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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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discounts, nine discounts, amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. good morning, dear compatriots, with the creation of a single identification window between the borders of our country and iraq, the speed of pilgrims crossing the borders has increased. the commander of arbain camp, farajeh , said that this system was established last year in the two borders of mehran and chazaba, but this year it has been established in all the seven borders of arbain. about a month until
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arbaeen husseini, iraqis are looking forward to the pilgrims of aba abdullah al-hussein , peace be upon him. we are at the service of imam hussain and his pilgrims. it is ready to receive the pilgrims, their steps are on the eyes of hayakam allah, the crossings that are slowly being prepared for the pilgrims to pass, now, daily, nearly 60 thousand people of our dear people are registering for the pilgrimage crossing in my police app, and their crossings are being prepared. and it is mailed to their homes , that is, in fact, it is a house-to-house passage. in arbaeen last year, by using the sajjad authentication system, pilgrims in the country crossed the border of mehran in less than 5 seconds.
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arbaeen should be launched. by creating a single window between the islamic republic of iran and the republic of iraq, all the information of our beloved pilgrims is registered in the system without any operation, they just put a stamp, the pilgrim's identity is recognized immediately , the work is done in less than 4 to 5 seconds, and he can cross the border. to visit foreign nationals. the officials of our country are consulting with the iraqi officials. answer or hussein. the latest news in this regard is that resident and non-resident nationals must cross the same border this year. we are still discussing some issues with our iraqi friends and brothers to reach a final agreement regarding atbarem and we can work but what is clear is most likely. they only
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have to cross one of our borders, which we will also inform. applicants for arbaeen pilgrimage are asked not to postpone receiving their passports until the last days. according to commander faraja , diplomatic consultations with the iraqi side will continue on a daily basis. navid salemzadeh of shalam sed and broadcasting news agency. send. arbaeen hosseini's arbaeen processions will start from august 5th at the same time as muharram 20, the people's participation committee for housing and feeding arbaeen hosseini announced in an announcement. the processions must register the full information and specifications of the items and vehicles in the procession system at the address of procession.orj and after receiving the interception id , refer to the designated border based on the recorded date . in this notice, truck drivers and
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companions are asked to carry a passport with at least 6 months validity. for this year's arbaeen , the three borders of mehran, shodcheh and khosravi have been considered for the departure of necessary processions. some more news. the prime minister of the zionist regime thanked the president of the united states for his firm support to this regime after the al-aqsa storm operation on the 7th of october. benjamin in his speech at the us congress, netanyahu said that he has known joe biden for 40 years and said that he was proud to be an irish-american of zionist descent, and telavio thanked biden for half a century of friendship with israel. stating that the us has provided generous military aid to israel for several decades, netanyahu added that tel aviv has never forgotten the efforts that the us government has made for israel.
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without referring to the recent ceasefire negotiations and exchange of prisoners with the palestinian resistance, netanyahu once again emphasized his demands and said: if hamas surrenders. disarm and return all prisoners, the war in gaza can end tomorrow. however, at the same time as the prime minister of the zionist regime's speech, thousands of people gathered in front of the congress building against him , chanting the slogan "netanyahu is under prosecution and he is a war criminal" . the police used pepper spray against the protesters and arrested a number of them.
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at the same time, in spain, a number of people held a protest rally in front of the american embassy in madrid . protesters holding palestinian flags and writings in support of the resistance of sar were giving simultaneously with a record low increase. due to the temperature in the world and the establishment of a very hot system in the country, the minister of energy asked the people to cooperate in energy management by consuming less electricity. due to the increase in air temperature and the need to conserve electricity , the banks coordination council announced that all headquarters
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and branches of banks are closed today. kashik branches are also active until 11 am. banks will be closed at 11 o'clock on saturday and sunday next week. offices are closed today in the provinces of kermanshah, kerman, chahar mahal bakhtiari, sistan baluchistan, mazandaran and east azerbaijan. in tehran, qazbin, in zanjan, golestan and fars, office hours are until 11 am. in alborz, today the offices are active until 10 am. environmental activists in germany to their gang. one of the largest airports of this country was attached. when these people entered the runway, the police intervened. at least four incoming flights were forced to land at nearby airports in hannover and düsseldorf. dozens of flights departing from this airport were canceled
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or delayed. the group of environmental activists known as the last generation wants the german government to pursue a global agreement to stop the use of oil and gas and coal until 2030. typhoon gaimi left 12 dead and dozens of elderly in the philippines. the storm caused heavy rain, flooding and damage to residential and commercial units. the storm also uprooted trees and power transmission lines and blocked the road and damaged cars. as a result of this storm, which hit parts of the country at a speed of more than 20 km/h, more than 600 thousand people were displaced, and tens of thousands of them were accommodated in emergency places. this storm in taiwan caused heavy rain, flooded streets, damaged residential units commercial traffic has been cut off and cars have been damaged
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. and the bill to collect street dogs in the turkish parliament. after 3 weeks of consideration, this bill is going to be presented next week. this decision has been made following the increase of concern and suspicion of people's complaints about stray dogs. according to this bill, municipalities are obliged to collect street dogs and organize street animal shelters, and the perpetrators of the erring municipalities may face two years in prison. statistics show that there are 10 million dogs without owners in turkey . last year more than 5. a thousand complaints about these dogs were registered and 92 citizens, including 49 children , lost their lives in the attack of the dogs. well , we arrived at 9:9 in the morning and
