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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of god, peace be upon him, the advice of the supreme leadership in international affairs met with the elected president of the people. in this meeting, mr. velayati, while congratulating, and mr. bizikian raised issues about the developments in the region and the world situation. also, after meeting with the president-elect, the representative of wali-e-faqih in the islamic revolutionary guard corps said: "the belief of mr. al-badzikian is to present a new view of religiosity to the society." the minister of jihad agriculture also gave a report on the condition of the hypothetical industry in the meeting with the elected president. the representatives
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of ardabil together with the deputy speaker of the parliament had a conversation with mr. mr. nikzad said: what the parliament and the government should work for interaction following the orders of the supreme leader, in this meeting , seven major issues were raised and explained by the representatives of the province. 410 billion tomans of credit for equipping places. jurisdictions of the fourth province, now bakhtiari was assigned to this province at the end of the judicial officials' visit. issuing ownership documents for lands and removing the 16-thousand high points were among the measures taken by the judicial authorities in this trip. vice president of crime prevention of judiciary investigated the problems of sad ghadir babider and jonghan industrial slaughterhouse in farsan city. their suggestion was that this is against the private organization
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it is necessary to come out with the possibility of getting the budget and handing it over to other departments of the government so that people can benefit from the blessing of employment that this slaughterhouse can create for them. the head of the country's general inspection organization followed up on the problems of hundred karun 4 hundred beheshtabad roads and drinking water problems during his trip to ardel city. discuss. fixing the critical points of the ardel road, several people have been killed on this road, and unfortunately , no thought has been given to it yet. god willing, we will definitely follow up on this issue during the visit of the deputy of human resources and cultural affairs of the food ministry to chaharmahal. bakhtiari, the issue of the land of the technologists of the whole city is raised. and
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it was emphasized on expediting the implementation preparations of this technical area . therefore, the judicial branch actually asked the land affairs and the ministry of agriculture to state clearly what their opinion is about this land and the type of land use , and based on the situation they announced at that time, the route user change reference work change.
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the minister of economic affairs and finance of the neighboring country announced the increase of 88 non-oil exports of the country on the sidelines of the last government meeting. we have seen an 8% increase in non-oil exports in the first four months of 2013 compared to the last four months of last year, and the number of non -oil exports reached 17 billion and 463 million dollars , the country's non-oil exports have grown by 4 percent compared to the same period last year, according to mr. khandozi, during this period, imports have also increased by half in terms of weight. in terms of value, there has been an increase of 6. in the 4 months of this year, the country's trade balance has also improved , not counting oil. the country's current customs balance in the first four months of last year was 3 billion and 600 million dollars , this balance number was almost negative. non-oil customs
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this year is about one billion dollars negative, which shows a very sharp decrease in the country's non-oil balance lt is. of course, this year's positive balance continues with the calculation of oil income. of course, a part of this import is dedicated to gold bullion, which has increased four times. the import of gold bullion in the first 4 months of 1403 was 12 tons. last year, this number was 3 tons, and the previous year , 1401, it was very small, close to zero. statistics published by the customs show that in four months of this year. currently, most of iran's trade is with neighboring countries, reaching a figure of about 20 billion dollars, which shows an increase of 6%. among the neighbors, the most commercial exchanges have been made with the uae, worth more than 8 billion dollar. turkey, iraq and pakistan
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are in the next ranks. in the four-month statistics , the transit of foreign goods through the country has increased by nearly 60%. in the field of transit , the good news is that with an increase of more than 58 % compared to the first four months of last year in 1403 , 760,000 tons of transit through iran took place. strengthening of economic ties with the priority of neighbors is emphasized. world olympiad theory test. physics was held. the person in charge of the exam said: all international standards for designing questions is considered. according to mr. bakhshian, the results of two practical and theoretical tests play a role in explaining the gold, silver and bronze badges. young scholars
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have come for the last test. they are doing very well . they are very cheerful this week. theoretical test of the 54th world physics olympiad. it has been almost a year since the scientific group has been designing three questions. in the meeting we had yesterday, and all the countries' representatives are present and criticizing this question , the scientific question was actually examined and as carefully as
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friends. we had done in the scientific group, the questions were easily passed by the students, believing all of them for all these 200 students, they have to wait for the last day and announcement of results and distribution of gold, silver and bronze badges . mohammad ali sohilpour, isfahan broadcasting news agency. for the first time, researchers
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discovered water molecules in the soil of the moon. according to the scientific journal nature astronomy, the physicists of the chinese science center claimed to have succeeded in a mineral substance has been discovered, 41 % of which is water. this mineral crystal is rich in water and ammonia molecules. the composition of this mineral is very similar to the substance that is formed by the reaction of a hot fine stone with volcanic gases. the presence of ammonium is the capacity of this planet for residence highlights. the next part of the news.
