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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, good morning and market news. capital is welcome. the countdown of the ipo of persian gulf star has started . according to mr. zamani, vice president of market operations of tehran stock exchange company, the admission of persian gulf star oil company to the stock exchange is one of the major events of the last few years in the capital market. persian gulf star oil refinery was accepted by hayat two weeks ago, so that the works
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can take place before the insertion of its symbol. according to the regulations, it takes some time after the grade becomes a symbol and meets the requirements , according to the market conditions, god willing. we are at the beginning , we have a few companies ready, but according to the market conditions and now let's see how it is , whether it has a special process or perfume, not everyone is ready, it can be done within a week. with the completion of the documents, iran khodro sips have until july 144 to withdraw from the coverage of article 141 of the trade law. the director of supervision of publishers of the stock exchange organization said: companies whose accumulated losses are more than half of their capital are subject to this law. 1389 shopping market and
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car sales prices are stable, but there are no buyers. at that time, the gap between car prices in the open market and the factory was less than 10%, and the production of the factories was responding to the existing demand . week by week, we reached 1200. the profit of 300 million dollars in the financial statements of iran khodreh and saipa shows the involvement of the organizations in determining the price. in those years , it did not put much pressure on these companies, but the story gradually changed from 1997, with the increase in inflation , the continued involvement of organizations in determining the price of people's purchasing power, in order to preserve the value of their money, led them to on the side of the state-owned car market, you buy a car for 120 million, but when it comes to azad, it becomes 260 million, but the low production of russian cars meets the existing demand.
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it is not profitable for me to invest in a car when you create an ansar for it . therefore, iran khodro and saipa, which made a profit of 300 million dollars in the early 90s , reached a loss of 100 million dollars in 2017. the accumulation of these losses made these two companies reassess their assets in 2018 to reduce their losses . the last day of 2018 capital increase from the place of reassessment. naturally, until march 28 in 1403, according to the capital increase law, they cannot be reassessed from the surplus location. with the increase of capital from the revaluation place , the losses of these two companies were reduced by about 200 million dollars, but the continuation of the mandatory pricing not only did not return their conditions to the previous routine, but their losses were even greater than before. accumulated losses are 100 thousand billion tomans. according to article 141 of the trade law, the two iranian companies , themselves and saibpa
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, are bankrupt because their losses are more than half of their capital, and they should be transferred to the over-the-counter market by july 1403. the director of the organization gave these two companies another year. to be excluded from the scope of article 141. according to the director of supervision of publishers of the stock exchange organization, after granting the license , these two companies will be re-evaluated by the end of the year and their transactions will be carried out in the stock market. justices of kerman province go to the assembly. the extraordinary general assembly of the province's equity investment company will be held on sunday, august 28 in kerman city. according to the announcement of this company, shareholders who volunteer to join the company's board of directors can apply for registration up to 20 days before the meeting. according to the resolution of the supreme council of the stock exchange
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, until the beginning of september this year, the assemblies of the companies provincial investment of equity shares should be held . until the end of june, the assemblies of the companies. north khorasan zanjan central gilan has been held . the glass hall turned green on the fourth trading day of this week. on this day, the total index and the weighted index recorded a positive return of 411. the stock market saw an increase in demand and the arrival of real money. trading stock market indicators. tuesday was left behind by saudi arabia. on this day, the total index reached the level of 2 million 177973 units with a positive return of 411 equal to 8962 units. the hemward index, which represents the trading price
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of small, medium-sized stocks in the market, is also in line with the overall index it was bullish and with an increase of 2,748 units in the range of 6,961 units so that the equal weight indicator is one step away from the level of 700,000 units. on this day , 5,600,000,000,000 stocks and bonds were traded in 217,000 transactions with a value of 4,134 billion tomans . the value of khurd transactions also reached 3090 billion tomans, which shows a four percent increase compared to the previous trading day. but the symbols of parsan, shepna, shepdis and shabandar had the most positive effect on the greenness of the total index, and in contrast to the symbols of foolad. and pars, omid and jam prevented further increase of the total index. net change the legal ownership of the real market became positive and the glass hall witnessed the entry of 89 billion tomans of real money . during tuesday's transactions, the most inflows of real money
