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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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until the 4th of august, chain stores of afogh korosh. sitting on the first page, sitting on the first page, the sacrifice is over there, see you on the other side of the fence.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , dear compatriots. welcome to the program on the first page. one of the issues that is very, very important in the country and covers vulnerable people, especially those who are physically disabled, is the issue of the country's welfare organization. mr. qadri is the head of the welfare organization, of course, he is also the honorable deputy minister . you have come to the program on the first page, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you, mr. avdin .
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i would like to say that i remember the martyrs of service, especially our martyred president and our dear ayatollah raisi , the martyrs of the welfare organization of the week that was decorated with the name of welfare and social security week, and especially the memory of the dear martyr, the founder of the country's welfare organization, martyr dr. mohammad aliaz bakhsh. thank you , before we start talking, a report about the organization. yes, well, now before because it's close to we are that, i would like to tell you what were the most important issues that you pursued in the 13th government in the area . this was shahid aziz and his colleagues. he was the companion and co-papai who
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did the welfare organization that today the welfare organization has traveled the path as a new generation organization. regarding large-scale medium-scale projects , if we go back to 17 may , holding a special test for people with knowledge for the first time in the world and in iran, we saw that the capacities that were neglected were restored 12 years ago. and people with knowledge who have a specialized encyclopedia at the bachelor's to doctorate level participated in this exam, and a few hours ago , the answers of this exam were sent to the participants. how many of us are covered by the welfare organization now? the welfare organization has more than 160 service and activity codes. really organization.
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there is a variety of activities, people with disabilities , female heads of households, people at risk of harm , and all people in the contacts in the three areas of prevention. the social and community sector covered by the organization serves more than 79 million people, that is , about 8 million people. in the name of god, the light is on the light, in the name of god, the light of misguidance, in the name of god, who is the master of affairs, in the name of god
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, the creator. god is great. god is great . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god .
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allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. we are begging for prayers, mr. qadri
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, in what areas are these big projects that were put into operation at the end of last year, in the field of empowerment, which is one of the critical points of the organization's critical charts for promotion works such as housing and employment. today we are at your service in the morning in all the provinces with the presence of governors and high-ranking officials of our colleagues, many projects related to employment, development of centers and especially housing, the opening of the organization to sisi, who is about 18 years old , who has entered the field of housing. in the area it is interesting to know that in less than 3 years , 50,000 residential units have been built and delivered, and about 45,000
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units are under construction. let's say that this is a statistic and a professional leap in the field of housing. in fact , ayatollah raisi was very kind and considerate, and you remember the others, mr. doctor. last year, the welfare organization was awarded the title of rajaee martyr, the country's best institution, at the national festival. again , our dear martyr showed that the welfare organization is interested in matching the job and the subject. attraction sources for the topic. and today , we were proud to unveil the national employment system of the country's welfare organization, which will help
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streamline this service . that people from different categories of disabilities who enter the commissions of the welfare organization will be placed in the services by the welfare organization. today, we announce that our general activities , the activities that were waiting in the queue in the past years in the previous governments, today as well as at various times in these three years by the president he was declared a martyr and his predecessor. their testimony in their own conversation with the people, announcing that the welfare organization, with
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their grace and the support of the budget program organization , removed the pension service after a shift, and every person who applied, alhamdulillah, received this pension service. its resources were provided by the government regarding the complementary items of snail planting which became free in this government. and the people who were removed from the back of the queue in the 3 golden years when they could have the body implanted, alhamdulillah, it is done by the medical complex , the welfare organization also follows and provides services. it provides support services in the allowances that are related to complementary items and capital for people with disabilities. we no longer have a waiting page as a mechanical wheelchair, but now towards the knowledge-based fields. we have moved , they are producing carbon based items , they have supported the knowledge companies of bersi foundation, and we are even
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moving towards musculoskeletal robots, which , god willing, we have the capacity to actually need people. it is and it is of higher quality, we will provide it by the internal field a test the other day. a special recruitment for the physically disabled was held, which really, at least i had never seen such a test being held in the world, and of course , i think it is unprecedented in my country, at least based on the mentality that i and my colleagues have , we will prepare a report in this field, then we will see about we will talk about this test itself and what will be the fate of those who participate in this test to attract devices. the biggest and the first
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employment and job search event of the lasting memory of the martyr president ayatollah raisi. provide for the disabled. because despite having this physical disability is affecting the society today , i can't believe the effect of the first forgiveness because we heard it for years but it has nothing to do, but this news came and they said that on the order of mr.
