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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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it is clear how many are actually child laborers, especially attabas, considering that in some cities , the number of child laborers who at least appear to be doctors seems to be very high . we are not responsible for the census, the latest census. which was done in the country in 1995, the statistics we have, in terms of the fact that development centers were established in the welfare organization, that if working children need to organize their own temporary course for education and reunification with their families, they should do so in the welfare organization of fasting centers and it is available 24/7 and of course the basic public sector is following this path and it seems that that is the effort when
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especially with the so-called permission that the honorable mayor of tehran received from the government board and a camp was established , it is really a day to work in shaban. working and street children as a social phenomenon that people observe every day , we are really seeing this decrease in the city level , in other provinces, the governors are really trying, they are following up, we have the necessary infrastructure in order to refer to us, because every acceptance is done by the food machine, whatever happens in the city if there is a need for the presence of citizens in the welfare organization in the centers , the welfare organization
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has the necessary infrastructure as part of its missions, and it has the sub-station. the case of necessary help is in fact communication with the judicial system and conversation. perhaps, if he has a family , there is a different issue regarding their education . have you heard about children's schools? he wants this child in one place for two and a half months the subject of training. there are discussions about medical care and other issues that take place in the bastisi organization in the centers, and what does a unit do as a social emergency, now this is a very valuable platform that is number 1 2 3 that our citizens in the field of social harms and events and disorders that may happen to people , for women, for men. people call 123.
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we have 5,000 personnel. even our drivers who drive the cars are experts. perhaps it is formed in social harms , issues that perhaps the person will not return to the family, these are the methods. they do, and at 3 levels in all countries, people can call 123 and report social disturbances . it will be organized and, alhamdulillah, the helpers there will rejoin the families . 1 2 3 alhamdulillah, as i said, well, many of our colleagues in the organization. it is an institution and a symbol of emergency
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. we have 096 line 28. the voice is actually the issue of addiction, counseling in the field of addiction, which maybe half millions of people call and receive counseling services during the year. line 14 is 80 free counseling lines that our colleagues are in one place. they are connected to each other , it is connected to the police gate where it is needed, it is done where it is necessary for the emergency personnel of the hospital to be present. it
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is happening manually or by law enforcement. these are a large group of our colleagues who are working day and night , considering that it is a week, they should remember. and i would like to thank the 19,000 personnel in the country, 67% of whom are women, and of course , they have low-paid jobs. they are doing a profession that, god willing, we will be able to improve the rights of our colleagues on the path of the new generation organization, god willing. let's follow up on this. some work has been done, for sure in this government, but god willing, in the next space, we will be able to
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follow up the path of belief and the growth of the rights of our colleagues. they call about a person lying on the street. it is not normal now, there is a problem with the method of the accident. their diagnosis is to go to the emergency room if it is done, there is a need for a mental disorder or the issues that are exposed to people with poor mental health , they call for risky actions , it implies that the police force and the judicial system of the people. elderly harassment and harassment that people see in different areas from their neighbors at the community level , possibly kidnapping, harassment and issues in
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the corridors, suppose we say persian on the way to the terminals. there, they may see a child, a teenager who is wandering, may be a survivor of the family if there is a thought in his mind to leave, then people should call 123 and our colleagues as one actually handle emergency work and refer and organize at
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different levels. if it has fallen, it means that it is determined by the supply commission. if he is disabled , his wife banoosh can be introduced as the head of the household and be put on the path of welfare organization services. we or people whose illnesses become stable and are diagnosed with disability, they get a disability card , they go through the commission of the welfare organization, but the organization the bassist of the multi-voiced support it covers families with disabilities , people who live in families, i.e. a person with a disability, who uses tuition discount privileges , even up to the doctorate level, a wide variety of services , an organization, many people who are probably bed-oriented , today we say that it is approved today by the government.
