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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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fruit-related pilot we started this in tehran to be able to create a community regarding the offices of the fruit market organization task force and tehran fruit market and our own specialized production offices as the sifi and vegetable office in the field of tomatoes, potatoes and onions. tropical fruits, our tropical fruits office, we invited all these members, and the rural members, because the rural members can also be here. yes, we invited these members to attend the meetings, and it will be my eighth meeting, god willing, this saturday, because we are constantly doing this. we held meetings in this in the past meetings, we had three or four important resolutions. the first resolution was when we went to visit the field with friends of government officials and support organizations. at all, the concern of
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the snuff chamber was that we, sir, would be able to issue business licenses for these loved ones to have birth certificates , so we gave a resolution to the respected union that the union also entered this space fairly, and something like 80 members of their guild have birth certificates and have birth certificates. being that 20%, we pressured them to become licensed sooner they should have a certificate so that we can see who we are on. the second issue is that we have required them to leave a trade identification card of theirs in the large fruit and vegetable market square. at least he should have a birth certificate or a sign in that area so that he can respond to a so-called complaint if there is anything , which is more important than raising a concern.
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for example , what is the purchase price of this tomato or onion or this candy that you are selling ? the major who was buying and selling in the large square , we paid a field visit and saw hazrat salim. yes, this is true, and the dear ones are complaining about the invoices and invoices . we have come back there. a form was prepared by the friends as a sales invoice in the presence of the dear ones of the union and various institutions, and obliging the members to issue invoices. here, again, the union of tehran's rightful workers union is a very good move. he did it, he brought the members to work and
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i was able to, but still part of that invoice is not issued, and more importantly, if we want it, we have the right to it. the producer has the right of that farmer and our taxes and the whole chain to have transparency . there is electronic invoicing. this electronic invoicing can have transparency in the whole chain and the fruit is the same as our farmer has now. with a small profit , the so-called fruit reaches the hands of the major expositors, the small expositors can, with the percentage of profit that is 30-35%, the support organization and the decision-making board put it in the hands of the dear people. in your report, it was bought for 18 thousand tomans, and finally he wants to deliver the tomatoes to consumers about 2200. tomans, but
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he is selling tomatoes for 45,800 tomans, which was 39,800 tomans, and we met, god willing. we hope that as soon as possible , with the follow-up by the ministry of civil industry, especially the snaf chamber, and the relevant unions, because we put the relevant union in charge of implementing this work , god willing, we hope that this will happen as soon as possible. they should put the issuing of invoices and the speed of the electronic account in their agenda. yes, we have the deadline of the first and the last follow-up that i have from the members of the union . create it so that, god willing, we can have a good outlet for these dear electronic people. briefly explain what actually happens in electronic billing. there is no law at all, and this should be mandatory for the entire business since 2014, if i'm not mistaken. now, mr. doctor . again
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, this law was approved in 1994, and all the people who are buying and selling are active in trade unions, whether in the major field or in the field. korde obliged to issue an electronic invoice, which was in the hands of the snuff chamber for a while , and then apparently in the hands of the tax affairs organization. our dear ones fell and this issue is one of the important monitoring tools so that we can get both the right of the producer and the right of the consumer , god forbid, and you are also seeing this discussion of false high prices and the goods are very expensive. you see, our farmer , our esteemed producer , is producing this product with difficulty, whether it is in the topic of toy or in the topic of fruits and vegetables, but there are chains or people whose performance is not clear, they
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are delivering the product to dear people at a much higher price. that the rights of the dear people will be lost, here once again we are at the service of mr. nik manesh, the deputy inspector room from in the online issuance of the law on direct taxes and development plans , the ministry of economy and finance is responsible for this. we are just waiting for your presence as an economic activist, whether in the matter of retail or wholesale, to expect that you have electronic issuance of sales invoices, but this talk requires that we have to implement it, the operation of this
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electronic issuance is also an infrastructure. this infrastructure is the responsibility of the ministry of economy and finance. my request to your excellency is to have a meeting with the official. ministry of economy and finance have see for this is so that this transparency from the chain of both the explanation of the producer and the explanation of the wholesaler and sale is clear and our dear people also know that if this work is done, in this system , 124 months is a beautiful characteristic of fruits , what is the quality of all kinds of fruits. i would like to thank you for your presence . the final consumer is also responsible for me , at what price should they buy this first-class gojr? you didn't have a meeting, mr. nikmanesh. now, with the ministry of economy , the officials of the ministry of economy to investigate this issue , our tax advisor, i request your presence to have several meetings, but how successful were they? to operational
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this work has been done, but that success has not yet been achieved . do you think that in order for this to be realized, we should ask the officials of the snaf chamber, our own tax advisor, and the ministry of economy and administration, in what form . my question is, now the same paper bill is issued, the same thing that we have seen. now , how can we expect to issue an electronic solution?