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with the efforts made by the welfare organization in the 13th government and with the emphasis of the presidency of the martyred president, the first test for the wealthy is being held across the country, one out of every three people, god willing, is attracted to different institutions for different jobs, god willing. a step towards the satisfaction of wealthy families and wealthy loved ones, both the welfare organization and finally the 13th government. i am very happy i am so happy that i can see the result of all these 24 years of hard work. at least if we want to leave this world, we can be at ease. our children
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are in the community. we are husband and wife. it is a very good feeling that you can be successful in this test, that you can have income , that you can be useful for yourself, your family and the society. i hope this hope continues in the law of the society to protect the rights of the disabled, this capacity was unfortunately a right that was being lost for years. the effort to bring the organization to the country at the head of the senior leaders of the organization. mr. qadri, we have seen the report. how will the recruitment process of those who participate in this test be? yes, this is a noble, distinguished and eye-catching work. with
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the diligence of dr. mokhbar. it was done, mr. dr. latifi, the head of the administrative and employment organization, and mr. manzoor , gave serious support in terms of technical and in fact budgeting, and this work was formed. it was published and the people who were natively based on the region based on the field in 46 different institutions of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of oil, today, the daughter of a blind lady called me and said that in the ministry of foreign affairs, in this exam, in fact , the preliminary exam was passed. god willing , they will go through the path of selection and the next path. one of the honors that the talents of people with disabilities, those who are capable in terms of scientific space
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, are adapted and placed in the ends of the province and in institutional collections. various, this was a task that, alhamdulillah, came to fruition in this government. how many? testing more than 13,000 women and men participated in this test, and about 4,300 people will be accepted in those 46 devices , god willing. according to the law, 3% of those who must be recruited into the devices must be physically disabled. of course, many of these are really
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doing the job very well in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in their field. attention and possibility that people should do and proper alignment. the institutions must have the 3% that you said is at least 3% , but unfortunately, since the law was promulgated, the institutions have not cooperated to the level that they deserve in reality. this law was not done. we came and started working with different sets and today we say that it is really a very suitable infrastructure and superstructure to follow. the demand of the law, especially in this area, 3% was fulfilled, which is not the capacity of this year and last year, the capacity of the last 12 years was restored, the 3% that it is an honor that the welfare organization did not attract the institutions, departments and the ministry of home affairs, and this noble work was a gift and a duty, of course, by my colleagues
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who were doing it for the benefit of the disabled in line with the law that should be done for them. it was a right and meaningful action for him, in addition to employment or being absorbed in executive bodies, sometimes these people, if a loan is granted to them, have the ability to create employment and be entrepreneurs themselves , in this field, the organization has thought of a livelihood . yes, we assumed that you are dear those who have a diploma and are interested in entering these levels, the path must be opened . we have a mixed environment, people who, as you said , want to use the facilities that are available , this year in the country's budget system
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, the welfare organization is repeated every year since the beginning of the government, which was allocated about 3 thousand billion tomans , to 12,500. this number has increased by a billion tomans and today we have no waiting page for people who request to create a job based on their skills . alhamdulillah, we have this path by the scholars in the welfare organization and the memorandums we have with the foundations, what happens is done, and the figure that happened last year at the shahid rajaei festival was a combination of the operation that our colleagues in the field of employment in the bisi organization successfully carried out and its validation in a system. which has the ability to monitor in the ministry of home affairs , there are 98 targets in the monitoring system of the ministry. in which areas have most of these loans been paid, which is a very
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diverse entrepreneurship, we now have a solar farm, we have knowledge-based spaces, we have people who are very capable and have workshops, they have factories , they are working in technical fields, and they are working from home. many diverse topics should be presented in the field of ecology. they are working, there are various subjects based on which the accreditation is done and the education is paid by the banks. did the banks fulfill the duties assigned to them? considering the weight that is placed on them and the tasks that are created for them in the annual budget plan , some of them may lose their resilience for some of the devices, but we demanded so much and followed up so much that the balance of all banks, especially the bank we should thank the national bank
