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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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shahr carpets and household appliances. shahr carpets and household appliances. in the name of god. hello , dear viewers. 12 o'clock we are at your service with some news. the march of fridays of anger and disgust at the crimes of the zionist regime will be held in three provinces today. according to the announcement of the islamic propaganda coordination council, the people of ardabil, north khorasan and golestan provinces will declare their support for the palestinian people by holding a rally and march while declaring their disgust for the crimes of the zionist regime and america's support for this regime after friday prayers. did the director of the public health program of the ministry
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health warned about being exposed to the sun's violet rays from 10:00 am to 16:00 at the same time as the summer heat these days. mr. gurani said: skin cancer, cataracts and premature skin aging are the side effects of radiation exposure. world health organization emphasized. in the conditions of increasing the intensity of ultraviolet rays, people are not exposed to sunlight as much as possible. it is recommended to use a brimmed hat with a 7 cm brim, suitable glasses and drink plenty of water to protect against sunlight. managing director of tavanir from holding a meeting with the minister of energy, managers. agent of electricity industry companies for
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the national grid electricity supply announced in the coming week. according to mr. rajabi mashhadhi, most of the current electricity consumption is in the home. the ceo of tawanir announced that this consumption is more than 55%. these days when the weather is very hot, everyone cools down in some way. one like this gentleman with this cool water. what's up with this hot weather for you ? please give me another one with watermelon, it's cool, and that one also cooled down with a water shower. i'm just going to have ice cream and water. it's in its place. eat the syrup , let your heart be warm. the air conditioner is hot and cool like this with this weather i'm sorry, people are trying to do anything. i want to save
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a water cooler, just aha, this is a bad sign, it's turned off , we have to save on electricity consumption, it's turned off , open the window, pay attention, haj sir, your shop is very dark, why did you turn off the electricity ? there was a lack of electricity in the houses , turn off the air conditioner . i don't turn it on during certain hours , for example , i can see if we can tolerate the heat. they were going to close your offices, and finally the time consumption will decrease, all of you, look at the government-run office , god bless you, it's like an air conditioner heaven, and yes, sir, many of them turn on their gas air conditioners without reason , especially banks, banks,
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for example, our own bank has 3 gas air conditioners. it is always on and the door is open to the extent that it is closed during the peak of heat, for example, but the sleep does not stop because there is a small child, he is sick anyway, in the few days that we pass the heat, it is better to be closed, if the offices are closed, the electricity will be regular. all people live comfortably, definitely people in terms of health, the electricity consumption of government offices is 48,000 megawatt hours in a day, and the electricity of non-governmental public institutions is about 24,000 megawatts during the same period. all the electricity that will be consumed in these few days, if the heat is closed, it will be almost less, much less. it is possible and the deprived areas can benefit more from the closure of the offices, this is what happens and it is customary for the temporary pass to do the same, the hot area of ​​the country can really benefit from this blessing, according to the forecast of
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hot weather until the middle of next week in general the country is permanent. hosseinieh bai of sed and sima news agency. well, dear viewers, as i informed you at the beginning of the news, the managing director of tavanir announced that he will hold a meeting with the minister of energy, the ceos of the electricity industry companies to supply electricity to the national electricity grid in the coming week. well, our communication with mr. mehrabian, the minister of energy hello, mr. mehrabian, what decisions were made in this meeting ? greetings, mr. governor and all the dear viewers of our news network today, due to the forecast of heat for the coming days, it was necessary to have an extraordinary meeting with all managers and officials. to organize the electricity industry. first session on the level
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it was held by the senior managers and soon a meeting will be held with all the distribution and electricity managers of the country. we will be online. the important thing is to see that the average consumption growth in the past years in the electricity industry was about four percent. usually we envisage three scenarios for power industry planning . 3%, 4.5% and 6 % scenario. what happened this year due to a sharp increase in consumption. we have grown over 8 so far. and we predict that this growth will reach 9% in the coming days. this creates a challenge. the first challenge is the provision of electricity and electricity production, and the second challenge is distribution. there is electricity, because many parts of the country, especially the population points, due to this increase in the consumption of transmission lines
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of the above explanation, and the substations are broken, and in fact, the work of providing electricity has problems. it was necessary to plan in this so-called meeting and have the necessary forecasts for both production, transmission and consumption management plans. thank god, we will use all the capacity of our power plants by tomorrow morning . we had about 6 large power plants that it was disconnected from the network for repairs, two of these six until today. it came back and the other 4, god willing, finally tomorrow morning, everyone in the network will actually produce electricity . in addition, in the so-called network, all our colleagues across the country
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are on standby. you know, when the electricity consumption becomes too high, the accidents increase accordingly . the rapid response groups throughout the country should be ready to act quickly in the event of an accident in various sectors of the baghash industry and to prevent a blackout and if we have a blackout at some point due to these incidents, our colleagues fix the problem as soon as possible , god willing, with the full preparation that exists for this peak we can conquer it is very important that i first of all appreciate and thank our dear people , almost all of them help
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us in managing our consumption. reducing the body, god willing, we will be able to manage this situation with the close cooperation we will have. i am very grateful to mr. mehrabian, minister of energy. the head of the food and drug organization said that the world health organization has introduced four products as insect repellants for the aids mosquito, or the agent of dengue fever. is. mr. mohammadi said that two of the four introduced products are produced in the country and are available in pharmacies. the food and drug administration announced.