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we would like to thank mr. dr. mokhbar and the honorable minister of labor cooperation and social welfare . significantly , 45,000 families who should benefit from this privilege are on the waiting list this year. we covered the so-called significant growth , later we had up to 900% growth in the provinces , their waiting page was so long, today the distortion was approved and by next month, god willing, it will actually be completed for haq parast. it is happening that maybe compared to the beginning of the government, which was 1,200,000 tomans per month for a self-sacrificing wife or a mother who took care of a homosexual person , today it is said that we are 2,100,000 at the beginning
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of this year, the definition is because i don't know what percentage. it must be announced by a government that it has increased by a significant percentage compared to 3 years ago let's see the growth of these privileges in the organization . it is clearly defined and a card is issued , it is provided to them and it is covered by continuous and non-continuous services of the organization. our organization is not an insurance organization, according to the policies that were in the past and the upstream laws that existed, we have the health insurance organization. the health insurance organization approves this letter every year and approves resources from the government and the parliament he receives alhamdulillah
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in this government, 59 minimum service codes have been starred in the field of rehabilitation, and our noble people can benefit from the necessary discounts for work such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and other subjects. they do and they probably have the lower deciles. those under three are insured for free , and any person who is diagnosed with a disability , that is, a disease that has become so stable that it is a disability, is covered by the bcci organization. they go in the field of vision and hearing, psychological and mental disorders, and various movement issues, these are all more than that.
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we have one million and maybe 500,000 people with disabilities today, and this is the case, but what is the statistics in the standard society in the world, 10% , mr. doctor predicts that 10% of the people in the society are disabled, this is what happens in the world , it is good to know. in the year of road accidents and accidents , 60,000 disabled people will be added to the welfare organization's portfolio in order to create a serious capacity due to road accidents and accidents. these are important points that we have three sections during the birth of people. they may become disabled, the road accident and the accidents that happen, these three factors of people with disabilities are actually directed to the welfare organization by the law. adaptation of urban spaces and such and even buildings and such
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has been raised as a concern for a long time, but when you look at the city, you see that it has not been built the way it should be, to provide easy transportation for the physically challenged. why are you in this? what are the plans? well, meetings and certain positive actions have been done. if we want, we can report to you about the terminal and the urban interchange administrative offices, ministries, organizations, you see that you rarely see an organization that sometimes does not have at least a ramp for entry and exit, but maybe a device. it is very special and famous, and he has forgotten that he wants a disabled person, a person with
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a physical disability, or a blind person , in fact , there are several parts to do adaptation education for him. one is portals and websites for soft the program that has been followed up until now has really been followed up by the ministry of interior, which is responsible for adaptation, and we are also its secretary. reports show that the statistics are growing. although this is not all, is there a system that did not fulfill its duties, which you referred to the judiciary? yes, it was announced last year that there were people who made a lot of noise. we were issued to them with the subject. in fact, we support people with disabilities to the extent
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that the devices have to do their work , we are not kidding at all, we are very firm in supporting people of murad's wealth in the organization, this statistic also shows that the organization has a really special project that i mentioned, it is very proud. to be which is a new innovation, nothing has happened so far, even though it is doing these things in the world, one of the other tasks is to prepare a report , then we will see the report, then we will continue the discussion of this year's well-being week at the same time. in the month of muharram , a public service was held in the country with the slogan of the hosseini movement. the head of the welfare organization visited 16 provinces of the country on this occasion. please inaugurate with the name of hazrat ali bin musa reza, peace be upon him, and exploit the projects of the country's welfare organization, 880 projects per week. today, on
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the occasion of welfare week, more than 8 thousand plans in the department it is based on the level of knowledge, skills and job experience of people and those whose physical and mental abilities are actually evaluated and those who are interested in having a job and are looking for work are identified and these are in
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turn according to the prediction of welfare experts, about 2 million people will receive services from medad. the young people of this organization are applying for jobs. in the second phase , the services provided to people are registered in the system, and in the third phase, job search is done. in the following phases, the process of economic empowerment of the welfare organization's help-seekers is done in the same way. it will be done so that we can bring them to an independent life from the zero point, according to the deputy of employment and empowerment of the welfare organization, from the first city
