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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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our suggestion is to use adamsay containing xyliton without sugar. biodent, first tower, offers discounts on thousands of products from july 31st to august 4th in the chain stores of afogh korosh. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, please accompany us with economic and market news from the khabar network: this year, about one million and 800 thousand tons of sugar will be produced from the chaghan production site in sugar cane. manager of kandig plant project, ministry of agricultural jihad, khabar. this amount of production
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provides about 82% of the sugar needed inside. even though the harvest season is not over in autumn sugar, 2 million and 35 thousand tons of sugar beets have been produced and delivered to 18 sugar factories. production of non-animal and halal meat in the country. the head of the national halal research center of the food and drug organization said: halal and non -animal meat. it does not have the disadvantages of animal meat. new technology can also play a very important role in the field of halal. for example, in our country and in our center , we have produced a series of processed meat, which has all the characteristics of meat, has all the protein, fat and nutrients , but it is not an animal, and it is completely obtained from a single tag, or the production of laboratory meats that
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they are made by cell culture, this is a new technology the world has started in iran, we started it, and in the future this will be replaced instead of meat from cows and sheep, and you know that one kilo of beef consumes about 15 thousand liters of water . to stop their execution. the secretary of the deregulation board announced to the presidents of the chambers of commerce and guilds that the regulations are valid only if they are registered in the national system of regulations. khordad is full of illegal circulars of the third, fifth, ninth, thirteenth and 27th. mashwat is taken overnight in a room in the ministry. tomorrow morning you will be in for a surprise comprehensive trading system after. the directives that
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affected the foreign trade of the country were the directives that caused some distortions to the traders by restricting imports . it got to a point where he forced the minister of economy to react, mr. khandozi , and then he wrote a letter to the minister . the minister of economy did not stop there and wrote a letter to the acting president a few days later for the implementation of the law. articles 24 and 30 of the law on improving the business environment were all the regulations of the country's business sector , one week before the official announcement by the agency.
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should be announced to the economic activists so that the opinion of the producer organizations and economic activists can be taken and then it will be announced . there is no regulation according to article 3 that creates rights or duties towards the economic activists and before publishing it, the necessary economic regulations must be published. implementation is good. in order to increase the predictability of business in the country, the 24c system was launched. we gave a button to the economic operator who is active. according to the head of the business environment improvement center, if it is not implemented bylaws of articles 24 and 30 of the business environment improvement law, violators are introduced to the judiciary. zohreh tizshang, sed and cima news agency.
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spare parts without identification must be collected from the market , the spokesman of the smuggling headquarters, pointing out that the identification of goods and the detection of goods identification criteria. according to mr. dehghaninia, the goods whose authenticity cannot be confirmed by inquiry from the trading community system will be seized by the smuggler and the case of the offending trade union units of the supplier will be submitted to the legal authorities. a series of knowledge they don't have the goods, the method of different brands, mostly they don't have the story of repeating parts.
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it means that the goods identification card means that it is not fraud, it means that it is not smuggling, where there is nothing, there is nothing. some of the parts that are inside the accessories have product identification. some of them do not have product identification. please see here. just because he wants to make more profit on this product , he buys it, he gives me a consumer, i am a genuine gentleman, come, take it, consume it, but the non-completion of the monitoring chain of the product, nor the lack of transparency, has led to the abuse of some trade unions. this example the identification tags of the operator, the cia comes and puts them on the goods, which should not be like this at all , it should be on the goods first when it comes from the origin
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, they can inquire about its authenticity at the moment and at the place, that application program of the comprehensive business system, which we have said many times, puts the inquiry of the goods. let's take a message for a product called collage kit. the goods are completely casketed, they take the type of imported goods , they put on the goods themselves, and now we have received one order, we saw that it is not related to clothing at all, but what about the accessories? we also expect that based on the recorded information , if the inspection is carried out, the information of the system will be cited, and in the case of smuggling statistics, the minutes of the meeting will be drawn up and legal action will be taken. for them we will arrange and introduce them to the government condolence. as the officials of the ministry promised, with the launch of the store system and the issuance of electronic account speed, it will not be possible to supply goods without a customer id. a promise that has remained as a word so far. mehdi anari, sada news agency and
