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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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we will soon witness the liberation of quds , but the point is that the europeans, since israel is an important and vital point for them, so will the americans, and i think they will pay the price for the short term. mid-term and long-term , you said, what kind of distortion are you talking about? my point is this. first, let me talk about the new order . we had these four stages in the field of changing the new world order. first, from asia to europe under the leadership of england, from england to two. we had the soviet union and the united states, then we had the unipolar one, and now we are moving towards it we have a multi-polar network, we are moving, this incident started with the conflict between russia and ukraine, and the next issue is the simultaneous events of the al-aqsa storm and
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i predict that the chinese will probably attack taiwan in the next year. this is a one-year process in this in my opinion, the one-year process is that the limit of resilience of the westerners will last, that is , the threshold of tolerance, but in a time of 4 years, which i feel, until our year 1407, that is, the next 4 years, this process of collapse and the process of the defeat of the american invasion in this interim period. 4 years old it will be witnessed and god willing in the next decade we will witness the new order in which the power of muslims and the power of iran will be striking in my opinion. from this side of the zionist regime
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, it was promoted to war crimes or various attacks that it carried out, and finally, the children of civilians were attacked by the sikh regime . it is not a new thing, what the people of the countries of the world, especially in europe and america, are now seeing. it has provoked, do you know where the point of gravity is, what caused this, which is not very new, but it is showing itself. look. in general, the crime committed by the zionist regime inside the occupied palestine , while it is a war crime, it is genocide, it is a massacre , it is a racist act. it is considered a war. but now
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the zionist regime is acting far beyond this political dictionary of the world in relation to crime, and the one that closes its eyes and takes any action to preserve its own existence and does not ignore the international laws of the united nations and the resolutions it doesn't have the united nations or even the united states or even europe , which means that before, for example, europe and the united states could be a pressure tool on the zionist regime to control it. it is completely out of control, that is , i believe that due to the fact that mr. biden left, mrs. kamla haris has now come and the zionist regime of the zionist lobby in america had done all they could for mr. trump, and now it is reaching the point that ms. kamel harris may win the election, now because she is a woman and with the slogans she is raising, and here. they may
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lose a strong support because of this now i am in a very critical situation because the appointment of the future president in america has a lot of effect on the zionist regime , it does not have much effect on us, but it has a lot of effect on the zionist regime, and if they lose the elections of the united states of america regime, they may take measures. let's say that mr. trump himself gave an interview yesterday and on the verge of a crisis , fight, fight, this shows that america is in a serious internal political situation, which may lead to a civil war in america, if the competition is very close, the zionists are already counting their own work , which means it is possible. zionists together with this chinese initiative
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they should reach a point where they establish a truce before the american elections, take a breath , rebuild themselves to see what will happen in america and what the next situation will be. they will be as islamic as the europeans, maybe not . my opinion is that the islamic world has unfortunately put itself to sleep and you can't draw conclusions from waking them up, that is, they won't wake up. those who put themselves to sleep can't really be woken up. i have no hope for measures. islamic country in this regard. i don't have to because most of those who are in charge of the countries of some islamic countries and are effective, they are under the influence of the threats of the zionist regime and the united states, and they are afraid of
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making a serious intervention, that is, even to, for example, the measures taken by some latin american countries in cutting off relations. don't read even to this extent, no, they are very far ahead now, and people like america are far ahead. the defense of the palestinian nation is slower than some of these countries that even you see, for example, egypt, jordan, these are the closest borders with palestine, so close their borders. putting your policies on the path of compromise with israel and not giving any help is the rifa crossing which is the only way to help the palestinian people. according to camp david, that this area should not be given to the zionist regime, now egypt is silent and the ayatollah has always had two compromise lines of resistance in the palestinian issue. you see, let me tell you something
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. when you talk to the palestinians, the palestinians are the people who are there now. look at what we have now. we see the only name that comes up. i mean, it's really an epic. a person who you see has lost his whole family and then speaks with such warmth and strength, and these people who you see, for example , read the verses of the qur'an like this. i say, there is no water, there is no food, i will give you an example. it is very interesting that they do not pay him, then they do not have clothes, it means that they are displaced, they went out with their own clothes.
