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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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i would like to point out a few other numbers . in the last 3 years , the average production of our petrochemical group or petrochemical products in the 90s was 48 million tons. in this period of 3 years, 68 million tons have passed. please note this increase. 48 of course , now i want to be more precise. million tons in the matter of the metal sector, i would like to give you a number from each industry and
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let's see how the growth capacities of our country are, the increase of crude steel from 20 million tons to 30 million tons he found that the average production of pula in one year in the last 3 years is 30 million tons in the last decade, 20 million tons. we have the same issue in other sectors . fortunately, the country is now industrialized. we are in a situation where it can be said that almost all regions of the country have turned into industrial workshops , the number of capital items of operating permits, that is , what the investment has been made and now wants to be operated, is 7754 permits in 2012 , that is, 775 new industrial units have started this worked the number in 401 was 5726. 6, and in 1400
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, 7 thousand, so we are actually going to exploit the new capacities, the same 7754 that we said were able to create 368 thousand jobs last year, in addition to this, we have establishment permits, that is, we gave permission for them to go we have given permission to invest. investment can be transformed into new industrial activities, so i want to give this peace and this assurance to your excellency and our dear people that yes, iran's economy is a high-capacity economy that we have in all the areas that we have mentioned in the sectors petrochemical value chain.
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in the metal industry, in the mineral industry, in the automotive sector, in all areas, we have these capabilities , god willing, these will be used, dear doctor , this year, the slogan of the year, which is production with the participation of the people, is considered in the seventh plan, and god willing, the field of realization of this slogan provide one of the measures. it was that we should pay the most attention to the announced policies and the decrees of the supreme leader and try to make sure that if the general policy is announced, if the slogan of the year is issued , these will be implemented. that is why you are paying attention. of these general policies that it is now being announced that the government will immediately prepare an executive plan for them. one of
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them was the issue of sea-based economy, which the government approved and announced the executive plan for that last year. one of them was the slogan of the year. we approved it in the economic council with the cooperation of the central bank and the result of implementing this program was that you noticed that we were able to reduce point-to-point inflation by about 20 percentage points last year. 20 units decreased last year, or the same statistics of production growth that i told you happened this year too, when the production dowry is with the participation of the people, that is, a special package in your opinion. yes
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, last year we implemented a package of executive measures with low goals we made a report and submitted it for this year as well. in the same month of april , we prepared the production plan with the participation of the people. it was the nowruz holiday, even when our colleagues came, this work was done. we held many meetings with all the executive bodies. the month of this program was announced. look, this is the resolution that the government announced. yes, it is a 34-page resolution. here we checked that if people's participation is going to happen, what are the requirements to realize people's participation , we defined a national division of labor plan, and in this national division of labor plan
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, we defined the roles and responsibilities of all institutions at the national and provincial levels. people's participation in financing, people's empowerment, organization of people's forces to produce what the government should facilitate, what the government should support and organize, jihadi groups, people's groups we planned all of this for him, the issue of handing over ownership of management to the people, which is actually a very important issue in people's participation, the development of the cooperative sector, the development of businesses, basic knowledge and basic people. this was the first part. . by the way , we saw the cut of the first year of the program there, that is , we determined that firstly , how should the issue of financing the jump in production be done, the role of the capital market, the role of the money market, the role, in fact
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, we narrowly defined the other sources of issuing debt bonds and the internal resources of the companies. and also for all sectors we saw oil and gas. what should the force do , what should the road and urban development do, and therefore this is now a coherent program with few goals, fully controllable, monitorable, and we hope that now we have prepared our first monitoring report for the first four months of the year. what about this program for financial discipline? you did because every time this issue of financial discipline in the country's economy is a very important issue that even one year it was raised as the slogan of the year. you see , financial discipline is a set of measures that we see mainly under the title of reforming the budget structure and this reform of the budget structure as
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i said that we also saw in the 7th plan in full the additional disciplinary rules that we saw in this year's budget as well. this year's budget implementation rules we announced the budget implementation rules this year in the month of april, precisely with this approach , so that we can first monitor the expenses more effectively, prevent unnecessary expenses , and direct the devices towards higher productivity. we predicted the necessary incentives to increase productivity in the executive regulations , we saw the monitoring mechanisms, so the set of these measures. especially what we have in the executive regulations that relatively there is also a very detailed collection . we have foreseen all the necessary monitoring tools there. mr. dolat
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did a lot of work on the implementation of the single account. did this have a decisive effect in the field of social discipline and financial discipline? see the point that mr. by the way, you said that one of the important solutions of the government is for financial discipline. we have tried to follow this important solution together with the ministry of economy for financial discipline . we have to create in the account treasury unit. naturally, all the devices have to consolidate multiple and miscellaneous accounts that they have in different places in different banks into one account with the central bank, which is under the supervision and control of the treasury, and the program organization
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has access to it and can fully control it. how much stock does each device have now? this helps us a lot in allocating credits, that is, the device that has given credits that we gave before has not been absorbed , so there is no reason to redistribute. we should give it to the devices that are lacking now. yes, i would like to share the statistics with you. we had 76,000 accounts. for device and company. with this organization that has been done, this has been reduced to 14 thousand accounts , so now the accounts of the devices are completely controlled , and at this stage, considering that the accounts of the unit have been done, our second stage is the discussion of payment to the final zain nef, which is again subject to discipline. budget and financial discipline help, it means that we paid. what we are doing is to try to
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make this payment directly to the original zinaf. now you can see the salary. the salary of all the government employees in one day is centralized through the treasury and the central bank. clip we now have the ability to upload their legal rulings for all their personnel by the 20th of every month. it is done. well, in the past, these things did not happen. sometimes it was possible that there were inconsistencies in the payments, sometimes some cases were not paid, some cases were overpaid.
