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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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first of the discount tower, at the peak of thousands of goods from the 31st of july to the 4th of august .
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there is hope for you, on the other side of the table, in the eyes of a martyr , in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear compatriots. welcome to the first page program. according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation , they stand in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies and of course, the decisions that affect the lives of all of iran. mr. dr. manzoor, head of the budget program organization, what will happen in the seventh plan now the state of the treasury, especially on the threshold of change and transformation and the transfer of economic discussions of the country's income and expenditure to. the
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new government, these are the issues that we will ask each other during this conversation, and god willing, the result of this conversation can contribute to a clear situation that can affect us in any case. it's too short for me. i would like to ask, what do you mean by our situation now, doctor , that is, the state of the treasury that you want to hand over to the new government, god willing, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . greetings to your excellency and dear viewers. i would like to thank the executive authorities of the country for this opportunity to explain the areas of work for the dear people.
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we honor the memory of our martyred president and the late ayatollah raisi, and we also wish the other martyrs of ardibehesht flight , god willing, the status of all the martyrs, the martyrs of the imposed war, the holy defense, and the security martyrs, the health martyrs, the martyrs of your presence, who resist the resistance. his highness, if you allow me, if there is a chance, i will enter into the discussion . we are getting close and after maghrib azan, god willing, we will continue the discussion we are at your service, in the name of god , light, in the name of god, light, light , in the name of god, light on
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light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light. allah is the witness that there is no god but allah. i am the witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i am the witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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ashhad an alia, wali allah, ashhad an alia, hajja allah , hai ali salalah, hai ali salalah.
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allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. we are asking for prayers, dr. the first question is what is the state of the country's income and expenditure and the state of the treasury
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yes, god willing, it will be handed over to the 14th government . yes, thank you very much for your question . regarding the treasury, we have a flow of resources , they enter the treasury in a fluid form, and from that side , the costs and expenses and payments are made accordingly. in principle, this interpretation of an empty treasury is perhaps not a very accurate interpretation, because in practice , as i said , it is like a treasury, like a compartment, there is always an input coming into it and an output coming out of it. the important thing is that these inputs and outputs read together and we can balanced payments with peace of mind. let's do it in the first four months the same thing happened this year, and today we have a situation where the government's resources are relatively stable, which means that what we have predicted in the budget
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is usually realized in a proper way during different months, and this is precisely what we now, in this connection, i would like to say that this year, our total budget is 25. there is 150 thousand billion tomans, and in the first four months of this year, its share is about 850 thousand billion tomans, of this amount, about 670 thousand billion tomans have accrued, that is, 78. well, relatively, our realization in the first few months of the year is lower than the taxes. if the declarations are given, the collection is obtained , the other sources are the same, usually from. later on, the collection situation will improve, and the total balance will be around the same, for example, 95% of the budget realization
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by the end of the year. we have expenses. one of our expenses is related to the government's current expenses or the expenses that we have in the credits. considering that these are more unavoidable , we made payments in the first four months of 2006 of course, by the end of the year, it will mainly go up to 98% and other unavoidable costs that actually have a device and the government is obliged to pay these regularly, for example, the fee for membership in international assemblies. the costs related to the services that the devices actually receive from various institutions and private companies, all of these things that are considered acceptable costs in connection with construction projects or acquisition projects, well, our allocation is usually
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lower in the first few months, and this year it is the same. the total allocation we made was about 59. it was one thousand billion tomans, which is 44 compared to four months it is happening, but naturally, i said , this will improve from august onwards. and god willing, we hope that it will reach 85-90%. another cost we have is the cost of acquiring financial assets. it means that we have to pay a part of the bonds that we issued in the past years. in the first four months of this year, we repaid 62 thousand billion tomans of interest and principal bonds. therefore, i would like to say that there is no concern regarding the realization
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of government resources and spending in the previous budget it has been seen that we don't have it, right now that we are in your presence, i think there is more than 30 thousand billion tomans that we have in our treasury accounts after the payments related to july, and therefore, god willing, we will manage the treasury in such a way that it is acceptable and reassuring that we will hand over our loved ones in the government of mr. dr. mezikian and there is another point that i want to use here to explain . there is a relatively high increase compared to the previous periods it means debt securities. when
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we took over the government, at the beginning of the government , there were about 470 thousand billion tomans of financial bonds, the principal and interest of which had to be paid later, now this number has increased to about 870 thousand billion tomans, which means that about 400 billion tomans have been added to those previous bonds, but the important point is this. . of this amount, about 140 thousand billion tomans, the increase that happened is related to the debts that were formed before the government of mr. raisi. we came to this government and settled those debts by issuing bonds . the first months of the government's arrival about 50 thousand billion tomans of bonds were issued for payment. debts of contractors in previous years , in the same way, in 401 15 thousand billion tomans
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for the debts that the electricity sector had to private sellers, we issued bonds in 1402 , another 30 thousand billion tomans are again government bonds for the repayment of the debt of the ministry of energy to private sellers this year, in the past months, our electricity is approximately 33 thousand billion. therefore, the total amount of new bonds issued in this government during the years 400 to this july 1403 and the obligation created is about 250 to 60 thousand billion tomans, which is relatively in total. the government budget is not a significant number if we compare it to the total budget.
