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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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it made a difference, no, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, yes, it made a difference .
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good evening, dear viewers, welcome to the news section at 19:00. the members of the guardian council signed the credentials of the elected president. in the implementation of article d of the law on presidential elections, in today's meeting of the guardian council, the credentials of the president -elect, mr. dr. mezikian , were signed by the members of this council, in accordance with the law of this accreditation. the letter
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should be submitted to the supreme leader of the revolution for holding the inauguration ceremony of the inauguration ceremony and awarding the decree of the 14th president and starting the official work of the president. the election will be held on sunday, august 7, with the presence of the leader of the revolution. people's participation and companionship is the priority of the 14th government in decision-making. president. in the meeting of the supreme council of provinces, the elected representative emphasized that we are not going to make a decision in which there is no participation of the people and implement a policy that the people are not with us. he said: i cannot do anything alone and success is definitely possible with unity. is. by emphasizing that we have to make a tough decision and not allow those who are deprived and poor to be trampled underfoot, mr. trend said: if in
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if the country is together, we can solve any problem and the members of the supreme council of provinces can create this popular participation. authority must be given, but it must be clear what the authority should be done. it's not like this , they can do whatever they want , mess up the plan of a city, mess up the framework of a system, and don't answer me why it happened like this. rora or we should have a basis for rural development for urban development, how can this work be implemented with the participation of the people, with inter-sectoral relations, with appropriate technology, and considering justice and fairness, this is accepted by the whole world, president. regarding the presence of the president of the supreme council of provinces in the meetings of the government board, he said that if
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there is no legal prohibition this time, this work will definitely be done, and if there is a prohibition , we will create a framework for this to happen in the continuation of the meetings of the president-elect. the administrative and employment organization of the minister of roads and urban development and the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare met with mr. mezikian . they stated fourteenth. five hot days ahead of the country. minister of energy referring to the establishment of a very hot system in the country asked people to cooperate in energy management by consuming electricity. in the administrative and so-called commercial sector, especially in the industry, consumption management programs must be strictly followed. in the domestic sector, if
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we work hand in hand and accompany each other with planning and a plan, we can actually overcome this thermal peak. after all , there is a peak in front of us where we have to endure these conditions for about 5 days and be able to manage consumption , so to speak. help the people with electricity, drastically reduce their expenses , postpone the excess expenses for later , save as much as they can in these five days, don't know what effect this has, they can turn off a light bulb , put the air conditioners away. the managing director of tavanir company also
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announced that the demand for electricity consumption in the last 24 hours has reached 7806 megawatts in the history of the country's electricity industry. according to the announcement of the secretary general of the banks coordination council, all headquarters and branches of the banks will be closed tomorrow. in the capital, the end of work of the offices has been announced at 11 o'clock, at the same time as the weather is getting warmer, according to the organization for combating climate change in europe he also recorded last sunday as the hottest day in the history of the world and announced that the average global air temperature on this day was one degree warmer than the temperature of the same day last year. the heat in italy killed four people and caused more than 60 fires in america. it became a forest in the west of this country. in washington , for the 18th day in a row, the temperature was very hot, and in montana, a new heat set was recorded. prediction of recording the hottest days of the year for the
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next week. temperatures above 40 degrees have been reported from 202 weather stations. the meteorological organization has issued two orange warnings and a warning. rain for north-west has announced the warning of temperature increase and establishment of hot air mass in khuzestan. the meteorologist is with us to talk more about this. mr. sarkordeh, please say hello to you , yes, hello to you, hello dear viewers. it seems that the thermometer doesn't want to go down. at least until the middle of the next weeks will continue to increase. we have the temperature in the form of parts of the country, while it is predicted that for tomorrow, more than 20 cities and stations in the central and southern regions of the country will have temperatures above 40 degrees .
