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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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executive and treasury departments were opened and used for financial operations. after the implementation of the treasury unit account, these 250,000 accounts have reached about 20,000 accounts, of which 7,000 accounts are for centralized accounts, so-called accounts that are used to receive funds from the general government budget and income of state-owned companies, and about 14,000 accounts. in fact, there are accounts that are used for the payment operations of executive bodies, so as a result of the implementation of the treasury unit account, the number of accounts has decreased from 250,000 to about 20,000 accounts, but in the case of unauthorized accounts that i mentioned for non-main or subsidiary operations of executive bodies at times to pay for education, pay for benefits or various issues. the executive bodies
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of the banking network have actually presented various statistics, and now the latest statistics that the central bank has announced during this week are that 115,000 accounts have been closed this week. therefore , it is surprising that you should consider the budget law of rome, the person responsible for the implementation of the law according to the tools at his disposal. from the central bank the islamic republic of iran and the central bank, according to the tools they have , have done this both last year and this year. the executive of the executive body, based on the issues they have now or the justifications they have , is they opening an account right now or not, well, it is possible, and then the central bank will do this periodically. based on the
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database that he received from the treasury of the country and also from the accounts court , he controls based on the national id of the executive bodies and if there is an account in an unauthorized bank based on that national id , the central bank will block that account and the executive body will stop the money there , it will be unusable and it will have to assign that money, right? i want to ask you how much the formation and focus on the treasury unit account will help to provide the financial resources that we need for the law of targeting subsidies or the same tamserah eight . the first dimension of the organization itself is targeting.
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yaran is as an executive body that in it is managed in a corporate format, and the subsidy targeting organization has opened all its receipt and payment accounts with the general treasury in the central bank of the islamic republic of iran, and its financial operations are carried out through these accounts. subsidies to make payments. it needs them for its expenses. well, this year , the subsidies targeting organization has 3 main sources. the three main sources that actually provide the resources of note 8 , one is export sales of petroleum products, two are domestic sales of petroleum products, and 3 sale natural gas is the same gas that we consume in the end and it is used in homes and so on. these three sources of resources
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are related to the targeting of yaran. well, the national gas company of iran is responsible for receiving the gas, and the domestic sale of the products is carried out by the national refining and distribution company, and the distribution company actually does its work, and the export sales of the products, considering that its financial operations are under the control of the ministry. the benefit of doing it is that the subsidiary companies of the ministry of oil do this , so that company will come. and transfer accounts regarding the sources of targeting subsidies in treasury accounts with the central bank, well, of course, the same issue of transparency, the same issue of speed of action in transferring funds, the same issue of preventing the sedimentation of targeted resources in intermediary accounts, which, in any case, these funds are in the form of partial payments. iran is being collected. well, you are in a faraway city. when you go to a
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gas station, you use gasoline there and pay for it. that money is related to targeted construction. well, this mechanism and... the account of the treasury unit, the result is this. it happened that this resource was soon available to yaran's hand band organization for example, if he wants to come from the city , he should stay in this account for a week, then he will come to the province account , then he will come to the central account, then he will come to the yaran hand-branding account, and almost on a daily basis, all of this existence is provided by the companies related to the provision of hand-branding resources. the receipt will be transferred to the treasury account. usually, at 4:00 pm every day, the resources related to targeting are entered into the accounts under your targeting at the central bank, and the next day, or if the targeting organization needs helpers, they are immediately
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available to the treasury on the same day. target payment account sazi will be placed. okay, our next guest is mr. mahmoud malkoutikhah, the respected supervisor of the target organization. please tell me how much the creation of the treasury account has helped to provide resources for note 8, which was note 14 in the past, and now note 8 in this year's law . especially the account discussion. the treasury that my friends said, now maybe the discussion of the so-called purposeful organization is an exact example that if we consider the performance of the treasury unit account and the concentration of the accounts, based on my reference to the note of the three laws. let's evaluate the budget of 1403. well, it is a fact that
