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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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this will happen . we prepared an 80-page report for the united nations, the last of which was presented to the united nations three or four days ago, and in this report we showed how supporters of freedom, supporters of palestine and freedom, and
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we will follow the prevention of mass killings and crimes, but i hope that the believers who are in charge of our mosques, whether shiite or sunni mosques, will wake up to the knowledge that there is really a problem in closing and opening a center or a mosque or a there is no hosseiniyya , there is preservation of the pure muhammadan religion in between and this line. there is a danger that it is much bigger than closing a center or an institution. mr. camel, i said that this question is your final question, but with your words, you created another question in my mind and i can't help but ask it. in your speech, you repeated the key word of pure muhammadan islam several times and it reminded me that muslims are now called muslims and maybe
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they wear islamic clothing, but as you mentioned, for example, with the issue palestine has nothing to do, now the interpretation of shia is from somewhere, and it has a different interpretation. you are talking about this the problem is that there is no problem with a desirable shiite in england or a desirable muslim in england, but a muslim who is not desirable should actually pay and be pressured like this , so that no one has anything to do with their oppression, colonialism and arrogance, let us leave it alone. do it , let's go home, pray, fast, and breastfeed. this islam does not answer the needs of the majority of people in the world, whether muslims or non-muslims.
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command and this we have to fight the same way imam hossein fought the same way we saw all our imams martyred in the whole history because of to be a fighter and to be a fighter against oppression , against colonialism, for arrogance, and if we do not do this , we have really lost the originality of our religion, the divine religion, and let them succeed in religion, politics, economic issues, and everything. they should separate and divert in fact, this is really a task for each and every one, and we really have to stand up for this task and we will do our best and i am sure that we will succeed . thank you very much , mr.
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you saw far beyond the discussion of closing an islamic center and listened to a point that it is important to pay attention to the true thought of islam, which should not be allowed to be distorted . with the spread of wildfires in the west.
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evacuation warnings were issued for millions of people. currently, about 300,000 hectares of forests are burning in 60 fires in the western united states. a fire in the forests of western canada forced 25 thousand people to leave their homes. 170 forest fires have been reported in alberta and 375 fires in british columbia. 275 some of these fires have been declared uncontrollable . local authorities have warned of the worsening situation and say firefighters are preparing for tougher conditions. at least 18 people died as a result of a light plane crash in nepal. the plane crashed while taking off from tribhuvan international airport in kathmandu, the capital of nepal. according to reuters, this plane was completely burnt and the bodies of 18 passengers have been discovered so far. this plane had 19 passengers and crew. some media reported that the pilot
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of this plane died in the hospital was admitted. heavy rain and flooding in manila, the capital of the philippines, caused the closure of many offices in the city. this storm killed at least 12 people and displaced 600,000 people. this typhoon is moving towards the northeastern coast of taiwan and the island is on alert. the bill to collect street dogs in the turkish parliament. this bill is supposed to be voted on in public after 3 weeks of review and verbal debate in the agriculture committee of the turkish parliament. this decision is due to the increase of people's concern and complaints about the dogs because of the existence of 10 statistics millions of dogs without owners in turkey are a story . last year, more than 5,000 complaints were registered about these dogs, and 92 citizens were registered, and 92 are international citizens
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. about this news, from the side of the desire of chianjeri, he said: i am having a conversation with mr. hamed vafaei , an expert on china issues, who is on video with the jahan today program . he has a tendency to mediate in important cases in west asia however, we have already witnessed china's mediation in the iran-saudi relationship, recently in the case. just these days, we have seen that the palestinian groups are providing the basis for an agreement . what is the reason for this chinese acting in west asia? in your opinion, in the name of god, i am serving you and your respected viewers. yes , it is a very important issue in the international system, we are
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witnessing changes and there are important developments centered on china, and there is room for studies to be focused on it, especially from a country like the islamic republic of iran, which has a lot in common with the chinese in many areas. regarding your question and the discussion the recent incident that happened and the effort made by the chinese for the presence of 14 palestinian groups in this country , the meeting that was held and the statement that was issued at the end of that meeting under the title of beijing declaration , we should work to see what the situation is. i see, you mentioned other events that have happened in recent years in addition to the actions of the chinese regarding palestine, centered on the west asian region. your statement is correct
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. playing a role in the developments in yemen the chinese have been active in discussions related to the occupied jerusalem regime in the last decade, especially after the aggression. the zionist regime's recent treatment of the oppressed people of palestine and the massacre that took place there created an open gap between the chinese and the israelis, which is tolerable and tolerable, a point that we must pay attention to. after passing through the country of china , we come to the conclusion that today the chinese are operationally involved in the world order category and the ideas
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were deep initiatives, but the chinese announced that they are upgrading their relations with the palestinians to the level of strategic relations and strategic relations well, this was an issue that was met with a negative reaction from the western countries and anyway from the zionist regime, but after that the targeting of the chinese continued quite clearly. it is very interesting that china strongly and clearly condemned israel's crimes. china openly supported what happened in the hague court in condemning israel. today, the chinese strongly and openly oppose the formation of an independent palestinian state. they emphasize in tel aviv, and the set of these
