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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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your presence and explanations, i say goodbye to you and thank you for your company. good night and god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world. today , yesterday, the news of the palestinian group's agreement to form a temporary government of national unity was published.
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tonight's other case is about the attack of the german police on the mosque of the islamic center of hamburg before the beginning of palestine , according to the picture.
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the americans are embracing and we are going to meet the obligations of food and drink, and he is now being hosted in the congress, and we do not kill or slaughter. and we kill and slaughter, al-vorid, al-vorid, where are we not going , that is, where are the arab countries, where are the arab peoples , where are the arab world, where is the islamic world, where is the world that has morals in the european countries, not the islamic version of europe, which accepts this beast, the one who kills the american generation, of course, the american generation, america is a partner. america's main goal in gaza is that we do not kill the american soldiers and slaughter the wings of the american planes, the american tanks, the american soldiers, and all of us. god bless you, and the white house, bless america, it
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is not a partner, it is the basis of america's war, of course, no pruning, no trump, no one who comes to this white house presidential race, let there be no change , on the contrary, if it is in the interest of israel, not in the interest of palestine, they do not want an uprising . the palestinian state, and not for the palestinian factions, and for the chinese people, the chinese, kelah nafs al-al-lhosho, that is, the person who changes politics, wahadah allah
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. well, as i mentioned at the beginning of the program , the german media reported on the attack of dozens of police officers and security forces on the blue mosque and the islamic center of the city. hamburg news. the german ministry of interior has also announced that it has banned the activities of the hamburg islamic center and its affiliated organizations for allegedly pursuing the extremist goals of islamists. according to the announcement of the german ministry of interior , 53 buildings belonging to this center were searched early wednesday based on the court order. last november, the german police attacked the islamic center in hamburg and 54 other centers in the federal state
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. at that time, the german ministry of interior announced without providing any evidence that this center was subject to action due to public order. at the same time, the parties forming the german coalition government presented the plan to the parliament demanding the closure of this religious institution. the hamburg islamic center was established in 1332 with the support of ayatollah boroujerdi in the city of hamburg. but following the action of the german police in closing a number of islamic centers, the german ambassador to the ministry of foreign affairs. it was mentioned that the director general of western europe of the ministry of foreign affairs, by condemning this hostile act and also against human rights , has conveyed our country's strong protest to mr. hans odo motosel, that is, the german ambassador in
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iran, but confronting islamic centers is not limited to european countries, in other countries it has also been seen in european countries in london let's see a report on this matter. again, muharram arrived with the bubbling spring of the memory and name of hazrat seyyed al-shahda , peace be upon him, which is more widespread than ever in the world.
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imam hussain's message is for all humanity and he taught us how to stand up to the powerful and help the oppressed. noorani hosseini school in the west is more numerous every year than before , shining souls who seek how to live.
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british news tv channel recently announced in a report. in this situation, the report of statistical centers in this country indicates an increase in the number of muslims and lovers of ahl al-bayt in this country. radio london. well, this report by mr. qasimzadeh was related to the first decade of the month of muharram, which we rebroadcast on the occasion of tonight's topic, and in this context, we are going to talk with mr. masoud shajareh, the head of the islamic human rights commission in london, who
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will accompany the jahan today program in a video format. mr. shajare, hello to you. as a first question , i would like to ask, in your opinion, the reason for this encounter. first of all, the london islamic center is now in hamburg , while we saw part of the functions of these centers in the same report that was aired just now . dear sirs, see that this is primarily islamophobia and hatred against muslims. but these lines are not aimless, they are purposeful , the main reason is that the number of muslims in the west is growing so much, either because of birth, or because of immigration, or because of people who become muslims
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, that western countries are worried that naob mohammadi's thoughts on islam among these citizens. create problems for them that are against their own colonialism and arrogance. right now, we are seeing, on the issue of gaza, islam, which is so-called acceptable arrogance and colonialism, and so-called islam. islamic non-combatants, economic policy and other issues are separated from religion, and religion becomes a religion where you only pray and fast, go to the assembly and beat your chest, but do not interfere with the government, politics, etc.