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what happened that this happened, this is a lot of issues , everything that happened in the field of compromise, negotiation and softening. that is, there was nothing, that is, for example that madrid discussion, that discussion is everything that could be done from that gentleman. now , i don't want to go into detail about a 75-year-old process . in region one, events took place from 2000 onwards, especially after the liberation of the occupied parts of lebanon. what is lost is resistance and resistance thinking after the discussion of islamic awakening and the arab spring that happened, well, there was a tremor in this thinking , and there it came to the conclusion that this faith is the result of this. it is a matter of experience. this is a question of a poll in
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west korone. i think it has been done 3 times in the past 9 months. if i am not mistaken, yes , it has been done three times. it is very interesting . they did this in the west bank and the self-governing government. now, if i make a mistake in the numbers , it is approximate. now, roughly 50 to 60 percent of the people of gaza say that the al-aqsa storm was the right thing to do. this was almost during the past months, it was in the early 70s , it was 60, now it is 50. well, people , it will be more difficult, finally, it will be a little more difficult it has come down. but the interesting point of this issue is not that in the west bank, this number is 70 to 80 percent during these 9 months. in the west bank, everything is given. let me give you an example . people know what's going on in the west bank. see , this is even allowed by the police.
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they don't have heavy weapons, they always have colts and light weapons . when the israeli army comes, for example , it comes during kerem, when it comes to these camps. they are obliged to close the door and be there until they leave, which means they are not even allowed to say , sir, what are you doing in my area, sometimes 3 the day they stay in the room, there will be a fight for 3 days. for example, in this recent conflict, it has been 72 hours in this camp, it was you who was making fun of them, saying that someone should bring this out, the israelis are leaving, so now look at this silence. let me give you an example. i told you this once . i would be grateful if you could tell me about it. the people you see are doing suicide operations and killing someone with a knife, and it's not just that their lives and... madan israel has rules that must be expressed at home they will blow it up, they will go home, they will give it their own time
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, destroy the house, we will not destroy it, the engineers will measure it, let me blow it up, this west bank is ready for a resistance, now when will it be ignited, you see jordan and these arab countries in the same way. and islamic countries, their people are different from their statesmen and governors. thank you very much , mr. kalan, for a minute. no , the republic of dr. bezikian, according to the field discussion and diplomacy , must work on this project. there is a special project, and now we also thank
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them for regularly darren with the leaders of hamas jihad movement today, islam is negotiating with the islamic jihad movement and emphasizing that israel must be destroyed and supporting the palestinian nation. well, we are in the process that is taking shape in the region. and the analysis we presented and also to mr. torabi for your presence and analysis and thank you for watching. good night. thank you. almost everyone, including yourself
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, thinks of america as a perfect country. america often means pleasure, freedom, wealth and modern lifestyle. these are images that usually when when we think about the land of opportunities, it often comes to our mind. however, the reality is that america, like any other country, is facing problems. this country. it faces issues such as challenges related to waste management, high crime rate and significant poverty. it is important to know that while america offers many benefits , it struggles with many of the same social and economic issues that can be seen in other countries of the world. although america is not classified as a poor country, there is poverty in it. at one point, the poverty rate in america, it included 3% of the total population of this country.
