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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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according to the law, this should be handed over to us . we will not let the accused kill an iranian girl. now, let's go and let him go , sir. the city was crowded. this was the same thing that happened for about 5 months. before, the clerics of the business and bazaars , academics and ordinary people of the street and the bazaar of hajj agha seyyed ruhollah khomeini warned about the possibility of its occurrence. when i review in my mind the story of the journalist of the keihan newspaper in those years about the murder of iran by the hand of the american adviser, i understand why imam khomeini on november 4th. in the month of 1943, at the time of the disclosure about the approval of the capitulation bill in the iranian parliament , he started his conversation with anna allah and anna ilyeh rajjoon, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i
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can't handle my heart problems. my heart is under pressure. these few days i heard about iran's recent issues. i have lost sleep. i am sad , my heart is under pressure . with this introduction, imam
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explained in a simple way for the public opinion, who at that time had very little knowledge of political developments due to the severe news censorship ruling the society. what happened two weeks ago in the national assembly with the approval of the bill of capitulation or judicial responsibility of american advisers in iran and what will happen to iran and iranians with the implementation of that law if someone steps on the american dog. i will sue him, but if the shah of iran steps on an american dog , they will sue him, and if an american cook steps on the shah of iran, he steps on the authority of iran , he steps on a higher authority. . i was also wondering why mohammadreza
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pahlavi had come to powerless the machine iran's judiciary is endangering the dignity, independence and security of lives of iranians by trying american criminals on iranian soil. this is the narrative of the pahlavi regime's deputy finance minister about the shah's justification and excuse for trading the country's independence and security with the americans. one day, bahnia asked me to go to the office, there he gave me a file and said this is now. america wants security, or it doesn't have money, it wants to borrow some money or get a grant from america , etc. they said, we will let you sign this contract under one condition. what was this contract? which they give to american military pressure, on
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the other hand, the americans have been seeking to impose a judicial immunity bill for their military in iran for years. according to experts, the white house wanted complete military control over iran, and this appeasement was strengthened in the shadow of the judicial security of advisers and military forces. another aspect of the american government's insistence on the image of capitulation, according to the americans themselves, is the arrogant attitude and contemptuous attitude of the american statesmen. back to the iranians, the american advisors interpreted service in iran as service among savages, and for working in such they wanted to receive more benefits. salaries of several thousand dollars from the iranian treasury. the consultant used to come and get a salary of 7, 8, 9, 10,000 dollars with monthly benefits. yes. right. we did not know that intelligence was being taken from us. with
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the aim of realizing such illegitimate interests, it was finally decided during mohammadreza pahlavi's trip to washington in july 2014. nafer and this meeting, the shah assigned his prime minister hassan ali mansour to approve capitulation in the national assembly . the bill, whose image was a humiliating and inhuman act against iranians, and this is acceptable for the independence-seeking political currents in iran. it was not acceptable. it happened that within a few months of
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the image of capitulation in the parliament , mansour was shot by a member of the islamic coalition delegations in protest against this action, and then he was in the hospital for a few days. the goals pursued during his tenure will not be stopped. what did mansour do? apart from the fact that he worked 20 hours a day with purity and sincerity in implementing the goals of the 6th bahman revolution , i wish with all my heart that this selfless person will survive and continue his service.
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it will not be tried in iranian courts. americans whose population in iran was not small and according to the documents and evidence and according to the officials of the pahlavi court, they had numerous criminal records in iran. do you not know where iran is? do not talk about iran and the history of this country and the culture of this country for an hour. at night, they go to the street of esfahan, drink alcohol in a bar somewhere, they come to the street, of course. i didn't talk to them for an hour, where are you, what country are you working in, they are entering here
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, they are entering a colonial country, well, they can't bear this, we had a lot of trouble searching for documents and evidence of the crisis. originated in as a result of granting judicial responsibility to the american military dependents, iran obtained the correspondence document of a member of the american embassy with the iranian foreign ministry in the book pen and politics written by the late mohammad ali safari, one of the active journalists of the press during the pahlavi period. a document about the scope of responsibilities of american military personnel, in which an iranian foreign ministry official asked an official of the american embassy in tehran , if, for example, an american sergeant becomes an authentic iranian family, but the father of the family does not allow him to marry. the daughter obeys the father and does not fight, and the sergeant shoots and kills the father what is? in this correspondence, the embassy member replied that this company is under fire and iranian authorities cannot
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arrest the company due to capitulation. such a thing is contrary to our agreement about masyonit. and in response, the official of the ministry of foreign affairs said: as a result of this crime, there will be public controversy. we asked mr. balori, a journalist of the kahan incident genre, about examples of american crimes in iran in the shadow of the judicial security created by capitulation. he was working, he had fallen in love with an iranian girl, and his family was also very much. it was a sacred thing , being a believer and against the culture, or he had said many times that he wanted to get married, now it was not clear that he really wanted to get married, then it was busy, or was it the girl's brother's son who, when he realized this, was leaving
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, it was night, it was midnight, once it was polaris. i remember many times at night that you heard that there were many women there. people come to drink and talk with them abroad. it is now official in america and it is customary for this american rank to come there for one night. he comes out half now, it was 1, it was 12, i don't know this boy gets in front of him, the child belongs to the children of the south of the city, he believes in the principles and culture of the culture, and that's it, in short, their weapon becomes an american rank. what's up?
