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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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well, now the second case, which is dedicated to the visit of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the united states and his speech in the congress, in which netanyahu spoke for 56 minutes, and in these 56 minutes , the american lawmakers stood and applauded the butcher of gaza 53 times.
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netanyahu was cheered 53 times by american legislators in his speech to the congress, but outside the congress, about 10,000 demonstrators protested against the invitation of the perpetrator of the gaza genocide .
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of course, in the meantime, the american police did not sit idly by and we attacked the american demonstrators to defend netanyahu's reputation.
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well, the guest of our program tonight is to analyze netanyahu's speech in the us congress, mr. john stapling , an american writer.
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see, this is actually quite a show. it was interesting that happened in the congress. a small number of democratic representatives did not go to that meeting, did not participate in the protest, and actually boycotted it, but sorry, but we saw that most of the republicans and many other democrats were very rigid in support for netanyahu. going to participate in that meeting and encouraging netanyahu. in fact , see this lie and the cheers that are published for those lies because
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netanyahu has the tools and in fact israel has the tools of power, they are a large part of the american stock market. there are thousands of jews in america , they have these financial tools, they have the media, and by using it, they are trying to advance the agenda of the zionists. so we have to say that the majority of the american people they do not agree with this case. and they are seeing the events through social networks, but those who are in power are under the influence of zionists, many of them are zionists themselves, and they are pushing that agenda, and people cannot stop them, because just like we saw
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that few representatives actually boycotted that speaker , and most of the representatives left the majority. support and thank you very much. another incident and aspect of this story was the suppression of the american people's protests against netanyahu by the american government. yesterday , the american police arrested several hundreds of netanyahu's protesters. he did the same with baton and pepper spray to suppress thousands of protesting americans.
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the majority of israelis and americans are opposed to what is happening in israel, but the politicians choose among the zionists instead of choosing the people because they are oppressed by the politicians. they are under a lot of pressure from the zionists, and if they do not do this , they may lose their position. in fact , the zionists control the narrative that exists in america to a very, very large extent.
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what you want through the media under they are in control, they keep repeating it, and on the other hand , they have the financial and economic tools at their disposal , and as a result, they also get the political tools and power. the demonstrations we saw yesterday were very large in front of the congress. but the police came and tried with all their might to disperse them in different ways. he arrested some. some with those pepper sprays and these too. everything is done under the influence of zionist influence. we see that they have influence in all universities, even though students are protesting , but university officials are under pressure and under control.
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they are zionism. and these supporters of israel, well, we see them in both spectrums. democrats and republicans are seen in america, and in fact we have seen people who are actually one of the examples, let me tell you, one of the main politicians who was in the congress last night is an american , he is an american citizen, but he is one of mosat's agents and actually in employment. these examples are actually not limited to this one and their number is not small, and these are the ones actually. inside america, they try to control those policies and continue mr. mr. stepling if
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let us examine together the content of netanyahu's speech, at least parts of it , we have now chosen a part where netanyahu says that we are not witnessing a clash of civilizations in this battle, but this is a battle between barbarism and savagery with the civilization of this part. let's see netanyahu's speech, then i will ask you about it. we meet today at a crossroads of history. our world is in appeal. in the middle east, iran's access to terror confronts america, israel and our arab friends. this is not a clash of civilizations, it's a clash between barbarism
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and civilization. it's a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life. of civilization to triumph, america and israel must stand together, because when we stand together, something very simple happens: we win, they lose.