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, just the same islam that muawiya and yazid wanted to implement. they want to implement that islam and by this means make sure that the number of muslims who are increasing day by day cannot have political effects against their wishes. you will see that it will come back. now, the issue is whether the issue is whether one hosseinieh is open or closed, two hosseiniehs, one islamic center, two islamic centers, or whether we protect let's not let naob mohammadi's islam deviate from its own path, just like what imam hussain ( peace be upon him) did. i think now is the time for us to come. let's defend our mosques, let's defend our religion and the authenticity of religion, let's say that
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non-islamic governments have no right to tell us muslims what islam is and what islam isn't. our first and last discussion should be, not open. if this center is physically closed now, the issue of the desire to islam and tendency to islam that i saw in some statistics after the al-aqsa storm and this global uprising that was created in support of the palestinian people, the tendency towards islam has increased in the past polls , including the american pew institute, i saw that it was predicted. by the year 2050, which is about 25 years from now, the population of muslims
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in europe will triple. if you have new statistics in this field, please tell us . the transformation that is taking place does not happen there. you mean this the reason why western people are brought to islam day by day is because of islam's desire for justice , because islam is the answer to their needs in life. if we allow our islam to be distorted, it will become like christianity where a person only sits in his house and prays and is between himself and god and has no effect in life and does not respond to the demands of humanity, we have really lost, and all our imams and all prophets
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have this as their goal. it was to preserve the originality of god's religion, and i am telling you that it is the most important thing, not being open or closed. we should not allow this deviation to be created. because they read god's religion in their own way. they keep them away and say that day by day, day by day , minute by minute, they bring people to islam because islam is the answer to their wishes and it is the pure muhammadan islam that we all have a duty to preserve, mr. shajare, i saw in the news today that the german ministry of interior justified this attack that occurred said the police officers going to this. place to see if they can find a document that confirms that this center should be closed, because you
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have lived experience in these centers, do you think that basically a document can be found, because i think that something what i saw in the pictures were all the inscriptions related to ashura mourning and hossein's tassos. what can they look for? what can they find ? they are looking for excuses in these places, but they don't have an excuse and they don't need an excuse . i think this is their power. the way to prevent this is some legal experts, some experts who are familiar with the environment in the west, we muslims in the west should stand up and say that you are not allowed to interfere in our religion. if you want to interfere in our religion, you must first accept that there is no freedom of religion. there is no freedom of religion. muslims must follow islam do not define a so-called western tyrant government
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. 8 years ago, one of the united nations reporters came to england and i had the same discussion with him. it was when tony blair was the prime minister. he wrote in his report that the governments of sekler larik do not have the right to say whether islam is good or not. these are the muslims who should determine this issue and we must emphasize on this and move forward. in order to preserve the authenticity of the religion and the authenticity of the pure mohammedan religion, the pure mohammedan islam of mr. shajra , the closure of these centers, whether the islamic center in london or the islamic center in hamburg, is similar to that in the muslim community. what is the impact of the non-iranians in those countries? you
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mentioned that we muslims living in these countries have responsibilities. i want to know how much impact the closure of such a center will have. i am not an iranian mosque. there are many other mosques in england, germany and other places. the same process has been done for them, and their discussion is a much deeper discussion than whether it is iran or shiism. any islam that says islam cannot be converted to politics and the rest is a religious issue. he separated from her american islam or british shia islam, an islam that is in pain with the taghut and
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is not a fighter, they want to implement it, and i think the problem now is that we had meetings for a few months. apart from all the groups, salafis, deobandis , sunnis, shiites, etc., we gathered, all of us focused on the fact that we should not allow such a diversion program to be implemented. mr. shajareh , while explaining to the viewers that the images that were aired at the same time as mr. shajareh's speech are related to the eid al-fitr ceremony. i want to ask this question in the london islamic center that you saw for the western governments who like to be a poster of freedom of speech and who like to create the image that we respect opinions, religions, and beliefs, the closing of these centers and the pressure and fear that you mentioned have caused
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the muslims there should be pressure beyond the shia and sunni religious categories and at the level. religions are fighting for the public opinion in europe , whether it is germany or london , doesn't this gesture disrupt the freedom of speech, why it costs them hundreds of dollars, but when the believers rise up and don't let them do this, it costs them a lot to close the centers. if we are activists. believers , let's dishonor them, but if they can do something through islamophobia, through pressure, through mudslinging and pressure on the believers, they can do something so that our mosque comes into the hands of their main control
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, then they will win, so we now , really, this is something believers should do in the west, in europe, in england, in germany . mr. shajareh, yes, they can, but it must be planned . they all said that this activity is this the danger from the british government is the greatest danger for the future of islam in england and in the west, therefore. if this awareness is encouraged, if we can give an organization for this struggle to defend the pure mohammedan islam. we will win one hundred percent. i am sure that the believers , whether before the time of imam hussain, after it, or at the present time, when
