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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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in fact , we have clearly reached an agreement with the ministry of housing and urban development regarding the issue of the land. in fact, we are following up on its work, and god willing, with the presence of the government of our dear medical doctor , the necessary follow-up will definitely be done by the minister. to the olympics and we want more olympics. let's talk, but let's see a report together about the history of iran's participation in the olympic games and then, god willing, we will come back with mr. esfaqian , we will talk more about the delegation of our country's athletes to the paris olympics behind the glamorous pictures of paris, the host of the olympic games. there are margins that are bolder than many texts, such as expulsion of immigrants and the difficult situation
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of french muslims, both athletes and organizers of the games, until the official start of the games, examples of protests against the presence of zionist athletes in paris have increased more than before. protesters gathered in front of the headquarters of the international olympic committee in lausanne, switzerland. they expressed their opposition to the policies of this committee and demanded a meeting with the officials of the olympic games. for example, in south korea, the people of this country protest against the oppression of the zionist regime against the oppressed people of gaza. in addition, the palestinian olympic committee has sent a letter to the international olympic committee
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, asking for a serious consideration of this issue, but bach, the head of this committee, expressed a different point of view in this regard . the position of ios is very clear. for us, both olympic committees are different and this is the difference between sports and politics. french authorities are trying to bring peace to paris. but such protests still create a tense atmosphere for holding. the biggest sporting event in the world has followed. in this report that we saw together, they had a look at the presence of zionist athletes in the games the paris olympics and of course the sidelines and protests that different countries have regarding this issue, which will continue. in this regard
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, we will talk to mr. esbaghian, but mr. asfaqian , please ask the military convoy of our country. well, to your service, mr. hosseini, i have to say that alhamdulillah, the report that mr. hashemi , the honorable secretary general of the national olympic committee, gave from there , eight sports out of our 13 sports. who should be present there, they showed up there , the conditions that mr. hashemi mentioned were not good in terms of nutrition, transport, accommodation conditions for the athletes, but well, these conditions are for everyone, definitely there are our coaches, the heads of our federations who are with the team , our teams , i will give the necessary development to the athletes in terms of mental and psychological , mr. hosseini, with 40 athletes, actually 39
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of our athletes have won quota. being with 40 athletes , we will participate. one of our athletes will also participate in swimming . the name of this convoy is decorated with khadim al-reza's convoy and the slogan is actually this peace convoy for children and the world, which is actually organized by the national committee. the olympics of the islamic republic took place with the coordination of the ministry of sports. i hope that all the participants the participants in this great sports event of the world should pay special attention to the issue of peace and support for dear children, which will definitely happen, god willing , in which discipline do you hope to win a medal? well
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, look at mr. hosseini's prediction in sports. usually, we sports experts do this very hard , but we are hopeful because our religious teachings . he says that you should be hopeful, but in wrestling , our wrestlers will definitely be proud . in taekwondo, it will happen, god willing, in fields like shooting, our good kids will be sent to rowing. the good thing is to be there, all the efforts of these kids is to get results there. in weightlifting , we have good athletes, and in this period , we also have a series of surprises, the presence of aziz alfati after many years made history , he became the champion and won a medal in the game
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. let's define a brave athlete and a reserved and polite athlete. in fact, our mazandani in rock climbing has mr. alipuro, who is an athlete with high courage. in fencing, we have good athletes . in short, in our various sports fields god willing, we hope that our children will have the necessary shine , mr. hosseini. god willing, you mentioned the quotas , it was not possible to get more quotas. look, let me
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make a comparison. we have 40 quotas this season. our athletes are in 13 sports. because of the presence of volleyball and it was basketball . i had increased the number of these two team disciplines. i want to ask, while i am explaining, your excellency , in addition to the fact that we do not have karate this year, you have a summons. our karate won medals . our karate was definitely present. in fact , our karate kids were zealously repeating the medals there, but it has not been placed in the olympics. well, fields like basketball and volleyball are still in the process of becoming champions.
