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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i say hello to the viewer. dear sir, we have arrived at 20:00 and we are at your service with some news: the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in kabul has announced that visas will not be issued to passports with extended stickers at the afghan embassies in iran. also, the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in kabul asked tourism and pilgrimage companies to refrain from registering these passports.
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the minister of interior advised arbaeen hosseini pilgrims not to stay in iraq for more than 7 days. mr. vahidi saying that last year more than 4 million iranians were sent for the arbaeen pilgrimage, he added, and more than 300,000 nationals of other countries have been sent from the borders of iran for the arbaeen pilgrimage. the interior minister said according to the weather conditions. the commander of the police force said that doctors should get visas from their own country for the arbaeen trip. according to sardar radan, virtual citizens who live in iran should also be included in the khadim plan. the commander of the police force also stated that he is consulting with the iraqi authorities. heshim said
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that it is most likely that doctors can only cross one border to participate in the arbaeen procession. ready construction of rimdan and mirjaveh border terminals in sistan baluchistan province to welcome and transport pakistani arbaeen hosseini pilgrims. in addition to expanding the capacity of passenger reception halls and creating several road rest areas, about 20 entrances have been added to the terminal entrances to facilitate the arrival and movement of arbaeen pilgrims. the preparation of mirjaveh border terminal for the arrival of arbaeen hosseini pilgrims from the countries of the indian subcontinent. everyone is trying to provide the best service to hosseini pilgrims. we have agha imam hossein for pilgrims.
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last year, in the discussion of the infrastructure of the terminals of sistan baluchistan province, there was a discussion of awnings there are installations, there are services for increasing sanitary facilities, there is water supply for houses , there is the issue of the roads leading to these arbaini endings, there is the issue of covering the stables, fixing the high-traffic points, marking the installation of signs, these are the measures that, alhamdulillah , are being carried out, this year
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is the end for iran and pakistan. marzi mirjaveh, a veteran defender of fatemiyoun shrine, alireza amiri, joined the companions of his martyr. at the beginning of his leave period and two days after returning from the resistance front, alireza amiri said goodbye to his mortal illness and joined his other martyred comrades. the funeral ceremony of this proud soldier of islam with the presence of revolutionary people
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with the presence of thousands of afghan immigrants, the mourning ceremony of the second decade of muharram was held at the mahdi youth board in baharestan. for 8 years, this religious group has been performing iqama during the days of muharram hosseini and the month of safar. arbaeen karbala, i will die, the mourning of the second decade of muharram with the presence of immigrants.
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among the active immigrants in the field of education, he said that afghan immigrants were always with the iranian nation, so in this situation , the capacity of afghan immigrants should be used in the field of education and training of immigrant children. mr.
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sheshushtri, referring to the issuance of the second license of atba schools this year, said that with the issuance of this license, children doctors can study in medical schools in iran. get to know the customs and culture of their country while studying. the general director of education of khorasan razavi further announced that about 60,000 foreign students are studying in khorasan razavi schools. end of this news section and thank you for your cooperation.
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hello, welcome to the environment magazine. as usual, this program is part of the most important environmental events . we review the past days. the heat wave continues in different regions of the country. according to the head of the climate center of the meteorological organization, the hottest days of the year are recorded in the first half of august. as the weather continues to heat up, the electricity consumption will also increase a new installation has arrived and crossed the border of 79 thousand megawatts . according to the spokesperson of the electricity industry, the growth of electricity consumption in the country is about 9. compared to the same period last year , government offices in some provinces were either closed or their working hours were reduced. we ask all dear people to help us by saving and using electricity optimally so that we can
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keep the country's electricity grid stable and, god willing, provide good services to these dear ones. let's help a little . really , there are some people who are like khuzestan, like bandarab in the hot region of the country. you can take advantage of this blessing. but in the regions the other country is hotter and more scorching. fire in the zagros forests. he is still talking. in the past days, a forester lost his life due to injuries caused by fire in kamiyaran pastures . in a conversation with one of the news agencies, the commander of the country's natural resources protection unit announced that this year , about 18,000 hectares of forests were burned, and 99 of the fires were in the zagros forests, colonel maleki angegaran said, referring to the lack of fire fighting equipment. he said that by using new technologies and artificial intelligence, fires can be controlled, but
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currently, from the 500 points that are used for cameras we were able to install only 60 cameras. with the continuation of forest fires, the islamic council has also entered into the issue. in last year's budget , that is, in the 143rd budget, we allocated funds for firefighting operations, especially aerial firefighting. this , god willing. for the next round, i.e. for the next year , god willing, this will increase. from the supervisory side, it was decided to form a correspondence with the respected prosecutors of the majors, so that they would actually have this support to prevent fires. on the eve of the 14th government taking office these days, there are various lists of members the possibility of the government cabinet will be published. environmental activists are also in action. the media and virtual space asked the elected president to
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hand over the inquiry of the environmental protection organization to environmentalists. in recent days, experts have raised the most important priorities of the country's environment and asked the head of the 14th government to make environmental protection a priority of the country. in the last days of his work, the head of environmental protection of the 13th government called the economic valuation of the country's biological resources and climate change the most important priority of this organization. the economic valuation of the country's biological resources is almost complete we will do it to 92% in the city, which i hope will be done in the next government. this is not the best. i have a serious advice to the future statesmen, the future responsible for the environment organization of the country, that climate change is really a serious issue. he places all the members of the royal court. big sports events are always a challenge of environmental pollution. are biologically related. in the previous three olympics, about 3.5 million tons of carbon dioxide
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were released in each period. now, in the 2024 olympics in paris, this amount is going to reach half. in the 2024 olympics in paris, using bicycles and electric cars, planting thousands of trees and producing equipment from materials recycling is supposed to help protect the environment. during this period, constructions are less. and 95% of the existing or temporarily used olympic electricity infrastructure is going to be provided from renewable sources, including windmills and solar panels. we believe the success of paris in reducing the carbon footprint and resistance to climate change. the paris olympics this time provided an opportunity for countries to get the green badge in addition to sports competitions. try at the end of this week's magazine
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, i will say goodbye to you before reviewing some short environmental news. 70 volumes of environmental books were unveiled. knowledge traditional and indigenous environmental protection is a topic in all the provinces of the country, which is the subject of incitement in half of these books. the sun of the siberian tiger in the aram zoo is due to his old age. it took one year. siberian tiger is one of the largest living tigers in the world. this species lives about 15 years in nature and 20 years in captivity. the general director of environmental protection of west azerbaijan said: despite the increase in temperature and evaporation in the summer season, the volume and water area of ​​water plants in this province has increased significantly compared to the same time last year. thousands of fish were lost in tala. plains environmental protection department
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azadegan announced that the reason for the death of the fishes was the heat of the air and the decrease in the volume of water, and according to the general director of lorestan environmental protection, 188 environmental warnings have been issued for polluting units in this province this year.
