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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, the shura majlis. eslami nominated the president and prosecutor of the country's audit court for a four-year term. the program and budget commission of the parliament nominated two candidates for the presidency of the court of accounts and also for the election of the prosecutor of this supervisory body . the court of accounts was elected.
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i announce the results of the elections for the head of the court of accounts, the group of attendees on the 27th and mr. seyed ahmadreza dastghib ​​with 211 votes. mr. daoud mohammadi was elected as the head of the court of accounts with 147 votes. being elected as the prosecutor of the court of accounts. i wish success to both our dear brother mr. dawood mohammadi and mr. dastqib. also, a number of parliamentarians as supervisors in assemblies and councils, including the supreme council of education, the supreme council of science, research and technology and the regional energy trade steering headquarters, the head of the judicial branch pursuing people's rights in the
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province. mr. mohsen isheei, in his trip to chaharmahal bakhtiari province, on the pretext of the words of a prisoner who was imprisoned for 11 years due to lack of bank guarantee. while in prison, he contacted the head of a bank and told the provincial officials: we can solve many of the people's problems with our follow-up. the head of the judiciary continued his trip to kurd city and attended the meeting of the administrative council of chaharmahal bakhtiari province. yes, we used to go there, a gentleman says that, sir, i had taken a facility from d to bank for 2 to 500 one billion. well, for whatever reason, now with the problems
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he said i have no business justifying it, right or wrong , he couldn't pay, the bank came to complain , he came to jail, he said i've been in prison for 10 years , how much is it now, he said how much did you pay now, he said nothing at all , why did i pay, i paid 3 billion, the original it was 1 billion, i gave 1 billion , i added 2 billion to crimes, but again with attention. i couldn't pay for the late payment, the meter has been dropped regularly , now what happened to 17 billion tomans? he helped him, we were still there in the meeting, the manager of the bank came here and said, "sir, i have come to see how he is, who is his profile, what can we do." then, in the next meeting
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, he appeared again on behalf of the bank, we solved the problem, the bank does not have a problem, tomorrow morning, today, after you want to release, release, also in the meeting of hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen mohseni ajei with the peace helpers of the mediators in the meeting of the sabr family headquarters. the victim has avenged the murderer of their child and after years of peace between the two clans, a reconciliation has been established.
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the sale operation will begin on the 7th of august and will end by the end of the 3rd day of shahrivar this month. the sale will continue. each person can prepare an offer up to 20,000 iraqi dinars for his own needs, the rate of which will be the daily rate of iran's gold exchange center. they have been able to receive this currency for the national card for 5 years. and a passport is required. also, respected applicants between 5 and 15 years of age who do not have a national card must present their original birth certificate to receive this land. the owners of 100 empty houses
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paid a total of 150 billion tomans in taxes. according to director general of the audit office of the tax administration since 2014. the unit was declared as an empty house, which belonged to 40584 maadi , whose tax claim was filed in 140 and 1. it has been announced that their taxes have been determined and they are going through the process of issuing their papers through the portal, which god willing
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will reach the collection stage. mr. rahimi also said that the tax on empty houses related to 1402 is pending. the year of the list of these houses is from the ministry of roads and urban development. reducing the travel time on the ilam-mehran route by completing the infrastructure projects of this axis in astana arbaeen journeys the traffic on the 12-kilometer ilam -mehran route, which used to take up to 16 hours in previous years, has been improved and is ready to welcome hosseini pilgrims. ilan mehran route is a 12 km route that is one of the busiest routes every year , especially during arbaeen days , the traffic is very busy.
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the traffic of the four-lane construction plan of this route has been fully utilized last year when we were coming to arbaeen. da was uneven then single it has been a long time in these two or three years , many important developments have been achieved, fortunately, since last year until now , we have completed the four-lane road to mehran. traffic has been increased in places like banroshan bridge and other places that were full of traffic in the past years. now, with the implementation of construction operations and the construction of bridges , pilgrims will travel this route in a shorter period of time this year. almost 3 years ago , some people would have traveled this route for 15-16 hours, but we are happy last year, it was about an hour, and this year,
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this route will certainly take much less time. these days, as arbaeen hosseini is approaching, the general directorate of roads has started working . asphalt coating of 200 km of transportation roads in ilam province and 3 thousand km of road marking are in progress. the path of the pilgrim bridge to the border end of mehran, which pilgrims had to walk for some hours in the past years , will be widened this year. from mehran to merz , we also have four sections, but based on the decisions that it was adopted, we have six pieces as one line. we are working in australia , we have two runways, we will prepare them , hoping to god, at 12:00 noon, the heat is about 50 degrees, but the work is still being done on this route, we are working for zara imam hossein, after all, there is no fatigue.