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this week, the islamic council held public meetings on sunday, tuesday and wednesday. he did not hold public meetings for like two weeks and due to the occasions in the country, such as the holding of the second phase of the presidential election and the mourning of aba abdullah al-hussein, the representatives in the election booths. in his speech, the speaker of the parliament pointed out the enthusiastic presence of the iranian people in the mourning ceremony of aba abdullah al-hussein (peace be upon him) and his companions. he said: this passion and affection for sayyid and the leader of the martyrs shows that we are the nation of imam hossein. religious democracy
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it doesn't end with the holding of elections, but parts of it just start and gain meaning. the speaker of the islamic council then mentioned the issue of holding presidential elections. with the election of the head of the country's administration , it goes hand in hand slowly and with the will of the people. we should all consider increasing participation in future opportunities as our first goal. the chairman of the islamic council then said in the third part of his speech that the zionist regime should know that no amount of killing will be able to change the security balance that has been upset to their detriment in the media and in the field. today we started the official session of the parliament. we witnessed that our president-elect after the speech of the speaker of the
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islamic council, mr. qalibaf, who had noticed the presence of the president-elect in the public hall without prior notice, asked him to take the speaker's place and talk to the representatives. as a member of the parliament, who has been a member of the islamic council for more than four terms and this is the fifth term , they appeared today in the hall of the islamic council, and we were also aware of their presence here, i also welcome you, mr. mezikian, the elected president , first of all the members of the parliament. he thanked and said that the country cannot be governed by disputes and disputes and it should be let's join hands so that we can get through the crises that have been created for us and the problems that exist and be the answer to people's problems. all my efforts will be this, yesterday i told a series of brothers that we
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can be accountable to the people. we are the people to solve the problems of the people. we are the ones who actually solve their problems. we did not come so that now there is an opportunity for people to trust us. we became responsible. imagine that now i have become someone's servant. with the vote you give us, i will try with all my heart, with your help, with the help of the officials, with the help of the group of those who they are in the country, let's join hands and respond to the needs of the people. the plan to amend article 38 of the internal regulations law, meanwhile, in a public meeting on sunday, the islamic council of parliament reviewed the plan to amend article 38 of the internal regulations of the parliament. what was approved in the bylaw commission was that
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the ceiling of the commissions should not be changed, because any change in the ceiling of the commissions will cause the commissions that do not have many applicants to reach the quorum, but the ceiling of the commissions was approved in this way due to the necessity of forming them. became. which is a board consisting of members of the internal regulations commission and the board of the speaker of the parliament in each term, at least the members of the commissions who do not reach the quorum required by the regulations can actually change that blasphemy. until now, some of our colleagues have not been appointed, and one of the ways is to follow this proposal. at most, let's
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consider 6 of these high-profile specialized commissions, which is mr. salimi's proposal, and based on that number, the remaining colleagues will be assigned assignments. today, the issue of culture is an important infrastructure issue for the administration of the country. what happened that the cultural commission must beg to complete its own members. make men or sisters. what is the logic in public culture that i have a problem in my constituency, so i must go to the same commission to solve the problem of my constituency. is n't culture an important issue of the country? the commissions, especially the cultural and judicial rights commission, which is very important for us, if the previous number of 23 people does not reach the quorum, the aynameh commission and the board of directors can
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specify a ceiling. due process in this law, if the members of the specialized commission meet the minimum quorum mentioned in this article if it does not arrive, the joint committee consisting of the members of the internal regulations commission and the presiding committee of the parliament is obliged. within a maximum of one week after the implementation of note three of article 37 of this law , determine the minimum members of that commission for one time in the same period. but in the meeting on tuesday. the islamic council assembly, which was also the supervisory day of the assembly, the minister of cooperation, labor and social welfare attended the public hall of the assembly and gave a report on the actions taken in this ministry of home affairs in the 13th government and answered the questions of the representatives. how the ministry of cooperation, labor and social welfare works and how it progresses in relation to gathering all the support and assistance
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executive bodies through the information contained in iran's welfare database. although the welfare base of iranians has reached its peak, it needs to be renewed every day, and the ultimate goal is for us to be able to take care of people 's affairs. it has been and has been overloaded. at the moment, there are about 50 uploaded. its main purpose is to classify all iranians who exist in the decimal. well
