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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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also, until the month of 403, zaari beheshti gave a mechanism with the central bank to guarantee repayment , because they said that the banks do not allow to close these accounts. let us not close the accounts until finally, we consider this to be a violation, we have assigned a working group to the court of accounts. consisting of representatives of the central bank, ministry of economy, treasury, program organization and ministry of health, ministry of oil, these are formed and regarding these issues in detail these issues give us a detailed report that considering the fact that the 11th parliament has ended and the 12th parliament has not yet formed the article 90 commission and assigned tasks, we
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did not hold a new meeting for this, as one of the cases we are currently in the process, and god willing , we will be able to do this quickly. one of the devices that , let me say, one of the groups that resisted a bit was health insurance, whose accounts should be centralized . they make excuses that we institutions it should be said that we are not a government, under the pretext that we are not government institutions they are resisting, anyway, considering that the perception of the law and the interpretation of the law should be held by the parliament itself, we consider these as well as the view of health among these cases, and these should also be included in the treasury account. and let us have all these issues. see, this health insurance was about 400,000 accounts. it means to resist all of them or not to close and
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block the remaining part. yes, part of it has been blocked. the accounts are not blocked, our effort is to see all the accounts, even me, to serve all the viewers dear sir, i am telling you that if there is one account, if there is one, i know this is a violation of that device, even if that account is not active, the last thing i want to say is to serve you. look at the account. the treasury unit is actually a bridge for us to go towards paying for the ultimate benefit . see today we have payments, for example , the government pays and the treasury pays to the ministry of health or a part of them as the income of the expense allows them to take these results. this is it now
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you go to the ministry of health , you go to the university of medical sciences, the medical staff often complain about the delay of several months in their payment and they talk about their own demands. the treasury unit account does not do this and we cannot directly receive from the treasury for the final benefit , the result is the same loss that the employees themselves see . do it in the account and the result will be this if the final benefits are paid with delay, these delays may be several months, the middle management will make bad decisions in the money that should go to the people, and the loss will end up being useless. our
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effort is to make this treasury unit account so that the treasury unit account can be opened quickly today, so that the final benefit is reached, which is the final step, that is, god willing, we will have the treasury unit account. inshallah, we won't have real gripes and complaints from people. your follow-up on oil companies because they also apparently have a resistance to joining the account of the treasury unit. anyway, i told those who violated that despite our devotion to them, we sometimes have to introduce them to the judicial system as those who are dissatisfied with the implementation of the law today. because
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this is harmful to people in general , it is not in our final interest to mention it we can pay. well, this issue must be solved somehow. see us today. today, one of the issues that was done based on the treasury unit account was the issue of the government's salary, and we were able to solve this problem easily, even though every year the government got a salary from the central bank, this year due to this issue, the implementation of our treasury unit account we didn't get paid, which means we could get significant losses based on the implementation of the law. in addition to this, one of the losses that exist is i don't work for the people who are in the final interest i can pay on time. when i can't pay an employee, including me , i can't pay someone else on time, and
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there will be a delay of several months. these are violations that cannot be easily avoided, and the judicial system must be against those who started this law. i said that with the follow-ups that took place especially in 1402, alhamdulillah, we were able to find many of these accounts in the device. today, we almost rarely have reports in other institutions other than the health care and oil companies where we
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have not actually done this work. i am saying here that these are proofs for themselves. they are saying that they have problems, which we told them, we are ready to show them, solve the problems, and solve their problems. i also emphasize to accompany the rest of the accounts , the account should be blocked, even if the account is open, we are now receiving a report from the bank and they say that they have this amount of accounts, even though a significant percentage of these accounts are never received and paid. gire and the agent bank also said that we cannot close this account because it has a debt, but we said no, this work must be corrected
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, the program organization must do this work, and i will tell you right here, god willing, what commission will we receive in the coming weeks. let it be done. i was responsible for the head of the main commission, we had this order god willing, the same work will be presented, and god willing , we will have a sense of the commission in the first cases that we activate. god willing, thank you very much, mr. nasrullah pejmafar, the respected member of the commission on principle 90 of the islamic council, mr. belani. and pointing out some figures, mr. pejam, what statistics do you have of those who resisted and entered into this issue, whether they are government companies or private companies, what statistics do you have of those who did not come to set up an account for the treasury unit, see the general statistics about the accounts that before the implementation of treasury unit account there were 250,000 accounts