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we will say goodbye to you until the next part of the news, when we are with you again. nothing goes back to the way it was. here 20 years ago, such an eye. today's fertile land and virgin natural resources, but as far as the eye can see, these colored roofs have taken their place, a phenomenon that is no longer limited to a specific city or place in kermanshah province , wherever it is more pristine and with better climate, the construction of villas and the change of use are more rapid. more with a change of use that may add thousands of times the value of agriculture create a villa with a bed
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is not ready. there is no violation. we are near the city of kermansha . we are in an area of ​​one and a half hectares of natural resources. it is quite evident that more than 15 villas have been divided into thousand-meter plots and built for the sake of agricultural land. the construction of the steel for the construction of the pilla is encroachment and the agricultural land is really in terms of texture. the unfortunate destruction of our agricultural lands, especially the first grade and two months out of the production cycle, which really endangers our judicial security. people who have bypassed the law behind these quasi-legal walls and they have turned agricultural lands into residential and recreational settlements. what is clearly called a crime in the law. more than 5,000 villas are located in lands with an area of ​​1,000 hectares in pleasant and airy areas. beautiful services from water and electricity are also taken here, and now you can see the electric beams and electric wires
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. unfortunately, most of the cases of agricultural jihad have led to the acquittal of the accused. there is a moratorium on fines from 2016 to 2019 in the name of temporary licenses to circumvent the law , for some of these villas temporary water and electricity licenses villas have also been issued that have all kinds of facilities, including hot tubs , hot water baths, mirror work and stone work . some of the villas even have two floors. once there was water, electricity, gas, telephone, and road. well, anyway , i will tell you about it slowly, it will be tempting and the price will go up every day. in the most optimistic situation, the prime agricultural land is 100,000 tomans per meter, while today the price of each meter of these illegal villas
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is at least 10 million tomans. the years 1996 to 2009 have arrived . non-permanent appointments were given. these appointments are yes these are all non-permanent constructions for baghvilla and house b until the year 2099, the list of non-permanent constructions that we handed over to the agriculture department every quarter according to the law, and as a rule, the agriculture department must notify us how many times these constructions are permitted or not. we have corresponded about the story , sir, these illegal constructions should be stopped , which agency should know the main negligence in giving the order, a significant amount of the natural resources and valuable agricultural lands of this province in the last two decades have been victims of administrative corruption and some rounds, nothing. it does not return to the original state, but still further damage can be prevented. if there is a will beyond the power of influential people .
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they will definitely be dealt with and destroyed by the agricultural and land affairs authorities and the judicial order , and they will be restored to their former status, so they should be careful not to be deceived by the profiteers. usually, these people's strategy is that they take the land with a large area, divide it and sell it to the people, and with exorbitant prices, which is definitely a fraud, they will be chased by the food authority. ashkan bajlani of kermansha radio and television news agency. the evening of the fifth of july. first there was a strong wind, all the electricity cut off after 10 minutes of rain and hail. later, it came to baghamun with a lot of flood and
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it came from these mountains, it crossed this waterway and destroyed 5 hectares of land . we don't have a road at all, now we come and go with punishments , mrs. pasandideh, a resident of tale village in swadkoh , says that from the moment the flood came, suddenly and by breaking the wall of her house. instead of water, they say that there is a flood from the sky, as if you pierced a barrel, for every drop of rain, the size of a barrel, 20 water comes from the sky. the bottom of the rock came from above, a series from that side of the house, a series from this side of the house , it was brought down, the flood came, the door was broken, it came to the heavy life, when it came to the life, the water was filled, there was no water in the door
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to go out, then i was on the balcony. i was afraid to come downstairs and open the door. i was afraid that the water would take me to itself, i couldn't open the door, this wall put pressure on the wall of my wall, well, for 745 years , the wall put pressure on the wall because of this. mainly, my whole life, the refrigerator, carpet, life and nothing i don't have 20 hectares of paddy fields in this area and destroyed 3 houses and two farms in rome. according to the deputy of the watershed department of east mazandaran, in the 55 -hectare area of ​​chacham, the same place where the flood occurred , the watershed measures have not been carried out . you can see the damage caused by the recent flood of sabedko city in plesfid city, and more than 20 hectares will be realized directly. he said that about
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400 meters were damaged by the flood. and this statistic along with this flood of chubalatu flood from the forest side to the bottom obtained the type of torrential rains in the period of time. it was short-term and in a period of less than half an hour , it brought about 49 millimeters of rain at the peak of the flood, 27 cubic meters per second, and a total volume of 3 million cubic meters, but here in the middle of the hyrcanian forest, 35 kilometers away. the village of paland experienced the same amount of rain, but it did not see any damage from the flood despite the presence of three water catchment dams. unlike chamcham and tale region, which
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brought a large volume of rainwater and trees to the side of the main road and unfortunately caused a lot of loss of life and money, as you can see , we have been engaged in water supply work in this village for years. and he says that floods have destroyed his fish breeding ponds several times, there were floods many times and caused heavy damage to us, all their ponds were washed away by water, but now with this flood that they are planning to work here , it is raining in that area. if