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for the question of the caspian sea and the northwest of the country , we should not have such an increase in gila, mazandaran , golestan, ardabil, but in this situation, rain is also happening, but we have a scattered and light rain for the northern part of the country for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow , thursday and friday. the warning has been issued at the orange level, which means that we will have thunder and lightning showers in the north of west azarbaijan province, east of ardabil . we have these conditions for tomorrow afternoon. its heights are the northern heights of tehran province qazvin al bard. and zanjan, that is , the central alborz highlands, it will rain for tomorrow afternoon. those who are planning to travel to northern navai should be aware that the mountain roads of alborz have the risk of falling rocks for tomorrow afternoon, while it will
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be scattered and mild in the northern areas. in the east of north khorasan country and in the north of razavi khorasan province , there will be scattered rains tomorrow, but let's come to the south and south-east of the country, i.e. south sistan-baluchestan, where due to the monsoon activity, we have rains in the height of kerman in the north. and the eastern areas of hormozgan province the conditions will be favorable, but for the wind , the wind will be relatively strong for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, especially for the north of sistan baluchistan and south khorasan, with less intensity in kerman province, in the central station of isfahan , as well as the central tribe of the south of tehran semnan province , we have a relatively strong wind for the point on the opposite side, that is , in the southwest, we have the same conditions, which unfortunately causes production and destruction, and it is predicted that the temperature in tehran
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will reach at least 40 degrees above zero tomorrow. under the chairmanship of mr the informant reported the performance of his device. the head of the presidency considered bringing people to the stage as one of the arts of the martyred president. and he said: solving the serious and chronic problems of the country was not possible except with the cooperation of the people and the jihadist spirit of the government. in this meeting, in a report, the minister of energy announced the realization of 2111 targets for water supply projects and the passing of the country's power plant capacity from 93,000 megawatts in the past 3 years. referring to the improvement of economic indicators, the head of the central bank said: the average increase in gdp, which was half a percent in the 1990s
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, increased to four and a half percent in the 13th government. deputy the presidential executive announced the revival of 10,000 companies and the employment of more than 225,000 people in them in the past 3 years. more than 9921 economic units, including semi-active and semi-complete rocket units , are operated by com. that is, if we want to round it up, about 10,000 industrial, manufacturing and agricultural units have been revived and returned to the production cycle, which is considered a unique record. on the sidelines of today's meeting of the government delegation, the rira car produced by iran khodro automobile company was unveiled
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. according to the minister of mining industry and trade, this national car will be released from september. the car is now available. kanim has almost all the options in competition with the good cars in the world. in terms of safety standards , it has a very high standard. the engine has two types of engines, one is euro 5 and the other is iranian engineering and design. i think this is a significant point with the name. iranian commercial can be offered to the world and we hope that our people will be satisfied with it in terms of quality. today, the ceremony of naming and putting a plaque on shahid raisi highway street was also held. the government spokesperson said that the first executive regulation of the law on protection of
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corruption whistleblowers was approved by the council of ministers. this regulation which had been discussed and investigated in numerous meetings at the suggestion of the general inspection organization of the country in the legal commission of the government. it is foreseen the possibility of ranking the reports, the possibility of the way of reporting and different indicators of reporting, the prediction of the confidentiality of the reporting persons and other issues that have come in the law on the protection of corruption reporters, all the details and methods of its protection have been foreseen in this plan. god willing, a big step towards supporting reporting corruption and as a result prevention of corruption or effective dealing with corruption, god willing. mr. bahadri jahormi also
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announced the increase in allowances paid to rehabilitation centers as well as the right to nurse disabled people with spinal cord injuries and the elderly annually. mr. bahadri said that this nursing right includes all patients who are kept both at home and in centers. follow up by phone. in order to solve the problem of financial defendants, the head of the judiciary, who traveled to chaharmahal bakhtiari province , during his visit to the city's central prison, listened to the conversation of a prisoner who was imprisoned for 11 years due to lack of bank bail. he sat in prison and then contacted the head of the bank and ordered that a solution be designed to solve the problem of such prisoners. a gentleman