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has been implemented since the visit of the senior palestinian official to beijing last year until the meeting that it was held in beijing yesterday and 14 palestinian groups agreed to form a national unity government. mr. vafai, if we review the palestinian issue in the last 8 months, based on what was reflected in the media, it may be in the public opinion of the world. he said: it became the first issue of the world in terms of the conflict of public opinion. i don't know if you confirm this statement with yes or no, so i can ask the next question. it became an issue that the whole world was actually raging about. in this situation, china wants to be the world's number one actor and to take the position of mediator for themselves open it and show your credit. it is a discussion that you talked about at the beginning. you mentioned , but if we want to pass through this, what economic benefits might there be for china
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? some speculate that china has a crossing that may become a competitor to china's crossing if america comes and the crossing that america has at its disposal. how important do you consider the issues compared to the main role that we both mentioned now? first of all, this is very interesting, now i will make a first mention of the chinese virtual space that i am reaching every day i am the roar that you said in the world public opinion, even we witnessed in the american universities , these happened against the crimes of israel, and in any case, every human conscience condemned these crimes that hundreds of thousands of children were killed, innocent people were killed , it is very interesting. in chinese public opinion. many articles condemning the israeli regime were published
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, it was very interesting on the tik tok network, where a large part of its users are chinese anyway, the news about the resistance front was published with great enthusiasm and this was a very special thing. i have lived in china until now, there is such a supportive atmosphere we haven't witnessed such an expansion of palestine in the chinese-language virtual space. there was a special topic that deserves attention and consideration. regarding the second part of your speech , what benefits do the chinese have from playing a role in this field? yes, see if we want to discuss china and palestine let's analyze it. i think we can examine this from three aspects. the first aspect is the bilateral discussion between china and palestine. well, the palestinian issue has been going on since a thousand years ago, when the independent state of palestine announced its presence and the mao regime in china. it was the case that the chinese supported it , which means that it is a debate, just like our country, anyway
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there is a historical issue, the issue of palestine and our country has been a supporter of the palestinians from the beginning, china also has a similar issue. creating a balance and balance between the palestinian issues and the israeli regime. if we analyze the existing competition between the united states and china , we can evaluate the results of important achievements for china, and the third dimension is the issue of world order. you see, in the last decade, we have seen a significant growth in the presence of the chinese in the equations. we are international. today, the world order is changing. you see, we are witnessing a period. during the cold war , when two powers and two hegemons, east and west , were at work, after the collapse of the soviet union, the american hegemon
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ordered unilateralism and authoritarianism, and now what happened today, those developments , the state of the international system is changing to a it is a multi-polar system and one of the effective poles in this multi-polar system is china, which is influencing various aspects in the international system of those principles. and those foundations that china believes in for managing the international system in terms of different dimensions, it is different from the united states, the discussion of justice and. the discussion of multilateralism, the discussion of the frameworks of international organizations, well, we have seen that until now, western powers, especially the united states , used international organizations mainly as a club, but the chinese respect international frameworks without compliments. and they consider themselves its protectors, and today , when the israeli regime has violated these red lines, the chinese openly condemn it and
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support the palestinians, so from the dimensions in the third dimension, when we examine the issue do and this issue of world order , we are witnessing a new formation of fronts in the international system in which the chinese openly support the palestinian nation. what i understood from this part of your speech is that the economic benefits that china can have as a result of this intervention is a small issue compared to the goal that it wants to have in acting in the new world order. the main thing is the image and the place he paints for himself in the new world order for public opinion, right, mr. vafai, that's exactly the way it is, see a discussion now about the economic issue that is always for the chinese. priority was given to the development of the economic interests of mahmoud abbas's trip to beijing, which i
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mentioned at the beginning of my speech. in that trip, a five-point statement was signed between china and palestine, four points those were the things that you mentioned, and one paragraph was a brief reference to the debate on the construction of palestine and the possible dispatch of manpower from china to palestine . regarding palestine, they adopted it related to the economic field and most of it was other things that you mentioned and as a final question, i would like to ask if it is possible for you to explain to us in less than a minute, anyway, iran has always had a soft influence among the palestinian groups and among the axis of resistance in the region, do you know how likely it is that china if you give a short answer, yes, see
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, of course, the chinese do not have a competition with iran in this field, we must be vigilant because whatever is happening , the level of friction chinese with sensitive areas in which the islamic republic has entered it will be more, but china's relations with palestine are defined as cooperative, and china's relations with the islamic republic are also cooperative in the same way. we must prepare ourselves to work with the chinese in various fields of the international system. we can see that today the palestinians also welcome the presence of the chinese in the case of palestine. in my opinion, if the islamic republic is alert and able to define common equations for working with the chinese in these areas, it will definitely include the interests of the resistance front. it will benefit both the interests of the islamic republic and china thank you, mr. hamed vafaei, an expert on china issues, who was with the jahan today program, but this program continues with several reports