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in the companies that mr. haj agha pazhmanfar said and mr. benani also said, the oil field companies are among the cases where a major part of these sub-accounts were not placed in this direction and one of the reasons that within these 4 months, about 50% of the targeted resources have not been realized, the same features that if the treasury unit account had happened, we could use this feature to pay for things that are unavoidable for us, i.e. cash subsidies that must be paid at a certain time. let's study the month and pay for targeted sources it is provided for 12 months, and the legislator has now , for reasons that may
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be better explained by the honorable representatives themselves , prohibited the government from paying bank charges in the first 6 months of the year if these are single accounts in the company's portfolio. the companies of the ministry of oil, that is, the same companies that mr. benani named, the national gas company, the refining and distribution company, and the national oil company, these complete sub-accounts were held in the account of the treasury unit, today we could pay a major part of these demands on the due date. i know that some of them were unavoidable, so we had to take action act through credit. that is, this is the opposite point of targeting the goals and effects of the treasury unit account, and therefore, this process, please, this is one of the cases in the commission, principle 90, and the task that is in my servant's
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note 3, which was also last year in my servant jim's note 19 of the budget law 142, as far as possible. in the field of targeting, it is inevitable that it should be done faster in the case of the three companies that were mentioned. mr. malkuti kha , please tell me, during this time that your friends were persevering until this treasury account was formed, how much did it help your deficits and provide for it? look , this is part of the accounts that mr. banani said in a way that is clearly stated in note 8 of the budget law on this matter, in a wording in paragraph t of note 8. it is specified and even the legislator clearly says in paragraph b that the land resources should come to these accounts immediately and as soon as they are received, they should be put into a targeted account, but the fact is that these goals are not fully implemented, that is , our problem is that as i i told you
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that the best indicator is that our resources have achieved 500 in these four months, about 534 and 46 non-accruals. realization means the challenges that we face in our target society in our inevitable expenses and because of them these are unavoidable issues. we borrowed resources from the treasury last year. and we have to do this faster in the field of these three companies. very well, if there is a point at the end , mr. malkotika, we will hear it. no, i am asking that now is the opportunity that my friends really have, because we are also in the phase of moving the government and the targeting of
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the field . it is really in the parts that we should pay the subsidies on the 20th, 25th, and 33rd of every month and buy the demands of respected farmers, which in any case, some of these demands have not been fulfilled today . quick please apply this legal obligation to me in note three so that we can organize and minimize this pressure and problems that have been created for the people. inshallah , thank you very much , please. other topics that anyway, it is also an important issue to create a single account in the field of currency . look at the currency unit account, if it means that the government
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will deposit its lateral receipts in the accounts that the treasury opens with the central bank for this matter, this has now been realized and is being done now, and obviously as mr. malkut said, well, to target subsidies, horizontal accounts. based on the type of loan for which the possibility of collection or the probability of collection of targeted resources is envisioned with the central bank we have opened the sources of the official report of the central bank, which actually announced that the transverse resources related to the purpose of masazi yaran, which are the resources from the export of the products, when they are received in the form of land and enter the country, the central bank records them in these accounts. according to. the letter given by the treasury to the central bank to convert these funds and
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transfer the rial equivalent to the targeted sub-account with the open treasury will also carry out this transfer and affect the width . even if , for example, there are a series of executive bodies for foreign students, some universities charge a flat fee, this is a possibility for them. there have been cases where we and they have requested a foreign currency account with the central bank in the amount needed to be able to carry out their operations. therefore, as in the case of rial accounts, the accounts are centralized with the central bank and all the accounts and all receipts and payments are done through those accounts. in the case of foreign currency accounts , this concentration of accounts has happened with the central bank. these accounts have been opened and are being done now, so we are within the limits of sources and expenses.