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or another similar crime, the publication of which will lead to this journalist's imprisonment in savak prison. there was another story, he was an american soldier and he loved a girl. he is also the father of the girl, a very religious man, in short , he gets serious in this discussion, and the american will kill the father of the girls just like that. we continued to write, and sawak got in the way. i don't care about this anymore, but i have felt that house number 10 several times, and some of them have been sent to prison because it was more severe. every time
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i listen to these horrifying narratives about the consequences of the approval of this bill in iran , i understand more the importance of imam khomeini's warnings at the time of the revelation about capitulation. in his speech on the 4th of november, of which there is an audio file of about 30 minutes left, imam gives his authority about the consequences of the involvement of american advisers as if he lived all the years after the image of that bill and those events. you have seen a terrible sight, sir, i declare a danger , o iranian army, i declare a danger, o iranian politicians, i declare a danger, o iranian policemen , i declare a danger, o iranian scholars, o authorities of islam, i declare a danger . the interests of america and the expensive pahlavi regime ended when, less than two weeks after the speech on
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november 13th, the shah ordered the deportation of imam khomeini at the request of the united states. it tells a story about capitulation the captain came and we protested. and we criticized separately, and at the same time that the shah sent that you do not do anything with america, do not oppose and tell me whatever you want, we did not hesitate and answered that america is the main problem for us , and this led to us coming back.
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tehran sent us to turkey and we stayed in turkey for one year and after one year they sent us to najaf and it made it almost difficult for the people of iran. but even during the days of imam's exile, the people received his enlightening messages and finally, 14 years later, under the leadership of imam khomeini, they received the mercy of god upon the shah with all his devotion to power aside and interests. the infamous americans ended in iran. i imagine that benefiting from the gifts of the imam's movement and
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this approach against the excesses and arrogant behavior of america is something that may be the wish of many nations in the world as the decades pass, nations that in the 21st century and the era of democratic slogans and human rights still they suffer from the consequences of american capitulation. i will review the opening narrative of my documentary once again. story: i think of iran salimi with myself. a student girl died under a drunken american military vehicle. if from that accident he had survived, perhaps today his children will pass on the story of iran's oppression during the period of american capitulation to future generations with a first-hand narrative.
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in the style and style of the implementation of iranian architecture from the distant past, at first, everything was made of scratch and mud. climatic diversity and the use of construction materials caused the houses and other buildings of a city to take on their own color and design. natural materials are materials that are available based on the climatic conditions, soil and texture of that area, for example, we are in a mountainous area, well, usually stone. it is very accessible to us so that we can use that material as a basic material in the climatic construction of that area, or when we are in a desert city or a city where soil is very available, or
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different mines may be available for us to extract from them. let's do we use materials that can be provided to us in the shortest possible time, at the shortest distance and at a much lower cost. materials that, in addition to variety and beauty, had more important features. the materials that we always use in iranian architecture are called boomawar materials are known in every region , they are always very economical from the past until now. the economy of the project has been seen in it, unless the buildings are court buildings, noble buildings or, for example, government buildings that have a lot of decorations inside, very skilled craftsmen work inside them. we can see
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that these are different, but the buildings that are public for different classes. it is made from small to medium and large bras the income of the person who is the head of the household and based on the available materials, they should have the most economic status possible. with the passage of time and entering the modern era, urban bodies have become displays of styles with different materials. and this process continued to our historical context. give a lot that for example you are in a city like go to shiraz or a city like isfahan, take a walk in the historical context , see the roman facade. it is a very strange thing that we witnessed in the city of kashan. it is the same in the city of yazd. if you go, it will make you cry, where is
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the greek herd, where are they making babies here? it's a very bad story . what can this cost be for? a precious stone, which if we want to compare with a local material like brick, it can be said that it increases the cost of the facade even more than twice. the next item is stone tooling, which is practically an extra work for an organization. another issue is the structure of resistance. the next item can be discussed because of the protrusions that we see in the roman facades the preparation of the scope and the salary for its implementation , naturally, we will not
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have all these items in modern traditional iranian styles or combined, but the important thing is to revive the style and style of iranian architecture with materials. in addition to the sense of aesthetics and respect for the climate, suitable can also be economical in terms of economy. even in this very small project, this very small project is 100 hundred meters, we tried to use materials related to this city, such as bricks, tiles and plaster, in the facade and entrance of the building. we also brought the interior of the project, that is, we tried to have this brick in front of the eyes of the audience from the moment they enter , and as a guide line along the entire path, it can remind of the events that occur when people live in the interior of the house, the feeling of the warmth of the material, the warm color of the material. brick