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we are continuing the conversation with mr. john stapling, an american writer . we were examining the content of netanyahu's speech. mr. stapling , what do you think about this part of netanyahu's speech, where he said that israel and america are symbols of civilization, and on the other hand, they are fighting with brutality and barbarism? in fact, he said the same things and comments he repeated and expressed zionist now with another phrase. this
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is actually like a high school controversy where some students may get together and actually make some claims and read some poems together. and nothing. actions should be taken to justify the attack that started 10 months ago and are still continuing. otherwise, the world is seeing what is happening in gaza . social networks no longer allow facts to remain hidden. alive
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it is available to the people of the world in a very short period of time. these kinds of speeches, which are now trying to express some narratives in the midst of controversy and controversy , cannot produce results, because in reality, the images that are reaching the world from gaza violate all those claims. and again, i am saying that they are trying to use the media they have. they change the narratives, adjust the narratives , and actually adjust the voices of the governments as they want, but these are only one thing. which may be accepted by the politicians and the public opinion cannot accept these propaganda and these controversies because it is
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seeing their violations at the same time in the images that are coming from the palestinian territories and these are the images that are coming from gaza and palestine. it's terrible, and ordinary people are really shocked and startled when they see them , and they can't give speeches like this, for example , now he's going to give a speech in the congress and humiliate them all. well, one of the propaganda techniques is repetition, and this is what the israelis are doing regularly among all their officials. actually, they are talking about israel being on the right side, being oppressed, and
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starting the war like that, but this does not work , as i said, mr. stapling. the excessive reference to iran, which has attracted the attention of many media and individuals, we will also watch a few minutes of this speech, which is dealing with iran too much .
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my country, the state of israel. that's why, that's why the mobs in terron. chant death to israel before they chant death to america. for iran, israel is first, america is next. so when israel fights hamas, we're fighting iran, when we fight hizballah, we're fighting iran. when we fight the hutis, we're fighting iran, and when we fight iran, we're fighting the most radical and murderous enemy of the united states of america. and one more thing, when israel acts to prevent. iran from developing nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons that could destroy israel and threaten every american city, every city that you come from. we're not only protecting ourselves, we're protecting you.
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my friends, if you remember one thing, one thing from the speech, remember this, our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory. mr. stapleling netanyahu mentioned iran many times in this speech. in this episode that we aired , he said that if we fight with hamas, we are fighting with iran, if we fight with hezbollah, we are fighting with iran, if we are fighting with yemen, we are fighting with we are fighting iran, in fact, he knows the root of all his problems in iran and
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blames iran in all cases to the extent that even in another part of this speech. american protesters who the fact that they were gathered in front of the congress was also known by the agents of iran who are taking money from iran . what do you think about this issue that netanyahu blames iran for all his problems and presents them? yes, i am really laughing because this netanyahu has very specific issues in it complicates the reality and wants to blame everything on others, especially iran. in fact, israel is good. there is only one country in the region that has nuclear weapons , although it has not announced it, but it has nuclear warheads and it is believed that this has been announced many times
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, even from the side of iran, and we know about it. that the nuclear energy he is using is peaceful, this incident has been confirmed by the international atomic energy agency and other institutions , the intelligence agencies of other countries have all confirmed this, so if you call for war or , for example, those military tendencies well, the israelis themselves are in very extreme conditions , they produced the most destructive weapons from a military point of view , and they don't even announce it. for 40 years now, israel has been trying
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to get america into a war against iran and to provoke them to take military action or enter military conflict with iran and in fact. trying to provoke the arabs and the arab countries of the region against iran with that policy or the so-called abrahamic agreement, trying to bring themselves closer to the arabs and scare them away from iran means that they are constantly trying to weaken iran in some way. do it and now we see it coming. mr. netanyahu blames iran for all the problems that he is introducing. now we see
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that there are many supporters of israel in america . the americans are also supporting them . mr. steplik, i have a question. due to the fact that the us
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was not able to support israel militarily as it should , there were some restrictions on it politically. he has blocked the resolutions many times, but now the reason for the violence that the israelis are using against the palestinians is that they are really afraid of the palestinians , because the palestinians are determined to take back their lands from israelis, thank you mr. steplin for your participation in this conversation.
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90% saving in setup cost and 70% saving in maintenance cost. mehdi naqvi of sed and sima news agency.
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the prize for the first place is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary . too bad!
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home essentials. hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to football magazine. the victory of esteghlal's five teams in the friendly match of the esteghlal team of tehran today in the first preparatory meeting of the pre-season with the result of 56 defeated the salehin team from the third group. rezavand renewed with abia. arash razavand's contract with esteghlal club was extended for another season. upcoming season


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