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. for the presidential election, the democratic party has announced that it is not willing to attend netanyahu's speech in the us congress for fear of losing votes in the competition with trump. bernie sanders, a member of the us senate, described netanyahu's presence in the us congress as shameful. protests in american society to the presence. we are here at washington has gathered in opposition to the presence of a major war criminal. atanyahu should be in prison because of his mass murders and crimes, not in
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the congress of our country. it is really embarrassing. american media announced at the same time. that after the gathering of about 400 american jews inside the congress building of this country and in protest against netanyahu's hosting, all 400 gathering jews, including 12 rabbis, were arrested. in this situation, kamla harris, the alternative candidate of joe biden, on behalf of the american democratic party , has boycotted netanyahu's speech. an action that , of course, in terms of american media circles increase in the number of opponents of crimes. the zionist regime in the american society is caused by kamalis' concern for losing their votes. is it because haris refused to attend netanyahu's speech? will there be a significant change in american foreign policy if he wins the election? my answer is no. this is not the case at all and we are not optimistic. because when civilians continue
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to be killed or die of hunger in gaza, it means that these actions are just appearances and election propaganda. at the same time , bernie sanders, a member of the us senate, invited netanyahu to address the congress of this country considered a source of evil. he has been convicted of a war crime and the court can issue an arrest warrant for him soon. using hunger as a weapon against civilians and attacking civilians is one of his crimes. with this invitation, america has no right to ask any country in the world about iranian human dignity or human rights. in a new poll in the united states, it has been determined that most of the people of this country, about 52% of them , are against the continuation of the all-round aid of the american government to the zionist regime, especially the sending of arms aid to this regime. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency new york. and there is another report of the gathering of protesters in
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the presence of the prime minister of the zionist regime in america, which took place at his residence and in front of his hotel in washington dc. these protests have also resulted in arrests. we are here in front of the watergate hotel where israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is staying and he wants to mock the us congress. we think it's wrong for him to stay in a hotel here and meet with members of the us congress. he should be in jail. the international court of justice confirmed this issue. our idea is that if the people of gaza they can't sleep, why should he be able to sleep? i
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feel sick even being in front of the residence. i don't want to breathe the same air he breathes. i don't want him to be in america. inviting him to appear on american soil shows that they allow the continuation of the massacre. they invite netanyahu for a reason. he should be given the opportunity to speak to our highest officials, he should appear in court with handcuffs . we have reached the end of the world today. thank you for being with us until the end tonight. good night goodbye.
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these revolutionary paintings and graphic designs are part of the first period of the mirror in the mirror exhibition. two days before the 44th anniversary of the victory of the revolution , the martyred president was a special guest of this event. one of the manifestations of jihad is to clarify that today's leadership obliges us all to jihad. in my opinion, it is the manifestation of your work, but this meeting with the artists did not end with this one meeting at the museum of contemporary arts in tehran. in the next two meetings, shahid raisi
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hosted calligraphy artists as an art field in the ministry of science. these good wishes are not limited to you it is good that efforts were made to finally compile the national document of visual arts, a document based on several clauses in the country's cultural engineering plan, which has been in the ground since 2019. the regulation that was in the field of embodiment and memory was completely revised. the gallery recipe was completely rewritten. the policy and regulations governing the iranian art market were proposed. the initial version was written. one result was the brilliance of iranian painters in the 6th venice art biennial. these works represent the emotions of iranians towards a global event. with the support of the national document
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of visual arts, john dobar. once again fajr visual festival was blown. a society in which art is active causes the spirit of happiness, hope for the future and the beginning of life to be active in it. the more the progress of the works of this document became more visible, such as the better rotation of the wheels of the art economy by strengthening the connection between the private and public sectors, many foreign meetings for the ministers of islamic countries. that i give as a gift , most of the works of iranian artists, especially calligraphers , supporting the young generation interested in visual arts was another part of the results of those intimate meetings and compiling a document that supported art and artists from the slogan . the 31st event of the festival visual arts of young people was one of the first events that
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was accredited as a superficial event in the foundation art council. this matter caused the national foundation of naqbgan to communicate with the winners of the 3rd round and identify them as the most talented and, god willing, it is expected that the 31st round winners will be supported in the same way, and the artists with their works after the may flight. they sent away the martyred president. the final version of the national visual arts document is supposed to be reviewed and approved at the next meeting of the art council. zohra alizadeh of the sed and broadcasting news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. council members the guard signed the credentials of the elected president . in the implementation of article d of the presidential election law in today's meeting of the guardian council. the bill of lading of the president-elect, mr. dr. mezikian , was signed by the members of this council, so that according to the law, this letter of credit will be presented to the supreme leader of the revolution for the inauguration ceremony. the ceremony of approving and awarding the decree of the 14th president and the official inauguration of the president-elect will be held on sunday, august 7, with the presence of the leader of the revolution. cabinet members and
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ministers of the 13th government informed the public about their latest news on the sidelines of the cabinet meeting.


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