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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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hello mr. sadeghi , thank you, and hello to you, dear and respected viewers of the economic desk, we will be at your service today with the issue of financial discipline by implementing the account of the treasury unit, but before we start our conversation, we must ask the dear and respected viewers of channel one let's say goodbye. if you are interested , follow this conversation and follow us on khabar network . the account of the treasury unit is a tool for financial transparency and discipline. financial discipline also helps to control inflation and reduce corruption , complete implementation. treasury unit account means that all
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receipts and revenues of the government should be transparent. well, the government thirteenth, in line with the implementation of the budget law and for the purpose of financial discipline , he collected all the accounts in the single treasury account and asked all the institutions to close the sub-accounts. another benefit of this important government measure is the use of deposit accounts for compensation. there are temporary budget deficits. in these few years, despite the efforts of the majlis government to transfer all accounts to the central bank, some institutions and organizations are still indifferent to its implementation. mr. mehdi benani, director general of the treasury of the ministry of economy , is our guest today in the studio of the economy desk, to discuss the process of reforming the budget structure and performance.
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let's check different devices to connect to treasury unit account. we will have other guests. mr. benami, hello again, you are very welcome. first of all, so that we can enter into the discussion and our dear viewers are familiar with the subject , i request you to explain about the account of qadiri treasury unit, so that we can get into the questions about it , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful , the most merciful, the most merciful. dear governor and colleagues, i would like to tell you that the account of the treasury unit, if we want to look at it in a more general sense, maybe start from article 53 of the constitution. it is possible that it actually deals with the concept of concentrating all government receipts in the treasury accounts, but in the concept of creating discipline, organizing these accounts, removing redundant accounts, this work begins with the law of the fifth development plan of the sixth development plan of the decrees law. and the laws
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of the industrial budget actually provided different provisions for this issue in different years. during the past years, the work done in the implementation of the treasury unit account, the standardization of accounts, the elimination of a significant number of unnecessary accounts of the executive body, the clarification of the government's financial operations and the increase in the speed of circulation of public funds can actually be said to be among the advantages. open net. has this been a common practice , have there been any accounts that have been lost in the meantime and you have not been able to monitor them in this clarification , you should check because in fact the treasury is the place that receives all the resources and the resources of the executive bodies. it pays if a device has not transferred its main account to the account announced by the treasury, so basically it cannot take money from the treasury. all the
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main accounts of the executive bodies were transferred to the account of the treasury unit, which is currently with the central bank , because the account of the institution with the bank if he has not transferred to the central bank , he cannot receive funds from the treasury, because basically, based on the structure we have, the system we have, the working method we have, we do not pay anything to another bank. . if you agree, together with you and the dear viewers , we will see the report prepared by my colleagues at the specialized desk of economics in the sed and cima news agency . we will come back and continue our conversation . we are at your service. they will cooperate with us they should have known that this government is an anti-corruption government, fighting corruption and clarifying the rule of law was at the top of the priorities after the formation of the government. accountability,
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transparency and financial discipline. in order to achieve this financial discipline, the implementation of a law that is more than a century old was put on the agenda. first: this time it was mentioned in the amendment of the constitution, then it came in many other laws, but its implementation remained on the ground. the institutions should have taken this action from the beginning of the sixth five-year plan in 1400. this should have happened in 1401 . from the explanation that some institutions have this order repeated with this legal obligation, the follow-ups for its implementation have also started. gradually, the number of sub-accounts of the institutions was reduced, only 97 accounts out of the four accounts of 4,000 accounts of state institutions and companies
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remained, which did not fulfill their obligations until at the end of the year 142, the first stage of the law was fully implemented with this action allows the government to monitor cash flows and pursue financial transparency became. the government, as someone who wants to know its assets, wants to know whether it is available, once it finds circulation on the path of principle 53, the balance of the country's resources will be determined. in this way, the government can have control over cash flow. after this stage, it was the turn of the second part and the payment for the final benefit was keyed. the issue of paying the final zainaf was completely finalized. and now in. july 1403, the minister of economy announces the completion of this law, the completion of the single treasury account project for all state institutions and companies, which increased from 76 thousand accounts at the beginning of the government to 14 thousand accounts, but with the inclusion 100 and this discipline caused that for the first time
