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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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turkey there and so that's been aa sleeper i suppose in turkish politics for some time that's um may um combine with the desire of some in the government um to try and come to some sort of normalization with their neighbor after all there's an 800 km border there and both countries really are going to benefit from having some normal relationship at some stage in the following from mr. anderson about the prerequisites and requirements. i was asking if the syrian government is willing to accept the restoration of its relations. well, the government in damascus has always said that they do not want any direct talks or relations with turkey while the turkish military occupies syrian territory, there's already a bad president there, because back at the time around the time of independence, the french made some moves to excise part of syria and give it to turkey. 'um and so
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there's there are parts of southern turkey that are still considered part of syria so there's always been um some bad feeling historically there, but in this case um the syrians fundamentally object to the fact that there is a direct turkish military occupation of parts of northern syria, particularly northwestern syria, i've seen them from the mountains behind here there, there are turkish post military posts concreted sort of enclaves which the armed group'. hide behind when they sniper at the syrian troops up in the mountain there, also on the aleppo side there, there are road blocks, there are a whole lot of military fortifications there, which were bypassed when the syrians liberated parts of southern italy about four years ago, most of southern and central italy are held by the been taken back by syria now, including the main highway going from hamar through to aleppo, so the cities of kanshekun and maraton numan and sarakeb on that highway
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there are liberated in that process the surian army simply bypass went past turkish military posts, but there are many turkish um in concreted type of fortifications in northern and in northern aleppo and and the syrians refused to um have refused up until now to have direct talks, i believe this some mean some talks by intelligence officials, but direct government talks while turkey still... occupies militarily parts of syria. of course, for their part, the turks have got this other argument that on the eastern and northeastern side of syria, the us has been supporting, one of the proxies for the us occupation, northeastern syria has been a separatist kurd group which has its control and command centers basically in turkey, so um the turkish government has got a separate set of grievances against um those um separatist groups there that have been backed by the us, but that's... in the end
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, i asked about the experience of countries that tried to overthrow the syrian government years ago, but now they themselves are looking to restore relations with this country. ces of the at least diplomatic consequences of the normalization between syria and the arab league which is dominated by the persian gulf cooperation council led by saudi arabia, that in turn was facilitated by the type of reconciliation between iran and saudi arabia, that's been very important , as i said before, that was initiated by or perhaps passed by the iranian leadership to the iraqi leadership. and then taken over by
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china in that case, but it's the iraqi leadership now, the government of mr. sudani which is engaged in this type of mediation with turkey and syria. um, another consequence of the normalization with the arab league is that saudi arabia which was um supporting for many years some of the armed groups in syria like jabad al-nusra and isis um is now no longer doing that basically, they are not um so far as i have been able to understand from syrian military leaders, they have not been supporting armed groups in syria for some time, but qatar still is, qatar, that little part of it's part of the arab league of course , also part of the gulf cooperation council, they are still involved with turkey through the muslim muslim brotherhood network in supporting some of these armed groups in the north of syria, so that has placed a constraint on i guess syria's cooperation with qatar and and some limitations within the arab league itself. but nevertheless you see there's a
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type of domino effect of these things: better relations are developed between iran and saudi arabia, then some of the interference of the saudis in syria has disappeared, not entirely, but um and similarly you could say a similar thing with the emirates, the united arab emirates, you may recall more recently um push the us aircraft out of the airbase they had there into um into qatar, i believe, because they were concerned that the the presence of us aircraft in the emirates was being used against iraq and being used against yemen and that conflicted with the type of positioning that the emirates were trying to... for themselves in the new circumstances what's going on in gaza and the relationship of iran to the israelis and so on, so all of these relationships affect each other in some respects and i think the normalization of syria with the arab league has been linked to the normal
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reconciliation between iran and saudi arabia has had some important flow and effects and i think iraq's role in this may become important to particularly if they manage to negotiate some sort of new relationship. between turkey and syria, because as i said, in the long run, and looking past even the government of erdogan in turkey for example, um, it's important that syria and turkey have some sort of normal relationship, because they're natural partners, neighbors and trading partners and so on. at least 55 people died due to floods and landslides in southern ethiopia they lost local officials said: due to the continuation of rescue operations, there is a possibility of increasing the number of victims. the southern regions of ethiopia have witnessed heavy rains, floods and landslides in recent months. the head of the national committee of the democratic party of america said that the final candidate of this party in