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this issue should be clarified by this government, which will be transferred to the next government. yes, thank you . when we say budget, it means income and expenditure, or a one -year or short-term plan, when the 5-year plans of the plan have now been formed into the seventh plan, and we actually have a ratio of the plan. we want to talk about the annual budget for the 7th plan, but before starting the conversation in this area , we see that my colleagues are preparing a report about the 7th plan, then we will talk about it, an important issue of the 7th plan. now you have to set the seventh program the 7th plan is
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to determine the task of the country for the next 5 years . the nature of the 7th program is a central issue that is emphasized by the supreme leader of the islamic revolution. the second point is to pay attention to priorities. priorities that follow 3 main points. an economic development. paired with justice, justice in the explanation of the sources based on the document of territorial planning, the second and central point is the scientific, social and cultural transformation, and the third point
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is the improvement of the country's management system and the reform of the administrative system. a public meeting was also held to examine the details of the seventh plan bill. alhamdulillah, the debates are very heated regarding the seventh plan and the representatives of the opposition and in favor have many challenging discussions, and this made the representatives more careful. the economic growth in the seventh plan is considered to be 8 percent. this goal is actually our upstream document and it is definitely possible for the country, the average growth should reach 8%, but the changing behavior of growth is usually a behavior that starts with a gentle slope and gradually increases, and god willing, we must put all our special efforts into it. let's focus on this issue. the five-year economic, social and cultural document follows the 7th plan to resolve the country's conflicts. i hope that, god willing, this program
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will be implemented in such a way that we can solve the problems of the country, god willing. the 7th plan has now been notified to the executive bodies in the form of a law in the last days of the 13th government and is in force. zahra shafiei, sed and sima news agency. mr. doctor, in the seventh plan, it is targeted that the growth of 8. and this is a figure that some believe may not be achieved. first , how was the state of economic growth in the previous years and what components were considered god willing, this growth can be realized. in our opinion, the 7th plan is a very rich plan, which
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was prepared with high expert precision in order to solve the problems inherent in iran's economy, and in the government bill, all expert capacities were used so that we could do a good problem analysis and make appropriate rulings that go along with the goal. a few clear decisions to be able to respond to many issues in 5 years . naturally , there were a lot of discussions in the parliament. and we are pleased that the program that has been announced is a program that provides a high implementation and transformational capacity for the country . it is completely different from the previous programs. first, the issue of growth means
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iran's economy should be able to grow beyond what it has had in the past decades. experience with high growth, naturally, many of our problems will be solved in the area of ​​income distribution, people's welfare, people's lives, and economic empowerment. another point was that some issues such as high inflation and monetary discipline as well as the unbalanced budget structure , we can find a solution and treatment for these , and find very good measures for it, we have one season. it is very important in the matter of reforming the budget structure, in the matter of reforming the banking system , transverse and monetary policies , we have very transformative and influential rulings. besides these, now of course in the infrastructure fields, the issues related to the resolution of imbalances in the energy field in the matter of petroleum products. the issue of electricity, as well as the development of the infrastructure sector
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in transportation and the issue of maritime economy transit. the focus of the digital economy is issues related to the development of the chain the value in the industry and mining sector, all of these are well covered in this program. now we want to implement this program. one of its requirements is that the preparations for the implementation of the program, which is the compilation of the notification of regulations and instructions and other supplementary documents of the program. it is predicted that we can quickly prepare and communicate these . our estimate is that about 100 of these should be done in the first year, and 50 should be done in 6 months. it should be done first, so from the very beginning, our colleagues in the budget program organization have started with the cooperation of other institutions they are preparing these regulations and instructions
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. one of them was very important for the people, and especially for the dear retirees. we have seen and collected the resources, we have predicted that we have finalized the executive regulation for issuing sentences for the repatriates in the proportionalization process and this was announced last week, yes , so now we are going to issue the sentences, of course for in the past months , an amount was also paid on account now, with the issuance of other rulings, they will be decided . our cases in the 7th plan are actually very important approvals. we want to sweeten people's palates with these approvals and by implementing the law. i will return to rashali's question that the very important point is to start the 7th program with
