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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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shahr farsh household appliances shahr carpet household appliances in the name of the lord of beauty and the beauty of the friend of god, the merciful and the merciful . hello, i would like to say that we will start the news section of the media with news from the sinbad program , the documentary how it happened, and two movies , the iranian movie, the possibility of mina, and the foreign movie sicaria, the second season of the sinbad program, wednesday , thursday and friday every week at 2215 minutes from the network
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the possibility of mina will be repeated tomorrow at 20:30 on channel four at 9 am the next day. how many days do you change your wife? what not to do you were changing this movie is the story of a person who gets involved in a spy case. and farat network will broadcast the movie sicario tomorrow at 14:00 in high quality.
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i was born in a sistani family in the city of zabar. he has been writing poetry for more than 50 years. where are my poems, my child? terdaman's noble poems. poems.
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along with the subject matter and poetic themes , it can be one of the highlights of this documentary. this documentary is supposed to be broadcast from the hamon center network. sistan baluchistan then other tv channels will be broadcast. what actually formed sistan's identity at that time was hand in hand with me practice my exercises in my mind. mohammad sadegh zamani of sed and sima news agency. hosseinieh moala was one of the most watched programs in the first ten days of muharram. this program was performed by najmuddin shariati. my tongue does not turn except for the praise of the prophet, his name is tied to sima's educational programs . najmedin shariati
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has been on channel 3 since 2008. i want to invite you to a daily appointment on the side of god. it is in terms of that every day we have a meeting with the audience and this daily appointment has somehow become our daily habit and this is a lot he is a great blessing, of course, before god's office , he was also responsible for the implementation of two programs, nimrokh and zalal hakam, although sometimes they joke with me in the virtual space, saying that najmuddin shariati's job is the easiest. it is hard work and this responsibility is on my shoulders for several years now in the dawn of ramadan. he is also responsible for the implementation of my monthly program. what dawns when we sat breath by breath step by step with your parents. we sang together, we sang together, we shed tears, we sang abu hamzah and the opening, and in muharram with hosseiniye moala, the guest of the audience of channel 3.
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sima is done. hosseinieh moola in muharram hazar. was it your choice to implement educational programs or did it happen? in the name of god. i greet you, dear reviewers, and all good listeners of the khabar network. it was my choice. and this grace was the mercy of almighty god and of course the good prayers of the people.
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what happened when i was watching the pictures, how quickly these years passed when we used to greet the audience and it has been many years, alhamdulillah. under the shadow of ahl al-bayt, peace be upon them , i thank god. you don't perform it at all and never. i feel that the performance must first be specialized in the organization and in every area, and this helps a lot , it helps the audience and it helps us, and when you breathe in a space and with it space way i said to god , help me appreciate the position i'm in . alhamdulillah, for many years, in the early days, maybe many friends and comrades told me to come and change this environment, come and work in a social environment, you can
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, but i believed that this work he has a blessing for me and for the people, and alhamdulillah, i saw this blessing in my life. and these years that dawn during the holy month of ramadan, i am not ready to exchange that feeling and mood for anything, and these days of hosseini, moola proved to me that you can do your own thing somewhere and be successful, and i think this is a very blessed event. it is right that we go to the expert presenter. let's go to the expert presenter. well, for many years, we had presenters in sports fields, for example, in a specialized way. they used to run sports programs, but in other fields, we had much less . in your opinion, this is the right approach, but not much. i think the organization's policy has been the same for years, and these years have become much more colorful. if he is successful, the presenter must really
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be an expert in that field, be familiar with the space, know the audience , know the media, that is, if i was a stranger to hosseini 's space, i would not be able to work there now. he helped me all these years. and it made me more determined not to deviate from this path. i also had suggestions , many suggestions were given to me repeatedly, but my opinion was that i should stay in this field, work deeply , become precise, and if you take a wise step in a path , i think many blessings will come to you, and also that if you close the paths ahead, they will benefit you one by one. yes, be yourself now. you said to be deep , to be precise, what do you do before the performance , how much do you study or do you research or not
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, there is no need for any kind of research to study now , this is the peak of rawness, if you feel that after all these years you don't need to study, can you be a study person? studying has basically been my lifestyle for years, not only in the field of educational programs, but also in the field of religious books. i see the news , you must have some information in every field, now deep places , wide places, maybe shallow, and this helps a lot. to study my life and habits, and according to the programs, for example, in the hosseiniyeh moala program, naturally, it should be about the ashura school. to study in sahar program, of course, i