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there is no price level just for the sake of your presence. how much inhibition can it have? now you pay a fine of 10 million. how much profit does he make for not providing this bill? now he gives a fine of 10, which is not a figure at all. with these problems that snuff has, be sure that 10 million tomans is a significant amount, and on the other hand, an economic activist who is running a grocery store today pays city taxes. the property of all these problems and all this stagnation of the market is really effective for 10 million tomans and i wanted to say this in the discussion of wholesale because the order law was given to jihad gentlemen. i will force you to issue
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an official invoice, whether it be electronic or physical, a wholesale banking transaction in trabar square must be done from the field of duties. the ministry of jihad, which mr. amrollahi also has, they are doing their duty correctly. i just mentioned in my report that if they don't have an account, they will leave next week. it means that they have not received this invoice from the wholesaler and they have not submitted the invoice . the confrontations will become more serious. what is to be done ? dear mr. hassan behgi , they said about the government's penalties, but we did our inspections from we didn't start next week, we have been doing it for several years , and now i will tell you the number of inspections for the past few months, which is only 350,48,485. we only had to inspect these trades, and i would like to inform you that they are part of our trades, these
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are the fruit sellers. the number of violations that have been discovered from these inspections and referred to the government administration organization for the issuance of a verdict is about 41,796 items in the case so far. sir, did you inspect the value of all this to the government punishment organization? we will go to a fruit vendor to get an invoice. it is the simplest thing. if he presents the invoice, it is not legal, it has no address , no stamp, no letterhead, so this shows that this is not enough, something else needs to be done, mr. niceman, i really have to accept this , your presence is smart, the best way to do it, if it ends, the operation will definitely be done. i did our physical too, if you go to one or two to four , you can see that they have violations. we are all of our classes that
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are licensed, and in our case, they are inspecting everywhere . see the other violations that are in chapter 8 of the trade union law and take immediate action they will form a committee, and what is the order for the penal organization, what is the guarantee of execution now in wholesales, now whether it is an electronic invoice or normal, what is the guarantee of execution of these paper ones, now that it is said that it must be issued from next week, and these and this resolution that you said regarding the electronic bill that mr. nikmanesh says. it should be provided, and what is the guarantee of this? what should be done? look, mr. azai, our survival is one of the best things that we can
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do is transparency in the supply. i want to go and get my farmer's rights. production, for example, is not profitable for me, or if i am producing hair tomatoes, 9,000 tomans, 10,000 tomans , why the consumer has 45,000 tomans, i don't know , he is buying 39,000 tomans. the main problem is the lack of issuing an invoice . our dear colleagues and our respected colleagues at the retail level should demand from the person who is selling wholesale fruit to him that he give me an invoice , so that if the inspection comes, i can defend my rights and even the same dear person who is selling wholesale, because we go to him, he says that
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to me, the farmer should also demand from the respected farmer a contract, an invoice, an invoice, something, in any case, that we will do this at the time of implementation, alhamdulillah, with the help of the union itself and alhamdulillah, tehran freighters union is one of the active unions. . and he is looking for the people's rights . now it is true that the members of his own guild are stepping forward and my guild chamber is the honorable bazsin sanad madan , who are located in tehran's large fruit and water bar square, which we did as a pilot. about 80% of them have this factor they issue, but there must be a general demand from the retailers. the wholesalers should accept this because there is nothing special and they can solve their own problems. for example
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, if the electronic invoice is not issued in another month, what will happen then ? now, at that time, we are in the working group, dear ones, and the decision will be made. more supervision will be intensified, anyway , this issue must be fixed somewhere, now, or we will have to force ourselves with more fines or more violations and more reports to the government clarification organization, but we hope for the same. let me tell you that this article that was the subject of my discussion is actually about issuing an electronic invoice is a positive thing, but now this was your exact decision. it is true that now what will happen if you don't do it. it is a matter that we have always had the obligation to issue an invoice for years, that is, in
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the law of the trade union system. and in the law of government preparations , the issuance of the account at all, whether it is electronic or digital. every day i think that consumers are dealing with it and the prices are really different, my problem is now, of course, there are different types of fruit, the geographical conditions have an effect on the price, but in any case , consume it correctly. it can be exaggerated, it cannot be denied however, i need a little insistence, and the relevant authorities should work on this issue and insist so that this culture gradually takes root . god willing, one day we will witness that the entire fruit will be actually exported with the issuance of sub-electronic invoices, it will help. for others
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to comply with this requirement to issue sub-electronics speed means that now you are saying that it is my law . you are saying that it is not the law . we will monitor and in the meetings any cooperation that is needed, we will not compromise. yes, i from the guests of the program who appeared in the program thank you, our opportunity is coming to an end. dear viewers , thank you for following our program until the end. we are still on the agenda of monitoring the market of basic goods online and issuing invoices, whether electronic or paper, and we will follow you up, god bless you.