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were allocated to the groups of investments, chemical products and petroleum products , and the most outflows of real money were made from the groups of transportation and warehousing, banks, automobiles, and parts manufacturing. state of the hall of glass symbols as well. ghazal arab gol, the broadcasting news agency and refineries should clarify following the ruling of the administrative court of justice. the year of approval to increase the industrial gas feed rate by the stock exchange organization by sending a letter from 6 refinery companies in tehran, tabriz, isfahan, bandar abbas, shiraz and palash naft lavan requested to clarify the effect of this ruling in their financial statements. also, on monday
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, august 1st, in a letter, the stock exchange organization asked the petrochemical companies to disclose the financial effects of the ruling of the administrative court of justice regarding the feed rate for transparency . petrochemical company disclosed information in kodal. following the complaint of the petrochemical industry association about the resolution of 29 june 1402 of the board of ministers regarding feed prices with prices of 7 and 4 thousand tomans, the court of administrative justice announced that this resolution lacks legal validity and is illegal. the end of the news of khodnaghadar capital market.
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it is the only rozai cooperative in the country that is a member of the international union of ic. cooperatives are a successful experience in sustainable economic growth and development. there are 14,000 cooperatives. at the national level, more than 2,500,000 people are active in these cooperatives . we can draw inspiration from the original meaning of "town" to solve basic livelihood and professional problems with the collective participation of members. members are used and these problems are solved. we have members who are technical experts. their wisdom will definitely be used . there is a donation of financial resources that the financial resources of the members are collected. can in the company and through their own financial resources , their financial problems are solved and a successful cooperative that has been praised by the world union of cooperatives due to its correct management in creating economic opportunities for its members and the people of the region, especially in the agricultural sector . the activity of shavahang company in the agricultural sector, in
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the commercial sector, in the credit sector, in the welfare and service sector, in the agricultural sector, well, it is well-known internationally. icsi holds a meeting twice a year , until today, shabahang company has been present twice. they saw the achievements of shabahang company and from us as the trustee of the education department it is useful to serve them and cooperate with them every year. providing services to gardeners and farmers, members and non-members , is the most important function of this cooperative. now this is the second irrigation, i haven't done it yet . yes, it can be. let me tell you that walnuts and then pomegranates, so what did you refer to, now this is a sign of health. it is my tree that we can give it poison and fertilizer every year. we come
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here every year. my member is the same pot poison, i'm coming from here, i'll take it for the sake of you, and i'll give it to you. we can use them in export issues, they sometimes help, the koot poisons , they try to provide us with the best quality that we have in the market, and even often they set a deadline, so they try to ensure that the farmer and the gardener reach the harvest. calculate all this for us, it is a waste of all my agricultural inputs from the poisons of the agricultural tools here to the farmers. it is explained in a completely specialized way about 4 thousand hectares of gardens in shahryar city
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covered by the services of all friends of shabahang shahriar company from the farmer department of shabahang company with daneshmanian companies , entering into agreements, making investments with the approach of eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers and using remove organic coatings, which means replacing chemical coatings , use organic coatings . hayat pak, which owns 98 shares of this company shabahang company has started their own activity with the mission and mission of eliminating the use of chemical quotas and replacing organic quotas instead of chemical quotas. dear , we recommended that they use organic ones. this cooperative also provides and explains store items and regulates the market for villagers to buy some products from gardeners and farmers and supports home businesses and women who are heads of the family
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. the number of villages covered by this company is 28 there is a village where the company can provide services to these villages in different areas. 30,000 members of the company's shareholders are farmer members, and we have 47,000 ordinary members who only use our services . here, in the village of bazaar tawan company , shabahang village, we had many family businesses in the agricultural sector, which became more active. women who are in financial need, now have a stable income , produce their own flowers and sell them in this place. shahriar shabahang village supply company uses its marketing capacity and he is supporting his loved ones and has made a very good contribution in the home production sector to create a sustainable development. there are 10 consumer stores in shahriar city. we are always the main steward of supply and distribution. it is a basic product and we regulate the market at the city level. the product
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is bought centrally in this warehouse that you see and is sent to our stores. in 2018 , we had a crisis and a stagnation in the distribution of chicken in the country. we had 90 stalls in shahryar we spent 65 days in complete shutdown. the rest are either inactive or semi -closed. anyway, they are not working . we inquired, the reason was to provide financial resources. we revived 6 chicken farms in shahryar city and reduced the problem of chicken distribution in our city to a minimum. well, this shows that people are turning to solving their own problems. no government resources were used by us, providing financial services and loans to start a university.