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thank you very much for being with us. in the name of god, light, in the name of god, sleep , in the name of god, light , light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god
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, light on light. akbar allah akbar allah akbar allah akbar i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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allah is the witness of god. hai ali al- salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah
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hail to good deeds. hail to good deeds . god is great. may god
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lift up justice. lift up the burden of trust on your shoulders. servants of the iranian nation stand in front of the camera to
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talk about policies, strategies and of course decisions that affect the lives of all iranians. what will happen in the 7th plan and... now the state of the treasury, especially on the threshold of change and transformation and transfer of discussions the economy, the country's income and expenditure to the new government, these are the issues that we will ask each other during this conversation, and god willing , the result of this conversation can contribute to a clear situation that can affect the situation now, dr. manzoor. how is it, that is, the state of the treasury
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that you want to deliver to. in the name of allah , the most merciful, to your excellency and dear viewers , i would like to say hello and thank you for giving this opportunity to the executive authorities of the country to explain about the areas of work for the dear people of the memory of our martyred and deceased president. we honor ayatollah raisi and we also wish the other martyrs of ardibehesht flight . the first question is what is the current state of the country's income and expenditure and the state of the treasury, which god willing
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will be handed over to the 14th government. yes, thank you very much for this question. we discuss the line. treasury has a flow of resources, they enter the treasury in a fluid form, and from that side , the expenses and payments are made accordingly. this interpretation of an empty treasury is basically not a very accurate interpretation because, as i said, it is like a treasury, like a small box. the input comes in and the output comes out of it. the important thing is that these inputs and outputs read together and we can make our payments in a balanced manner. the same thing happened in the first four months of this year and we have a situation today, the government's resources are such that it has a relatively stable stability. that is, what we have predicted in the budget, is usually realized in a proper way during different months, and that
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is exactly what we allocate. now, in this connection, i would like to say that this year, relatively speaking, our realization is lower in the first few months of the year until the taxes are formed and the declarations are given. let it be collected, that's all from other sources. usually, from august onwards, the situation of collections will improve, and the balance will reach the same level, for example, 95% of the budget realization by the end of the year. we have three types of expenses. one
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of our expenses is related to current government expenses or expense credits. in terms of expenses, we made payments in the first four months of 2018, considering that these are more unavoidable, but by the end of the year, it will go up to 98%. wages and other unavoidable costs that the organization and the government are required to pay on a regular basis, for example, membership fees for international assemblies , water and electricity costs of offices, costs related to services that are actually the organizations of different organizations from the company. private companies receive all these things that are considered unacceptable costs in connection with construction projects or acquisition projects. well, our allocation is usually
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lower in the first few months, and this year, the total allocation that we made was the same. it was about 59 thousand 59 thousand billion 59 thousand billion tomans compared to four months, 44 has been realized, but naturally , i said, this will improve from august onwards, and god willing, we hope that it will reach about 85-90%. another cost we have is the cost of acquiring financial assets, which means that we the bonds that we issued in the past years matured every month. we have to pay a part of them. in the first 4 months of this year, we repaid 62 thousand billion tomans of interest and principal bonds. therefore, i would like to say that there is no concern regarding the realization of government resources and spending in the previous budget
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it has been seen that we don't have it, right now that we are in your presence, i think there is more than 30 thousand billion tomans that we have in our treasury accounts after the payments related to july, and therefore, god willing, we will use this treasury in such a way. which can be taken into account and will be reassuring and satisfying , we will hand over our loved ones in the government of mr. dr. al-badzikian , and there is another point that i want to use here to explain. it is a number that is a relatively high increase compared to previous periods found when we took over the government, at
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the beginning of the government , there were about 470 thousand billion tomans of financial bonds, the principal and interest of which had to be paid later. but the important thing is that out of this amount, about 140 thousand billion tomans increase that happened is related to the debts that were formed before the government of mr. raisi. in 1400, that is, the first months of the government's entry, about 50 thousand billion tomans. it was issued to pay the debts of the contractors in previous years. similarly, in 401, 15 thousand billion tomans