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the percentage of traffic in hosseini's arbaeen is from ilan to mehran, and it is expected that this year will increase by more than 10% compared to previous years .
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the eyes of a martyr are for you, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . greetings to you, dear compatriots, on the first page of the program welcome, one of the issues that is very important in the country and covers vulnerable people , especially those who are physically disabled, is the discussion of the country's welfare organization tonight. at the service of mr. qadri, the head of the welfare organization, of course
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, he is also the honorable deputy minister. we are talking about what measures have been taken in this regard under the 13th government. welcome to the program on the first page . yours truly, mr. abedin , your respected colleagues, dear and noble people, and on the days of muharram , i salute you and remember the martyrs of service. especially the martyred president and our dear ayatollah raisi, the martyrs of the welfare organization, the week that was decorated with the name of the welfare and social security week, and especially the memory of the dear martyr, the founder of the country's welfare organization, dr. mohammad aliaz bakhsh, i would like to thank you very much before we start talking. because we are close to it
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, i would like to present a report on the most important issues and axes that you pursued in the field of welfare in the 13th government. it brought this to the bcci organization the efforts of this dear martyr and colleagues. he was a companion and also a father who did with behsist organization that today, as a new generation organization, behsist organization has taken the path regarding medium -scale large-scale projects. we witnessed it for the first time in the world and in iran. the capacities that were neglected were restored 12 years ago. and people with disabilities who
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have specialized encyclopedias at the bachelor's to doctorate level took part in this exam and the answers to this the test reached the summons of the participants. how many of us are covered by the welfare organization now? the welfare organization has more than 160 service and activity codes. it is really a diverse organization of activities for people with disabilities, women of moaz, vatraj khan, people at risk of harm. and all the people in the contacts in the 3 areas of prevention, social and complementary services covered by the organization amounting to 7.9 million people, that is, about 8 million people. dear mr. qadri, these are the big plans that have been implemented in the last 3 years. more in what areas is it in the field of empowerment , which is one of the points of the organization's critical charts
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it is for promotion works like housing, employment today that we are at your service in the morning in all the provinces with the presence of governors and high -ranking officials of our colleagues, many projects regarding employment, regarding the development of centers and especially housing. in these 18 years, the unit has designed, built and provided housing . it is interesting to know that in less than 3 years, 50 thousand residential units have been built and delivered, about 30%, and about 45 thousand
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units are under construction. the field of housing is considered to be a blessing and the attention was in fact ayatollah raisi and others, do you remember, mr. doctor, last year , the country's best welfare organization was awarded the rajaee martyr's badge at the national festival, again from the hands of our beloved martyr , it showed that the welfare organization is interested in job matching and the issue of attracting resources. which is placed for the issue of employment in the country. for the first time , we are licensing the issue of employment facilitation by the facilitators this year, and today we were proud to unveil the national employment system of the country's welfare organization, which will help streamline this service for most of the people who are under the cover.
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they are welfare organizations, in which spectrum do they fall? people with disabilities are included in the group. well , there are a wide range of service recipients of the welfare organization. we are proud to say that people from different categories of disabilities who are included in the commissions of the welfare organization will be placed in the services by the welfare organization. today, we announce that the general activities of our activities , the activities that were waiting in the queue in the past industries, in the previous governments, today, as it was announced at various times in these three years by the martyred president and before his martyrdom in the conversation they themselves announced to the people that the welfare organization, with their grace and with the support of the organization , removed the pension plan behind the shift and every person who
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applied received this pension service , alhamdulillah. this was a service whose resources were provided by the government, regarding the complementary items of halzum implantation , which became free in this government, and people got out of the back of the queue in the 3 golden years when they could do the implantation . it provides support services in grants regarding investment items and capital of people with disabilities. yes, we no longer have a waiting page as a mechanical wheelchair, but now we have moved towards knowledge-based fields , they are producing carbon-based items , the organization has supported sisi from knowledge-based companies, and we are even moving towards musculoskeletal robots, which inshallah, we
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will provide the capacity in the reality of the need of people with disabilities, especially those with mobility, towards the wheelchairs that they want and which are of higher quality. a few days ago, a special employment test for physically disabled it was held that really, at least i had never seen such a test being held in the world, and of course , i think it is unprecedented in my country, at least based on the mentality that i and my colleagues have , we will prepare a report in this field and about this test itself and that what will be the fate of those who participate in this exam to attract the agencies , let's talk together, the biggest and the first event of employment and job search, the lasting memory of the martyr of ayatollah
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raisi. to provide because despite having this physical defects, but today they have an effect on society .
