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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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however, due to the necessity of forming them, the floor of the commissions was approved in such a way that the members of the internal by-laws commission and the presiding committee of the parliament can appoint at least the members of the commissions who do not reach the quorum required by the by-laws in each term. actually change it. until now, a number of our colleagues have not yet been appointed, and one of the ways is to vote for this proposal and... and at most, let's
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consider 6 of these high-profile specialized commissions, which is mr. salimi's proposal. based on the remaining number of colleagues, assignment will be determined be today, the issue of culture is an important infrastructure issue for the administration of the country. what happened that the cultural commission has to beg men or sisters to complete its members. how is this logical in public culture that i have a problem in our constituency, so i must go to the same commission to solve the problem of my constituency , isn't culture an important issue for the country, commissions, especially the cultural and judicial commissions, which are very important for us. if the previous number of 23 people does not reach the quorum, the bylaws commission and the board of directors can.
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to determine piety, the image is the text of the text of the reading please, after appointing the members of the specialized commissions according to the process stipulated in this law, if the members of the specialized commissions do not reach the minimum quorum mentioned in this article, the joint board consisting of the members of the internal regulations commission and the presiding board of the parliament is obliged within a maximum of one week after the implementation of note 3. article 37 of this law appoints at least the members of that commission for one time in the same period, but in the session of the islamic council on tuesday, which was also the monitoring day of the parliament, the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare attended the public hall of the parliament and presented a report on actions taken in this ministry of home affairs in the government thirteenth also answered the questions of the representatives. the mode of operation and... the progress of the ministry of cooperation, labor and
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social welfare in relation to the consolidation of all the support and assistance of the executive bodies through the information contained in the iranian welfare database were among the main points of mr. solt mortazavi's report to the parliamentarians. although the welfare base of iranians has reached its peak , it needs to be renewed every day. the last thing is that we can take good care of people's affairs. what i have to tell you is that currently the single window system is fully designed and has been under load. currently, it is about 50% loaded.
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its main purpose is to divide all iranians into tithes, which exists in the tithe. well, there are many citizens and iranians who are heads of households. there are tithes. why do you understand why, for example, drag pen , they actually suffer or benefit in reality. it is natural to deal with the indicators of justice in the structures that exist, that the parliament should have a good opinion and come in for monitoring, and today it has been seen in the respectable representatives. this is that we are seeing and evaluating the one who is in the field today this is that all the efforts that have been made, this work is progressing very slowly and there is also a serious problem that the parent and policy-making bodies are especially the program organization and the ministry of labor that is responsible for this.
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it has not yet happened to have a design with certain characteristics that can pay attention to these deprived areas and groups. the islamic council had a public meeting on wednesday. in the meeting of the islamic council on wednesday of this week, the representatives of the islamic council elected and nominated the head and the prosecutor of the court of accounts for a period of 4 years. according to the ritual the internal letter of the parliament is for people who have three characteristics , have a master's degree, and have 20 years of work experience. and also be among the officials in article 71 of the civil service law, when the parliament announces that those who meet these three conditions will be registered and their inquiries are positive from the point of view of the regulatory bodies, they will be invited to an interview in
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a committee called the court committee accounts, about 11 people are selected by the program and budget commission to elect mr. seyed's accounts court president. the candidates were introduced by the program and budget commission to the presidium of the parliament. i am committed to that the court has authority, not to get authority from the court. we considered two approaches. trustworthy supervision, facilitating guidance. finally, in this election, the set of attendees. to be elected as the head of the court of accounts. the representatives also
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chose mr. daoud mohammadi as the prosecutor of the court of accounts with 147 votes out of 266 votes. the report of the head of the center today also the head of the majlis research center paid special attention to the presentation of a report on the transformative actions of this center in the public forum in this new period. we were concerned about the realization of justice and the fair explanation of the opportunities of the deprived people from different regions of the country, whether it was in the 7th plan or the existence of the laws that were examined. the house of representatives of the islamic council was elected and introduced in some assemblies and councils. the islamic council will hold public meetings next week. meanwhile
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, the inauguration ceremony of the president-elect is scheduled to take place on tuesday , august 9, with the presence of national and military officials and foreign guests in the public hall of the parliament. the hypocrites are a nickname given to the people's mojahedin organization one or two years after the victory of the revolution, and in a historical judgment , they demote this dreaded organization to the lowest political and social position. later on
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, the attribute of hypocrite sticks to this organization and sect as an inherent attribute and earns them the eternal hatred of the nation . i am taking rajavi's word as he said in the following years. when the revolution happened, many of the forces went after forming a party and political work, but at that time we went after forming a militia, military organization and collecting weapons. although the hypocrites are active in street riots before 1960, they are gone their degeneration will take a steep slope with the removal of bani sadr. after bani's dismissal. which has practically become the representative of the hypocrites in the structure of the country, this organization officially enters the phase of armed military confrontation with the regime and the terror of people and chaos and insecurity spread in tehran. they attacked us with stones and sticks , and of course they separated me and my brother
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. there were about 20,300 people and they kicked us from all sides . the identification report says it's a fruit shop. isn't this getting involved with people? assassination of a fruit seller. to whom is the service, or another report that the grenade explosion, i also see the viewers there was a person who gave this report to his manager and that person was killed. written: job, selling coolers, selling refrigerators and selling water heaters, and another document obtained in one of the team houses, written: name, name of the subject, mr. x, job, business owner. active crimes in local mosque. the line of terror becomes the main agenda in the organization of the hypocrites. the order of the organization is that everyone
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should remember the name of the dear viewers in shiraz prayer hospital and the young child who was burned in the bus fire incident by anti-khalq hypocrites. we see. an armed hypocrite was executed. despite this brutality and crimes, the main betrayal of the hypocrites , are formed in the war imposed by saddam against the iranian nation. the hypocrites first send their main cadres, then their members and supporters from different sides to iraq, to , as they think, after the conquest of tehran by the dictator of baghdad. they will get their reward from saddam if there is no such interest that i am selfless, and there is no
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excuse, no justification for this, yes, this right is not called political from a political point of view.