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the budget of the entire country includes the general budget of the government and the budget of state-owned companies . these currency accounts are as many as needed to call for the type of operations that the executive branch has opened with the central bank. there is no problem . very well, we are in the two parts of these supply accounts are the part that are inside the country and the part that are outside the country , and the important issue and the main question here is that in the part where most of these lateral incomes are in the field of oil and gas and government and non- government companies a part of their income is made by taking care of the goods look at the issue of foreign currency accounts, monitoring , management, and macro issues are handled by the central bank
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. the owner of that product must have secured the equivalent of rials and delivered it to the central bank, so the central bank has those rials at the disposal of each device. he says that the width belonged to him, so it's not that we are changing the width and the riyals were not taken by the central bank, of course , it is much more accurate and correct. the colleagues of the central bank can do it better. thank you very much, your excellency. dear mr. benani, dear director general of the treasury of the ministry of economy , i sincerely thank you, dear viewers, who stayed with us until the end of this conversation
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. have a nice day and god bless you. or the sadness of the eyes and the tears, or our surgeons
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, the one who sees and hears the talk of the people, whether it is a good thing or a matter of choice. al-ain wal-dama wa-jarhna al-mansir wal-alam alli shafa sama hase bojana be a wealk or a strong human being .
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win al-adalah, or the arabs, i am angry, i have a duty our collective anger is strong enough to hurt a child's head. and remember that we, the people of ezz al-nasr, are saying that the verb tanhaqk al-hariya is strong or humane, or it is enough to inform me, ez jarhak, and arfai share nasr
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this house is targeted at 12 o'clock in the night , as we search for the house, of course, we have it in it, except for the children, the adult men, that is, this house is not the first time, this is the second time. aiming without ex andar al-dar in which we had about 100 people, 100 people were in the house on the ground floor and the upper floor, and you were kind to us and went to al-khiyam in anna, of course, we are displaced. al-bayt al-qabalah was in the people of asabat and the children of talaat in the middle of the night
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how long have you been doing this, since when we gave him the hand of brotherhood, his artistic activity started before the revolution and in the 50s, and the zeal that you border dwellers used to insult is called shireh. he is also famous and with a successful and brilliant appearance in films such as aqab-e-kai-kai-karet and dadshah der iran's 60s cinema was seen, what are we
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fighting for and what do we want? we want the oppression to disappear. after that and after many years, a different work from the holy defense cinema directed by ahmadreza darvish once again made a name for itself. here. who is in charge? who is in charge? we are in charge . welcome, mr. ebrahim hatami. in the 90s , he showed off saeed raad's acting skills by playing the role of martyr major general fallahi ali. i invite another respected member of the jury from mr. saeed rad aziz after that in 2018 and in the 38th year. he added the experience of judging the festival to his career. cinema is the basis of cinema . it is the movement forward and the hope of the land of revelation
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. the destination of my trip. me, who was joining us here , you swore an oath of loyalty to me in chesh bad, and after that , where did you lose your eyes in gildakht, mirza? saeed rad was born on november 4, 1323 in sengloj, tehran, and during his acting career, he was one of the most friendly and sensitive faces of the country. it was known in the choice of role. if you help me with this device that ronfar rides on, i can reduce the evil of this evil villain from our soldiers. the person who, after a period
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of illness at the age of 79 years, covered his face in a dirt mask .
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first, the discount tower. a thousand goods from the 31st of july to the 4th of august, chain stores of oghok korosh, hello, akbar, our master, i want my father's eyes. tell me, your father's account has a lot of credit, i will pay with tara's credit, tara has a lot of credit with us, tara's credit. up to 5 million tomans for everyone. now is the time to buy a washing machine. installment they pay a lot of money in installments. is this the reason? couldn't it be the reason? no, it was not the reason. you can go to the city of home appliances. because the fees are less and the fees are calculated only from the cash balance
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. specializing in household appliances, the city of household appliances , in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers, we are at your service with the news section at 4 p.m. members of the board of trustees of the chairman's credentials they signed the president-elect, in the implementation of article d of the presidential election law, in today's meeting of the guardian council, the credentials of the president-elect , mr. dr. mezikian , were signed by the members of this council, so that according to the law, this credentials will be presented to the supreme leader of the revolution for approval.


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