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these are successes. now our volleyball and basketball are in the process of skinning. we are monitoring and monitoring. we do in the field of vice championship with the insistence of mr. hashemi, god willing, as the vice-champion and servant in this area , god willing, we have to oblige that in the next period of our team disciplines, even our handball , good things will happen in the handball field as well, dear head of the hard-working federation. it shows mr. pak del aziz and mr. davari as well as mr. milad taqvi. we hope that now , with good planning and taking into account the advanced national sports program of the country, we will see good events in the field of championship sports , god willing, and in the field of football. a long race we haven't entered the competition for more than 50 years
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, what is the reason? look, first of all, the football federation must have serious and necessary plans in this regard , and... definitely, those friends also have a difference between the federation and the national olympic committee in this regard, not us, but i have to say something to mr. hosseini, honestly now. the sport of the country is very calm with the presence of mr. dr. hashemi, all his emphasis and instructions to the deputy ministers are to manage the sport of the country in such a way that it is calm. olympic in the national paralympic committee, a federalism has been established with the ministry of sports. in fact
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, there is no difference between the ministry of sports and the national olympic committee of the football federation. we have discussions. in this period, mr. hosseini, i have been in the country's sports for more than 40 years, whether as an athlete, coach, head of the board, head of the federation, director of the joint affairs office, general manager in the provinces. i say this with a document, i was already in the country's sports , the conditions that prevail in the country's sports today complete peace, i am not saying this, but you can , from the olympians, from mr. hadi sai , our most proud athlete, from sajjad anoushi rani, from this same mr. dr. debir, from mr. mir ismaili, other champions who are olympians, and the president of other federations, such as mr. taj and others friends, ask , surely these are arabs. they will approve me, and the sports community, our athletes, we
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have a duty to create a peace, because with the disagreement , mr. doctor, the doctors always point out that with the disagreement and with actually not being together, nothing special will happen for our beloved islamic republic. khord, as our supreme and wise leader has repeatedly reminded the authorities that we must avoid any differences and divisiveness, all together. together , let's take steps for the progress of dear islamic iran and the holy islamic system. with the conditions you described and the experience and background you expressed about yourself , what do you think should be done for the issue of football and the participation of football in the olympics? to my dear brother , mr. hosseini, i must say that you see, the clubs have an essential role in this sector, they must have the necessary cooperation, and definitely every club manager 's heart beats for the success of his country's football. who are present there, the coaches and head coaches
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of the club teams, these are all football players of this country , who have been proud to be in different football fields for many years, they should have the necessary support, this is happening, there should be a federalism between the club, the federation and the national team, which is happening today, we visited the national youth team camp in the morning. mr. dr. hashemi there, in fact , mr. abdi also had a good report of having a technical staff. today, when they are going to the tournament, they are saying that 50% of our players will be released by the clubs. well, the expectation was that the clubs have the necessary cooperation, definitely with the follow-up of the honorable president of the federation and mr. hashemi's emphasis that these events should happen so that our national team is our priority. after all
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, our national teams are our everything, which is the cause of national authority, national unity, and national cohesion. it is possible that when mr. hosseini's national team wins, in our country we will see a national consensus, a national unity and unity , so the attention of all dear ones should be directed to this issue, especially the clubs. in matters of talent search, the national youth team should act in a special way it has come up and, god willing, it promises a good future for a strong participation in the olympic elections . well, in the report we saw together, it was mentioned about the issue of teams from the zionist regime in this year's olympics, which we must say, except for the characteristics of this olympics and the dual policy that we are witnessing from the least
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, the world is definitely witnessing this duality , the countries where the participation of the supreme leader of the revolution is also a reminder. they gave the necessary and i hope that it will be noticed and cared for by those involved in the fields of international committees and will be given special attention because of these oppressed children. gaza is sad and we hope that the sports community. in the whole world, apparently
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there have been protests there, they should turn their attention to this issue and pay attention to what you have done in the ministry of sports in this regard, in following up with both islamic countries and other countries, which we must say are the free people of the world, to protest. to international legal institutions and to protest against the presence of zionist athletes , we are definitely doing our religious and religious duty in this regard. compared to the previous periods, the number of athletes has actually increased, and this is also a sign of the good activity of the women's field. what is the reason for this success? you know the factor of this success in monitoring and
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evaluation in special attention. respected minister of sports on the subject of women's sports, the emphasis he has regarding the presence of women in sports fields in sports competitions with the observance of religious values ​​and the religion of islam, and the active presence of our women's vice championship, as well as the activities of our provinces and the efforts of the federation. we and our female vice presidents are proof of this success, of course, we ourselves as the champion field and mr. minister of our own performance, in fact, we did not have the opportunity , we can have more opportunities and the above tasks. very good considering these programs that i
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presented, the national program for the development of sports of the country, the land of this country. hosseini, if it comes to an end , i promise that we will have extraordinary events, i said that as someone who is a champion sport, doing these scientific events, this scientific approach in the country's sports , these are also with the opinions of academic experts , the presence of sports elites, all of this the programs have been made with the use of respected academic professors and i am sure that this process does not have a good outlook for the sports of the country. in the field of women and female athletes who are sent in which disciplines do you see the possibility of winning a medal? you see, we have good kids in taekwondo who actually became great in sailing. we also
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have good kids. we hope that the efforts of the kids and i definitely said that we do not have the necessary prediction in this regard, but we always, our athletes, sometimes make history , which we hope will be the reward for the medalists , also explains what program you are following, apparently, there is a significant increase in your hand. equality has increased. honorable minister of sports had serious follow-ups in this regard, just like the announcement.