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this year's presidential election will be announced on august 17. us vice president kamla harris is mentioned as a possible democratic alternative to biden in the us presidential election. harris has so far managed to get the support of 2,214 representatives of the party's assembly became a democrat obtaining the nomination of the democratic party requires the support of 1975 votes out of a total of about 4,000 votes in the assembly of representatives of this party. the eruption of mount etna , the largest active volcano in europe, closed the catania airport in italy. airport officials announced the arrival and departure of flights. it has stopped due to the eruption of mount etna volcano, whose ash has reached the airspace. published images of this volcano show continuous volcanic activity with high intensity. british defense minister says that this country
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is facing serious challenges in its armed forces. john hillili lack of power, he mentioned the inefficiency in the procurement process and such cases among the challenges of the ministry of home affairs under his command. haley said two weeks after labor came to power it became clear that the problems were much worse than first thought. the british labor party ended the 14-year dominance of the conservative party by winning the majority of the house of commons in the last election. and now, in our third and final case, we want the election situation in america after biden's resignation and now that he is a completely greedy candidate.
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the president stepped down. now he hopes to stay in the white house for another 4 years. the hope that joe by withdrawing from the race, biden gave him the competition. i chose harris as my deputy in 2020 and it was the best decision i made. even now, i fully support haris becoming the candidate of our party. democrats must now unite and defeat trump. harris also hit biden's goal pass in the air and immediately to accept the nomination. the democratic party announced its readiness for the us presidential election, a decision that was welcomed by many of its party members. i fully support the candidacy of harris because she can unite the party to go head-to-head with trump
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and win elections. harris is not the only option to replace mustafa as the democratic candidate , but he has important advantages. the first and perhaps the most important is time. the candidate will be determined at the meeting of the democratic party, in less than four weeks, there is not much chance that someone will take the risk and step on the field in the remaining time. it can still count on women's votes, especially women of color. as a woman of color she can win key states like michigan, philadelphia, detroit and pennsylvania. democrats also hope to use greed one of the most important winning cards of this party, i.e. young voters, should be successful. against donald trump, however, the survey of the average opinion polls on the mbc network shows.
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polls and speculations show that kamla haris is likely to be able to attract the opinion of delegates or democratic election lawyers enough , so he can be considered the possible candidate of the democrats who is going to be announced on august 7 or 17. are there any challenges to compete with trump?
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they also have problems with the youth, the issue of abortion and the differences between the democratic party and the party republicans have a stance on this matter, it can be considered a disadvantage for them , especially since they are also a woman . what do you think about the challenges? all the things that the government should
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have were definitely not positive. one of the issues that should have been the inflation event that has spread in america, of course, this is a little bit. especially the arab-american arabs who are in the country are very upset about gaza, and they are not happy about the support that biden had for israel and so on. biden's supporters are worried. yes
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, after the pressure on biden finally led to his withdrawal, we have new news and information from we get behind the scenes of these pressures, for example, the role of nancy pelosi is becoming more prominent every day and she is mentioned as a person who, whenever the pressure for biden's resignation began to decrease, pelosi would ignite the flames or the new york times quoted from me. knowledgeable sources have announced that senior democratic officials have even threatened biden that if he does not resign , they will use the 25th amendment to the us constitution to prevent him from continuing in the presidency, this is something that was not reported in the media before biden's resignation. the amount of pressure and threats that lead to the final surrender what do you think about biden? in the american political system
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, when we witness the elections in november , not only the elections include the presidency , but a third of the senate and the house of representatives are also up for election, and many have the prospect of being elected or elected. while many were trying to put joe biden on the ticket as president. to have their own elections, many people considered this a worrying negative point. joe biden, when he was sure of the support of many deligites, many others also turned away from him. in fact, it is an amendment and an amendment.
