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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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harris is ahead of trump by 2% and on this basis, harris 44d and trump 42 attracted the opinion of the voters . harris, the vice president of the united states, after announcing his readiness to run for the democratic party's nomination , attacked trump , calling him a criminal who should be be tried with the spread of forest fires in the western united states, millions of people were warned to evacuate their homes. currently , about 300,000 hectares of the country's forests are burning in 60 wildfires in the west of america. a fire in the forests of western canada forced 25 thousand people to leave their homes. 170 cases of fire forest fires were reported in alberta and 375 fires were reported in columbia. 275 of these fires have been declared uncontrollable. local authorities have warned about the deterioration of the situation and say: firefighters are preparing to face more difficult conditions.
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at least 18 people died as a result of a light plane crash in nepal. the plane crashed while taking off from the tribhuvan international airport in kathmandu, the capital of nepal. according to reuters, this plane was completely burnt and the bodies of 18 passengers have been discovered so far. this plane had 19 passengers and crew. some media they reported that the pilot of this plane died and was hospitalized. heavy rain and flooding in manila, the capital of the philippines , closed schools in the city. this storm killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000 people. this typhoon is moving towards the northeastern coast of taiwan and the island is on alert. the bill to collect street dogs in the turkish parliament. this bill is supposed to be voted on in public after 3 weeks of review and verbal debate in the agriculture committee of the turkish parliament.
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this decision is due to increasing concerns and complaints a people taken from stray dogs. statistics show that there are 10 million dogs without owners in turkey . last year, more than 5,000 complaints were registered about these dogs, and 92 citizens, especially 49 children , lost their lives due to stray dog ​​attacks . let's go to the second case of the world today. if the news yesterday and today. follow the agreement to form a national unity government at the end of the meeting of palestinian groups in beijing, china . this agreement was signed with the presence of the palestinian resistance groups and with the mediation of china. in this meeting , an agreement was signed for the formation of an interim government of national unity with the aim of ending internal disputes. minister at the end of this meeting, china's foreign ministry said the issue:
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palestine has been going on for seven decades and is a test for the conscience of the international community. mr. wangi also emphasized that his country has always defended the palestinian people for their freedom and right to sovereignty. regarding this news, from the perspective of china's willingness to mediate , i will discuss with mr. hamed vafaei, an expert on china issues, who is a video accompanying the jahan today program. china is willing to mediate in important west asian cases previously, we saw china's mediation in the discussion of iran- saudi relations. recently, in the case of palestine, these days we have seen that the palestinian groups are providing the basis for an agreement
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. what is the reason for this chinese acting in west asia ? and i am polite. yes , it is a very important issue in the international system. we are witnessing important changes and developments centered on china, and there is a place to focus studies on it , especially from a country like the islamic republic of iran, which has a gap in common areas in many areas. he is talking to the chinese about your question and discussion the recent incident that happened and the effort made by the chinese for the presence of 14 palestinian groups in this country , the meeting that was held and the statement that was issued at the end of that meeting under the title of beijing declaration , we have a reason to think about what the situation is . i see you mentioned other events that besides the actions of the chinese regarding in
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recent years, centered on the west asian region, your statement is correct. we witnessed china's mediation between saudi arabia and the islamic republic of iran in the war. syria, the chinese playing a role in the developments in yemen, playing a role in the discussions regarding the occupying regime of al-quds in the last decade, the chinese became active, especially after the recent aggression of the zionist regime against the oppressed people of palestine and the massacre that took place there, a public gap was created between the chinese and the israelis , which is tolerable. we must pay attention, anyway , when we review the changes that the political system has undergone in china, we come to the conclusion that today the chinese are operationally entering the world order category and ideas, initiatives and important and operational measures. they are doing on this basis, it is interesting to know that now about the discussion
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palestine last year, shirin ping, the leader of china and the general secretary of the communist party, personally invited mr. mahmoud abbas in june. it was 2023 and mahmoud abbas was on a trip to beijing. in that trip, a very important thing happened, despite the fact that china's relations with the zionist regime were wide and deep, but the chinese announced that they would upgrade their relations with the palestinians to the level of strategic relations and strategic relations well, this was an issue that was met with a negative reaction from the western countries and anyway from the zionist regime, but after that the chinese targeting continued quite clearly. very interesting he is the one who strongly and clearly condemned israel's crimes . china openly supported what happened in the hague court in condemning israel.
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today, the chinese strongly and openly emphasize the formation of an independent palestinian state, contrary to tel aviv's opinion , and this set of actions has been implemented since the trip of the senior palestinian official to beijing until the meeting that was held in beijing yesterday, and 14 groups palestine agreeing to form a government of national unity, mr. wafai, if we review the issue of palestine in the last 8 months, based on what was reflected in the media, in the public opinion of the world. it can be said that he found the world's first problem in terms of involvement. public opinion, i don't know if you approve of this statement yes or no, so i will ask the next question. it became an issue that the whole world was really angry about that china wants to be the number one actor in the world in this situation and for themselves.