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sima the manager of the electrification project of the ministry of semit says, 10 thousand devices so far. according to mr. sengari , more than 100,000 electric vehicles are expected to be imported by the end of the year. domestic electric cars will also come to the market at the beginning of next year. the total product that we describe per day is 265 million liters, which includes gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, and jet fuel. anyway, if we assume that 250 million liters are related to gasoline, it is a challenge. azim is in front of the country that this concern about the consumption of fossil fuels has forced the ministry to move in the direction of electrification. it has a technology transfer. it happens and naturally, at the beginning of this transfer , it is necessary that a part of this technology is imported
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, that is, a part of the cars at the beginning of this project and this plan will definitely be imported . . technology and electrification of products, taking the right policy that has been carried out, suitable concessions for electric and hybrid cars, predicted that with this lowering of the definitions, it is possible that our prices are very, very close to different markets and the main market of this company and this manufacturer. we have it, we have it we also defined the avr car, which can travel up to a thousand kilometers, but after approximately 100 kilometers, when all the electricity goes , the combustion engine actually starts moving , which is very useful for our country, and this route it was that the martyr president was insistently pursuing it, how long it will be depends on the battery , but for example, for this half-hour car, this year
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, god willing , we will see a change in the field of electrification of the urban transport fleet, according to the announcement of the ministry , there will be more than 10 electric cars by the end of this year. enter the country. interior design electric cars they will be released to the market from next year. reza safari, radio and television news agency. according to genrek statistics , the country's non-oil exports have increased by 8% in the first 4 months of this year compared to the same period last year. most of these exports were destined for 15 neighboring countries. the minister of economic affairs and finance on the sidelines of the last meeting of the government board from the increase of 8. the country's non-oil exports reported. we in the first 4 months of 1403. we have seen an increase of 88 non-oil exports
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compared to the last four months of last year, and the number of non-oil exports has reached 17 billion and 463 million dollars , which is a 4% increase in the weight of the country's non-oil exports. compared to the same period last year, according to mr. khandozi, during this period, imports have increased by half percent in terms of weight and by 6 percent in terms of value in the four months of this year. the country has also improved , let's not count the oil. the country's current customs balance in the first four months of last year was almost negative 3.6 billion dollars. this number of the non -oil customs balance is about 1 billion dollars negative this year , which shows a very sharp decrease in the non-oil balance. there is a country that, of course, by calculating oil income.
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there has been a four-fold increase in the import of gold bars in the first 4 months of 1403, 12 tons were recorded, this number was 3 tons last year. last year, 1401 was very insignificant, almost zero , it was 3 times this year, and this year it was 4 times as well. this year, the published statistics of the customs show that in the four months of this year, most of iran's trade was with neighboring countries, reaching the figure of about 20 billion dollars, which shows a 6% increase . among the neighbors, the most commercial exchanges have been made with the uae, worth more than 8 billion dollars. turkey, iraq and pakistan are in the next ranks. in the four-month statistics , the transit of foreign goods through the country has increased by nearly 60%. in the field of transit , the good news is that with more than 58% increase. compared to the first four months of last year in 1403, 7,600,000 tons of transit through
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iranian soil took place. in the general policies of the 7th five-year plan , it is emphasized on strengthening the economy-oriented approach in foreign policy and strengthening economic ties with the priority of neighbors. and according to the statistics of the united nations, about 73 million. this figure is equal to one person out of every 11 people in the world and one out of every five people in africa , according to the report of this international organization, access to enough food for billions of people is possible. currently, enough food is produced on this planet to feed everyone, so if
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if we want to solve this problem of hunger by 203 , it is technically possible to do this , it depends on the political choice and how much money we are willing to put on the table to solve this problem , while progress has been made in certain areas. in areas such as sudan, the gaza strip due to ongoing conflicts. if current trends continue, by 2030 about 582 million people will be chronically malnourished, half of whom will be in africa. when we talk about food security and nutrition, when we talk about extreme hunger and when about when we talk about malnutrition, we must note that these issues are not the current crisis of the world, but our future is in danger, because when pregnant women and children are faced with the problem of malnutrition now
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, they will pay the price for it in their entire lives, as a result of not solving their problem. at the current point in time , the countries that are facing this problem will be in a dire situation in the future. fao officials announced that there is an urgent need for targeted interventions to deal with this crisis. thank you very much for your company and god's protection. monday, august 3rd, 1367 at 15:30 and now we have to make a fire in the name of god
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the name of the hero of iran atash. the ground attack of the hypocrites on iran's borders in qasr shirin region. simultaneously with the ground operation of forough javidan, the air force of the bes regime put the operation under the line of fire in order to disable iran's military and defense centers. the hypocrites quickly covered the distance of 34 kilometers from qasr shirin border to tangi chahar zabor in the west of kermanshah .