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the treasury did not receive any compensation from the central bank for the full implementation of the payment for the final benefit even for the contractors of construction projects such as about 100,000 billion tomans of budget were deposited in the accounts. fatemeh khan ahmadi, sda news agency . okay, well, we have seen the report together, mr. benari. let's talk about the benefits of forming a single treasury account. what are the advantages and disadvantages of this focus? let's divide it into three parts. the first part is the discussion of discipline, transparency and in fact the implementation of legal orders. in fact, what is for the account of the treasury unit has been implemented and it has been implemented , the implementation of the law of the islamic council, the law of the country should have been implemented. the second point is the access
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of the country's financial system, the country's budget system, the treasury of the entire country to the current balance of the government's resources, which can be used in the implementation of liquidity management. use it to set up the payment schedule and to set up the receiving schedule. now this tool has been provided and is available to the country's financial system . the country's budget planning organization also has access to this information . the third issue is actually exploiting this issue to improve the government's liquidity management system. the use of these surplus funds in implementation. vote in the implementation of the financial policy of the government is next to the monetary policy of the central bank. in fact, apart from the issue of financial discipline, the next step of the work that has been done now is that this is the prevention of the deposit of funds
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and this money that is kept in the account of the treasury unit. be able to be productive and , along with the central bank's monetary policy, be able to coordinate with the central bank. provide this and we can use this surplus to market the government's bonds to coordinate the receipt of the government's resources, because what is usually used in the implementation of the budget as a the challenge is that the rate of collection of resources and the rate of payment of resources are not the same . it has not been collected, or the resources are the mechanism of resource collection, it has its own mechanism, such as tax collection and other sources, the government has another mechanism to pay and spend, this is actually what happened, what has been done will help
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the government to understand this coordination. he should create these two, just as it was in your report , mr. dr. khandoozi also said, well, one. one of the results of this work is not using the central bank's salary for what? because of this lack of coordination between the sources of expenses through this deposit made in the treasury accounts. he says that the treasury itself manages and we have reached a good expert consensus with the central bank in terms of concept and what should be done to use this surplus and we are taking the relevant license and regulations, and god willing, if this part from the work done, it can be said that the fruits of the implementation of the account of our rome treasury unit in the financial system of the country will be seen. very well. you mentioned the rules. this issue is prominent in any of the laws of our country
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is there and has it been addressed? in fact, it can be said that the continuation of this implementation of the treasury unit account and the transfer of accounts from the accounts of other banks to the central bank is mostly stipulated in the industrial budget laws during the past years, almost every year in our industrial budget laws. we had transfer of accounts, organization of accounts, how to manage bank accounts of executive bodies. obviously, in this year , in note 3 of the budget law, this sentence has actually been repeated with changes compared to last year's budget law. almost all the rules of the program from actually researching from the law of the fifth development program to now all these rules apply to how to manage bank accounts. therefore, it may be one of the issues that is repeatedly and continuously
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mentioned in the regulations and laws and even in the upstream laws such as the program law, that is , we had it in the fifth program, in the sixth program, and now in the seventh program. there is a difference in the rulings from what was in the 6th and 5th plan laws, which in fact, most of the 7th plan law in article 13 deals with crediting the account and how to use these accounts, because the default is that we are talking about transferring the accounts to the central bank. the implementation of the treasury unit account of this project has almost been completed and now we want the mechanism of using these accounts, which are defined in the form of credit accounts in the law of the 7th plan . therefore, the law of the 7th plan has been determined in the case. accounts still have orders, but the process has been advanced