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the subject of growth in the policies that were announced by the assembly and the results were announced by mr. among the clauses of the general policies of the 7th plan is the realization of the growth of 88, so see the growth of 88, choose it. it was not for the government or for the parliament, but this is the plan of the supreme leader and it is an obligation that we must do we brought it in the plan and we came and analyzed the growth , that is, we said that if this growth is to happen in each of our sub-sectors, in industry, in mining, in road, in water, in electricity, in health, in higher education, etc., etc. and how much each should grow. according to the capacities of iran's economy, this failure of growth was realized. the second point was that we need a
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mechanism, especially financing and growth support, to realize this growth. well , we brought some relatively important and effective rulings in the discussion of financing growth, which of all capacities the financial money market of foreign investment actually brought. and the internal resources of the companies in the public sector in the private sector, we can use all of these . how much investment is required by the doctor ? our prediction is this. our estimate is that approximately 100 billion dollars worth of investment should be done every year. of course, this means it's not that the government should do this, but all our internal and external investment capacities together should be able to do this in the non-government sector.
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in the last 10 years, according to the statistics of the iranian statistics center , it was 7 percent, according to the central bank, it was 5 percent percentage means it was less than 1%, so we want to do an important thing, if we want to go for 8% growth, then we have to change our mechanisms , we have to use our capacities better , we have to improve our processes. we have to increase the utilization
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, we have to use incentive and punishment mechanisms that can make this growth possible. something is happening. if we look at the analysis of our growth in the last 3 years, i can see the statistics. because some experts the central bank statistics are actually presented more accurately , of course, in our opinion, both published statistics are documented and defensible statistics because the methodologies are slightly different , there are small differences between the growth calculations in these two sets, the average. our economic growth from the second half of 1400 to the end of 402 was 4.5 percent, our average growth at this
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time. if we take oil into account, the economic growth was 5% , so if it doesn't seem too ambitious, when it is 5%, it is 57%, according to our report, the central bank, based on the market price, predicts 5% growth based on the price. the base of 4 and a half percent of the forecast has grown . putting all this together, it means that iran's economy has the capacity of this
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dowry. if in the last decade it was the average percentage of capital formation in the country, this statistic is very important. that this capital formation leads to growth . the average growth of capital formation in the country in the last 3 years was 64%. in the last decade , it was minus 7%, which means that not only were we not growing , the country's fixed assets were depreciating for 7 years, now we are 64% positive. important and interesting point.
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while this growth happened mostly in machinery, the growth of our machinery was 118, the growth of investment in construction was 3% and 2%, so i want to say that yes, iran's economy has the capacity to make a new development both in the formation of capital and in connection with the growth of various sub-sectors. according to our statistics, the growth of the oil sector during this period means every year our oil sector has grown by more than 15% and we believe that this capacity in our oil sector is still available for high growth. which can support 8% growth, especially in the economy sector. we have a lot of economy
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our base sea and our sea axis have growth capacities that we have not used until now, the transit capacity of transit cargo in our country has been an unused capacity that we have experienced a high jump this year . i will just give you a few numbers that make this comparison meaningful. it makes it worse to see that last year, our neighbor iraq grew by minus 2.9%, it was negative, saudi arabia grew by minus 1%, turkey, which had the best growth , grew by 4.5%, and in the same way, russia grew by 3.6%, so we experienced our growth. in the past year , we are reporting statistics from neighboring countries world bank statistics report on 2024
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world bank shows this. come on the tv screen . yes, this is a comparative statistic that actually compares different countries based on the statistics of the world bank, and therefore you can see that these countries that we have given here as an example, our country according to the world bank report is 5% to confirm their growth , this is one of the highest growths in the region . please allow me some other numbers. i would like to point out that in the past 3 years , the average production of our petrochemical group or petrochemical products in the 90s was 48 million tons, and in this period, 68 consider this increase in million tons. of course, now i want to be more precise: 489 million tons to 67 million tons.


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