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did not even go on leave for 2-500 because he said that i did not have bail to pass. i wanted you to think about this , not this. fred, you may have dozens of other people like them. i didn't bother you because of this , because i told you to come and sit down . let's really think about what these people will do to al-qaeda from the time they receive this education. for the facility, the bank must take the appropriate collateral, and if it is not able to pay, then it can use that collateral to reach this stage. it doesn't arrive, and if it does, what should be done? i just don't want it. let's have this general idea for your bank and think at all with the central bank and the non- central bank. let's think for the people. following the actions of the german police in closing a number of islamic centers, the german ambassador was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs today. german media
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reported that dozens of police officers and security forces of this country attacked the imam mosque and the islamic center of hamburg. the ministry of interior of germany also announced that the activities of the hamburg islamic center and its affiliated organizations are allegedly pursuing extremist goals islamists have forbidden. last november, the german police attacked the hamburg islamic center and 54 other centers in 7 states. at that time, the german ministry of interior announced without providing evidence that this center was suspected of acting against public order. at the same time, parties are formed. the german coalition government presented a plan to the parliament and demanded the closure of this religious institution. lebanon's hezbollah challenged the zionists again by releasing another picture of the hoddh drone. in the third part of the published images , the exact location of the hangars and fighter jets, the
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command headquarters, the location of the iron dome and refueling systems. fighters are registered said. it is possible that these images were recorded yesterday and their publication is not unrelated to netanyahu's visit to washington. in the published pictures , even the details of the commanders of the ramat david air base have been revealed. in response to these pictures, the hebrew newspaper ma'arif wrote: hezbollah reads us like an open book and is aware of all our details. in a statement, the lebanese islamic resistance condemned the successful operation of these zionist drones . the funeral ceremony of the late saeed rad, an actor of cinema and television, was held in front of doi khane cinema building. after the funeral , zahra was buried in the artist's plot of behesht zahra.
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iranian film and television actor saeed rad died two days ago at the age of 79, on the morning of the 4th of khedhafez rafiq. eagles, the motherland and in the wind are among the works in which mr. rod has acted. the director general of social development of the ministry of sports and youth said that the reports on the divorce rate in cyberspace are false. a misreporting of the proportion of marriages formed and divorces occurring in a year. well, we see that the report is published that, unfortunately, this indicator is a wrong indicator because the divorces in the year 1401 is about 8 or 9 years ago, and it has nothing to do with the marriages that took place in that year, and according to the analysis of the divorce process
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in the last 10 years, the divorce of married people that happened and can be checked is almost not very variable. and in many years this statistic has been almost the same as a percentage anyway. dear viewers, thank you for your support, while saying goodbye, i invite you to watch the news of the area . good evening. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and speed their fate, dear and respected viewers. hello , have a good time. vice president of publicity and cultural affairs. elmia
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announced the establishment of the secretariat and the approval of the nomenclature of missionary centers. hujjat al-islam wal-muslimin mulla noori with reference. regarding the last year's meeting of the missionaries with the supreme leader of the revolution, his demand for the establishment of huge missionary centers, he said: after the statements of the revolutionary leader, numerous expert meetings were held and the establishment of missionary centers in different fields was planned. where is the main location of these centers? where should these be managed , who should supervise them? it was discussed in the management of the area and finally it was decided that responsibility. it is good that they can make decisions and work in a higher position. a secretariat for huge centers of advertising have been formed in the deputy of advertising of the field . the regulations of the huge propaganda centers have been established and the work is being followed up by friends. referring to
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the implementation of the plan to establish tablighi centers in each city, the vice-chancellor of tablighi and cultural affairs of the religious organizations said: based on this, one of the tablighi centers whose establishment was approved is the establishment of tablighi centers in different regions of the country. the working model is that every city has all its missionaries as a missionary center. in the next city, we have 11 advertising arenas in the country, for example, public speaking arena, virtual advertising arena , media advertising arena, various arenas that we have. each city center has 11 propaganda working groups under its sub-category, which are the sub-category of this city center. what has happened so far is that we launched the city centers and its sub-category working groups. advertising centers are being organized.