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opened before the implementation of the treasury unit account with the banking network for financial operations of the executive and treasury departments and were used after the implementation. the treasury unit account of these 250,000 accounts has reached about 20,000 accounts, of which about 7,000 accounts are for centralized accounts, so-called accounts that are used to receive funds from the general government budget and the income of state-owned companies, and about 14,000 accounts are actually accounts. it is used for the payment operations of executive bodies , so as a result. implementation of the treasury unit account number the accounts have decreased from 250 thousand to about 20 thousand. but regarding the unauthorized accounts that i mentioned, for non-main or secondary operations of the executive bodies, in some cases, for the payment of education, for the payment of salaries, benefits, or
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various issues of the executive bodies opening the banking network , various statistics have actually been presented . the latest statistics that the central bank announced during this week, that these accounts were closed , 115,000 accounts were closed this week by the central bank. therefore, considering that you should consider the budget law of rome the person in charge of implementing the law is the central bank of the islamic republic of iran, according to the tools at its disposal , and the central bank, using the tools it has , has done this both last year and this year, but is this the moment that we are we a branch office in the bank, a responsible official, an executive unit of the office? based on the issues they have now or the justifications they have , is the account being opened right now or not? well
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, it is possible, and then the central bank will do this periodically , based on the database it has received from the treasury of the country and also from the audit bureau. receives it and controls it based on the national id of the executive body, and if there is an account in an unauthorized bank with that national id , the central bank will block that account and the executive body will stop its payment there , it will be unusable and it is necessary for him to determine that amount , right, mr. bani, we have the issue of note 14, which has been changed to note 8 in this year's law. the money we need for the targeting law of subsidies or the same temsara. maybe in fact, this issue can be looked at from two perspectives
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. the first is the subsidy targeting organization itself as an executive body that is run in the form of a corporate entity. well, the subsidy targeting organization has all its receiving and payment accounts with the general treasury in the bank. the central bank of the islamic republic of iran has been opened and its financial operations are carried out through these accounts. next, the issue of the resources that the subsidies targeting organization actually needs in order to make payments related to its expenses, well, this year the subsidies targeting organization has three main sources, the three main sources that in fact, the sources of note 8 provide one export sale of petroleum products, two domestic sales of petroleum products, and three sales of natural gas. the same gas that we finally consume and is used in homes and such. these 3 sources
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are related to the targeting of subsidies. well, these three sources are collected through state-owned companies. well, iran's national gas company is responsible for receiving the gas, and the domestic sale of the products is done by the national refining company and the distribution company, and the export sale of the products is a financial operation. in operation exports are carried out by the ministry of profit , again, the subsidiary companies of the ministry of oil do this work. well, that company comes and transfers the accounts related to the sources of targeting subsidies in the treasury accounts at the central bank. the transfer of funds is the same as preventing the deposition of targeted resources in intermediary accounts. anyway, this money is being collected in all parts of iran. well, you
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are in a far away city. when you go to a gas station, you use gasoline there , you pay for it, that money is in that form, and what does it have to do with it? to hafand sazieh, well, this mechanism and the account of the treasury unit, the result is that this resource will soon be at the disposal of the organization of hafand saazieh. until , for example, he wants to come from the city , he should stay in this account for a week, then he will come to the province account, then he will come to the center account, then he will come to the account of the hand-branding friends, and almost on a daily basis, all this existence that is provided by the companies related to the provision of hand- branding resources the subsidy is collected and transferred to the treasury account . usually, at four o'clock in the afternoon every day , the resources related to targeting are not transferred to the targeted accounts. the treasury enters the central bank and on the first day of the next day, or if the subsidy targeting organization
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needs it, it will be immediately provided by the treasury to the targeting payment account. okay, our next guest is mr. mahmoud malkutkhah, the respected head of the subsidy targeting organization, mr. malkutkhah. greetings to you. i would like you to tell me how much the creation of the treasury unit account has helped to provide resources for note 8, which in the past was tabsara 14, and now note 8 in the current year's law . dear this program regarding the discussion of the treasury unit account that friends said , now perhaps the discussion of the so-called purposeful organization is an accurate example that if we
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evaluate the performance of the treasury unit account and the concentration of accounts based on my reference to the note of the budget law of 1403, then it is a fact that in companies that mr. haj agha pazhmanfar said and mr. benani also said that the oil field companies are among the cases where a major part of these sub-accounts have not been placed in this direction and one of the reasons that we have not achieved 50% of the targeted resources within these four months. the same features that would happen if the treasury unit account happened we could pay for this feature. the things that are unavoidable for us are the cash subsidies that must be paid at a certain time , the demands of the pharmacist, the demands of the wheat farmers, which are all assignments, for example , we have to pay the demands of the wheat workers within five to six months , which are targeted resources.
