. the stock market was supposed to be one of the solutions or tools for financing, it is true that we can bring the 7 thousand thousand billion now that cash we had , it was also mentioned in the report that we can bring it to the production side, here the stock market is mostly ignored and the producer has mostly gone to the bank what damage can this removal do to the financial system of our country and to the banks of our country and to the market itself. yes, i tried to say this briefly before, now i will open up a little more, and if you allow me, i will tell you a specific point before that. you said that many of the measures do not directly return to financing, so what, for example , suppose that your question was, is this council only going to think about financing, or
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other things that the other things that the government will do in the end will affect its effect? financing shows itself. he says, in my opinion , one of the most important provisions of this law, which can be very helpful, is a new concept that has been introduced and developed under the name of investment packages without a name. investment it would take at least four or five years to get the permission, i don't know, get the land, get the change of use , get the permission for the branches, and it will take 5 years for this to be ready. now start again, for example, let's say you hit the pickaxe, for example, actually install your plant there , these 5 years are all capital costs, that is, you increased the return period of this investment. they say, sir, for example, suppose we had a plan
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to unveil something in a certain event that happens in the country, actually an investment. let's do it and start there now. 3 years have passed since that event, i still couldn't get my license, so this investment means that you have a return period , you are actually increasing the cost of investment in the country . and it seems like a very good ruling that the executive bodies and the government and the governorates are tasked to ensure that you are at least concerned about the government in key and infrastructure areas. you should go and get anonymous licenses and put them on the auction, that is, say, sir, i went, for example, suppose i want a port to be established, a power plant to be built, i went for the land permit. i got the instructions , i got all the work done, whoever gets this license will be put in the auction , he can start working from tomorrow, that is, you have actually
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given a decree instead of the investor seeking a license from this device, from this device class to that level of the government's adjacent apparatus does this for the investor and the investor comes to start. i think this is a very good supplement for the law that affects licensing. i only have one sentence in response to your question. the sample answer i mentioned is that a significant part of this law deals with the financing law that if someone came to this economy and said, "i want to finance from the capital market, what are the obstacles in the way, for example, an example is the project fund . if he builds a power plant , he will actually establish a project fund and transfer his assets to that project fund. when the project is finished, the project will be taken from abroad. because of the legal disturbances that existed in the past years to one
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bitter experience for the private sector, in fact, now with this law, the establishment of a liquidity provision fund from the capital market will be strengthened and greatly facilitated , that is, all those obstacles, some of them are tax , some of them are administrative, some of them are legal, and these are as far as they actually are. at all, the same tax exemption that was last year, well, it showed its effect, only this capital market is the solution, not the different methods that are available. for example, let's assume that the bongahs are now one of the other cases, which, of course, we are implementing this under the title of the yiziran regulations. we did, for example, now instead of education for this reason, for the control of the growth of banks' balance sheets, bonds are used. it is very good . you can observe that credit management is happening, and these people who actually have bonds can use it instead of paying cash as taxes. or if you want to pay the same as mineral rights or for example
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, suppose you pay social security arrears , pay your customs duties with this. it can help a lot in relation to the package small companies are now a subset of, for example, large companies, and then these. saying, for example , the issuance of debt securities in the capital market , now, according to this law, we can say the actual expenses related to the issuance. your big company can go and issue it, without actually having the issue of tax, it can give the collected funds to small companies. transfer more, well, it actually creates a great opportunity for bonga to be able to quickly use the capacities of the capital market, even though it is small, you can sum it up in 20 seconds. the government is actually new to this law and the national council of financing and the discussion of the financial determining education center, whose structure has actually been saddled to
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be able to actually implement this law. and this is my request to the new government that will actually be installed, god willing , to appreciate this capacity if they are looking to have it , if they are looking for investment in our economy to develop and to solve the problem. to happen and there are actually incentives in this, i am asking for this law and this council national funding and in fact , the financing center should pay special attention to this issue, which can definitely solve many of their problems. it was general. what is going on, mr. doctor, we had 3 meetings of the national financing council, in the past one month
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, the guarantee funds, which according to the law should actually have regulations written, have been written and put on the agenda, and four regulations are ready. the discussion is actually the company. validations ready for approval to actually be approved in the national financing council it means that no one has stopped working . well, this one is actually a false promise. now in this law, article 24 of this law provides the possibility that the gas company can use those who are actually trustees and government agencies to
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check this. before that project is done, they should actually tick the box and say that this saving will definitely be done , allow the person to have the documents to issue and the commitment of the executive body, so these are the capacities that are available for them. and can help with related recipes and style sheets in relation to that writing, it should be compiled and actually used, god willing, mr. khasrid , we have about two minutes, because all the good news and positive points about the center in financing the production so that now we can use the funds of the people. let's use this process as a kind of people's participation in the economy and production jump, and in any case, the realization of the motto of the supreme leader of the revolution. is there any special plan thought out in this center? see in the law that i have presented to you, in fact , an attempt has been made to create obstacles for financing. non-brank-based
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should be solved, finally, if there is a tax barrier in fact, it has other means, but in order for what you said to be realized , it needs supplements, that is, what is the problem, the problem is that you, as an investor, are a person who is looking for his profit now, and he wants to see where he can get more returns. the whole economy. the production efficiency is not enough that you can actually introduce the resources to him as attractive , and he will bring these resources there. well, naturally , he won't come. well, i mean, i want to say that you see, in general , the problem of our investment reduction, that is, the failure of our investment growth, is a macroeconomic issue, and this law is a he tried to solve the part that he could what is it? it is a question of financial stability , which is not an important issue, but it is not the only issue
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that can actually be an issue. there is a trend , foreign investment has a trend, the functions of banks actually have a trend, with all this, now there is a part that can be fixed. he has tried to solve it , he definitely needs supplements to achieve his ideal , thank you very much sir.
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