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it wasn't for this plan , the plan itself would have caused a lot of damage here. the houses were spared. let's get out safe from this recent flood and even their livestock he saved us in dealing with the recent flood in the 150,000-hectare water basin of swadekoh, 190 hectares of operations. biological and 2014 cubic meters of mechanical operations were performed. in miandrai paland watershed, like cham cham watershed, 49 mm baramad. but in this watershed, due to the existence of this watershed structure, 6,000 cubic meters of silt and sediments were trapped inside the structure and prevented this
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silt from entering the downstream lands and villages. and about 70% of the flood pressures were prevented . according to sada and sima news agency, diabetes is a non-communicable disease that 14% of the country's population over 25 years of age suffers from, or 14 or more than 14. the population over 25 years old was all 18 years old. over 25 years old have diabetes. 75% of them, 3/4 of them are aware of their illness, fortunately. according to the statistics of the ministry of health, people with diabetes whose body it is resistant to treatment, over time , they develop diabetic foot ulcers, which leads to amputation in these patients. now
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, royan research institute's technologists have succeeded in providing an effective method based on living tissue cells to treat diabetic foot ulcers. for diabetic foot ulcers that are resistant to treatment and prolonged , there are advanced treatments that are based on advanced treatments the cells of the tissue are alive and in fact they help to heal this tissue that has lost its ability to repair itself due to diabetes. in our diabetes, especially in the feet of a person with diabetes, there are vascular and nerve problems that make generalization almost impossible, and therefore the body is incapable of using our generalization process , which is similar to advanced products in the world. we practically impose the repair on the body , we help it to carry out a specified repair process , how can you see the advanced product that exists in this field in the world, and we also currently
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we are developing a product that is exactly the same as living skin, that is , living skin consists of three main layers : keratinocytes , fibroblast cells, and collagen . we produce this living skin similar to it in a laboratory environment, and we supply it from the human body itself, in fact, its raw material. the developed product, like living skin , consists of three layers and is produced in a laboratory environment. the texture of the skin of the eye line area of ​​the baby, which is tissue after receiving the consent form from the parents of the baby the center is actually royan ati techx royan research institute. it is possible that in the clean spaces of these two layers of the skin, which our skin consists of two layers, the dermis and the dermis , the layers of keratinous cells and
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fibroblasts are separated respectively. they are cultivated and en masse in certain defined periods of time . the performance of the necessary performance on its indicators
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in those patients, we assess that 3 stages of barini's karazma, one, two and 3, are needed . currently, we have completed barini's karazma, phase one, for 5 patients who were resistant to treatment and their diabetic foot ulcers had not been treated for several months. . receiving this product at shariati hospital, we did this with the help of our dear hospital colleagues at tehran university of medical sciences. we showed that these patients, in addition to not being threatened by any danger, received this product without any problems. in addition, he was able to injure his ankle improve in better conditions, according to officials of the royan research institute, similar iranian products are produced and entered the market in the united states.
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occupied is the moving target of the yemeni resistance. of course , except for the explosive drones destined for tel aviv or
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eilat or haifa and ashdod. how did a drone the size of a car manage to pass through the iron dome? they are worried about these ships , whose destination is the occupied territories, and the main concern is cutting off the economic artery of the zionists. they saw that the yemenis are people who bring little money it is not a war. saudi arabia fought for several years and could not get rid of husia, which was its neighbor, but israel will not be anymore. the russians have been fighting with saudi arabia since 2015, so it can be expected that they are not the ones who will retreat soon from the beginning. the war in yemen so far, 11 attacking birds from six countries attacking yemen have been shot down and hunted in the sky of this country, for example, 23 for
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saudi arabia, 23 for the uae, and 12 for the americans , and experts say that these can only be defeated on the ground. as you know, there is no army in the world that can enter yemen saudi arabia did not enter yemen either. the only way to deal with the houthis is a ground attack and the so-called boots on the ground. at the moment, i cannot imagine the scenario that the army. israel will kill itself 2000 km and want to wage a ground war in yemen. i don't think that any country is willing to send ground troops into yemen.
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hello, akbar, this is mr. mast, i want to tell my father's eyes , he has a lot of credit in your father's account
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, i will pay with tara's credit in advance. it is very reliable. tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for everyone, from house to house . let's bring the flow of life to all of iran with you. iran is bright, but the numbers are average. now is the time to buy a tv. now is the time to buy a television installment. it is called an installment payment. this is how it happened. there was no reason . there was no reason. you can go to the city of home appliances because the fees are less and the commission is the only
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one left. it is calculated as the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. in the name of god. peace be upon mohammad and his holy family. mohammad and ajl farajham, greetings and good morning to you, dear and respected viewers , we are at your service with sports news. on the eve of the opening of the 2024 olympics, the first iranian athlete will go ahead of his rivals today. iran's archery representative will start his competition in the recurve section to determine his place in the summer games in paris.


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