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at all, to betray the country, because they understand that he is betraying his country and saying such things, he will alienate abd zarili himself. the claimant of fighting america and imperialism will become a branch of saddam's intelligence agency and the eternal shame of becoming the fifth pillar of the enemy . buys for himself during several years of the organized mercenary of the hypocrites for saddam, the coordinates of iran's important centers for missile attack are provided to saddam's army, and any information about iran's operations is provided to the blood enemy of the iranians. yes, i am a fan, but
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in the final days of the war, the hypocrites fall from the enemy's fifth column to a lower stage and officially attack iran as soldiers under the orders of the iraqi army. they do. even we remember that he was an officer. an evacuation with an officer who was captured in the jaw, when i was talking to him , he got up, isad said you are iranian, i said yes , we are mujahideen, then we introduced some of us. don't know, i am not a hizbollah person, i am an officer, you are traitors to this nation, addressed to the axis commanders. the commanders of the army and combat brigades
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attacked chish atash in the first day or two, and while accepting the murder plan, it practically reduced the readiness of the defense forces of iran and the revolution. it is said that the hypocrites in the west of the country pass through the pataq pass and enter islamabad in the west by capturing the city of karand, during the movement from city to city of the so-called liberation army of iran. he martyrs the people of iran because of resistance and commits serious crimes. you can't do it.
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after islamabad, the hypocrites move towards kermanshah with the hope of reaching kermanshah and finally entering tehran triumphantly. the defenders of islam and iran quickly reach the west of the country and make an expedition against saddam's apparently iranian mercenaries. the operation begins. mersad operation name with the sacred code or ali. its area is pataq, karand, islamabad west, hassanabad strait. and finally four rough ones. emmet dalil, dear viewers. the area you see is five kilometers from islamabad city in the west of islamic iran. now the forces of islam are fighting against
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the hypocrites and saddam's infidel forces. conflicts continue. the hypocrites, who have suffered terrible losses and blows , are getting trapped and disintegrating in the last khan, the chahar- zobar gorge, which was their last place of settlement. stay. it was a fierce battle that took place with the evil hypocrites, the evil hypocrites that we were looking for one by one in our country , to bring them to their first voice, with these crimes that they had committed, now god had given
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us the opportunity to catch a hundred of them. and they were invalidated by the hands of those who ran away, we went to shiana, tarib. it is the corpse of the traitors who shot at their nation and bought the hell of this world and the next. today, the 6th of august , 1367. we are in the liberated city of islamabad, one of the districts of baghtran province, which was liberated by the zealous rejecters of islam, and this is the end of several the year of betraying the people and serving the enemies of the iranian revolution is the end that undoubtedly awaits anyone who turns his heart to the enemy and oppresses his nation and homeland. i know a man. that i will take
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to the gorge of mersad mukhtar, my shrine. this revolutionary painting and graphic design is a section from the first period of the mirror in the mirror exhibition. two days before the 44th anniversary of the victory of the revolution , the martyr president was a special guest of this event. in my opinion, one of the manifestations of jihad tabeen, which today's leadership obliges all of us to follow jihad tebeen, is the manifestation of your actions. but this meeting with the artists is like a meeting in the museum
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tehran's contemporary arts did not end. in the next two meetings of shahid raisi. of course, these meetings were not limited to these good wishes. how are you doing? god willing , the national visual arts document was finally compiled. a document based on several clauses in the cultural engineering map of the country, which has been in ruins since 1992. regulations in the field of statues and memorials. it was completely revised, the instructions of the galleries were completely rewritten, the policy and regulations governing the iranian art market were proposed, and the initial version was written. one of its results was the brilliance of iranian painters in the 6th venice art biennial. it has these effects it represents the emotions of iranians towards a
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global event. with the compilation of the national visual arts document , fajr visual arts festival was given a new lease of life. a society in which art is active causes the spirit of happiness, hope for the future and the beginning of life to be active in it. as time progressed, the works of this document became more visible, such as the better rotation of the wheels of the art economy by strengthening the connection between the private and public sectors, many foreign meetings for the ministers of islamic countries , the works that i give as gifts, mostly the works of iranian artists , especially calligraphers, supporting the young generation who are interested in the arts. visualization of another part of the results of those meetings intimate and edited. it was a document that supported art and artists from slogans. the 31st and 31st youth visual arts festival
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was one of the first events that was recognized as a superficial event by the henryad council. this matter caused the national elite foundation to contact the winners of the 3rd cycle and identify them as the most talented and, god willing, it is expected that it will support the 31st cycle winners in the same way and the artists with their works after the flight. they saw off the martyred president in may. it is supposed to be the final version of the national arts document visualization to be reviewed and approved at the next meeting of the art council. zohra alizadeh of the sed and broadcasting news agency.