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applied scientific community of agriculture, sports complex and activities in the field of hotels and reception halls are among the other activities of this cooperative company. today, we have 45 students in shabahang applied scientific university who are studying in four fields of agriculture, production of medicinal plants, production of other products, logistics management and dear friends, they are building facilities. we were able to complete these through, for example, the application of pesticides and even the method of soil amendment and even spraying. through this university and this institute, their completion goes towards the mechanism in the field of horticultural soil science, garden products, equipment. gardening, all this helps. the presence of this university in this area. we have established service facilities in the reception halls with a capacity of 2,000 guests. in the sports department , we have established a 12,000-seat stadium with artificial football turf
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, twin swimming pools, and indoor sports halls for futsal. there are two three-star hotels, a hotel in mashhad, imam rezai 64, which is available to respected members, and a hotel in salman city, mazandaran province , which is used by loved ones. a serious announcement in my opinion experience shows that favoring cooperatives as one of the platforms for people's participation in various economic activities, especially in the agricultural sector , will solve many deficiencies and problems. ahmad hamidi news agency: seda and sima complex of khoi historical market is one of the most important heritage buildings of west azerbaijan. the restoration of parts of
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this market started a year ago with the participation of the people and khoi municipality. the restoration plans of this beautiful historical work were opened during the visit of the minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicraft industry to west azerbaijan. khoi city with 8 thousand years old culture, art and civilization has works it is historically and culturally unique. one of these unique works is the historical bazaar complex, which includes
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the northern part of the sarai khan caravan and the seyyed al-shohda mosque , which has been renovated with a credit of 110 billion rials. the participation and companionship of guild bazaars in the restoration of various parts of this bazaar was a new chapter of people's interest in accompanying people to visit historical buildings with cultural heritage. it is a very good thing that the restoration of the market has started. it is very necessary . it must be restored. but in the meantime , there are many historical mosques with very beautiful architecture. khalil mehboobi of khoi sed and broadcasting agency has given a special effect to the spiritual and religious progress of this historical complex in the heart and edge of this market. the
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student camp of talaya daran has started all over the country and continues until the end of september. the leisure space of summer days will be implemented in the form of talai daran camps for the main members of the islamic association throughout the country during the summer. talai daran camps are a multi-day camp that is completely educational in all areas and is a kind of preparation for working in the field of school operations from the first of october. summer is very valuable for us and people they are ready to participate in educational arenas during the summer and we discovered the fields and spaces for students to attend, and god willing
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, they will be present there. it depends on how to be active and in what areas to be active. what does he do and what are his tools for activism? this year , nearly 6,000 of our students will participate in the tolai daran camp tomorrow, and our coaches are present with these students in our provinces and guide them for their activities in the new year. they teach and empower the future students in the talai daran student camp with some skills. organizations to do the union affairs in their school get to know each other , from problem analysis to finding solutions. talai daran camp has important features. one of these features is that it is designed to meet the needs of today's teenagers. today's teenagers
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are tired of sitting at the workshop and listening to lectures and being in a static state in the camp . and the organizational topics are taught, and you have an active presence very useful and diverse forms are being pursued . the second step of the islamic revolution requires the training of managers who are actually capable and rulers trained in the fundamental issues of the islamic revolution, so the atmosphere of the union is ready for these movements and these active actions in the field of explanation. national identity also requires the knowledge of the country's capabilities, so it should be noted that what is the national cultural, religious and