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have to study about the virtues of amir al-mu'minin, which is the subject of our program, about mysticism and knowledge, and in many places i write the plateaus myself. i mean, we often don't have a writer and i try to write and read my own platos at least. i feel that this is the right of the audience and a right when it is in the control of the audience, which means that it is actually in our control. righteousness means you have to spend hours on it and be precise you can convey something new to him, and this is a lot of responsibility. now, for which program did you study the most, zaman hosseini ma'ala, or god's side, or the program for all of them, that is, mr. mudaghq , maybe you won't believe it, after all these years, just this afternoon. that is, today at noon , when i am alive, i feel that this is the first program that i am running, that is, there are books in my car right now. a few months ago, about sahar. a few months
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ago, i sit down, study, write , take notes, and sometimes, well, naturally , you design the questions on your own. yes, often. this is often the case, it means separation from the text that you said that you write, which is the introduction, and anyway, it is something that says that, for example, you are performing a piece . what is your answer? in terms of content, i say, yes, it is clear
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. well, you see, we have been with god's side as guests of our loved ones for almost 15 years, and these 15 years are not a small time at all. 15 years of live programs of every player, naturally , you may repeat yourself in some places, but you have to be bold when it comes to god's side. let me say that our diversity is content diversity. it means that the audience who follow us understand this very well, maybe it seems like a voice turn off the tv and look at it and tell me , what is different from 15 years ago, but in terms of diversity of topics, we tried to go a long way and we went a long way. we are facing very, very educated people and this makes our work very difficult, it makes our mission very complicated , it makes our mission very heavy. but in sahar programs, it means that
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we also see this structural diversity in hosseinieh moala, much more. really, they have been trying for months for hosseini moali to reach this year's muharram, such a high-quality program . don't believe it when a contact from the hospital sends you a message that we had surgery this year or were hospitalized. let's go, we couldn't go to roza , and you provided us with this opportunity, all the fatigue goes away when a contact in prison tells you that we are locked up here, we can't go to roza, and we shed tears with hosseiniye moala. you get tired when you get messages from iraq, lebanon, europe and america, we
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are like fish in water , we don't know the situation and opportunities we have. but there are many ahl al-bayt fans all over the world who do not have the opportunity for a half-hour prayer meeting, and you know hosseini moali, this year we presented hosseini moali in 5 live languages, and i think this is the first time in the history of the media. now, since hosseini mahala was talking, and a joke is also a joke in hosseini mahala i have been with you and please, my colleagues , let me play that video. well, let's see the most oppressed voice actor
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, maala, performed by mr. shariati. mr. shariati , why are you being joked about in cyberspace? people are joking with you, i said that if this character of najmuddin shariati really makes people smile for a few seconds, that's enough for me, and i feel that i am deeply in love with people, and this love is two- way. i am alone people who think that i will be happy, i love my people very much, i mean really this caused me to be really loyal to them in the media for many years, and more important than loyalty is the honesty of our audience, as i said, a first class, understanding, educated audience, and every moment i thank god that
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i am with them and i am with them. i'm my roommate and these jokes are friends for a while. they send it to me, and i myself laugh deeply at times , wondering where this comes to your mind, and i really thank god for this, and that i am in this country, in this company of these people. now, what was the most difficult performance that you had, which one of the programs? you see, every program really has its own difficulties , that is, god's side has its own difficulties, honestly , you have to be patient. your eye is the expert of all your senses and concentration. i sometimes joke that if i had this presence of heart that i had on god's side in my prayer, i would have gone through the great mysteries of mysticism. there is a side to that
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discussion, you can address it right there, sahar has its own difficulties, that you didn't sleep continuously last night, and i fasted without sahor for many dawns, and i couldn't eat sahor, and the performance of sahor is a special and unique performance. individual, you have to provide a calm atmosphere for your audience. pay attention. the audience is sitting at the tv. give your attention. the audience may be having breakfast. he may be going to brush his teeth . he may be doing ablution. he may be paying attention to the clock. . yeh moala, since last year i have been able to serve the audience of channel 3 , well, finally, our zakirin meiz is a veziniye meiz, in the literal sense of the word, our audience is made up of 34 5-year-old children, that is, i feel this completely . added means audience of 3 45 years old
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hosseini's target audience is moali, 9-year-old old man or old woman. the school of imam hossein is a school that is very exciting, you should come to him and talk about wisdom , come and explain the school of seyyed al-shohada , and be careful not to be too colorful, not too pale. there was no hosseiniyeh, the photographer behind the camera was crying , and i saw this repeatedly with my own eyes, and i cried from their chests. hosseinieh atmosphere dominated the media and television atmosphere . that's mean. hosseiniyeh was really cool and all the audience who were there really listened to the delegation . this is finally the difficulties of work. it has its own difficulties, the most important thing