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however, during the trump administration, the poverty rate has increased significantly. after a brief decline, the number of people living in poverty in the united states has risen to 8 million following the outbreak of the covid pandemic. this increase has disproportionately affected children and minority groups. the appalachian region, which includes parts of new york to northern alabama, mississippi, and georgia, is a cultural region that often has a high level of poverty. the poor white people are the main residents of this area they rely heavily on donations to survive. one of the positive aspects is that the tax increase is mainly aimed at the wealthy and this relief and help. it is considered for people who are in lower income groups. contrary to
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the popular belief that only immigrants and people of color face poverty, there are also many poor people among white people in america. for example, azley county is reportedly one of the largest counties with a high population of poor white residents. due to reduced access to job opportunities, esp. what in the wood and tobacco industry the region is highly dependent on receiving aid. in the early days of coal mining in america, this region had smaller mines compared to other regions, which caused many of its residents to seek better opportunities in other places. when people don't have money or can't earn from their performance or work , they often go to the dumpsters. they look for leftover food that is still edible. they
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separate dry and wet tongues and this makes people homeless or poor. it's easier to get food collect those who collect food waste are called round tongue divers. however, it is interesting to note that diving in tongues is not only limited to the homeless and the poor. this work is also a kind of protest of young critics who criticize how society treats food as a commodity. for a long time, panhandling was a common practice among the homeless. they often visit grocery stores such as bakeries where leftover food is placed in special bags. it is possible that this will keep these breads clean. one of the interesting aspects of some
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grocery stores in america is that they take leftover food from customers who don't finish their meals and keep them, then give the leftovers to the homeless. it is given to women or poor people who often want to receive food. they enjoy receiving this leftover food with a smile. in addition , the kitchens that prepare soup in the united states and several other countries are managed and financed by organizations, foundations, societies or the government. can this kitchens are a lifeline for the poor. for those who spend the night thinking about what to eat the next day, these places offer a ray of hope. in america, a significant number of people live without a home. they are called homeless. this issue affects more than half a million people, about 590 thousand people
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. many of these people rely on shelters for temporary accommodation, but these places are often too crowded. those who cannot find a place for themselves in the shelters end up going to the streets and putting up temporary tents. low-income areas or slums build cities. homeless people often form communities for mutual support and help , not only from law enforcement but also from other poor and sometimes troubled people. they face challenges again. one of the most famous homeless communities in las vegas is located under the skin of this bustling city. here, people set up tents and use the same equipment as mountaineers. these tunnels in las vegas are full of homeless people sleeping on old mattresses. discarded cigarettes
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they smoke others and use simple temporary tools. despite their dire conditions, they feel. they create a community and share a space with others like an informal and illegal shelter. according to the report of the guardian newspaper, some people choose to live in these tunnels to escape from society and be forgotten . they build their own living spaces from discarded materials, including temporary lamps. in the heart of los angeles at a busy intersection lined with shaders in fact. it is the home of many homeless people in the city, says amhadyat in his blog he wrote how people can live in tents with their bicycles parked on the street . it looks like a temporary tent city for those who have nowhere to go. california, especially the city of oakland, has areas full of homeless people. these areas
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almost turned into small slum towns. most of the residents here are people who can no longer afford the high living costs of renting an apartment. many of them are driven from their families or communities and live with whatever they can gather. some of homeless people who still have valuables such as cars live in their vehicles and make the most of this situation. as if their car is a house. the image of the homeless life with tents, wheelbarrows full of personal belongings and layers of clothing for warmth is often used in music and movies. people are depicted often sitting or lying on the streets with cardboard signs asking for food and money or simply
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sharing their own life stories. in addition, many homeless people try to become street musicians earn some money. during the outbreak of the corona epidemic in 2020 , many people stood in line to receive food. although many of them had cars , it did not mean that they were rich. in america, owning a car does not necessarily indicate wealth. the provision of these aids is done not only by the organization and government subsidies, but also by ordinary citizens through charity events. those who live in their cars and mostly to look for food distribution places in different neighborhoods.
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не причень, дрон летит? kristyush, you see what is this? the target for the occupied territories is the moving target of the yemeni resistance, of course, except for explosive or explosive drones destined for tel aviv, eilat
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, haifa, and ashtot, how could a drone that is the size of a car, the size of a car , pass through the iron dome? i am worried about this ship. whose destination is the occupied territories. the main concern of the zionists is the cutting of the economic artery, the houthis are worried about the united states, the british in the red sea, because they see that the yemenis are not cheap in war. it won't be more than that, the houthis have been fighting with saudi arabia since 2015, so it can be expected that they are not the ones who will retreat soon. since the beginning of the war in yemen, 11 attacking birds from 6 countries attacking yemen
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have fallen in the sky of this country. for example, 63 of them were for saudi arabia, 23 were for the uae, and 12 were american. experts say that they can only be defeated on the ground, and there is no army in the world that can enter yemen. as you know, even saudi arabia entered yemen. the only way to deal with the houthis is a ground attack and the so-called ground attack i don't know the scenario right now.
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awas awas awas.
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we call it the islamic republic of iran. bismillah. the most merciful god, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the speed of their fate, my dear compatriots, greetings to you, good morning, there are a few very difficult days ahead , the deputy coordinator of tashir tawanir announced the 7.5% increase in electricity demand compared to last year with this warning and called it a heat wave. that is until the middle of this week.


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