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national strength should be shown and clarified in the student environment. naturally, this is part of our serious plans. planning to cover arbaeen hosseini walk in national media. sir, the visit is acceptable. from the technical deputy to the deputy of affairs of national media provinces to provide infrastructure. what is important for zahirin is the issue of informing about the traffic situation at the borders, god willing. this year , it will be done well, and in the next , there will be a discussion about raising awareness and culture regarding arbaeen, which, god willing
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, is on the content agenda of arbaeen headquarters of the national media. both fast and taking spiritual memories that those who go to arbaeen and return that is, both on the way to go and on the way back , god willing, we are trying to be honest narrators for this very large arbaeen crowd , which we hope that the pilgrims of imam hussain , peace be upon him , are the soldiers of hazrat baqitullah azam, so we are trying to let's give a wide coverage to you, o aba abdallah
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ali waadak, selish, later on, listen to mesin, you have takhlim aashash ali waadak , in terms of providing transport equipment, and even a huge part of the discussion of covering the routes that the respected pilgrims of tawfik will be present on the route, because we are, in fact, our mission. it is also for loved ones who have a fixed receiver for my loved ones, whose number is not small and will be in the millions, and we have the duty to
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send a signal through their mobile phones on the platforms we have, iran seda tv, so that these loved ones can also benefit from the media services, in fact , the national media of radio arbain at the same time as the beginning of the month. the journey can be heard. the radio is on 24 hours , with various explanatory programs along with information discussions. from the ministry of communications to other institutions , they join hands with the national media to cover the arbaeen walk. we have all the communication infrastructures that are needed in the seven western borders of the country now we are talking about the march conference, and i would like to present two things to you. eastern rimdan and mijaveh we have the ability to provide it. the infrastructure issues that are carried out in the provinces are spent on strengthening the public infrastructures
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of the provinces and the services to the residents of the province and besides the pilgrims who travel during the arbaeen period. it is not just for now the discussion is about arbaeen visitors and the time period of arbaeen, for example, the discussion is about improving the condition of roads and traffic in the target provinces. in any case, in the area of ​​emergency accommodation, when capacities are created in the provinces, this is mostly to strengthen the general infrastructure of the provinces, and these infrastructures are not created just for the period of arbaeen , during the year, both the people of the region and our target provinces pilgrims who travel and citizens who travel on these routes
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use these capacities. the national media has decided to spoil the hearts of its audience with tens of thousands of minutes of arbaini program. we have nothing. it's not too late, such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and at all, correcting consumption habits and managing electricity consumption. now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, no, yes, and
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they can be used. part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used, that is, when they are ready for use or when they are in sleep mode, such as coffee makers and tea makers. microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are off, and they must be unplugged when they are not needed. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the bathroom and toilet lamps, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours , which is mostly used. it is much more than a lamp. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and take the utmost care when buying them, you will see that you have not only done a great favor to your pocket, but also taken a big step towards preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. we took
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let's bring the flow of life to all of iran from house to house with the optimal use of electricity. with you , iran is bright. does your washing machine work? yes , it works. we used to wash it by hand. it was heavier . i didn't buy it from the home appliance city. no, unfortunately, no. unfortunately , no. why should i buy it from the home appliance city? why, because i have quality, discount, discount, discount. discounts
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amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household music in the city of household appliances. saturday morning no, dear compatriots, at 9 o'clock, another part of the news, following the increase in temperature, the tehran governorate announced that the offices of this province will be closed from 12 o'clock. today, wednesday, the third of august , is closed until the end of the week. the crisis management headquarters of sistan baluchistan governorate also announced that all departments and executive bodies and banks of this province will end their work two hours earlier today and tomorrow, thursday 4


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