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open the place between jagari and show his credibility. this is a discussion that you mentioned at the beginning of the conversation, but if we want to pass this, what economic benefits might there be for china? some people speculate that a passage china has it possible if the us comes and the crossing that america has at its disposal becomes a competitor of the chinese crossing , how important do you think these issues are compared to the first role that we both mentioned? yes , your first argument is very interesting. let me first mention the space. i am the virtual chinese language that i am reaching every day. this is the uproar that you said in the global public opinion, even we witnessed in the american universities, these things happened against the crimes of israel, and anyway, every human conscience condemned these crimes that hundreds of
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thousands a child is killed, an innocent person is killed it is very interesting in chinese public opinion to condemn the israeli regime. it was published , it was very interesting on the tik tok network, where a large part of its users are chinese anyway, the news about the resistance front was published with great enthusiasm and this was a very special thing, i mean , i have lived in china for many years until now. we have not witnessed such an atmosphere of support for palestine in the chinese-speaking virtual space. there was a special issue that is noteworthy and worthy of consideration. regarding the second part of your speech , what benefits do the chinese have from playing a role in this field? let's discuss let's analyze china and palestine. in my opinion , we can examine this from three aspects. the first aspect is the bilateral debate between china and palestine. well, the palestinian issue has existed
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since a thousand years ago, when the independent state of palestine announced its presence and the mao regime. it was at work in china, the chinese supporting it means that it is a debate that, like our country, which is a historical issue anyway, the issue of palestine and our country has supported the palestinians from the beginning, china also has a similar issue. considering both sides. another issue is the issue of the united states that you mentioned and china's role in this issue and effort in order to create a balance between the issues related to palestine and the israeli regime, if we analyze the competition between the united states and china , we can evaluate the results of important achievements for china, and the third dimension is the issue of world order. in the last decade, we have seen a remarkable growth in the presence of the chinese in
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international equations. today, the world order is changing. you see, we witnessed the cold war order in a period , when two powers and two hegemons, east and west , were at work after the collapse of the soviet union. the american hegemon ordered unilateralism and coercion now, the events that happened today, those developments , the state of the international system is changing to a multi-polar system, and one of the effective poles in this multi-polar system is china, which is influencing various aspects in the international system of those principles. and the foundations that china believes in for the management of the international system are different from the united states in terms of different dimensions, the discussion of justice, the discussion of multilateralism, the discussion of the frameworks of international organizations. well, we have seen until now that western powers, especially the united states, have used international organizations mainly as a stick
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they use it, but the chinese respect the international framework without compliments , they respect it, and consider themselves its guardians, and today , when the israeli regime has violated these red lines , the chinese openly condemn it and call it palestinian. therefore, the dimensions in the third dimension, when we examine the issue and this issue of world order , we witness a new formation of fronts in the international system, in which the chinese openly support the palestinian nation. i took from this part of your speech that the economic benefits that china can gain as a result of this if he has a heart, compared to the goal he wants to have in acting in the new world order , it is a small issue. the main goal of that image and the position he paints for himself in the new world order for public opinion is right, mr. vafaei, that's exactly how it is, see. a discussion
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, now the economic issue which has always been a priority for the chinese, the discussion of development, the discussion of economic interests, the trip that mahmoud abbas made to beijing, i mentioned it at the beginning of my speech. there were some things that you mentioned and one paragraph mentioned brief it was about the construction of palestine and the possible dispatch of manpower from china to palestine. for now, whether in the form of un forces or for the reconstruction of palestine, a small part, i.e. a quarter of the positions that the chinese took regarding palestine , was related to the economic field and the sector. most of those were the other things that you mentioned, and as a final question, i would like to ask if it is possible for you to explain to us in less than a minute. anyway, iran has always had a soft influence among the palestinian groups and among the axis of resistance in
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the region, do you know how likely it is that china even looks at it? the kind of competition that iran has with this soft influence , with this mediation that he did now, if you answer briefly, yes, look, of course, the chinese do not have competition with iran in this field . islam has entered into them, but china's relations with palestine are defined as cooperative, and china's relations with the islamic republic are also cooperative in the same way. we must prepare ourselves to work with the chinese in various fields of the international system. well, one of the most important discuss issues in the middle east and west asia in palestine, we can see that today the palestinians also welcome the presence of the chinese. in my opinion , if the islamic republic is alert and able to define common equations for working with the chinese in these areas , it will definitely include the interests of the resistance front as well.