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, taking into account that all accounts are centralized, right ? what about permanent orders? in the law on permanent orders, in article 20 of the law on permanent orders, the laws of the development program , we have a ruling about the accounts it should be kept with the central bank and the mechanism of maintaining these accounts is entrusted to a joint order prepared between the central bank and the treasury of the ministry of economic affairs and finance, which was prepared and actually approved by the monetary council and the credit is based on the instructions that the executive body can now use from the accounts of payers and accountants who are actually responsible for making small and daily payments of the executive bodies in the city executive units and in fact in the operational units. account. according to article 20 of the law, permanent orders have been opened according to the action order, the issue of that sentence was opened
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. well, in the last parliament, we witnessed the entry of the article 90 commission into this issue. what problems were there when the article 90 commission entered into this issue in the last parliament? look at the number of accounts that exist. if we want to have a classification between the types of accounts that were at the disposal of the executive branch. these accounts can be divided into two categories. a group of accounts are accounts that perform the main financial operations of the executive body, such as an account that is used to withdraw money from the treasury. be received like an account that is used to collect income and transfer it to the treasury account at the central bank through that account. well, these are all concentrated in the central bank in recent years and it cannot be done at all. be in another bank, because basically the treasury of another bank does not work, but the executive branch for
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their other work, for example, they wanted to get an education , for their operational whites, for their operatives , they opened other accounts in other banks, in fact, in the so-called now sub-account or unauthorized account with this literature in fact, the introduction of the article 90 commission or the repetition of the rulings of this issue in the budget laws over the years has become this way. they are from the accounts, that is, these types of accounts that are used for non-main operations of the executive body, compacting them and taking them out of the actual cycle of use. considering that a very large amount of these accounts were opened in the banking system, it was discussed and
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i would like to mention one more issue that what has caused the increase in the number of these types of accounts, well , at times, at times, some of the executive bodies whose employees go to the system to receive their salaries. the rights bank should open a legal account in order to receive their salary, unfortunately, these accounts were opened with the national recognition of that parent organization, and when in the systems related to the identification of these accounts at the central bank, of course, all these systems are the management of this work. with the central bank. it is searched that, for example , how many accounts have been opened with the national recognition of a certain executive body, well , all these accounts that the employees of this body opened, all these accounts are also considered as accounts of this body, this caused a low statistic of this if new accounts increase, that's fine we have another guest on the phone, mr.
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nasrullah pejmanfar, a member of the commission on article 90 of the islamic council, mr. pejmanfar. i greet you , please tell me what problems existed before when article 90 of the islamic council entered the treasury in the last period, in the name of god. rahman al-rahim, just as you mentioned this issue in addition to the permanent decrees and professional budget laws in article 53 of the constitution, i wanted to add that in article 53 of the constitution. the general concentration of the government's receipts in the accounts of the general treasury has stated that in fact we follow this we are a problem. well, the commission was following up on this issue in a serious way, that this work can be realized . pointing out some of the benefits of this problem, how many benefits
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it has, definitely, if we do this work with a seriousness and completely. if we implement it , it will definitely have more benefits that will solve many problems of the country. well, there were some resistances in the devices related to this issue. especially in connection with the issue of universities of medical sciences, the companies under the ministry of oil, which have the most violations of the law enforcement of these institutions. the officials of these devices have been brought to the commission several times. be presented to be present, to pledge to do their own tasks in a certain time, well , the correspondence that the commission had directly with ayatollah raisi in connection with this issue, and his emphasis on this issue
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was that the implementation this law should go forward quickly and all the devices should actually have their receipt activities in the account of the treasury unit. i apologize for interrupting your statement. where did this result of your follow-ups go? now , what percentage of these two institutions of ours, some devices are resisting, this will not work. the final the report that i had, we had about 55,000 sub-accounts in the university of medical sciences .
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so that they don't close them because they say that we got facilities from them, and we are trying to close any account even if it is inactive . one of the issues they brought up to us , they said, sir, our accounts are now closed. it is, but it is not active, neither can it be received, but we emphasize according to the law that these accounts must be completely closed. well, in connection with this issue , many accounts have been closed. our insistence is that the rest of the accounts should also be closed, even if they are active it has been received and no payment is made , mr. pejam.