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, two ministers, the minister of cooperation, to notify the province, and the honorable minister of the country to the governors of the country, and the office of the honorable first deputy to the honorable members. what was the intention of the government to announce this, an alignment and capacity building between the institutions, grassroots groups, jihadist groups , expert apparatuses, it happened that we have now traveled to 16 provinces, and in close exposure to the people , in front of the people, the promise that mr. president had given people who refer to we have followed up the social takaful institutions . the organization's focus is on the people in the field in the city and the village. is there anyone who has been left out ? does anyone have a need ? we are at the service of the people with national resources that we have leveraged with other provincial resources. we
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will continue to serve the sharif people in the coming days, god willing, and the war crime that he committed and led to the loss of many children and many families, and more than 30,000 people with disabilities, in fact, this is a problem for them. we were created as a representative of the islamic republic in the united nations, iran emphasized on issues and war crimes, and alhamdulillah, thanks to the grace of god, with the follow-up, the ministry of foreign affairs and other countries of this regime were expelled from the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, and alhamdulillah, we presented iran's report on law enforcement in the convention. it was done seriously between the countries, god willing, in the
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not too distant future on december 12, which is the day of celebration , there are people who know, maybe this is a consortium between the countries that are interested. to conclude , it happened with the behsisi organization in the islamic republic of iran in tehran. thank you very much, mr. qadri deputy minister and head of the national welfare organization and thank you, dear viewers, may god be with you. apart from the necessity of issuing a legal invoice at the level of wholesale fruit supply, he said, "sir , do you have an invoice? now, i don't have an invoice, it doesn't have a name , it doesn't have any specifications, they don't pay anything, they don't pay anything, nothing has been decided." to solve this problem within a week , you have to do a series of things. however, after the passage of time
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, we followed up on the issue this time in grocery stores, and now they have presented me with this invoice, saying that this invoice is for the purchase of items, but unfortunately , you should also look at it. this factor can also be supported we had these cases where mr. and midon coordinate, they raise the price and lower the price . if the fighter must be stamped, it must be passed through the inspection department. there is no law. this is not official at all. failure to provide a valid purchase invoice is a trade violation. from central tarbar square , the prices are specific. according to this price determination , their price is calculated as 18,000 tomans . the maximum purchase price in central square, in large square is correct . 35% profit is 24,300. how much is it selling ? it is 3,950 tomans for one tomato.
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do we give or not? yes, this invoice is not legal because it does not have an address or specifications here it is 4500, although this purchase invoice that was presented is not acceptable for the inspection, we still base it on the purchase price of 25 thousand tomans, 35% profit will be 33 thousand tomans, then 12800 tomans for one kilo of tomatoes, we brought potatoes for the price difference of 37800 tomans. for sale, the purchase price is 15 thousand tomans. 35% is the percentage of the virtual interest that must be paid, for the consumer, 20,250 tomans are required. we even
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send weekly and monthly sms to inform these gentlemen. now, they have to actually get an invoice, get an invoice, make an attack , and include the 35% profit. that a text message to mr. raseh now. not mentioned. we are not strangers to the bridge. have you ever been to a bridge? where did you bridge here? our last time was in the year of the year when we bridged seven or eight bridges two years ago. at the level of the city where we come, trade union units generally
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do not process those invoices because they hide the margin of sweden that they have to comply with and therefore mostly have violations and in terms of penalties, they are considered as trade union violators and they are dealt with according to the law of the trade union system. we will also evaluate the invoice presentation you have an invoice for the price of their expensive sale. now , this invoice cannot be verified, it has no address, no man has come to put a first class glass on it. now , it was bought for 160 thousand tomans. how much will he pay? 258 tomans. he is selling potatoes for 45 tomans per gram. how much should potatoes be? 22 tomans. now no, 29,800. now, yes, 29,800. onion is also 2,980 according to the words of our criterion
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. there should be a surplus of onions from the same nakhnameh or shoemaker and the price is less than a spoon . up to 20 tomans. what is evident in our field observations is that the presentation of invoices is still not taken seriously by fruit wholesalers. an issue that definitely needs to be followed up. if within a week all those who are obliged to fulfill their legal duties, if they protest, they will be recognized as violators. from the regulatory bodies of any regulatory authority. installation of banners and plans and cancellation of business license will be prosecuted. farzadeh azaribagha of sed and broadcasting news agency.
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congratulations on bashland's new house prize draw festival. the prize for the first place is a two -bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary in washland, a land full of prizes.
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more than havil square, west branch, km 15 , isfahan special road, imam khomeini street, nafesh mino , babolsar branch, km 8, babol road, babolsar , sari branch, km seven, sari highway, qaimshahr, in tehran, isfahan and mazandaran branches. homemade.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimrozi news. police clash with angry protesters around congress at the same time as the speech of the prime minister of the zionist regime in the congress, the united states pulled down the protestors of the genocide in gaza.


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