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has a very good feeling to touch, and this incident is like a red thread that has been there since the beginning of the project and gives a clue to the audience. if we use stone , the cost of the project will double at least it would have been possible to double the cost of the materials that we had, which means that in addition to lowering the cost of the project, if you want to compare, if you consider a skilled craftsman , i will compare two facades, a brick facade with the highest level. the quality of a manufactured brick and a stone facade with max. the quality of the stone produced by a factory, it may be slab stone , it may not be slab stone, the cost of stone implementation is at least one and a half to two times the cost of brick. is it possible
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to use these materials in the growth process of large-scale constructions and constructions with the aim of reviving the style? iranian it is successful if we want to check whether we can be successful or not. yes, in the last 10 years, our architects have proved it. that if the employer reaches the point of trusting the project architect as a specialist consultant, the architect will also have the ability to present a good design , really using the material concepts that were used in our past architecture, if it is updated. and to be combined with the contemporary needs of the extraordinary space user. it is more successful than a project that is 100 modern or classic and is presented only for showing off . in terms of cost and economy, the project can be
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the employer should help, because our problem is that many of the stones that are being implemented in luxury projects in tehran or big cities are sometimes imported from abroad. you should calculate, for example, you enter the lobby of a project, the lobby of a luxury project. a stone has been worked inside it, and the stone of that project can provide, for example, a facade of a project with bricks, i.e. the floor stone of the lobby of that project . it gives them beauty , how everything is right, how little energy it consumes how cheap it is made, how beautiful it is, and how much it is possible to enhance its beauty . one of its properties is that something can be added to it later. knowledge of building materials is one of the five principles of iranian architecture. if we give a chance to this architecture, that this architecture can produce, and
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that this production can accumulate its experience, and this accumulated experience is exposed to the judgment of the public, then this can also be a voice for the construction of buildings based on iranian architecture. preservation of iranian identity and culture in the total cost of a project has a significant economic benefit. is free salmani of the radio and television news agency. managing phone calls in companies and businesses by localizing the cloud call center. if a company wants a small company. a separate call center should have a set of equipment , including transmission equipment, servers that can actually coordinate and broadcast the ivr for the subscriber
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, buy a specific phone number, etc. there is no need for any of these equipments, and now the knowledge-based company provides a technological product to the company. telecommunications provide this possibility to companies this product is a messaging product, such as media messages that are now produced domestically or foreign samples used by dear compatriots . in addition to all messaging features, such as group chat, video conference channel, this is actually the ability to provide call center services. it is also available to customers , there is no need for companies to buy hardware, and it is faster. cloud the number and for
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those who don't have a landline , they will get a number with the prefix 82 80. it is considered the most suitable prefix for businesses in tehran province. apart from calls, this cloud center provides other services to business owners and companies, and these services can be transferred. the same ability to use in the face. it has a companion because this product is an application and they can use this service wherever they are, and the cost that is considered for their customers and themselves in a way because the phone is a landline phone is considered a fixed rate. at the same time, it also has mobility. this product is the result of 10 years of efforts of the specialists of this company it is knowledge based. we have a team of about 30 people who are engaged in development. those who cooperate with us
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in this era are special people of communication. this service is currently provided in tehran province, and according to the officials of iran telecommunication company , it will be available throughout the country by the end of the year. according to the officials of this company, the use of this company's technology for companies and businesses can save 90% in startup costs and 70 % in maintenance costs.
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first, the discount tower. a thousand items from the 31st of july to the 4th of august, the chain stores of afogh korosh are now open. i told me that it was my house, and i said that it opened and it opened when it was night. isfahan and sari are located in the best access points for you. along with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping throughout the week. the first largest home appliance city. after azadi square, facing tehran, sar.
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i greet you again, dear viewers, at 17:00 with some news. the unprecedented heat has moved the demand for electricity again. the managing director of tavanir company said: the country's electricity consumption demand changed for the sixth time in the last 24 hours and reached 7816 megawatts in the history of the country's electricity industry has arrived. according to mr. rajabi mashhadhi, electricity consumption in the country


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