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of refah and the cooperative development bank, the banks that are in your mind there is one whose performance is above 90%. we were able to say the maximum resources. some of the banks did not cooperate with us anyway, but we are from other sources and partially. the third and fourth part, which was a combination of the provinces , we covered our own resources and our own education, the characteristics of which banks are not working, because it really seems that for this group of people who are vulnerable , the human aspect and moral aspects of it should be more fashionable. leave a comment. let me say this in one sentence. these are the banks that did not cooperate. or some devices that can't use this approach if they have a connection with the welfare organization, sometimes they succeed in serving the organization and lose its goal
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, it is not clear which bank, because it is an important issue. i would like to say that since the supreme employment council was established , because they are present in the supreme employment council, decisions are made, a dialogue is created, but the supreme employment council has passed several resolutions for the welfare organization, and this study by means of the approach to fielding and responding to the bank by the supreme labor council by our honorable minister and our dear president, which took a lot of hard work, it has resulted in the result anyway. that is, it is true that some banks did not provide the necessary cooperation, despite the fact that they might have mentioned the duties of marriage, the duties of other loans
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, they announced the duties , these were the points that finally did not make us wait, and we were able to get 12.500 billion from other routes. this is a few percent of the total loan that should be provided to the support institutions and some of the collections , which are among the consolations in employment for people who are low anyway. they are capable and there is a need to leverage the resources . alhamdulillah, the organization told sisi this number , he increased it from 3,000 billion tomans to 12,000 billion tomans, which is sufficient today. today
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, the houses were delivered to some of those who are under the welfare organization and you said. which has already been done before, what is the condition for handing over these houses to any person who is the female head of the household and a case has been filed for him in the welfare organization, people who have a minority, of course, there is a consideration that the form of the gym for people from the ministry of roads and urban development should not be red. maybe viewers don't know jim form jim form means eligibility assessment because if a person has a house, he has a house, he cannot have taken it before or now. yes. he cannot use this education. priority is given to people who do not have a house, they are renters. we intercepted 160,000 families in behsi organization . about 120,000 urban families and 40,000 rural women. their works
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should be presented in the domain that the owner himself. that is, having land in the village and in the city, the organization helps sisi in several stages , accompanies and supervises the family in the construction of those in the national housing system in an understanding that the ministry of roads and urban development has it and according to the law , it is proceeding with the work through mass accumulation, the registrations have been made and the work is going on, but house building is a difficult task, finally, obtaining housing is a part of the resources. bahsi organization provides free assistance in rural areas and cities that have less population than big cities. the islamic revolution housing foundation enters and provides low-interest education. all these must be leveraged together and become the welfare organization showed that it completed 30% of the 18 years in 3 years, that if we had these 45 thousand households in rome we will succeed in completing it by the end of the year. this is different
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from our memorandum with the islamic revolution employees foundation, which built more than 16,000 units for people with two disabilities in the understanding house and provided them with it. there was equality and a few hundred hundred for the sake of change for people who are currently tenants and the conditions of descent. it should have been considered and they could have been helped. they could have been assisted all over the country. alhamdulillah, 100 resources were allocated by the country's budget planning organization last year, so we did not have to wait behind the queue and on the waiting page in the provinces, and every person who has a rastai license or a
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social council license of the country repeatedly, especially with the guidance and direction of the honorable minister of the country, dr. wahidi has the commitment that he and his colleagues in the ministry of interior have to thank in the field of social harms and these new harms, always having the major harms of the country , the issue of working children is well in the law. it has been stated that
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many devices have the task of actually intercepting, organizing, and placing various issues follow up but today, when you look at the city of tehran, what changes do you see compared to the past? really, that colony that you sometimes saw on chahar route and in different routes, drug addicts, the capacity that this government created to organize... drug addicts was a great capacity, the capacity increased several times , this is a sign of serious attitude and concern. this government was concerned about the issue of social damage. it is clear how many are the number of child laborers . it must have been felt that the number has been intercepted.


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