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it will be provided during 12 months, and the legislator has now, for reasons that may be better explained by the honorable representatives themselves , prohibited the government from paying bank loans in the first 6 months of the year, if these single accounts are in the group of companies of the ministry of oil, that is the same. companies that mr. benani named national gas company , refining and distribution company, and national oil company, these complete sub-accounts were happening in the account of the treasury unit, today we could pay a major part of these demands on time. we decided to take action , because some of them were inevitable , i know, friends, we had to act through borrowing , which means that this is the opposite of the purposefulness of the goals and effects of the treasury unit account, and therefore, this process, i beg you, is one of the cases in the principle 90 commission. and
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the assignment that i have in note 3 that last year during the same period of time that my friends were persistent until now form the treasury unit account and see how much it has helped your deficits and provide it . which is clearly stated in note 8 of the budget law on this issue, in other words , it is specified in paragraph 8 of note 8, and even the legislator clearly says in paragraph b that the lateral resources should be transferred to these accounts immediately and as soon as they are collected, they should it is considered to be purposeful, but the reality is that these goals are not fully implemented, that is, our problem
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is that, as i told you, the best indicator is that our resources have achieved 50 in these 4 months. there have been about 534 and 46 non-fulfillment means the challenges that we in our target society face in our unavoidable expenses, and because they are unavoidable issues, we took the borrowing resources that we got from the treasury last year from the central bank, this year we will repay these resources that up to now do a part of it. it has not been done. well, the problems and effects that friends mentioned at the beginning of the conversation will unfortunately damage the liquidity of inflationary effects , and we should do this work faster in the field of these three companies. very well, if there is a point at the end, mr. manhkotika, we will hear it. my request is that now is the opportunity that my friends said really, because we are in the phase of moving the government and
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the targeted area is the area where we really have to pay the subsidies on the 20th, 25th and 30th of every month and buy the demands of respected farmers who are some of these demands have not been fulfilled today . my request is that the friends of the ministry of oil , in other words, the zimdahl companies, as soon as possible , apply this legal obligation to me, as a note, that the pressure of the problems that have been created for the people will be brought to the attention of the ruler. dear mr. banani's goal-oriented organization, another topic that anyway it is also an important issue to create a single account in the field of currency . for this issue, what actions have been taken so far? yes
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, look at the single currency account. you are opening an account with the central bank to make a deposit, this has now been realized. it is being done now, and obviously, as mr. malkuti will say, well, in order to target the subsidies , we have opened horizontal accounts with the central bank based on the type of horizontal for which it is possible to collect or likely to collect targeted resources. sources of the official report of the central bank, which actually announced that the foreign exchange resources related to the targeting of subsidies are the resources from exports. when the results are collected, they enter the country , the central bank registers them in these accounts, then based on the letter given by the treasury to the central bank
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, it will convert these funds and the rial equivalent of the rials will be transferred to the targeted account. transfer it to the open treasury , this transfer and effect will also be carried out, therefore, in the case of the rest of the government companies or the rest of the executive bodies, if, for example, a series of institutions. there are executives who have foreign students some universities charge tuition fees on a flat basis, there is a possibility for them, there were cases that we requested, and for them , a foreign currency account in the amount needed to be able to carry out their operations was done with the central bank , so as in in the case of riyal accounts, the accounts are centralized with the central bank, and all accounts, etc., receiving and paying are done through those accounts. in the case of foreign currency accounts, this concentration of accounts has also happened with the central bank, these accounts have been opened and are now working.
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therefore, we are within the scope of the resources of the total budget the country that i am talking about includes the general budget of the government and the budget of the state-owned companies, these currency accounts are in the number required to call for the type of operation of the device. the part that are inside and the part that are outside the country, and the important issue and the main question here is that in the part that many of these lateral incomes, which are mostly in the field of oil and gas, and government and non-government companies, part of their income is with the goods are inspected there. do you have any monitoring or supervision? check the foreign currency accounts. in fact, if the payment is made based on the payment order of the central bank
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it can be done, so it is not that the companies will return the proceeds of that clearing, for example , to provide the subsidies with the same purpose. attention paid. the person who is the importer of that product is the owner of that product , he must have secured the equivalent of the rial and the central bank has delivered it, so the central bank will provide those rials to any device that was owned by him, so it is not that we let's interact with him and his riyals we have not taken this from the central bank.
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you were with us until the end of this conversation . i sincerely thank you. have a nice day and god bless you.
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it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference , it made a difference, it didn't make a difference.
1:58 am
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2:00 am
bismillah rahman rahman salam five hot days ahead of the country, minister of energy, referring to the establishment of a very hot system in the country, asked the people to cooperate with the optimal consumption of electricity in energy management. in the administrative and so-called commercial sector and especially in the industry , consumption management programs must be strictly followed. in the domestic sector, if we work hand in hand and accompany with a strategy and a plan , we can achieve this thermal peak.


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