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the 25th that is discussed is about the president's health, but even the republicans don't want to talk about it too much. yes, a question that may arise here is that biden and the democrats could do something. it has been a long time since biden has not run for office in a completely normal and normal way, and then he wants to withdraw in this way, this way of withdrawing. what consequences do you think biden has for the legacy that his government has left during these three or four years? does n't this act make biden's performance and legacy appear even more weak and failed? well, my belief is that the withdrawal actually
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caused the legacy of many of the laws passed with the cooperation of the republicans that led to the recovery of the american economy after covid, as well as efforts to bring factory jobs back to the united states for this. i don't believe that joe biden's resignation is a negative legacy for him or an important issue for america. we have a public interview from inside gaza in response to biden's withdrawal, which
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was prepared by reuters and we want to broadcast it in its entirety. opinions of the people of gaza let's see and then we will talk about it together . regarding the elections that took place in america , the withdrawal of biden is obvious because he, biden, and trump are also the vice-presidents of the war against palestine and the basis of terrorism in the entire world. it means that he is not important to palestine and we are also the basis of terrorism in all countries, but we are sensitive to the extent that it is also the basis of terrorism in relation to the american president.
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al-balad tebete qebal ma yekhdumna means the leader's halqit is the step of the palestinian people's soul the american is the soul of the american people and the university students and the demonstrations that took place in the universities and the protests that took place in the universities are anti-biden because he is like us . but he says that this is done by the eloquent pen, that it is not a hundred, nor a victory, and the sons of a big man, and the sons of a tired man, and it does not mean that neither the palestinian people nor the american people will serve us . the massacres that israel has done with american weapons and how america used veto rights
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in all decisions in favor of the palestinian factions to stop firing and how it and the american democratic party are all pro-israel to the extent that the israeli president netanyahu's fight to address the imam of the american congress, that is, all the parties in america are in favor of the factions. the israeli people, i mean, we are different between biden and trump, all of them are speechless in the interest of israel, no more or less. the conversation with mr. michael trugo, a professor at the university of michigan in the united states, is ultimately the problem that many people outside of the united states have. whether it is completely greedy can be a different option than joe'. it should be that, for example, like trump , he did not agree to implement the jcpoa for iran, or like trump, he gave absolute support to israel, to the point that
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, for example, in the american student protests, the students called him a genocidal man. it was in gaza and we showed it now. it was as if the palestinian people were saying that they don't care at all about biden's withdrawal and the american elections. for them , there is no difference between harris, biden and trump. even today , the american nbc network had a report saying that although it is possible that harris's tone will become sharper if he wins the election, but america's policies towards israel will not change . what is your assessment?
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they are in favor of negotiating the resolution of the gaza issue and the two-state solution, while donald trump never had any interest or support for the two-state solution . among. the governments of harris and trump can exist, but we have to see how things will go. thank you very much, mr. trugo, for your participation in this conversation. i am pleased with
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conversation with you
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the fire of insults and distortions of the opponent will not become the truth. and now we will see the end of tonight's jahan program according to the picture together. i'll fucking shoot you at your fucking face, okay, drop the fuck, shots fire, shots fire,
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i'm not taking hot boiling water face and it already reached us. aquí se necesita un plan, merci beaucoup, bonne journéée,
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night and god bless you.
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3:00 am
hello, at 3 o'clock, the last meeting of the supreme council of the cultural revolution in the 13th government, chaired by the caretaker. the presidency was held according to the secretary of the supreme council cultural revolution in this meeting, the members of the board of trustees of the national organization for measuring and evaluating the education system of the country were elected. the important approvals that we had in this meeting was the selection of the real members of the board of trustees of the national measurement organization, which actually becomes official with the holding of the board of trustees of the national measurement organization.


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