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were issued for the debts that the electricity sector had to private sellers. power to private electricity sellers this year, in the past months, we have issued approximately 33 thousand billion tomans of bonds to repay the debt of the previous governments to social security, so all that has been issued in this government during the 400 years until this july, 1403 new bonds and the commitment created approx it is 250 to 60 thousand billion tomans, which is relatively not a significant number in the entire government budget. let's compare it to the total general budget of the government this year , our general budget is 2550, which means 10% of the budget
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for one year is in these papers that have been published. the government that will be transferred to the next government should clarify this issue. yes, thank you. when we say budget, it means income and expenditure or a one -year or short-term plan. when 5-year plans are more long-term plans, now it is the 7th plan it has been formed and we want to talk about the ratio of the annual budget to the 7th plan, but before starting the conversation in this area , we see that my colleagues are preparing a report about the 7th plan, then we will talk about it . i am in the service. an important issue of the 7th plan that now you have to prepare the 7th plan . the 7th
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plan means to determine the task of the country for the next 5 years. which is emphasized by our leadership. justice in explaining the sources based on the document territorial, the second and central point of scientific, social and cultural evolution. the third point is the improvement of the country's management system and the reform of the administrative system, which is done by increasing the possible utilization
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. 50 public meetings were also held to examine the details of the bill of the seventh plan. alhamdulillah, the debates are very hot regarding the 7th plan and the opposing and supporting representatives are having many challenging discussions and this made the representatives more careful . economic growth in the seventh plan 8. considered. this goal is actually our upstream document and it is definitely possible for the country. average growth should. up to 8%, but the variable behavior of growth it is usually a behavior that starts with a gentle slope and gradually increases, and god willing, we should focus all our efforts on this issue. the five-year economic, social and cultural document follows the 7th plan to resolve the country's conflicts. i hope that, god willing, this program will turn out in such a way that we can overcome the problems.
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the 7th plan has now been notified to the executive bodies in the form of a law in the last days of the 13th government, and it is mandatory. zahra shafiei, sed and sima news agency, mr. doctor, in the 7th plan, the goal is to grow by 88%, and this is the number that some believe there are things that may not be realized. first of all , how was the state of economic growth in the previous years and what components have been taken into account that, god willing, this growth can be realized. in our opinion, the 7th plan is a very rich plan, which was prepared with high expert precision to solve the problems inherent in iran's economy, and in
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the government bill, all the experts were used so that we could do a good problem analysis and the appropriate rulings , which along with the goal setting a little clear to be able to answer many issues in 5 years. naturally, there were many discussions in the parliament , and we had a long process to approve the program in the consolidation commission we went through the program, then in the parliament, then in the guardian council, in the expediency council. we are happy and pleased that now the program that has been announced is a program that has a high implementation and transformational capacity for the country . it is completely different from the previous programs . first of all, the issue of growth means that iran's economy should be able to
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experience growth beyond what it has experienced in the past decades. economic empowerment will be resolved. another point was that we can solve and treat some issues such as high inflation and monetary indiscipline as well as the unbalanced budget structure . it was thought that we have a very important chapter in the discussion of reforming the budget structure, in the matter of reforming the banking system , transverse and monetary policies , we have very transformative and influential rulings. the issue of petroleum products in the issue of electricity and also the development of the infrastructure sector
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in praise and praise. and the issue of transit of the sea economy , the digital economy, issues related to the development of the value chain in the industry and mining sector, all of these are well covered in this program. and there is the communication of the charter, instructions and other supplementary documents of the program, which we are expected to be able to quickly prepare and communicate. in our opinion, according to what we felt, about 20 regulations, recipes and documents should be prepared , of which about 100 should be prepared this year. it should be done first, 50 of them must be done in the first 6 months , so from the very beginning, our colleagues in the budget planning organization, in cooperation with other institutions, are starting to prepare this charter and instructions, one of the


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