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regarding the rights of government employees in the same way and other cases, there is one more step left
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god willing, we should do this this year and that is to make the payments related to contractors in construction projects and acquisition of fixed assets in the same way . in the devices provided, we implemented it on a trial basis . this cannot be captured for the device . when this final oil payment starts to be implemented, the contractors' information will be uploaded systematically by the devices, and in practice , this payment will be made directly through the treasury. took these are the measures that we
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have taken in order to make the government's budget smarter, manage the financial fabric of the public sector, and the important steps have been taken. now , god willing, additional measures will be taken , mr. doctor. one of the main strategies of the 13th government was the issue of completing the half-finished plan. we are talking about a report in this field and then we will see how. this funding was injected into the half -finished plans. thank you. his name is amir artam. the first baby born in this hospital, the hospital whose pickaxe fell on the ground in 1968, that is, even before the birth of amir artan's mother, it was 34 years ago, but not you. 34 years of incomplete work remained in 1401, the first months of the 13th government. i am going to the cities and you have seen this. you have heard me hit the ground with a pickaxe or say that i am looking for a half-finished project to
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deliver to you. november 142 days of nurses. peace be upon you. the lack of beds and nurses was very noticeable, and with the opening of this hospital, it will be much better. it is possible that for the benefit of the people of shahryar, this approach will cause the president to go to another half-finished plan. i planted sesame here, then sesame. i was happy because the salinity of the water was high, the fifth hundred largest in iran, 30 years of waiting , now the flow of water has created happiness for the people of this region. god willing, god willing. mubarak means that it has become too much , it has become very poor, this time in kurdistan and it is a 27-year-old project. this project started in 1375 haj agha . yes, haj agha. it means that it is now 26 years old. people look at their eyes and see that the airport reaches one point , god willing, by the first of next year.
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this time, i wanted to come to saqqez through the airport. that's it. we have waited all this time for pern subway to start, we are definitely happy. the number of terminated projects was 200 over the past 3 years, and now, according to the forecast of the program and budget organization, the number of terminated projects by the end of the year 1403 will reach more than 2100. narges meghazi of sed and sima news agency, dear doctor, now at the end.
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for almost three years , what is the status of the completion of the half-finished projects? yes, one of the approaches that maybe the president emphasized was that we started the projects from the past and people are bitter that these projects are not being implemented. we will complete it with all the capacity we have. well, you know, we had plans that were 30 years old.
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we had a road plan in hamad patabe province to dehdasht , which was more than 24 five years old, but with the possibility that the government made many of these plans fortunately, it was put into operation, people felt their sweetness. after the martyrdom of hazrat ayatollah raisi, i was lucky. i went to a hospital in the central province of iraq. people saw it this way, but it could not be used . the project was completed. the total number of projects that we completed in these three years was 2,000. how much did
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it cost? a thousand billion tomans in the private sector in this field. hospitals and schools, and now fortunately , we have planned for this year as well. our prediction is that if the allocation of resources and these are in this 400 thousand billion tomans that this year. we have envisioned that we can do it by the end of the year . there is a possibility that 2,100 other projects can also be implemented. these
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are in various areas of transportation, rail, road, water and sewage, watershed management, educational spaces, sports spaces, cultural arts, fishing, all these areas. i am one of the herd that exists now. this is that the wheat farmers are looking for their demands because they are a very large group take the trouble to deliver their products now . let's see how the situation is. let's note that the purchase price of tazmini wheat has increased in such a way in the past years that we have increased from 5 thousand tomans in 2019 today we reached 1750 tomans within 3 years, this increase is a significant increase right now if we want. let's import wheat for 50 thousand tomans per dollar, the import price of wheat will be about 13 to 14 thousand tomans, so to support the farmers, the government will make a policy
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, god willing, this will be paid. our prediction is that about 11 million tons of purchases will be made this year, the financial burden of this purchase will be about 190 thousand billion tomans to 200 thousand billion tomans so far. about 130 thousand billion tomans of wheat have been delivered, 53 thousand billion tomans have been paid and we are trying to pay the rest . one thousand billion tomans, god willing, by early seven. in the first days of next week, another payment will be made, that is, we will pay the farmers, god willing in the next few days
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, it will reach 95 thousand billion tomans. we have many necessary measures , god willing, until the dear farmers deliver the rest of the wheat, we will be able to settle the account with them.
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it didn't matter, it didn't matter, it didn't matter , it didn't matter, it didn't matter.
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let's give light to our compatriots with the optimal use of energy. wow, i can't believe it . yes, it was a while ago if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look. you have to reach the market, the market of each side i said that here all the specialized markets near me have gathered . it was good. we came to serah afsarieh. it was good. we came to sarai irani, the great iranian sarai, the only tehran branch in sarai afsariye, with unbelievable prices and long-term appointments and without prepayment. a branch
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in tehran on serah afsarieh could have been real just as easily as it is possible to buy insurance online through the didat application and agencies all over the country.
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the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. bashland house is a land full of prizes.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to nimrozi news, boss president-elect in the meeting with staff activists, now is the time to fulfill the promises, we must use everyone in the government based on justice and fairness, the honesty we talked about must now show itself in action . the trust and hope we created in people will turn into disappointment and mistrust.


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