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madan, i have to say that we are generally higher than all the countries in terms of rewards. our numbers are significant . especially in this period, both the national olympic committee and the national paralympic committee, as well as the minister , issued special orders. why? i believed that mr. sports minister himself believed that we should pay attention to these things . and emphasized attention to athletes and creating motivation as one of the requirements for their vice-championship field. another topic that is relevant for the countries regarding the olympic competitions is the great cleanliness caravan. in this regard, what measures did you take for the military convoy?
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our country see us in this private. we , our sports medicine federation , have tested the great athletes, the olympic athletes, once in a period of one year. on several occasions, these have been investigated , even 30 to 30 iranian athletes included in the art list. and there are world federations that were tested and tested, while the national olympic and paralympic committees themselves provide the
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necessary training and awareness to the athletes. coaches sent them to different classes , there is a notebook with the athletes , where there are things that an athlete may not understand, he needs to use a questionnaire for his medical issues , they give the necessary warnings, okay, we have about one minute at a time. let's hear about the year, whether it's about the olympics or in the area of ​​your responsibility, i pray for the convoy of khadim al-rezai of dear islamic iran, which became the most important event for the children with the slogan of peace, from all the mothers of iran. i want islam for this caravan , especially the mothers of our heroes, which is a very good ceremony it was also held in the presence of mr. wazir. their families
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, the wives of the heroes , were honored by the ministry of sports and the national olympic committee. let's pray for the convoy that, god willing, with the help of mrs. fatemeh zahra, this convoy will be successful in witnessing the victory of our country's military convoy to the paris olympics . thank you very much
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, mr. yesbalian. i wore the hijab. this feeling i have towards the hijab is that the hijab, which if i am wearing on the outside , i observe this in principle , it opened the veils that were between me and god, that is, they brought me to a very high understanding and insight that you were able to open that heart of mine, in fact, compared to now, it is not a veil at all, in relation to religion , in relation to prayer, in relation to fasting. originally, it was not like this , he says that when he came back from a 35-day coma, hijab became
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the most important reason for peace in life. that's it for me he opened the insight and awareness to keep the hijab tighter and stay behind the principle of hazrat zainab and fatima zahra and continue this jihad. mrs. ghafarlou also says that she owes her chador to the hands of the martyr's mother , who gave her this cover as a gift. on the night when the body of sederzi was supposed to be brought, the daughters of the revolution held a ceremony, and at the same time , the martyrdom of umm al-binin, peace be upon him, was held there by the mother's hand. one of the martyrs gave me a chaadri as a gift and from then on i became a chaadri . of course, next to the daughters of iranian mothers guests with similar experiences came from other countries, such as mrs. naqieva from
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azerbaijan. from the country of thailand, they say: i have this feeling that i get more peace, i get the feeling of freedom more. i am going to research, i want to understand why god ordered the hijab and the most important thing is that i chose what god ordered. in this gathering, 313 girls chose the hijab of the chador with the slogan of hijab, protecting the family's privacy. massoum ezzati of sed and vasima news agency.
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seven highways of sari qaimshahr in tehran , isfahan and mazandaran branches are hosted by shamayim, a specialized carpet authority and home appliances, farsh city, home appliances.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i say hello , dear viewer, we have reached the hour. 230 minutes and we are at your service with some news. the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in kabul announced that starting from august 10, 1403, visas will not be issued for passports with extended stickers at the afghan embassies in iran. also, the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in kabul asked tourism and pilgrimage companies to register these passports.


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