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and the right to protest is stated in the german constitution , while most of the protests in germany are ended by the police without any particular problem, but human rights organizations are concerned about what they say is a worrying trend. after holding any demonstration in solidarity with the palestinians, we receive many requests from people who are victims.
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these measures are used a relatively transformation it's new. now we also see that this method is also used for peaceful sieges. don't twist that woman's hand, why do you have to hurt people
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? i thought that they did this. grabbing the nose, mouth and eyes, punching the stomach
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and a long list of these actions that have become normal for the police. recently, in some cases, the police have violently cleared demonstrations of supporters of palestine from the streets due to the lack of restrictions, such as chanting from the sea to the river. while many believers see these protests as a call for equal rights for palestinians. but the ministry of interior in germany considers it a symbol of hamas. research by the zinglestein institute shows. people filed more than 2,000 complaints against the police in one year, but most of these complaints were dismissed. the rate of prosecution is about two percent, which is very small compared to all other types of crimes in germany. documenting police brutality can still be influential. this video and pictures show
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something that has been very difficult to show until now. it is to create a balance in front of the political majority that ignores certain minorities and therefore it is very important to protect this right. and don't suppress.
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with the acceptance of the people and the expansion of prayer in the country, at the end of 1371, by the decree of the supreme leader of the revolution , the juma imams policymaking council was formed, and this political religious obligation found a special place among the people . his philosophy is that the imam of friday is the last analysis of the muslims to the people, their provinces and their country on friday, which is a very holy day, and eid. in fact, they sit down to talk together . friday prayer is always a gathering place for muslims and as a powerful capacity to express people's demands. the forces he uses must be
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powerful forces. the most popular image of imam juma of ahvaz maybe this is a picture of him. welding part of a water pipe is bad for people. the imam of our esteemed congregation has proven in practice that simple living and the character of the ahl al-bayt, with this character, people fall in love with them. follow-ups in the direction of the action , sewerage has been laid on a side street of haseerabad, but the houses are not connected to this sewerage in khuzestan province. mousavi fard is a symbol of a popular character . you are trying village by village, both in arab areas and in non-arab areas . the problems that we note down must be as much as possible in the city, god willing they solve the problem in the city, friday imams
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are always a suitable bridge between the people and the government, so that even today they can play an effective role in the issue of follow-up jihad. they are involved in the political issues of friday imams all over the country to such an extent that friday prayers are held every week in 900 places across the country. afshin guderzi of ahvaz radio and television news agency.
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they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water , it is fresh, what does that mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to what we have not done. like continuing education creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and at all this modification of consumption habits and consumption management. now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they try a little and increase their accuracy, they will definitely return to the consumption pattern . spend 5 minutes once and check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example, can the lamp change from this to this, no, no, no. yes, it will be converted and their consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to the devices that are not used, i.e. in ready-to-use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwaves, computer chargers. tv and these are electrical devices that
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when they are turned off, there is also electricity. they consume and when we don't need them, they have to be unplugged. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the electrical outlet and take utmost care when purchasing them, you will eventually see that you are not only doing your pocket a favor, but also protecting the environment and vital resources. the country has taken a big step. here is the house sports equipment in large iranian house. where you can very easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all these impressive varieties. next, at an incredible price for long term orders.
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free home delivery. simply. sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. it could be as simple as this, the possibility of buying insurance online through the application of visiting agencies all over the country. do you want to read? it is better to pay attention to these points from any place where we intend to buy khasfa. consumer price? rest cash balance what does it mean? i will tell you now. suppose
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the consumption price. the cost of this washing machine is 20 million tomans. now let's calculate the cash balance. if we pay 20% in advance, it will be 4 million tomans. now we have to subtract this 4 million from the consumer's price, that is, 20 minus 4. this way , our debt will be 16 million tomans. the fee should be calculated on the basis of this amount, while you should be aware that the fee for the transactions should be from zero to at least 1%. household appliances.
9:00 pm
hello, welcome to news 21. inflammation in france at the same time as the opening of the paris olympics, the french rail network following extensive vandalism the disruption left hundreds of thousands of passengers stranded. according to officials of the national railway company.


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