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it will benefit the interests of the islamic republic and china. thank you very much, mr. hamed vafaei, an expert on china issues, who was with the jahan today program, but this program continues with several reports . for the presidential election, fearing to lose votes in the competition with trump, he has announced that he is not willing to attend netanyahu's speech in the us congress . bernie sanders, member of parliament. the us senate described netanyahu's presence in the us congress as shameful. protests in the american society continue against netanyahu's presence in this country and his scheduled speech in the us congress, and protesters continue to gather around his residence in washington. we
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here in washington oppose the presence of a major war criminal. alternative candidate joe biden from the us democratic party has boycotted netanyahu's speech this is an action which, of course, according to american media circles , is due to the increase in the number of opponents of the zionist regime's crimes in the american society and kamal haris's concern for losing their votes. will haris' refusal to attend
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netanyahu's speech mean a significant change in american foreign policy if he wins the election? and the court can issue his arrest warrant soon. using hunger as a weapon against civilians and attacking civilians is one of his crimes. with this invitation, america has no right to ask any country in the world about iranian human dignity or human rights. in a a new survey in america has revealed that most of the people of this country, about 52% of them, continue to provide
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all-round aid to the zionist regime , especially by sending them. arms aid to this regime is against. ali rajabi, new york broadcasting news agency. and there is another report of the gathering of protesters in the presence of the prime minister of the zionist regime in america, which took place at his residence and in front of his hotel in washington dc. these protests have also resulted in arrests. we are here in front of the watergate hotel, where israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is staying he will speak in the us congress. we think it is wrong for him to stay in a hotel here and meet with members of the us congress. he should be in jail. the international court of justice
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has confirmed this issue. our idea is that if the people of gaza. can they sleep? why should he be able to sleep? i am sick of even being in front of the residence and presence. i don't want to breathe the same air he breathes. i don't want him to be in america. the invitation to him to attend the american soil shows that they allow the discharge to continue. they invite netanyahu to strengthen his image in front of american public opinion. we of this process.
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we have reached the end of the world today. thank you for being with us until the end. good night. goodbye. golden student camp. daran has started all over the country and continues until the end of september. the leisure space of summer days in the form of golden daran camps for the main members of the islamic association across the country. it will be held throughout the summer. the golden daran camps are a multi-day camp that is completely educational in all fields and in a way to prepare for the activity in the field of school operation
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is from the first of october, summer is very valuable and very cheap for us, and there are people who are ready to participate in the educational field during the summer days, and we discovered the field and the spaces where the students are present , and we found them, god willing. we will make a golden camp of two mountains. anjuman islamiya here is our student, our student who has learned activism , learns how to activism, in which fields to activism and what tools he has for activism. kenan and in our provinces, our coaches are present with these students and
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familiarize them with some organizational skills to do union affairs in their school, from problem solving to finding solutions. talai daran camp has important features. one of these features is that it fits perfectly. it is designed according to the requirements of today's teenagers . today's teenagers are tired of sitting at the workshop and listening to surf lectures and being in a static state in the camp. it has an active presence. and it is being pursued in very useful and diverse formats. the second step of the islamic revolution requires the training of managers who are actually capable and
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rulers trained in the fundamental issues of the islamic revolution, so the atmosphere of the union is ready for these movements and these actions are active in the field of explaining the country's atmosphere, national identity. it requires knowing the field of capabilities of the country. there is, therefore, paying attention to the fact that the national cultural, religious and national power should be shown and clarified in relation to the student environment, naturally, this is part of our serious plans. ahmed amin fard of the sed and broadcasting news agency. first tower of discounts in the peak of a thousand goods from the 31st
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from july to the fourth of august, chain stores of oghok korosh.
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as i said, let's go to the city of home appliances in all branches in tehran, isfahan and sari , it is located in the best access points for you, dear ones, along with a dedicated parking space suitable for shopping throughout the week. the first largest city of home appliances after azadi square facing tehran, us so what you hear um somebody outside my house uh i'll fucking shoot you at your fucking face, okay, i'm sorry, drop the fuck, drop the
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fuck. shots far shots fire, i'm not taking hot boring water to face and it already reached us, aquí se necesita un plan,
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the issue of justice is still the first issue of the islamic world , what i have presented to the parliament about foreign issues and activities in the field of diplomacy and these, one of the examples is this issue of justice, do not take it easy. don't keep quiet the important thing is that now many people don't have that initial passion after months. but the truth is that the same importance as the first days exists today, but even more. the power of resistance is showing itself more and more day by day. a machine
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with military, political and economic greatness like america is behind the zionist usurper regime with a group they are fighting the resistance, they could not bring them to their knees because they cannot bring hamas to their knees because they cannot resist. women's hospital is doing the worst crime and brutality in front of the people of the world. in fact, the people of the world are now judging
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the evil tyrant regime. the issue has not been resolved. the issue is still ongoing . hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the magazine. football , stay with us. tonight, as well as the program and news we have , we will talk about one of the teams of the premier league, or rather, the newly promoted premier league . stay with us. esmaili, a former player of esteghlal tehran, who played for pikan nasaji last season , reached an agreement with the officials of misr rafsanjan club.


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