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they stand up to defend and preserve islam , they will not let it deviate, god will bless, and success is guaranteed in my opinion. mr. shajare ma, i talked to you about the fact that after the al-aqsa storm, the tendency towards islam has increased in the west and in european countries. we had, but about the condemnation of the crimes of the zionist regime and the awakening that we witnessed in europe and its images and documents have been widely published all over the world in the past months . which is expanding day by day in the past 8 months and it has become very unprecedented, maybe it can be said that in the history of europe, how fundamental do you consider this issue
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, or how much they justify in their media that the reason for the closure of such centers is the issue of the regime zionism and the israeli regime is one of the issues that really muslims as a religion the freedom. and the justices are very active in it on the issue of palestine and other places, that is, we used to discuss the issue of syria, the issue of iraq, afghanistan, these activities, apart from killing innocent people , have no benefit, nothing for the people of that region. not for the common people of europe and america, so this demand for justice, this recognition of rights, this claim of rights is something that they really have a problem with, and
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now we are seeing that on the one hand, day by day , ordinary people are rising up and calling for justice for the people. they make gaza higher than onur governments are just the opposite and this is very clear. it is clear that after the verdict of the international court, i wrote a letter that will be sent to the ministry of interior here in two days, and then other countries want to do the same. . and kill and take this evil zionist government, they can no longer say that we are neutral, we are neither on this side nor on that side
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, according to international laws and government laws, they have their duty to prevent these evil israeli government plans, so we. now we have reached a point where it is not enough for the people to shout, we must force our governments in the west to implement their duties according to international laws. mr. shajere , i would like to ask a final question. you can prevent the spread of islam and interest in islam, but i want to ask you if you have taken any action in london to allow the re-opening of the islamic center in london
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, and whether it is possible to hope for the same in hamburg. i wonder if this center will open or not i hope that all these centers will be opened, but under the condition that they can independently carry out pure mohammadi mosques. kenan and i am sure that this will happen. we prepared an 80-page report for the united nations , the last of which was presented to the united nations three or four days ago, and in this report we showed how supporters of freedom in france, england and germany pro-palestine and freedom and preventing hand killings. and they are pushing these war crimes against their own laws against international laws and this is the reason. something like that
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we turned to the united nations because we came to the conclusion that we cannot do all this legal work in england . but i hope that the believers who are in charge of our mosques, whether they are shia mosques or of any age , will wake up to the knowledge that there is really no problem in closing and opening a center or a mosque or a hosseiniyah, it is about preserving the noble muhammadan religion and this there is a risk that is much bigger than the closing of a center or an institution, mr. camel, i said
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this question is your final question, but you created another question in my mind with your speech , and i can't help but ask it. in your speech, you repeated the key word "pure muhammad islam" several times, and it reminds me of this. that muslims are now in the sense that their name is muslim and maybe they wear islamic clothes, but as you mentioned, for example , they have nothing to do with the palestinian issue, now the interpretation of shia people from somewhere also applies to them and it has a different interpretation. this is the issue, that is, there is no problem with the preferred shiite of england or the preferred muslim there is no problem with england, but a muslim who is not desirable should actually pay and be pressured like this . this is what you mean. yes , i told you, we have had this problem since the time of muawiya and yazid. they wanted
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to kill an asrami. that no one has anything to do with their oppression, colonialism and arrogance. let's let your brother do his job, we'll go home, pray, fast , and breastfeed. this islam does not answer the wishes of the majority of people in the world. whether we are muslims or non-muslims. and we have to fight like imam hossein fought. this as we have seen in the history of all our imams. being a martyr because of being a fighter and being a fighter against oppression, against colonialism, for arrogance , and if we don't do this, we really lost the originality of our religion, the divine religion, and we let them succeed that religion and politics and issues. to separate the economy and everything and in
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fact divert it. kenan, this is really an individual task and we really have to stand up for this task and do our best and i am sure that we will succeed. thank you very much mr. shajare. to become an islamic center, you saw much further and you listened to one point that it is important to pay attention to the true thought of islam, which should not be allowed to be distorted. the possibility of the democratic party in the us presidential election overtook the rival of the republican party, donald trump, according to the latest poll, haris is ahead of trump by 2%. on this
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basis, harris won 44 votes and trump won 42 votes. harris, the vice president of the united states, after announcing his readiness to run for the party's nomination in his speech attacking trump, the democrat called him a criminal who should be prosecuted. with the spread of forest fires in the western united states, millions of people were warned to evacuate their homes. currently , about 300,000 hectares of forests are burning in 60 fires in the western united states. a fire in the forests of western canada forced 25 thousand people to leave their homes. 170 forest fires have been reported in alberta and 375 in british columbia. 275 of these fires have been declared uncontrollable. local authorities have warned about the deterioration of the situation they say that firefighters are ready to face difficult conditions.


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