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on the evening of the 5th of july 1st, a strong wind fell and cut off the entire barga. after 10 minutes, it started raining and raining . when he came here, he crossed this waterway . he destroyed 5 hectares of land. this reputation was destroyed by the amount of water. the man replied that there was no water . he brought all the cattle into the paddy fields of the village. we don't have a road at all . in sawadkoh from the moment of arrival. the reason says. suddenly and by breaking the wall his house. instead of water from the sky, i say floods come as if you pierced a barrel. every drop of rain
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, the size of a barrel, 20 water comes from the sky, the bottom of the rock came from above. he brought down a series from that side of the house and a series from this side of the house. he brought it down, the flood came, he broke the door and came into the yard. when sangana came, the yard was filled with water. there was no water in the door to go out. i was on the balcony , i was afraid to come down, to be honest, when i opened the door , i was afraid that the water would take me away, i couldn't open the door , this wall pressed against the wall of my wall, well, for 745 years, the wall pressed because of this wall. the wall was broken, everything in my life was broken , in addition to chickens and roosters, everything was taken down the main road. water took away my entire life, refrigerator, carpet and life , and i have nothing. 20 hectares of paddy fields in this area are gone. according to the deputy of watershed management in east mazandaran, in the 55
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-hectare area of ​​chamcham, the same place where the flood occurred , watershed management measures have not been carried out . you can see the damage caused by the recent flood in sabedko city in plesfid city. and more than 20 hectares can be directly said to have suffered flood damage. naphtre paland village experienced the same amount of rain . but with the presence of 3 dams to trap sediment in the watershed.
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there was no damage from the flood. unlike chamcham and tale region , a large amount of debris and trees entered the side of the main road and unfortunately caused a lot of loss of life and property. including this. there were such mechanical structures that deposited the sediment behind him and then deposited it in the bottom of my hand, which, as you can see, is our roads. our crops, our livestock farms and our residential areas have been less affected by floods. mr. amani kalarijani, who has been working in aquaculture in this village for 30 years, talks about the floods that
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destroyed his fish breeding ponds several times. floods came many times and caused heavy damage to us, all our swimming pools were washed away, but now with this flood that pland has done here , heavy rains will come to that area, it will flood heavily . he takes us to rome and causes a lot of damage to the houses this dam and the watershed of the watersheds that were built saved many houses that we live in below, it made us survive this recent flood and even their livestock saved our livestock in dealing with the recent flood. he maintained that 190 hectares of biological operations and 2,140 cubic meters of mechanical operations have been carried out in the 150,000-hectare swadkoh watershed. in
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miandre paland watershed, like cham cham watershed, 49 mm baram, but in this watershed, due to the existence of this watershed structure, 6 thousand cubic meters of silt and sediments were trapped inside the structure and prevented the entry of this watershed. gul lai went down into the village and prevented about 70% of the flood damage. sada sini news agency.
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now it's time to buy a refrigerator, it's time to buy an installment of a refrigerator . it's called an installment payment. the method is this . there was no reason. there was no reason. you can go to the city of household appliances because the installments are less and the commission is calculated only from the cash balance. it is a specialized reference.
5:00 pm
hello again, dear viewers , we are at your service at 17:00 with some news. according to the meteorological organization , the hot weather will continue in the country on sunday next week. the heat of the air in the south and southwest is intense has more dehloran city in astan ilam was the hottest region in the last 24 hours with 49 degrees. the extra light should be turned off from this electricity.


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