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political science. i am happy that something finally happened . i say that god has helped us. i raised him to university and took him all by myself to tehran navinaya school, the future of the children, finally, we parents will be happy . it was my wish, my wish. it is with the efforts of the welfare organization in the 13th government and with the emphasis of the martyred president's presidency, the first
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test for the wealthy is being held across the country, one out of every three people, god willing , will be recruited by different agencies for different jobs, god willing, a step in the right direction. the satisfaction of the needy families and the needy loved ones of the organization in the end, the 13th government took welfare . i am very happy. i mean i am so happy that i can see the result of all these 24 years of hard work. at least if we want to leave this world, it will be easy for us. our children are in the community. we are husband and wife .
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this was the first time that this presidency was done by the order of mr. raisi. later on , it will become clear for the children that this hope will continue. in the community law to protect the rights of the disabled, this capacity was unfortunately a right that was being lost for many years . this order was given. mr. qadri, the head of the organization , we have seen the report of the process of recruiting those who will pass this exam. what will it be like to participate? yes, this magnificent and eye-catching work was done with the help of dr. mokhbar. mr. dr. latifi, the head of the
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administrative and employment organization, and mr. manzoor, seriously accompanied us in terms of technical and in fact budgeting , and this work was formed. there was a procedure that since last year, the test booklet was published and the people who are native based on the region based on the field in 46 different devices of the ministry of foreign affairs of the ministry of petroleum. a blind girl called me today to say in the assembly of the ministry of foreign affairs that in this test, in fact, the preliminary test is passed, that god willing, they will go through the selection path and the next path . it
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is one of the honors that the talents of people with disabilities , those who are capable in terms of the scientific environment, can be adjusted and placed in the departments of the provinces and in different sets of institutions. 13,000 women and men participated in this test, of which about 4,300 people will be accepted in those 46 devices, god willing, according to the law. 3 percent. those who should be attracted to the devices should be people who are physically disabled , of course, many of them are really doing very well in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in their field. rules always exist. it needs to be edited sometimes, which means the attention and care that people should do and the proper alignment of the
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devices in the implementation of the law. he had made the devices mandatory, but unfortunately , since the law was promulgated, the devices have not been implemented we came and started working with different groups, and today we say that the infrastructure and superstructure are really very suitable for pursuing and demanding the law, especially in this. what has been done, the capacity of nine this year and last year , and the capacity of the last 12 years, has been restored, which were not absorbed by the institutions, departments and the ministry of home affairs. it is an honor that the claim was made by the welfare organization, and this noble work was a gift and a duty, of course, by my colleagues who are in favor of the disabled in line with the law that should be done for them. it could have been the right thing to do. it happened to him that in addition to
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employment or being absorbed in executive bodies , sometimes these people, if a loan is granted to them, have the ability to create employment and be entrepreneurs themselves, in this field, the welfare organization has thought of a plan. yes , we assume. it was that those who have a diploma and are interested in entering these levels , the path must be open. alhamdulillah, the test made this work possible. in employment, we have a mixed atmosphere , people who, as you said, want to use the facilities, which is daftshar 2 this year. at the budget system of the country is repeated every year, the welfare organization from the beginning of the government, which was allocated about 3 thousand billion tomans, to
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12500 billion. this number has been upgraded and today we do not have a waiting page for people who request to create a job based on their skills . last year, what happened at the shahid rajaei festival was a combination of the operations that our colleagues in the field of employment in behsisi organization successfully carried out. and the validation of it in the system that has the ability to be monitored in the ministry of home affairs is about 98 targeted in the monitoring system of the ministry of home affairs, which means that it resulted in employment. according to the statistics in the system, in which areas have most of these loans been paid? we have the sun, we have knowledge-based spaces, we have people who are very capable and work. home jobs
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, they are working on many different subjects in the field of marine ecology , there are various subjects based on which the accreditation is done and the education is paid by the banks. the actions of the banks according to the gravity and the tasks that are created for them in the annual budget plan, in any case, they may lose their resilience sometimes for some devices , but we demanded so much and followed up so much that the balance of the banks in particular , we should thank the national bank, the refah bank and the cooperative development bank , the banks that i have in mind, whose performance is above
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the four, which was a combination of the provinces , we covered our own resources and our own analysis . a group of people who are vulnerable seems to have to the aspect that non-cooperation or some devices that are not able to communicate this approach with the welfare organization sometimes has the success of serving the organization and losing its purpose.


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