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is to be in front of the people of iran, to talk with them, to be with them. in my opinion, this is the most difficult task in the world and i have always tried to be polite in front of my audience. so, which of these programs do you like the most? we raised him to the side of god, and i became tall in the side of god, sahar haas, and while i am really not ready to exchange him for anything , but imam hossein has a charm and an attraction that is very strong. i think hosseini moola it had created more opportunity or more capacity so that you can actually have different performances. yes, exactly, now many people tell me that you, for example, have this ability and this capacity after the sahar program, that you should be able to speak plato. make your movements a little more, because on the side of god, i say on the side
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of god, this is the requirement of this program, that is, at all , if i want to bring the movements that i had in hosseinieh moala and the performance that i had in hosseinieh moola, on the side of god, it does not stick and does not sit at all, and the audience is god. yes, god's side is more of a bachelor's program yes, the analysis means that the center is really an expert. in hosseini maali, i was more of a conductor, really, and it was a very difficult job, that is, you have to pay attention to the listeners, pay attention to the people who come to perform there, you know, in hosseini mahala, some of our performances have 500 to 600 people, these are from sistan baluchistan coming and managing these things in that crowd, now separating from behind the scenes, which really worked hard for dr. hosseini seyed bashir and saeed softgan . the children of our editors are the light of a large number of people who came together hand in hand and all in success hosseiniyeh maola has a role that i really give strength to all of them and the most important thing is the companionship of the audience, but
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if we want to have a heart, we can really look at hosseiniyeh maola , because your heart is not at all in the work of imam hossein , it does not work well and it is not possible that you do not see heart, and this incident caused that today, we are sitting in front of you and we are speaking in front of the audience, alhamdulillah. well , now we have less than two minutes, mr. sharriti's time is very short. tell me , can performance really be taught or not? how much does it come from experience ? how much does it come from actually studying? or learning to see is not just experience and education, it means a lot they tell me that we would like to enter the arena of performance . i say that your character should have a certain characteristic and coordinates. you should have a good voice . you should have a relatively good image. it comes back to why you want to do this work , it comes back to your goal, a part of it comes back to experience , a small part of it, in my opinion, comes back to education, that is , now that percentage may be small, but someday
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it may be wide and wide, but anyone if this talent and if he has this ability , he can grow with training and come and take over and implement this work. well, if we return to that in the mid-1980s, you will follow the same path without a doubt. in spite of all the difficulties that this path has, one of the most precious moments of my life is the moments when i met people with my words and breath and on this path i found friends for whom i am ready to die 100 times a day. thank you very much for the conversation we had and the answers. that we gave, there is no chance to leave and god bless you until the next part of the news. how long have you been working here? since
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you gave him to a brother. his artistic activity started before the revolution and in the 50s. i was talking to you border dwellers. the name is shirali. same-sex and with successful attendance and in. after that and after many years, a different work from the holy defense cinema, directed by ahmad reza darvish , once again brought his name to the fore. soldiers like me
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are not few in the barracks . i invite another respected member of the jury, mr. saeed rad aziz. after that, in 2018 , he added the experience of judging the festival to his resume at the fajr film festival. and the hope of the land of revelation, the land of islam. of course, there are many works in the list of movies of the veteran actor there is an option to choose special roles , like this movie parvangi in 2013, the destination of this trip was me, who was joining us here , you swore loyalty to me in chesh bad, and after that, where did you stay in gildekht cheshma, mirza shahid we were his last roles. he was from tehran, and
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during his acting career , he was known as one of the faces of your country and sensitive in choosing roles. if you help me, with this device that is mounted on a person, i can reduce the evil of our soldiers, who after a period of illness at the age of 79, his face is covered in dirt. drew lipik samira jalilian of sed and sima news agency
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. it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. yes , it made a difference . first, the discount tower of thousands of products from the 31st of july to the 4th of august, chain stores of the chain of stores of the cyrus horizon, door to door, all together with the optimal consumption of electricity, the flow of life.
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let's bring it to all of iran, it is clear with you, iran, from wherever we intend to buy khasfa, it is better to pay attention to these points, the remaining cash consumer price means what i am telling you now, let's assume that the consumer price is this the washing machine is 20 million tomans. now let's calculate the cash balance. if you pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer price, that is, 20 minus 4. this way, our debt will be 16 million tomans , so the installments and fees must be paid. the same amount should be calculated based on this. also, be aware that the fee for installments should be from zero to 1% .
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good day, dear viewers, we have reached 11 o'clock and we present the news of this hour to my colleagues. the chairman of the court of accounts was elected by the vote of parliament members. let me know from partial let me talk more with the reporter of the radio and television news agency based in the floor of the parliament, mrs. ali khani . i greet you . tell us about the details of the election of the head of the court of accounts and other agendas of today's parliament. the public forum of the islamic council of iran started at 85:00 this morning under the chairmanship of mr. ghalibaf, the speaker of the parliament, and this meeting is still being held, but


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