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seyyed mahmoud alaei taleghani, one of the fighters and figures of the islamic revolution of iran, and one of the scholars named tehrani, the principles of the contents and generalities were expressed by my dear brother and scientist, dr. beheshti . before the victory of the islamic revolution, he was with the group and movement various groups fought against the pahlavi government and
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after the coup d'état on august 28, 1332, he turned the hedayat mosque into one of the centers of resistance and struggle . he was arrested shortly after opposing the white revolution and went to prison. but after his release, he reactivated the hedayat mosque and made the pulpits the center of the struggle against the pahlavi regime. if i wrote a commentary, i do not claim anything. in the same way, no one should make such a claim that what he says. what he thinks is true , it is in accordance with reality , anyway, he was noticed. a revolutionary cleric did not end up fighting the pahlavi government, and he assumed the presidency of the revolutionary council on the eve of the victory of the islamic revolution, as if on
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the way to the revolution, great thinking is dangerous, which means seeing the enemy bigger than he is, seeing himself bigger than he is. ayatollah taleghani in continuing his activities after the victory of the islamic revolution on july 18, 1358 from the tehran constituency with an overwhelming majority of votes as the first representative of tehran in the majlis of experts. he was chosen as the first friday imam of tehran and drew the attention of a large crowd of tehran's people to this position with his words in the name of god. prayer, friday prayer is the line of worship, the line of worshiping the truth, the line of relationships
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between the hearts and consciences of god-worshippers, and at the same time, the line of order, the line of war, the line of command, and obedience. and from that time until today, this place has become a weekly meeting place for believers to perform a political worship, as well as a place to express the positions of the islamic revolution. the spokesmen of the evil american government keep repeating that we are lying on the side of the iranian people. if you are on the side of the iranian people, it is to plunge your zahraroud dagger into the chest of the iranian people. of course , you couldn't do it until now, and you definitely won't be able to do it after this either make no mistake. allahu akbar. allahu akbar. allahu
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akbar. a house of the leader of the province.
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all sports fields have physiotherapy because they have injuries. physiotherapy is one of the fields of science. it is a medicine that plays an important role in the treatment, rapid recovery of patients and increasing their life expectancy. a field in which 500 undergraduate students and 80 graduate students
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are admitted annually. currently, 20 universities of the country accept physiotherapy students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees . this look for more, for example pain relief, muscle strengthening, currently 8 thousand. 500 completed there are graduates of physiotherapy in the country, some of them are not active in this field. due to the favorable quality of education in this field and the advances in its medical equipment , iranian physiotherapists now occupy a favorable position in the region . in recent years, many advances have been made in the field of physiotherapy, both in the field of equipment and treatment methods, new techniques of manual therapy and exercise therapy are among the things that have made great progress in recent years. other areas such as internal diseases, cardiac, respiratory, vascular, women's health issues, incontinence
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urinary and head. are one of the areas that have been added to physiotherapy in these years. currently, the quality of physiotherapy education in iran is at a very high level compared to other countries in the region. in such a way that the students of the countries of the region come to our dear country to study in this field and study as international students in the country's university. fortunately, there are many companies of daneshbounian now. they are now producing single equipment in the field of physiotherapy . likewise, the field of artificial intelligence and virtual reality are new things that are used in conventional ways physiotherapy was added. one of the problems of the field of physiotherapy in the country was the lack of a professional doctorate. we used to see that our students were actually
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going to study in the field of professional medicine, physiotherapy, doctorate in physiotherapy. abroad , now that this problem has been solved, the first professional doctorate exam of this field will be held on august 11 in 6 universities of medical sciences and 150 students will be admitted to this course. these universities will include tehran, iran, shahid beheshti university of medical sciences, rehabilitation sciences and social health, shiraz and ahvaz. despite the advances in the field of physiotherapy, there are still problems in the way of knowledge there are its scholars. the most important problem. the problems of the field of physiotherapy and medical centers are currently one of the excessive strictures that exist for establishing or renewing the licenses of this field, which has made it difficult to renew the licenses . also, the involvement of fields that do not have the necessary qualifications in the field of physiotherapy, as well as inappropriate and unrealistic fees, are among the problems that affected the financial turnover of physiotherapy centers
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. according to the head of the iranian physiotherapy association , there is one physiotherapist for every 10,000 people in the country. there should be one physiotherapist for every 4,000 people. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency.
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hey dad, this dishwasher makes the dishes dirty instead of cleaning them. it was a good question. i said there is a problem. why don't you buy household appliances from the city ? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no . why buy household appliances? amazing
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for all the products in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. in the name of god. hello dear viewers, we are at your service with the news section at 16:00. adviser to the leader of the revolution in international affairs the international community met with the president-elect. mr. velayati, while congratulating mr. bizikian , raised some issues regarding the developments in the region and the state of the world. hojjat al-islam wal-muslimeen haji sadeghi, the representative of the jurist in the guards corps.


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