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, there are many citizens and iranians who are embassies. there are still problems. why, why, for example, dang panjeh. in the same way, they actually suffer or actually benefit. in order to deal with the indicators of justice in the existing structures , it is natural that the parliament should have a good opinion and come in for the purpose of monitoring and today in the respect of the honorable representatives. it has been seen that the fact is that today the one who is in the field today, we are seeing and we are evaluating that all the hard work he has done. this work is progressing very slowly and there is a serious problem that the parent and policy-making bodies, especially the budget planning organization and the ministry of labor, are responsible for this. they still need to have specific characteristics
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that can pay attention to these deprived areas and groups. practically, this did not happen . the islamic council had a public meeting on wednesday. the prosecutor nominated the court of accounts for a four-year term, according to the internal regulations of the parliament , people who have three characteristics , have a master's degree, have 20 years of work experience, and are also among the officials of article 71 of the civil service law, when the parliament announces record these they name those who have these three conditions and their inquiries are positive from the point of view of the regulatory agencies, they are invited to an interview in a committee called the court of accounts committee, where about 11 people
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are selected by the program and budget commission to elect mr. seyed as the head of the court of accounts. ahmadreza dastqib and mohammad darreza timuri were nominated by the program and budget commission to the speaker's board. i am committed to the court having authority, not to seek authority from the court. we considered two approaches. trust -building supervision and facilitating guidance. finally in this election. selection calculations . the representatives also
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elected mr. davoud mohammadi as the prosecutor of the court of accounts from among the candidates proposed for the election of the prosecutor of the court of accounts with 147 votes out of 266 votes of makhodeh. the report of the head of the center. today, the head of the majlis research center presented a report on the transformational measures of this center in the public forum. we had a special thing in this new era that in the realization of justice and fair explanation of opportunities with the concern of deprived people from different regions of the country, whether it was in the 7th plan or in the budget laws that were examined, these are considered as a measure of justice. we considered the selection of supervisory representatives in the continuation of the public session of the house of representatives of the islamic council . they were introduced in some assemblies and election ways. the islamic council will hold public meetings next week. meanwhile , the swearing-in ceremony of the elected president is scheduled to
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be held on tuesday, august 9, with the presence of national and military officials as well as foreign guests in the public hall of the parliament. pishbehar of the islamic council sada and vasima news agency. seyyed mahmoud alaei taleghani, one of the fighters and personalities of the islamic revolution of iran and one of the scholars named tehran, the principles of the contents and generalities, dear brother and my scientist mr. dr. beheshti stated what he said. the language of all of us. before the victory of the islamic revolution, he fought against the pahlavi government along with various groups and movements, and after the coup d'état on august 28, 1332
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, he turned hedayat mosque into one of the centers of resistance and struggle. he was arrested shortly after opposing the white revolution and went to prison. but after his release, he re-activated the hedayat mosque. kurd made the pulpits the center of the struggle against the pahlavi regime. if i wrote a commentary, i do not make any claim, just as no one should make such a claim that what he says and what he thinks is true is true. anyway, it was noticed. do you know what was blessed? from the blessing of prison. the activities of this cleric. a revolution did not end with just fighting the pahlavi government, and he
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assumed the presidency of the revolutionary council on the eve of the victory of the islamic revolution. running on the path of a dangerous revolution, great thinking means seeing the enemy bigger than he is , seeing himself bigger than he is. ayatollah taleghani continued his activities after the victory of the islamic revolution on 18 july 1358 from the tehran constituency with an overwhelming majority of votes as the first representative. tehran was elected in the assembly of constitutional experts. a little later, ayatollah taleghani was chosen by imam khomeini as the first friday imam of tehran, and with his words, in the name of allah, most merciful, most merciful. it attracted the attention of a large number of people of tehran to this place. prayer, friday prayer, line of worship, line of right worship, line
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of relations between the hearts and consciences of god-worshippers, at the same time line of order, line of war, line of command and obedience. and from that time until today, this place has become a weekly meeting place for believers to perform a political worship, as well as a place to express the positions of the islamic revolution. spokesmen of the evil government america, they keep repeating that you are lying on the side of the iranian people. if you are with the people of iran, it is because of the zahla dagger. go and immerse yourself in the heart of the iranian people. of course , you haven't been able to do anything wrong before, and you definitely won't be able to do anything wrong after this. allahu akbar. allahu akbar.
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in the name of god, in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name
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of god , light
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, in the name of god, light. allah is the witness of the highest hajjah of allah , may god bless him, may god bless him hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah


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