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the opening ceremony of the province plan period, especially for students from all over the country, cultural activists and students , was held in holy mashhad. in this course, which is held with the aim of strengthening the blessed level of islamic thought, 1200 participants of six books. to epistemology, theology, humanism, moral philosophy, legal philosophy and so on they pass the philosophy of politics. this collection, which is available to loved ones in these 40 days , is a logical and systematic reading of the basics of islamic thought. islam in its comprehensive sense. which has both an individual dimension , a social dimension, and a political dimension. answers to a series of questions and doubts that are in the minds of our youth, and
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i usually do not find them anywhere else, especially considering the many intellectual and cultural attacks from the enemy. it belongs to our culture, from head to toe to our culture, if our youth, who are the future makers of this country and the pioneers of this movement in the future, with this if they are not familiar with the basics, they will not be able to continue this path with strength. well, there is no other way than to strengthen the thought. you cannot make a thought by force, and the second part of the documentary is the familiar and the unfamiliar. tomorrow, thursday at 19:00, we will talk about the thought and works of master sheikh hossein ansarian on ruki tv channel, one of the things in
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our house that was one of the attractions of his library for us, since we were teenagers , there were nearly 2000 divans of poetry in our house. in the presence of the best teacher , i studied with pleasure after translating the sahifa and nahj al-balagha. enter the translation of the qur'an according to researchers, now not according to my words, it is one of the best translations of the holy qur'an to become other than you. thank you for paying attention to this news section. have a good time, god bless you.
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one is a driver. taxi, one is an employee and earns a salary , the other has a cloth shop in the middle of the market, and some earn from renting their property . it doesn't matter if you are a shoemaker, a fruit and vegetable packing company, or a fishery employee, everyone has to pay taxes, so someone those who have income from renting their properties must also pay taxes, of course, there are several conditions. what are the conditions ? first, if you rent a residential unit under 150 meters, useful infrastructure in tehran, and under 200 meters useful infrastructure in other cities, the rent amount is completely tax- free. exemption 2 if you sell the property you rented.
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more than this, for example, in the city of 300 meters , we have to pay tax only for the 100 meters that are extra. the wife of the ancestor's child or the dependents are not considered renters unless the rent is paid for them. in fact, if you do not have any other type of income, for the year 1402, up to 475 million rials are exempted from paying taxes, and we are free to be taxed on it, of course, this amount is in the budget every year. it is clear and announced that before the end of july every year, you must register the property rental tax declaration in the electronic operation system of the tax affairs organization and pay your tax at the end. if there is a problem, you can call the number 15/26
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of the people's communication system at any time of the day or night. call the country's tax affairs organization the tax affairs organization of the country will guide you. why does kavir motor give its motorcycle buyers a free helmet? one morning , on my way to the factory, i saw a motorcycle rider who had an accident because he did not have a helmet, and his head was seriously injured, so i decided
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to donate a helmet to all the great motorcycle riders in order to prevent hundreds of other people from being harmed. for me and kabir motor group , it is kabir motor with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facilities. dear and respected retirees , our appointment will be here in an hour. tell us, everyone. yes, it is with the floor price. i said that i don't have a check. i 'll go in the car to come with you. why are you going? they said that they don't want a check, they don't want it, they don't want it, so give me five coins. i'll go and see if you have a toman in my hand. i want to pay in advance, boldly, in advance i don't want it, sir, i don't want a guarantor
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, i don't want a guarantor at all , i didn't go to my bank, gentlemen, there's no need to go to the bank, a special purchase for dear retirees, social security from shahr home appliances, purchase in installments without checks, without guarantor , without prepayment, without the need to go to shahr appliances bank household specialized reference for household appliances after azadi square in front of tehran sar. as simple as that, it could be real, the possibility of buying insurance online through the visit application and agencies all over the country. to read the first sight of the discount tower in the peak of a thousand goods. from the 31st
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of july to the 4th of august, chain stores of afogh korosh. o session of the first page. oh, the first page of safeh isar is there. look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of visiting is there.


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