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in the past , he made a mechanism with the central bank to guarantee repayment, because they said that the banks do not allow the freezing of accounts, so we were told that we should organize a program with the central bank to guarantee repayment. to make a plan for the sub-accounts facility, so that the accounts are not closed, we consider this a violation . the formation of the body and these issues in detail handle issues and report accurately. well, considering the fact that the 11th parliament has ended and the 12th parliament has not yet formed the commission on article 90 and the task of this task has not been set, we
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did not hold a new meeting for it, which is one of our ongoing cases, which, god willing, will be resolved with the speed of this we will have the work, one of the devices that i will allow to say that from the sets that have some resistance. it was a good idea that their accounts should be centralized . they are resisting the work, in any case, considering that the interpretation of the law and the interpretation of the law should be the responsibility of the parliament itself, we consider these and health insurance to be among these cases, and these should also be included in the treasury sub-unit. let us have all these issues. see, this health insurance had about 400,000 accounts. it means to resist all of them or not to close and
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block the rest of the accounts. it has not happened that we are trying to see all the accounts, even i am serving everyone if there is one account, if there is one, i know this is a violation of that device, even if that account is inactive, the last thing i have to say is to serve you, see that the treasury unit account is actually a whole for us to go towards payment is for the ultimate benefit , see today we have payments, for example the government pays and the treasury pays to the ministry of health or a part of them as income and allows them to
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pay, the result is this is why you are now referring to the ministry of health, university of sciences you see a doctor, the medical staff often complain about the delay of several months in the payment of their benefits and they talk about their own demands . and we can't directly receive payments from the treasury for the ultimate benefit , the result is the same loss that will befall the employees themselves. ok to that final benefit. it's been a few months, management in the meantime , they make wrong decisions in the money that should go to people, and the loss
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ends up being useless. we are trying to make this account a unit of the treasury, so that the account enters the treasury today, so that the bridge can be presented to him quickly, and he will get the final benefit. this final step means that we will have the treasury unit account, god willing. certainly, this issue is the next question and an important issue for other oil companies . please follow up on the oil companies because they also seem to have resistance to joining the treasury unit account. yes, yes, that. in the same way, what did you do, and at what stage we have them we are doing this work . anyway, as someone who has committed violations , i told them that despite our devotion to them, we sometimes have to introduce them to the judicial authorities. the title of those who complain about the implementation of the law.
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today, because this is harmful to the people in general , we cannot pay as it is not for the ultimate benefit of us. it was the government's problem that we did this we were able to solve the issue of arrears easily , even though every year the government got arrears from the central bank, this year because of the same issue. we were not charged for the execution of the account, which means that we were able to recover significant losses based on the implementation of the law. in addition to this, one of the losses that exist is the loss to the people who are the ultimate beneficiaries . i can pay on time when i can't pay an employee on time, including me , i can't pay someone on time, and
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it will be delayed for several months, even we started it, of course we started this law 401 we did, but we seriously followed up on 402 issues and we are implementing 43 as well, and i said that with the follow-ups that took place especially in 1402, alhamdulillah, we were able to close many of these accounts in different devices. today , we almost rarely report.
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we have a place in the devices other than the health care field of the oil company that, for example , has not actually done this work. they have a justice, let's face it, they have problems that we told them we are ready to sit down and solve the problems and resolve their issues, but having this problem cannot be a license to not enforce the law, and we hope that i will accompany you now, just as i have emphasized accompanying the rest of the accounts , the account should be blocked. even if the account is presented , we are now receiving reports from the banks, they tell me that they have this amount of accounts, even if a significant percentage of these accounts are received and paid , nothing is done, and the bank has also told us that it is because it has debts. we cannot close this account, but we said no, this should be done
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it should be reformed, the organization of the program should do this, and i will also present it here, god willing , in the coming weeks, when the commission will be done, i was the head of the original commission , we had this order, god willing, the same work will be presented , hopefully god willing , we will have a feeling in the first cases that we will activate in the beginning of the activity of the commission, god willing. parliament. mr. belani, let's get to the statistics. mentioning numbers and figures, mr. pajam. what statistics do you have of those who resisted? and enter into this matter, whether public companies or private companies. what statistics do you have about those who did not come to register for the account of the treasury unit? general statistics about the accounts that existed before the implementation of the treasury unit account. 250 thousand accounts.
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before the implementation of the account of the treasury unit , it was opened and used by the banking network to carry out financial operations of the executive and treasury departments. after the implementation of the treasury unit account, these 250,000 accounts have reached about 20,000 accounts, of which 7,000 accounts are for centralized accounts, so-called accounts that are used to receive funds from the government's general budget and the income of government companies is used, and about 14,000 accounts are actually accounts that are used for the payment operations of executive bodies, so as a result of the implementation of the treasury unit account, the number of accounts has increased from 250,000 to about 20,000. it has decreased, but in the case of the unauthorized accounts that i mentioned, for non-main or subsidiary operations of the executive bodies in
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some cases, to pay for education, to pay for salaries, benefits, or various issues.


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