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the forces of the hypocrites started killing the helpless people on their way and shot men, women and children. when we arrived, difeh stopped in front of us and said, "my baby's playing, my dad cares for me, and i'm injured." then i saw that he is the same we are running rampant, he said, he said, "we were injured as well, following the attack of hypocrites and air bombers of the iraqi army in the kermanshah war zone. the headquarters of the general command announced the call for the basij and volunteers to fight against the attackers." the headquarters of the general command of qoba
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asks the noble and resilient people of iran to be vigilant. maintain their full readiness to deal with the recent aggressions of the baath regime and by strengthening the fronts as much as possible to discourage the enemy from continuing the evils, with the presence of survivors and the provision of equipment , the mersad operation began on the morning of the 5th of august with ramez ya ali, the most important role in mersad operation is in charge the army helicopter was under the command of martyr siad shirazi. we started the flight as the pilot of a cobra helicopter. he flew between the chaharzabar gorge and the pataq pass, which means that the front of the hypocrites was closed behind the hypocrites. not doing it means that there was no one alive in front of us that we
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wanted to shoot, the weapon was in your hand , we were moving in an offensive and combat mode, but. it was very valuable, but in any case, the airmen of that day, if they
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did their job well, i have this belief, and it was the same within three or four hours. everything together became. the killing that was done was so that those who survived and escaped and so on would not go to the villages and cause trouble. in this operation, about 2,000 members of the group of hypocrites were killed, many were injured, and about a thousand others fled to iraq . also. most of the tools and weapons of the hypocrites were destroyed. the bearable point is that in the operational area, about 100 american and european passports of the hypocrites were found on the kermanshah road. nothing goes back to the way it was.
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there was such a vision here 20 years ago. fertile soil and pristine natural resources. today, however, it works as far as the eye can see, these colored roofs have taken its place. a phenomenon that is no longer limited to a city or point. it is not special in kermanshah province. the more pristine and airy the place , the more quickly the construction of villas and change of use. with a change of use, they may create thousands of times the added value of agriculture. a villa with a plot of land with a yard that is about 2 thousand meters. 5 billion, four billion, until the beds are ready, no offense will be committed there. we are near the city of kermansha. in a field with an area of ​​half a hectare of natural resources. it is quite evident that more than 15 villas it is built in divided thousand meter plots. agricultural lands
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were invaded for the construction of steel for the construction of piles, and the agricultural lands were really messed up in terms of texture. unfortunately, our agricultural lands, especially grade one and two months, are out of the production cycle, which really endangers our food security. people who have bypassed the law behind these quasi-legal walls and turned the dry lands into residential and recreational settlements. what is clearly called a crime in the law. more than 5,000 villas in lands with an area of ​​1,000 hectares in good weather the areas are located. you can get beautiful services from water and electricity here, and now you can see the electric beams and electric wires. unfortunately, most of the cases of agricultural jihad led to the acquittal of the defendants , the number of which is in my hand. a number of 30 judicial orders and a number of suspended orders are in force from 2016 to 2019 in the name of temporary licenses to circumvent the law, temporary water
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and electricity licenses have also been issued for some of these villas. villas that have all kinds of facilities, including hot water bath, mirror work and stone work , some villas even have two. there are also floors, time. there was water, there was electricity, there was gas , there was a telephone, there was a road, well, anyway, slowly, slowly , i will tell you about it, it will be tempting, and the price will go up every day . the price of each meter of these illegal villas has reached 10 million tomans. between 1996 and 1999, non-permanent constructions were assigned. we handed over
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to the agriculture department every three months according to the law, and as a rule, the agriculture department should inform us about the permitted and unauthorized nature of these works. we corresponded about the story that, sir, these illegal installations should be stopped . the main negligence should be given to the device . in the last two decades, some of the natural resources and valuable agricultural lands of this province were victims of administrative corruption and some robberies. nothing will ever go back to the way it was before, but further damage can still be prevented if there is a will beyond the power of those in power. they will be dealt with and destroyed by the jihad of agriculture and land affairs according to the judicial order and restored to their former status. so they can take care of that don't be fooled by the profiteers, usually their trick is that
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they buy the land at high prices, divide it and sell it to people at exorbitant prices, which is definitely a scam and they will be chased by the food authority. ashkan bajlani of kermancha radio and television agency.
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awas awas awas.
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saleh or saleh saleh saleh maaya saleh tayyib kafi ami wabuya saboni and sisters haddol kaman, you are
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in the house, this is the theme of the target at 12 o'clock in the night , when we saw the house. in nabit hena is adjacent to barzah, the target is targetted before the hik, that is, we are not, he is al-mara al-thirahah, we are targetted, without an antecedent . there were about 100 people in al-dar , there were 100 people in the house on the ground floor and on the upper floor, and you were kind to us and went to al-khiyam in anna .
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we all follow the line of my leadership and attack all polytheists
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